Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (2024)

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  • Mature
Archive Warning:
  • Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
  • F/M
  • Death Battle (Web Series)
  • My Little Pony Generation 4: Equestria Girls (Cartoon 2013)
  • Flash Sentry/Sunset Shimmer (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)
  • Flash Sentry (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)/Harem
  • Flash Sentry (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)
  • Sunset Shimmer (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)
  • Applejack (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)
  • Rarity (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)
  • The Rainbooms (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)
  • Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)
  • Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)
  • Fluttershy (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)
  • Principal Celestia (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)
  • Vice Principal Luna (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)
  • The Dazzlings (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)
  • Adagio Dazzle (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)
  • Sonata Dusk (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)
  • Aria Blaze (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)
  • Trixie Lulamoon (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)
  • Maud Pie (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)
  • Marble Pie (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
  • Micro Chips (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)
  • Sandalwood (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)
  • Crystal Prep Spike (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)
  • Crystal Prep Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)
Additional Tags:
  • Harems
  • Character Death
  • Reaction
  • Death Battle Reaction
  • Friendship

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes!



Inspired by other stories that made similar reaction stories like this.

The Rainbooms were hanging out at school being surprised by Sunset and Flash announcing they have started dating again much to their friends' joy, but that wasn't the only surprise everyone is getting when a mysterious box fell from the sky with a letter saying this came from another world and said this holds DVDs of episodes from a great web show that they must watch.

Now the Rainbooms, Flash, Spike, and other friends who will later join them as they will experience the greatest show in the universe that is known as Death Battle!

Flash X Sunset X Harem.

Chapter 1: Rainbooms First Taste of Death Battle!

Chapter Text

Rainbooms First Taste of Death Battle!

Outside, waiting at the Canterlot High parking lot are six band members and best friends of the Rainbooms consisted of Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, and Fluttershy each doing their own thing to keep their mind busy though Rainbow Dash can’t seem to keep herself patient enough.

“Come on, when is Sunset going to get here?” Rainbow Dash winced.

“Calm down, Rainbow Dash, I’m sure she is checking on a few things at her club before leaving.” Applejack stated.

“But’s already been over twenty minutes since school ended and the day is wasting with us sitting on the parking lot.” Rainbow Dash said while bouncing a soccer ball on her knees.

“She said about a surprise she wants to show us, that means she’s making a final preparation on it.” Twilight believed with her talking dog, Spike on her lap.

“I can probably guess what that surprise is, but I’m not saying anything.” Pinkie giggled as she and Fluttershy are playing cards together.

“Why don’t you sit down and ply cards with us, that should help ease your mind.” Fluttershy offered.

“Fine…” Rainbow Dash exclaimed and sat next to Fluttershy and Pinkie starting the game all over.

“I sure hope it’s not another dangerous magic situation, all that danger nearly ruined my hair.” Rarity said while putting some makeup powder on her face.

“You know, it actually been a while since we had to face magical problems since that Starswirled Music Festival.” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

“I still can’t wrap my head that we were in an endless time lop.” Spike said.

“Which is a nice break if you think about it, at the end of the battle we’re just teenagers trying to live out our everyday life though with a little magical help.” Applejack chuckled, looking down at her geode necklace.

“Hey guys, sorry I’m late.” Sunset Shimmer said walking up to them with Flash Sentry right next to her.

“Hey, girls.” Flash greeted.

“Hi, Flash.” The Rainbooms greeted back.

“Finally, do you have any idea how long you kept us waiting. I already finish practicing my soccer moves over a dozen times and play cards was starting to get boring too!” Rainbow Dash complained right up to Sunset’s face.

“But we haven’t even started.” Fluttershy pointed out.

“Hehe, sorry, I was getting nervous about the surprise I wanted to show you guys.” Sunset chuckled, scratching the back of her head.

“Well, I hope it’s something with style because I could use a new inspiration for my design this season for winter.” Rarity said.

“Not exactly, but it’s something lovely.” Sunset hinted.

“Oh, did you get a new friend for Ray?” Fluttershy asked.

“Fluttershy, you would be the first person to know about that, working at the Animal shelter and all.” Sunset reminded making Fluttershy blush a bit.

“Is it a new magic power you just discovered!” Twilight asked curious with a pen and note in each hand.

“Nope.” Sunset shook her head.

“A new chow toy?” Spike asked exciting.

“Spike, I just you one yesterday.” Twilight reminded.

“Oh yeah, it was cool.” Spike smiled.

“Well, you see I… how do I tell you this?” Sunset said nervously.

“How about we show them.” Flash moved Sunset’s head toward his face and their lips together for a few seconds before separating and looking at the shock expressions of their friends.

“Oh, my goodness!’ Rarity gasped.

“No way.” Rainbow Dash’s eyes widen.

“Great Giant Apple in the Sky!” Applejack gasped.

“So, you two are…” Twilight paused wondering if what she is seeing is real.

Sunset look at Flash with a slight anger face before turning to her friends with her cheeks blushing and they hold hands.

“Yep, Flash and I are dating again.” Sunset revealed.

“That. Is. AWESOME!” Rainbow Dash cheered.

“Oh, I’m so happy for you two!’ Fluttershy clapped her hands.

“I knew you would get back together!” Rarity smiled.

“WA-HOOO! Give it up for the rekindled couple, Flash and Sunset!” Pinkie shouted with small pink explosions like little fireworks.

“Amazing, when did this happen?” Twilight asked.

“A little after the music festival, we ran into each other to see the band and we got caught in the music that we ended up kissing each other without even realizing until the music was over.” Sunset explained.

“We talked for a while and I express of how much I miss having her by my side even though we ended in bad terms, I really wanted to make us work again because all this time I still love Sunset longer than forever. There’s no other woman I rather be with than her.” Flash hugged Sunset with one arm.

“And so, we’re together again.” Sunset finished the story.

“Oh, that is the sweetest story I have ever heard.” Rarity complimented.

“I always knew you two were too good to be separate from each other for long.” Applejack tipped her hat to the couple.

“Even though I wanted to date him.” Applejack said softly that nobody heard.

“Now I just have throw you two a reunited love party and wait until the harem party starts!” Pinkie winked at the Fourth Wall.

“The what?” Flash and Sunset asked what Pinkie just said.

“Nothing.” Pinkie said giggling then her body starts to shake and twitch.

“Uh, my Pinkie Sense is going off all the sudden.” Pinkie informed everyone.

“Is something bad going to happen?” Fluttershy worried.

“I don’t think so, this is a mixture of my “Falling from the Sky” sense and the “Unknown Doozy” sense.” Pinkie said.

Then suddenly, a red and black vortex right above the school as a box came out falling right on Flash’s head and the vortex quickly closes.

“Ow!” Flash groaned in pain.

“Well, that happen.” Applejack said.

“You okay, Flash?” Sunset asked.

“Yeah, just this weird box with a note.” Flash pointed at the note and the box.

“Oh, let me see.” Spike hopped on the box.

“Be careful Spike, we don’t know what this is exactly.” Twilight warned.

“Got it, now let see.” Spike looked at the note carefully and reads it out loud.

“To whoever find this box,

You may not believe it, but this is a message from an entirely different world is probably not like yours and your existence is a fiction in the form of cartoons or comic or anime or whatever. I have sent this box contain the most entertaining and awesome web show in my world known as Death Battle where two characters from different franchise like anime, video games, cartoon, etc., going against each other in a big fight to see who would win and who would die at the end. There are over 100 episodes of this show, but I have made the disk to only show my favorite Death Battle episodes because I believe them to be the best in my opinion and view, hope you enjoy them!

The Saiyan of the North Star.

If you’re not feeling awesome to watch it, then don’t bother.”

“Hey, we are so beyond awesome to watch!” Rainbow Dash angered.

“Huh, so these disks contain this Death Battle web show that is very popular from wherever this came from.” Applejack looked at the disks inside the box.

“I don’t know, can we really trust someone from another world that is not Equestria?” Sunset asked a little cautious.

“I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about. Let’s take them and see for ourselves.” Flash suggested.

“I’m actually very curious to see what these Death Battle episodes are like.” Twilight agreed.

(Sunset’s House)

“Okay, I’m gonna put the DVD in. Just be prepared for anything strange and dangerous.” Sunset said to everyone before putting the DVD in.

“I must say, these rules here are very detailed so everyone will know that the battles will seem fair.” Twilight commented as she reads the Death Battle rules that came with the DVD.

“Yeah, yeah, let just watch the show already!” Rainbow Dash excited as they see the intro screen.

“Good music.” Flash said.

Wiz: Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat. Kings of the fighting genre. And every good fighter needs awesome villians.

“Never heard of those, but I bet that would be awesome video games to play.” Rainbow Dash said.

“And it looks like we’ll seeing villains in this.” Sunset stated.

Boomstick: Like Akuma, the ultimate badass of martial arts.

“Oh, he looks scary.” Fluttershy commented.

Wiz: And Shang Tsung, the sorcerous vanguard of doom.

“There’s something about that guy I just don’t like.” Applejack glared.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find who would win... a Death Battle.

The scene shows Akuma as just looking at the man send shivers down everyone’s spine.
Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (1)

“This guy reminds me of when I became a She-demon, but worse.” Sunset admitted.

Wiz: Akuma, master of The Fist. Known as Gouki in Japan, he is a living weapon, ten times stronger than nearly every other Street Fighter.

Boomstick: Plus, he looks friggin' awesome, I totally want me some red, glowing eyes.

“I prefer if he didn’t have the red glowing eyes, thank you.” Fluttershy said scared a little.

“Not to mention the outfit he’s wearing is all dirty and old. It’s like a retro pajama.” Rarity commented on Akuma’s clothing.

“I don’t think he cares about fashion, Rarity.” Applejack stated.

Gou Hadoken
Total Control
Can Fire Multiple at Once
Shinku-Hadoken (Pinkie think its spicy)
Can be Charged
Usable in Midair (Zanku Hadoken)

Wiz: Akuma has dozens of powerful special attacks, including the Gou Hadoken. A powerful blast with precision control. He can even use the almighty Shinku-Hadoken, which is, basically, a giant fireball of death.

“Oh, that looks like spicy.” Pinkie said.

Boomstick: Man, if I ever fire a Hadoken in real life, I'mma die happy.

“Me too, though not the dying part.” Rainbow Dash nodded.

Special Moves and Attacks
Gou Shoryuken “Dragon Fist”
“Air Slashing”
Hurricane Kick (Rainbow Dash likes that one)
Hyakki Shuu (Demon Flip)

Wiz: Akuma also uses the Shoryuken uppercut, a teleport ability, a swift multi-striking hurricane kick, and the Hyakkishu, A.K.A the Demon Flip.

“So many attacks each deadly in their own way.” Twilight interested.

“Guess even a martial artist means you learn all kinds of moves.” Applejack said.

“I always wanted to learn martial arts, but I never got the chance.” Flash mentioned.

Boomstick: Also, Akuma's got tons of different Super Arts, but two really stand out. First there's the "Kongo...Kokuretsu Za... how do you say that?

Wiz: No idea.

“Sheesh, is it really that hard to pronounce Japanese?” Sunset rolled her eyes.

Super Arts
Kongo Kokuretsu Zan

Boomstick: Well, I'm pretty sure that's Japanese for "f*ck You Up!" 'Cause basically, Akuma punches the ground and things explode.

“Wait, he what?” Spike asked.

Announcer: K.O.The scene shows Akuma performing the move against another Street Fighter character with the purple explosion from his punch shock everyone.

Boomstick: He shattered a whole friggin' island just by punching it. Holy sh*t!

“Destroying an island with a punch like that, that’s impossible!” Twilight gasped.

Wiz: But that's not the deadliest move up his nonexistent sleeve.

“What, you mean there’s another?” Flash asked.

Akuma uses his deadliest move against Dan Hibiki and his health depletes afterwards.

“Oh, my!” Fluttershy surprised scared.

Wiz: The Shun Goku Satsu, also known as the Raging Demon, literally means "Instant Hell Murder."

Boomstick: Man, I'm going to totally name my first kid that. The Raging Demon at full power is fatal, this guy's a frikin' onslaught of pain!

“Who in heavens’ name would want to name a child after that?” Rarity questioned Boomstick’s taste.

“But that move sure can finish the job.” Applejack pointed out.

Wiz: That's right. Boomstick, Akuma lives for one thing, and one thing only: fighting. He travels the world day and night searching for worthy opponents. He's an unstoppable human Holocaust, losing only once to his brother Gouken, but after a brutal rematch...

The scene shows Gouken dead with his dead on the wall of his dojo and his blood painted in the Japanese symbol for Heaven. This causes the girls, Flash and Spike to gasp of seeing this.

“How could he do that his own brother?” Fluttershy sobbed.

“I know me and Big Mac fight sometimes, but we would never do anything like that.” Applejack said, thinking the same for Applebloom. Rarity and Fluttershy thought the same for their younger sibling, same with others who have siblings.

Boomstick: Oh hey, look he can fingerpaint!

“Dude, not cool!” Rainbow Dash snapped.

“He’s lucky I can’t bite him.” Spike growled.

Wiz: It was rumored that Akuma sacrificed his soul to a demon in exchange for the strength to defeat Gouken, but this has been declared non-canon.

“Oh, thank goodness.” Sunset sighed in relief.

Boomstick: Akuma's got one major problem, though. His stamina is absolutely pathetic. He can dish out the pain, but he sure can't take it.

Wiz: It's crucial for Akuma to have total control over the fight. He takes an extremely offensive approach. Always moving, always attacking.

“Guess he’s a whole new meaning of “No pain, no gain!”” Pinkie commented.

“Better add “Deadly” to that too.” Twilight said.

Boomstick: Yeah, screw defense, give me more ways to hurt people!

Akuma: I am Akuma, and I will teach you the meaning of pain!

Shang Tsung
Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (2)

Wiz: Shang Tsung is the cunning sorcerer from Outworld, and scheming pawn of Shao Kahn. He's extremely adapt in magic and a well-rounded fighter.

“Uh, that guy doesn’t look so tough.” Rainbow Dash shrugged.

Flaming Skulls
Can Attack in Rounds of One, Two, or Three
Fire Damage
Swift and Deadly
Unlimited Supply of Human Scalps (Everyone gasps)

Boomstick: This guy can shoot flaming skulls, which is totally awesome, but where the heck does he keep them? I mean seriously, how many skulls can a person carry around with them?

“He may shoot flaming skulls. But can he shoot cupcakes from a cannon?” Pinkie smirked.

“Do the skull he uses were from… other people?” Fluttershy gulped.

“Let’s not think about that.” Sunset suggested, not wanting to have nightmares of her skull being use like that.

Wiz: Tsung can teleport around the battlefield with the special move called "Hot Escape”

Hot Escape
Teleport Ability
Extremely Fast
Wide Range
Burns Victims when Appearing Close Enough
Sucker Punch!

Boomstick: Wah! Sucker punch, bitch!

“Teleporting in fire does sound awesome.” Rainbow Dash interested.

“Well, I prefer my way of traveling.” Pinkie said appearing right next to Rainbow Dash causing her to jump.

Can Change into Anyone he Knows
Copies Abilities and Stats of Subject
Enables Hundreds of New Strategies

Wiz: He can morph into whomever he wants, giving him tons of different skill sets, its like fighting a hundred different foes combined into one.

“Sounds like a Changling back in Equestria.” Sunset recalled reading about them back when she was Princess Celestia’s student.

Boomstick: Man, I wish I could morph into anybody I wanted. I can have some fun with that!

“Oh, I bet you would, you pervert.” Rarity said firm.

Straight Sword
About Three Feet Long
Secretly Hidden
Of Unknown Make
Prefers Fists and Magic over Swordsplay

Boomstick: He also has a razor-sharp Straight Sword, though he usually keeps it hidden for a surprise attack.

“Probably perfect for backstabbing.” Applejack rolled her eyes.

Wiz: Shang Tsung possesses one other strange, but useful ability. Long ago, when he was caught cheating in the Mortal Kombat tournament, he was cursed, by the elder gods, to rapidly age until an untimely death. The only way to prevent this fate is to absorb the souls of his victims.

“Seriously?! I can eat all souls?” Spike scared with his paws over his face as Twilight comforts him.

Soul Steal
Sustain Youth
Restores Energy and Health
Gains Opponent’s Memories and Skills
Uses Skills for Morphs

Boomstick: He can literally eat your soul. Your soul! Not only can this heal him, but he gets the memories of the souls he devoured.

“Man, now that’s scary if he were to do that to us.” Flash said, holding Sunset for dear life in a crushing bear hug.

“Flash… breath…” Sunset patted his arm squeezing the air out.

“Oh, sorry.” Flash apologized as he lets go.

Wiz: This helps him copy the move sets of other fighters when he morphs.

Boomstick: So really, his curse became his deadliest weapon. Good punishment there, gods.

“Yeah, way to make the guy more deadly than he already was.” Rainbow Dash mocked.

“I kinda agree, he should have been banish to Hell.” Fluttershy said shocking everyone.

Wiz: Shang Tsung has lived and fought for over a thousand years. His sorcery, powers, and brutal Fatalities are rivaled by few, and he's claimed the title of grand champion of Mortal Kombat several times, almost bringing about the winning streak necessary to allow Shao Kahn to invade Earthrealm, key word being almost.

Boomstick: Yeah, unfortunately for Shang Tsung, he pretty much sucks at actually accomplishing his goals. He's super powerful, but like most villains, he can never get around some goody-two-shoes getting in the way of global take-over.

“Well, he is a minion to the big boss, after all.” Pinkie pointed out.

“Yeah, minion can’t really do things the main villains can’t.” Rainbow Dash chuckled.

Wiz: His only notable victories have included treachery and deceit. But, keep in mind, Tsung's not fighting any ordinary meat-heads. He's fighting demons, sorcerers, and gods, and even in defeat, he somehow keeps coming back more lethal than ever.

“In other words, making him annoying to kill him for good.” Twilight deadpanned as Sunset nods.

Shang Tsung: You... will... DIE!

“Wow, that line was scary. Maybe I should use that for Halloween.” Flash said.

After hearing the advertisem*nt of Gamefly, it is time to see the fight itself of who will win and to see if this show really is the best the guy sent the DVDs from another world.

Akuma walks on the stage when Shang Tsung suddely appears behind him from his Hot Escape technique. Akuma jumps away to the other side of the battlefield, and prepares to fight.

“Kick his butt, Akuma!” Rainbow Dash cheered.

“Teach that soul sucker the meaning of pain!” Spike cheered too.

“You were worried that he can suck dog souls too, weren’t you?” Twilight asked.

“Yes!” Spike answered.


Tsung shoots a Flaming Skull, which Akuma dodges by jumping over. He shoots two Gohadokens in the air, and Tsung blocks them. Akuma attacks Tsung's feet, and knocks him even more off balance by hitting him with a hurricane kick. and knocks him in the air with a Shoryuken uppercut. While in the Air, Akuma hits him a few time and finishes the combo with a Shinku-Hadouken. Tsung lays on the ground and Akuma tries to finish him off, but Tsung transforms into Scorpion.

Akuma stops and decides to see if this form is powerful enough to fight against, allowing him to get back up.

“Hey, why did he stop?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Maybe he wants to see how strong Tsung’s new form is.” Twilight guessed.

“More like a cheating copycat who can’t do everything original himself.” Rarity stated.

Scorpion: COME HERE!

Shang Tsung throws the Kunai spear at Akuma and drags Akuma over towards him. He uppercuts Akuma, cueing the "Toasty Guy", Dan Forden, to appear in the right corner of the screen.

Dan Forden: TOASTY!

That part made everyone laughs wondering what was the point of that guy.

Shang Tsung then keeps him in the air by hitting him with flaming skulls that burst out of the ground. Akuma falls behind him and throws him to right. He them teleports behinds him and kicks him, which Tsung blocks. He fires a Hadouken, but Tsung uses Hot Escape to get away, then reappears and slashes Akuma with his sword. He then grabs Akuma and tries to steal his soul, which heals some of his health and drains some of Akuma's.

“Oh dear, is he going to lose?” Fluttershy wondered.

“I wouldn’t count him out just yet.” Flash said.

Akuma breaks out of it by hitting him with a Hurricane Kick. Tsung runs toward him, but Akuma catches him off guard using the Kongo Kokuretsu Zan, which knocks him in the air.

“Oh yeah, the island destroying punch!” Sunset excited.

He then teleports over, hits him a few times, and then throws him. Tsung then lands on his feet and transforms into Akuma.

The two prepare for battle

“Uh-oh, now it’s the battle of two Akumas!” Pinkie gasped.

“They look exactly the same.” Spike pointed out the obvious.

“Just remember Tsung is the Akuma on the left.” Twilight said to everyone.

The two Akuma's then jump in the air and they attack, blocking each other’s moves. One of the Akuma knocks the other into the ground. and then tries to finish him off using the Kongo Kokoretsu Zan.

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” Rainbow Dash panicked.

“That is going to be intense.” Applejack said on the edge of her sit.

“It looks like Tsung may win this!” Twilight shocked, hoping to be proven wrong.

However, the other Akuma grabs him and finishes him off with a Shun Goku Satsu. As one of the Akuma's stands with his back to the screen with the iconic heaven kanji confirming the kill, it is then shown that the Akuma lying dead on the ground is Shang Tsung, who shortly turns back into his original form, releasing his souls.


Everyone just stared at the screen for a few seconds and they cheer loudly.

“That. Was. AWESOME!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

“It feels like I’m having a sugar rush without eating any sweets!” Pinkie squealed.

Boomstick: Oh man, that was way too close!

“Too close for comfort.” Sunset said.

Wiz: No kidding, Boomstick! Akuma's raw power and speed pressed a distinct advantage early on, but Tsung's own cleverness and wide array of skills quickly even the odds.

Boomstick: It looked like Akuma had the whole thing wrapped up, but Tsung's morphing trick saved his ass.

“Should have finish him off right there.” Rarity stated.

Wiz: Akuma's pride for battle almost cost his life, as he stopped to see if his new face was worth a challenge.

“And that pride almost cost him his life.” Twilight said.

Wiz: But, it wasn't enough. In the end Akuma's skills as a fighter proved unmatched.

Boomstick: I mean, Tsung loses to Liu Kang all the time, and compared to Akuma, Liu Kang's the nicest guy in the world. There was no way he could take Akuma's constant punishment.

They laugh of the smile face emoji on a muscular body.

“He maybe able to copy others exactly like them, but he can never beat the real deal.” Flash smirked.

“Truer words couldn’t have been said better.” Sunset kissed Flash on the cheek.

Wiz: As Tsung isn't used to winning anything on his own, he wasn't perfect on delivering the final blow, leaving him wide open for the experienced Akuma to unleash his greatest weapon.

Boomstickand Rainbow Dash: The Raging Demon of Instant-Hell-Murder-Awesomeness!

Wiz: And so Shang Tsung fell once again releasing his devoured souls, again.

Boomstick: Looks like Tsung's all souled out! Ha ha, get it, Wiz?

Everyone groan from the bad puns except for Pinkie who laughs.

Wiz: The winner is Akuma.

And so, the Death Battle episode ends.

“Man, that was like 40% awesome I have ever seen.” Rainbow Dash bragged.

“You said it, Rainbow Dash. That made me feel more exciting of seeing other characters going against each other like that.” Applejack nodded.

“Even I like it.” Rarity admitted.

“It was a little scary, but not as scary as I thought.” Fluttershy said with a small smile.

“Can we watch another one?” Spike asked Twilight.

“Oh, we’re definitely going to watch another one. The favorite is listed from each season in order.” Twilight nodded.

“Well then, let’s get onto the next episode!” Flash excited.

“Right away!” Sunset said as she plays the next episode of the favorite Death Battle episode list.

KO a new story is born and hope you all enjoy it!

Today is the five year Anniversary since I joined Fimfiction and started making my first fanfiction story here, so I decided to do something special that I know you guys are going to like!

I have finally decided to do something no one has ever done before, making a reaction story of the Equestria Girls characters watching Death Battle though through my favorite list because watching the whole season episodes would be a little too long. In some chapters, other EG characters will join the Rainbooms, Flash, and Spike to enjoy the watch as well and Flash will be in for a big surprise with his love life.

To be honest, this was hard and longer to make than the other chapters on the other stories, but I'll give it my best to make this story going till the last episode of Death Battle!

KO comment, favorite, click the thumb up button, and follow through of how this new story will go!

Chapter 2: Rogue VS Wonder Woman

Chapter Text

Rogue VS Wonder Woman

The Rainbooms, Flash, and Spike enjoyed the first favorite episode of Death Battle that was sent to them through a mysterious package and will enjoy the next episode.

Wiz: Superheroines. Millions have been drawn to these modern myths of comic book lore.

“It’s nice to see that female heroes are taken seriously.” Sunset smiled.

“Like you girls?” Flash asked.

“Exactly.” Sunset nodded.

Boomstick: Or you could, uh, just be drawn to the way they're drawn.

“Please tell me we’re not going to hear him like that through this, are we?” Rarity annoyed of how perverted Boomstick sounds.

“Relax Rarity, it’s not like he’s saying anything about us perverted.” Applejack assured.

“I rather not have that kind of attention.” Fluttershy.

“Let’s hope Flash doesn’t get any ideas.” Pinkie teased.

“Wh-What, no, I…” Flash stuttered trying to look away.

Wiz: Like Anna Marie, the Rogue.

Boomstick: And Diana Prince, the Wonder Woman.

“Rouge and Wonder Woman, not much but good hero names too.” Twilight commented.

Wiz: He's Boomstick and I'm Wizard.

Boomstick: And we're here to watch two chicks duke it out! CATFIGHT!

Wiz: It's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills-

Boomstick: And maybe a few other things. (Rarity groans.)

Wiz: -to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

“Oh yeah, show us the awesome super chicks!” Rainbow Dash excited.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (3)
The screen shows Rogue in her skintight suit fighting a big robot.

“I must say, she certainly style and the looks to go with it.” Rarity complimented.

Wiz: Rogue has possessed a variety of different powers over the years. For this duel in particular, we will use the most well known version; the original iteration from the comics and television show.

“What? She has more and we’re not going to see them?” Rainbow Dash complained.

“I’m sure they must have a reason for it.” Twilight stated.

Power Absorption
Activated Through Contact
Absorbs memories, talents, personalities, and abilities (Surprise to them)
Temporary Transfer
Can Use Copied Abilities (Kinda Reminds Sunset of the Changlings)
Can be Lethal with Prolonged Contact (Scared Fluttershy)

Wiz: Her deadliest weapon is her own skin. With just a touch, she absorbs a person's memories, talents, personalities, and abilities, whether superhuman or not, to use them herself.

“Goly, think she can do that with our magic?” Applejack wondered.

“Well, our powers do come from the geodes, so maybe.” Sunset said as she isn’t sure herself though this does reminds her of the Changlings she read about.

“It’s also freaky that she can take the memories too.” Flash added.

Boomstick: Too bad it knocks them out cold. And if she holds on long enough, it's game over.

“I don’t like the sound of that.” Fluttershy gulped.

“That explains the suit to avoid something like from happening.” Rarity figured.

Wiz: Tenacious foes like Juggernaut can resist it, but in the end, nobody is safe from Rogue's parasitic touch. For every second of contact, Rogue can keep these powers for a full minute. Though sometimes, there's unforeseen side effects.

“Yes, because nothing come just to you freely without a catch.” Twilight said.

“Like training hard despite being born talented, even I know that.” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

Ms. Marvel Powers
Super Strength (Applejack likes that)
Flight at Subsonic Speed (Rainbow Dash approves)
Enhanced Reflexes
Telepathic Resistance
Seventh Sense (Twilight and Sunset interest in that while Spike thinks its like an animal instinct)

Boomstick: She held on to Ms. Marvel for so long she absorbed her powers permanently. Now, she's got super strength, speed, and near invulnerability.

“That’s a bear a hug I don’t want to be in.” Fluttershy said.

“Me too, and I usually love hugging a lot.” Pinkie stated.

“Ms. Marvel must’ve been a hero and Rogue hanging with the wrong crowd.” Flash guessed.

Boomstick: Not that I blame her, though. I'd be holdin' on to Ms. Marvel for as long as I could! Plus, then when she's unconscious I could...

“Please, please do NOT finish that sentence!” Rarity begged.

Wiz: She also gained a seventh sense, the ability to unconsciously predict her opponents' moves.

“So, it’s like an animal instinct that alerts you of danger.” Spike commented.

“In a way, yes.” Twilight said.

“And like my mind power when it goes overdrive like that one time.” Sunset looked at Rainbow Dash.

“What? I’ve been careful with my superspeed.” Rainbow Dash said.

Boomstick: But her seventh sense doesn't seem to always work. That or the writers just forgot about it 'cause, uh, Rogue gets her ass kicked a lot.

“Seriously, that’s like lazy writing.” Rainbow Dash mocked.

“It’s probably for plot convenience.” Flash shrugged.

Wiz: For plot convenience.

“See, even Wiz sees that.” Flash said.

Boomstick: And damn, she's got a hot ass.

“Seriously?” Everyone wondered if he is taking this seriously.

Boomstick: Hey, that counts as a superpower in my book, Wiz!

“Why do guys like him focus on the outer parts of the women rather than getting to know them personally?” Applejack asked.

“Sometimes darling, it’s a curse for women such as ourselves to beautiful.” Rarity rolled her eyes.

“And we all know Pinkie Pie has the bigger cute butt.” Flash blurted out and immediately slap his hands over his mouth, but it was too late as he notices the girls are looking at him shock except Pinkie with a teasing smirk.

“Ah, how sweet of you compliment me like that. Maybe if Sunset is okay with it, I’ll let touch my buns later.” Pinkie winked.

Sunset looks at Flash who is trying to hide his face inside his shirt moaning of embarrassment she becomes curious about this.

Boomstick: But while she's not invincible, she doesn't have any real weaknesses either. She's a classy southern belle, who I'd like to take out to dinner.

Wiz: Who can fly, lift buildings, and kill people just by touching them.

Boomstick: Never mind.

“As if you never have a chance with her.” Rarity said.

Rogue: Ain't that enough?

Wonder Woman
Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (4)
The screen now shows the tall muscular woman in a revealing heroic outfit.

Wiz: To the uneducated nerd, Wonder Woman may seem a cheap clone of Superman.

Boomstick: With Superboobies!

“Eyes are on her head, you idiot.” Rarity glared.

“Why don’t you try focusing on her outfit. It looks amazing!” Fluttershy pointed out.

“Oh, absolutely divine, it’s like a summer fashion swimsuit.” Rarity smiled.

“(I know someone who would look good in that.)” Flash thought looking at Sunset pretending she’s wearing that.

Wiz: But in reality, she's a whole different story. Created from Earth, born by gods, trained by ancient warriors-

Boomstick: Maker of Wonder Bread! Designer of the Wonderbra!

Wiz: Boomstick, that's not true!

Boomstick: See, I can do it too Wiz!

“AAH! You just ruined the moment of admiring her!” Rarity screamed.

Wiz: Wonder Woman is the incredibly powerful and near-invincible ambassador of Themyscira, and self-appointed protector of the Earth.

“Themyscira? Where have I heard that before?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“It was during that history class fieldtrip to the Museum on Ancient Greek.” Twilight answered.

“I liked the part about Peritas.” Spike recalled.

Boomstick: And she dresses like a stripper. A patriotic stripper!

“YOU-Actually I kind have to agree with you on that one.” Rarity said, feeling a weird taste in her mouth.

Master Combatant
Trained Since Childhood
Skilled at Armed and Unarmed Combat
Prefers Fists Over Blades
The Best of the Amazons (Rainbow Dash likes that)

Wiz: Diana Prince has been trained by the Amazons as a master combatant since childhood. She dueled the best of the best for the right to be crowned Wonder Woman. Her unearthly powers are divine, granted by ancient Greek gods and goddesses.

“So, her is also Divine herself!” Rarity commented.

“I wonder if Princess Celestia can grant others divine power?” Sunset asked herself.

Powers from Demeter
Superhuman Strength
Superhuman Durability (Resists all but Blades and Bullets) (Rainbow Dash is confuse about that.)
Magic Resistance
Enhanced Healing Factor (Fluttershy likes that)

Wiz: From Demeter, she received superhuman strength and durability.

“Except for blades and bullets, what’s that about?” Rainbow Dash wondered.

“The comic creators probably didn’t want to make her too invincible, at least she has healing powers.” Fluttershy pointed out.

Boomstick: 'And you know that bitch Mailman god with the wingy shoes?

Wiz: Hermes?

“Sounds like Boomstick doesn’t pay attention much in school.” Flash guessed.

“Or maybe not at all.” Sunset said.

Powers from Hermes
Flight up to March-5 Speed
Superhuman Reflexes (Faster than Superman)
Superhuman Speed (Up to Hyper Sonic)

Boomstick: Whatever. He gave Wonder Woman the ability to fly and move at hypersonic speed.

“Oh yeah, superspeed is and always has been awesome!” Rainbow Dash bragged as everyone rolls their eyes.

Other Powers
Enhanced sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste
Multi-lingual (Twilight would like to learn that)
Increased Wisdom (Applejack approves)
Superior Empathy
Animal Rapport (Fluttershy smiles)
Other Useless Stuff (Confusing them)

Wiz: She was given numerous other powers from enhanced senses, animal rapport, and blessings of wisdom and empathy.

“I would love how to speak in multi-language.” Twilight said.

“And she’s fond of animals too.” Fluttershy smiled.

“Oh, I would like to get to know her.” Spike agreed.

Boomstick: Aside from the obvious cannons rested right below her neck, she's got a pretty bizarre mix of weaponry.

“Being a master of combat tends to come with that.” Twilight stated.

Lasso of Truth
Forged by Hephaestus
Unbreakable (Applejack would like a rope like that)
Infinitely Elastic (Twilight gasp)
Forces Prisoners to tell the Truth

Boomstick: Her Lasso of Truth is a piece of unbreakable string that, well, makes you tell the truth.

Hippolyta: What other depraved thoughts must you be thinking?

Col. Steve Trevor: God, your daughter's got a nice rack.

Boomstick: Hell yeah, she does!

“Probably like Pinkie’s, right Flash?” Sunset asked teasing as Flash blushes.

“You’re not going to like that one go, are you?” Flash asked.

“Maybe.” Sunset smirked.

Boomerang Tiara
Returns after Each Use
Razor-Sharp Edge
Can Cut through Most Substance (Rarity likes it)

Wiz: She uses her tiara as a long-range throwing weapon, using its razor-sharp edge to slice open her enemies' throat.

“Stylish and functional, a perfect accessory for any women including princesses.” Rarity said proudly.

Bracelets of Submission
Formed from the Aegis of Zeus
Blocks Blades, Bullets, Beams, and Other Attacks
Can Discharge Lightning

Boomstick: Wonder Babe here uses the Bracelets of Submission, indestructible steel gauntlets forged from the remains of Zeus' legendary Aegis. These babies can block all sorts of attacks.

“Oh, I wonder if they come in purple?” Rarity asked.

“I wonder if they discharge party balloons?” Pinkie imagined having bracelets with balloons coming out.

Wiz: She has persevered throughout the years, fighting a huge variety of foes, even killing the Greek God of War, Ares.

“She can even fight against Gods, that is awesome!” Rainbow Dash cheered.

“I definitely like to learn combat from her.” Sunset said.

Boomstick: Hear that, Kratos? A chick beat you to it!

“Who’s Kratos?” Spike asked.

“Another fictional characters who probably will show up on this favorite list.” Pinkie guessed.

Wonder Woman bashed the edge of the shield down to Mad Harriet.

Wonder Woman: Let's see you smile now!

“Oh, she’s fierce.” Applejack commented.

Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set. Let's end this debate once and for all!

Boomstick: But first, I need my own Wonder striper outfit from Go Daddy!

“Ew!” Everyone grossed out as they watch the commercial of Go Daddy.

“I think you would look good in that better, Sunset.” Flash said.

“Aw, thank you, Flash.” Sunset kissed him on the cheek.

Boomstick: Now it’s time for a Cat-Fight Death Battle!

Rogue is shown flying in the sky. The Invisible Jet descends in background and Wonder Woman flies out. She kicks Rogue in the face, and both superheroines fly down to the ground.

“Wait, was it just me or did something like look a jet flew in the background?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I think it was, hard to make out though.” Applejack said.

“But why would Wonder Woman need a jet when she ca fly or even remember where she parked?” Spike confused.

“Maybe she likes to go for a ride.” Twilight guessed.

“Who cares, let see the fight!” Flash excited.


(*Cues: Wonder Woman (2009) - The Battle/Origins*)

Wonder Woman throws her tiara at Rogue, runs behind her, and roundhouse kicks her. The kick sends Rogue flying, Wonder Woman then flies after her, kicking her multiple times before dashing behind her again and punching her.

“Wonder Woman is going on the obsessive.” Fluttershy surprised.

“Being a trained warrior like her means she isn’t holding back against a new opponent.” Twilight explained.

“Well, duh, it’s a no hold-bar fight.” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

She grabs a dazed Rogue with the Lasso of Truth and slams her on the ground numerous times, drags Rogue near her, and uppercuts her in the air. She darts around the airborne Rogue with a flurry of punches.

“Oh dear, it looks like Rogue is going to lose.” Rarity surprised.

“I don’t think so, Rarity. Ma gut is telling me that the tides will turn.” Applejack said.

(*Cues: X-Men Theme - Hard Rock Remix*)

When she punches Rogue in the face however, she absorbs some of Wonder Woman's powers, she absorbs more of her powers when she takes off her glove and touches her leg. While Wonder Woman breaks free, Rogue strikes her from behind, elbows her in the neck, and sends her soaring with a quick kick combo. Wonder Woman throws out her Lasso of Truth again, but Rogue grabs it, tugs it, and slams her on the ground.

“And now Rogue is on the offensive by a touch turn!” Pinkie announced dramatically.

“Along with the memories of her fighting style and training, Wonder Woman is going to have a hard time with this battle.” Sunset stated.

Rogue flies behind her again and launches her tiara again, but Rogue blocks it, -propelling it back on her head- kicks her in the air and uppercuts her. Wonder Woman stops Rogue with several punches, but her finishing kick is blocked and she is knocked in the air.

“They seem evenly match as it is.” Flash shocked.

“Now the question is who can outdo the other.” Twilight said watching this fight carefully.

(*Cues: Wonder Woman (2009) - The Battle/Origins again*)

Rogue flies after her in the air, looking around to see where her opponent is, and is responded by a commotion of punches, Rogue blocks on of them and delivers some of her own, which is later black by Wonder Woman. She is then knocked down to the ground by a dive kick delivered by Wonder Woman. Both combatants fly down to the ground.

“Oh man, this battle is intense!” Rainbow Dash gasped.

“And it looks like they’re about to go for the final blow!” Sunset added.

Wonder Woman dashes towards her with a flying kick, but it is interrupted by Rogue, who predicted this thanks to her Seventh Sense and grabs her.

Rogue: Good night, sugar!

Rogue proceeds to plant a kiss of death upon Wonder Woman's lips, killing her. And strike a pose.


Everyone is shocked and blushing a little that Rogue ended the fight a kiss on the lips.

“Well, that was unexpected.” Spike said scratching his ear.

Boomstick: Woo-hoo-hoo! This goes down in history as the best DEATH BATTLE! ever!

“Guess we can agree with you there.” Applejack surprised at her for saying that.

Wiz: Poor Wonder Woman was more than a match for Rogue, but then she touched Rogue's face.

Boomstick: Wonder Woman is a trained fighter, so naturally she would strike her opponent's weakest spots, like the neck, stomach, joints and, well, the face.

“Yep, every fighter has to strike the face during a fight which is a normal thing to do.” Rainbow Dash sighed.

Wiz: In the end, her failure was a result of her thorough Amazonian training.

“And Rogue used that against her.” Twilight said as everyone agrees.

Boomstick: And her stripper outfit! Her leg was just begging to be grabbed there. Though personally, uh, I might have grabbed elsewhere.

Rarity growls in anger trying to resist the urge to punch the TV.

Wiz: Wonder Woman's powers may be godly, but Rogue's taken similar powers before, so there's no reason to say she couldn't here. Adding Wonder Woman's strength and speed to Rogue's own power gave her a huge advantage, drastically turning the tide.

Boomstick: A few high flying combos and our favorite X-Girl had Wonder Woman on the ropes.

“Literally too.” Pinkie said.

Wiz: And with her combined reflexes, speed, and seventh sense, she outmaneuvered Wonder Woman with one fatal kiss.

Boomstick: Rogue sure "made out" in this fight!

Everyone groans while Pinkie laughs.

Wiz: The winner is Rogue.

“Man, we better be careful not to let anyone do that to kill us.” Rainbow Dash said.

“I’m sure nothing like that will happen. Probably.” Flash hoped.

“Though it’s pretty surprises of how you commented about Pinkie’s butt earlier.” Rarity said.

“Oh, well, it’s just Pinkie has always been a… cheerfully sugary girl.” Flash exclaimed and Sunset looks at him with a raise eyebrow and a teasing smile.

“You better believe I am, now on to the next favorite episode!” Pinkie declared.

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

Another Death Battle episode is done as everyone got to see what a fight between female superpowered characters is like and had to listen through Boomstick’s perverted talk, and it looks like Flash may have some hidden feelings that Sunset can already tell as he gets worry.

KO comment, favorite, click the thumb up button, and follow through of how this story will go!

Chapter 3: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Battle Royale

Chapter Text

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Battle Royale

“I wonder what the rest of the episodes are like?” Spike asked exciting.

“Well, we are only watching the ones the sender said are his favorites, so there could be more episodes than what we’re about to watch.” Twilight theorized.

“Kind of like making a list of your favorite sweets.” Pinkie said pulling out three cupcakes stack on top of each other from her hair.

“Sweets are always your favorite.” Sunset chuckled.

“Enough chit-chat, time for enough episode of Death Battle!” Rainbow Dash declared as she press play on the remote.

Wiz: Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were grown from ooze and raised by a warrior rat in the sewers of New York to be the world's most fearsome fighting team.

“No way!” Rainbow Dash shocked.

“Turtles in a Death Battle? That’s unexpected.” Fluttershy commented.

“Not to mention there are four of them like free for all fight.” Applejack stated.

Boomstick: Lots of superheroes have some weird origin stories, but this one is plain ridiculous.

“Probably not as ridiculous as a girl being from a talking pony world.” Sunset said.

Wiz: Their greatest advantage in battle is their family bond and teamwork. But, on their own, which Turtle is deadliest?

Everyone became shock that these four turtles are family and are going to kill each in this fight.

“Maybe it won’t be brutal as we think.” Spike gulped.

Boomstick: He’s Wiz and I’m Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

“Hold on!” Rainbow Dash paused the video and use her superspeed to run toward her house for a second then back came with her pet turtle, Tank.

“I think Tank is gonna love to see this.” Rainbow Dash squealed a bit.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (5)

The screen shows the first turtle wearing a blue mask and wielding two swords.

Wiz: Leonardo, the leader of the team is smart, strategic with a strong sense of honor.

Boomstick: Too bad he traded his sense of humor for that sense of honor. Too bad he traded his sense of humor for that sense of honor.

“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with honor, it just means you’re more honest and fair like Applejack.” Flash believed.

“Aw, thanks sugarcube.” Applejack blushed a bit.

Ninjaken Swords
2 ft. Long Blade
Designed for swift, deadly, offensive strikes
Also called Ninjato
Commonly referred to Katana
Invented by Hollywood (Shock to Everyone)

Boomstick: His weapon of choice is the Ninjaken swords. Shorter, sturdier and straighter than an ordinary Katana, and designed for swift deadly strikes! Out of all the Turtles' weapons, the Ninjaken is the only one specifically designed to murder people! What's better than one Ninjaken? Two, Damnit!

“Small but deadly, sounds about right for a ninja weapon.” Rarity commented.

“But it’s kinda disappointing that they weren’t made from Japan.” Rainbow Dash exclaimed while petting Tank’s shell.

“But it could be possible that the swords were thought of by a Japanese director.” Twilight said.

Wiz: In many timelines, Leonardo's the one who ultimately defeats The Shredder, though always with plenty of help.

“Talk back major destines.” Flash surprised.

Skill Set
Expert Strategist
Sword Master
Strong both Physically and Mentally
Serious Devotion to Training and Family (Applejack respect the family part)
Bushido Code

Wiz: As leader, he is usually the one with a plan. He spends most of his time training his body and mind under his Master Splinter's instruction and follows Bushido, a strict Samurai code of honor and duty.

“Nice to see Leo cares deeply for his family.” Applejack smiled.

“And I’m surprise that he follows the Bushido code since he’s a ninja.” Twilight pointed out.

“Maybe he just likes to be fair.” Sunset said.

“Oh yeah, what’s next? He killed a devil?” Rainbow Dash asked, joking a little.

Wiz: At one point, he even fought and killed a sort of physical embodiment of the Devil.

Boomstick: Giving Keanu Reeves a much-needed break!

“Oh f*ck!” Rainbow Dash said with her eyes widen of shock and Tank is surprise that a turtle could beat a devil.

“Who the heck is Keanu Reeves?” Spike wondered, Tank is confuse by that too.

Wiz: However, Leonardo finds it difficult to accept failure. Should things go horribly wrong, his concentration can quickly slip away from him, leaving him sloppy and imprecise.

“Sounds like you when you’re under pressure with your studies.” Sunset teased making Twilight blush.

Boomstick: Leo doesn’t like to lose.

“Who doesn’t?” Rainbow Dash asked sarcastically.

Leonardo: Quit clowning you guys! This is serious!

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (6)

The screen shows the second turtle wearing a purple mask and wielding a wooden bo-staff.

Wiz: Donatello is the brains of the bunch.

Boomstick: He does machines!

“Oh, I would love to see what kind of gadgets he makes.” Twilight interested in Donatello’s machines.

Wiz: Right, Boomstick. Somehow, he learned to operate and manipulate both Human and alien technology without any formal education or budget whatsoever. He also speaks 100% fluent Techno-babble.

Donatello: The resulting intermit multi-polar flux should create the Electromagnetic Pulse!

Boomstick: What the hell did I just hear?

“Huh?” Most are confused except for Twilight and Sunset.

“It means he’s about to unleash a field that can turn off machines and other electronic devices.” Twilight translated.

“Like our cellphones.” Sunset added and the others now understands.

Boomstick: All that gibberish means he's probably trained less than the others, devoting more of his time for science!

“Well, you can’t get away without a little science in life.” Twilight said proudly.

“Except when it comes to fighting.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

6 Ft. Long Staff
Longest reach of all the Team’s Weaponry
Rocksteady’s Worst (Everyone confuse of that)

Wiz: Fortunately, his useful Bo Staff makes up for his lack of constant training. Durable Oak and Six feet long, the Bo gives Donatello far more attack range than his other brothers.

“At least he’s not totally defenseless.” Fluttershy said.

“But a stick like that isn’t much of a weapon at times.” Applejack pointed out.

Boomstick: The range is nice, but it takes a lot of time and patience to kill anybody with a stick.

“Like that.” Applejack nodded.

Skill Set
Bojitsu Master
Master Technician and Programmer
Rumored IQ of 637 (Twilight is very shock of this)
Fluent in Techno-Babble

“No way! An IQ of 637, that’s impossible! No one in the world have an IQ that high, not even Writer Marilyn vos Savant and hers is only 228.” Twilight gasped.

“Can magic make you that smart?” Flash asked Sunset.

“I’m not sure. I never tried that back when I was with Princess Celestia.” Sunset shrugged.

Wiz: He's no expert strategist, that's Leonardo's turf, but Donatello's considered the most level-headed of the Turtles. Even with his time spent tinkering, he's still a very capable warrior, easily keeping up with his brothers and even killing the Shredder in an alternate dimension.

Boomstick: An ass-kicking nerd? I don't believe it.

“Never underestimate the power of the mind.” Twilight smirked using her magic to make Spike fly a little and back on her lap.

Donatello: Eh, I'm making this up as I go.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (7)

The screen shows the third ninja turtle wearing an orange mask, wielding nun-chucks, and riding a skateboard.

“Oh, this one looks fun.” Pinkie said.

Wiz: Michelangelo is the youngest of the turtles. He's lazy, undisciplined and easily distracted. He spends his free time playing video games, watching TV, reading comic books, and eating pizza.

“Sounds like a couch potato if you ask me.” Rarity exclaimed.

Boomstick: That turtle is f*cked up!

Wiz: What?

“What is Boomstick talking about?” Flash asked.

Boomstick: Come on, you can't tell me that that turtle is not on drugs!

“Drugs? Does mutation from an ooze counts as drugs?” Pinkie asked.

“I have no idea.” Twilight admitted.

Wiz: I don't know, I always thought he was dropped as a kid.

“That sounds bad.” Fluttershy concerned.

Boomstick: Okay, look! He has all the signs! Strange eating habits, inability to pay attention, incoherent phrases...

“Okay, I think this guy is misunderstanding the guy’s lifestyle.” Rainbow Dash said as Tank nods.

Wiz: Moving on, his weapon of choice-

Boomstick: The bong-

“I don’t think they would good weapons.” Pinkie pointed out holding a bong in her hand before throwing it away.

Also called Nunchakus
Looks cool? Maybe?
A Farming Tool
Good for Strandling
Obviously, Mikey Strangles Enemies Off-Screen

Wiz: No, the Nunchaku, isn't really a weapon at all. It's a farming tool for threshing grain. These "weapons" are unnecessarily overcomplicated clubs with the effectiveness of a tattered flyswatter.

“Come on, anything can be use as a weapon as long as you know how to use it and the imagination too.” Flash stated.

Wiz: Yet SOMEHOW, Michelangelo has been able to blunder his way through fights to victories he really doesn't deserve!

“Hey buster, does deserve those wins because he got his own awesome charm that none of his brothers have!” Pinkie snapped.

“Easy Pinkie, I’m sure Michelangelo has his own moments.” Rainbow Dash calmed Pinkie down.

Boomstick: He even beat Raph once.

“See.” Rainbow Dash said as Pinkie smiles.

Wiz: Sure, I get it. Swinging chuks around gives him momentum to hit with them, blah, blah, blah, but in the end, a baseball bat will give you the same effect and more with much less effort. Seriously, who came up with these things? They're preposterous!

Boomstick: You're prepostemous! I don't know.

“But I agree what you’re saying. Wiz just need to accept those chucks as Mikey’s weapons.

Wiz: And, for some reason, in all his infinite wisdom, the great master Splinter gave the most complicated weapon to the retard of the group. WHY?

“Because he’s fun and can make himself unpredictable.” Pinkie believed.

Boomstick: ...Mikey's not gonna win this fight, is he?

Wiz: He’d better not.

“f*cking jerk.” Pinkie glared at Wiz’s off-screen face.

Michelangelo: Ho ho, someone's cranky!

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (8)

The screen shows the fourth and final turtle wearing a red mask and wields two Sais with a scary angry expression.

Boomstick: Raph is cool but crude! Hell, forget crude, this guy's borderline psycho!

“Surely he can’t be that bad.” Fluttershy worried.

Wiz: Sure to throw the first punch, Raphael is certainly the most vicious of the team. He's constantly butting heads with the others and challenging Leonardo's leadership.

“That still doesn’t seem bad, temper I can understand from experience.” Sunset remembered how angry she can be at times.

“We all get angry, but we also know to control them to be better.” Flash comforted his girlfriend with a kiss on the cheek making Sunset smile.

A Dagger-like Truncheon
Used Against Swords
Primarily Defensive
Traps and Controls an Opponent’s Weapons
For Stabbing, not Slicing (Even Rarity can tell that much)

Boomstick: He uses twin Sai, which is like a combination of a pitchfork, dagger and Wolverine's claws.

“I don’t know about the last part, but those things are certainly dangerous if not use carefully.” Rarity pointed out as the others agree.

Wiz: Like the Nunchuk, they also humbly began as a farming tool but were re-evaluated to counter the oppressive samurai.

“Right, ninjas were originally normal farmers until they couldn’t stand the Lords ruling unfairly and decided to oppose them from the shadows.” Twilight recalled reading about that in a book.

Boomstick: They're best used as a close-range defensive weapon. The triple prongs are designed to block, trap, and control an opponent's weapon while using the pommel to beat the enemy into submission. Raph's Sai can even snap swords!

“So, both offense and defense. Sounds pretty cool.” Rainbow Dash commented as Tank agrees.

Skill Set
Vicious and Brutal (Everyone become worry)
Sai Master
Arguably the Toughest of the Team
Hot-Headed with Common Fits of Rage
Enjoys Fighting (That makes Fluttershy concern)

Wiz: Raphael is not exactly the smartest fighter, usually rushing into a brawl without a plan and just overpowering a foe. Because of this, Raphael spends much of his time honing his combat skills. It is very likely he is physically the strongest turtle.

“That means he’s the muscle of the group like Applejack.” Pinkie compared the two.

“Except I don’t lose my temper to every little thing.” Applejack mentioned.

“Yeah, your honesty is what makes you unique and special for any guy to fall for.” Flash believed making Applejack blush again.

“Does that include you?” Sunset teased.

“What, no! I didn’t mean- I was just complimenting her. That’s all!” Flash said while blushing.

“I hope Raphael isn’t enjoying fights too much.” Fluttershy concerned.

Boomstick: Also, this guy's in some serious need of anger management!

Wiz: He is naturally hot-headed and sometimes loses control of his rage. He is much more vicious than the other turtles and, at one point in the comics, even became the Shredder himself.

“Yep, definitely have problems.” Rarity said.

Raphael: Damn!

Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set. Time to end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: It’s Time for a DEATH BATTLE!

“Okay Tank, who do you think will win in a Death Battle?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Here, you pick one of these color leaves I made.” Pinkie held up four leaves colored in blue, orange, purple, and red for each of the ninja turtles.

Tanks looks at all the leaves and thought carefully then bite on the blue leaf choosing Leonardo.

“Leonardo, huh? Sounds awesome.” Rainbow Dash said as everyone else decided on which turtles, they believe will win.

In the sewers of New York, the turtles face each other, and they draw their weapons.

“Oh wee, this is gonna be intense.” Applejack believed.


Leonardo goes after Michelangelo and both trade blow for blow. Meanwhile, Donatello faces Raphael block a few hits and attacking him with his staff as Raphael blocks them, and Leo backflips past them.

“Looks like the brothers seem even with the blows.” Rarity said.

“But it’s only a matter of time before one overpowers the other.” Sunset stated.

As Michelangelo attacks Leo, managing to land three blows in Leo but he counterattacks with a stab with his swords, then leaps over him and slices off his arm, followed by his head, then Michelangelo was decapitated.

“Aw… Mikey lost.” Pinkie said sadly.

“At least he tried his best.” Fluttershy comforted Pinkie.

“Yeah, who’s to say fun can’t always win everything.” Spike said.

Don and Raph continue fighting. Both seem evenly matched until Don got the upper hand with his staff landing more hits, Raph tries to jump at him, but Don caught Raph with the end of his bo-staff and throws Raph past Leo.

“Point 1 for the brains!” Twilight cheered.

Leo tries to attack Don, but the purple mask turtle dodges his strikes and leaps on a stack of crates and begins hitting Leo in the head with his staff.

“Looks like Leo is caught in Donatello’s trap.” Sunset noticed.

“Hope he’ll get himself out of there.” Flash said as he also votes for Leo to win.

Back with Raph, his eyes open and gets back up.

“Uh-oh, angry turtle on the loose!” Pinkie alerted.

(*Cues: Stars Align - TMNT*)

Raph leaps over Leo knocking the the crates down, sending Don flying backward onto the floor. In blinding rage, Raph proceeds to stab Don with his sai 24 times with blood coming out of the wounds killing Don.

“Dude! Overkill much!” Rainbow Dash yelled while Tank slowly move his head into his shell a little.

“Two or three stabs would have been enough.” Rarity scared of Raph.

Raph then face Leo, staring at each other for a moment. They both fight each other and Raph knocks Leo into the water. As Leo resurfaces, Raph jumps into the water. They both trade blows with their weapons. Both seem to be at a stalemate until Raph catches Leo's swords with his sais.

“Oh boy, Leo better hope to do something about Raph’s strength.” Flash worried.

“I’m sure he has a plan consider he’s the leader.” Sunset reminded.

Eventually, the sais break Leo's sword and then both stab the other. Raph, however, is stabbed in the throat while Leo's wound isn't fatal.

Raphael: DAMN!

Raphael falls below the surface of the water, which is colored red by his blood. Leo sits down in the water and looks at the sai in his body. Leo also had the look of sadness for losing his brothers this way.


Once the battle ended, everyone starts to feel sad for Leo that he had to fight against his own brothers and killing them in the end even if this is just a website show that never really happen to them.

“I hope Leo will find peace.” Pinkie blew a tissue.

“Don’t worry, Pinkie, despite how it ended. It was still a cool fight and Tank won with voting for Leo.” Rainbow Dash smiled at Tank who smiles proudly.

Boomstick: Woah-ho-ho, somebody call an ambulance! Or a vet, I don't know.

“That’s not nice, Boomstick.” Fluttershy disapproved of that.

Wiz: There is a reason why Leonardo is the leader of the team. Not for strength or speed, but for strategy. Leonardo understands the strengths and weaknesses of the other turtles. His biggest threat was Raphael's sword snapping Sai, so he attacked the weakest of the group first.

“That is a good strategy to use.” Sunset complimented.

“Yeah, take out the weak-link while the big red goes angry crazy.” Spike agreed.

Boomstick: This means Leo let Donny beat the hell outta Raph, who couldn't compete with Don's range. By the time Raph got his revenge, Leo was in way better shape for the final duel.

“Not to mention anger can tire you out when overuse.” Flash stated.

Wiz: And I can hear all the fanboys raging "But Raph won in the movie! He should win here! Nyah nyah!" No!

“Just because he won in one fight doesn’t mean he can win more than Leo.” Rarity pointed out.

Wiz: Four reasons. One: The result of the fight was specifically plot constructive, which is rarely accurate. Two: Leonardo absolutely decimated Raph in the fistfight beforehand. Three: Leonardo didn't want to fight at all. If he did, he would've killed Raphael right here.

Boomstick: Tilt the blade, slide left, bam: No more Raph.

“Yeah, that definitely looks like Leo would have killed him here.” Fluttershy started to see it.

Wiz: And four: That whole movie doesn't make much sense, to begin with. Why should this?

“And apparently that movie must’ve suck too.” Sunset wondered.

Boomstick: But hey, Leo can still die from that stab, right?

Wiz: Doubtful, for several reasons. Turtles proportionally have smaller vital organs and far more muscle mass than humans, meaning there's little chance Raphael actually hit anything important. Leo's actually been stabbed plenty of times in the series and walked away, and all four turtles have been trained in Chi Kung and can control their breathing and heart rate to survive extreme conditions.

“That definitely helps with being able to withstand a Sai stab in the gut.” Twilight nodded.

“Especially when their organs or smaller.” Flash mentioned.

Boomstick: Looks like Leo got the point of this battle.

“That’s one pun I don’t like.” Pinkie pouted.

Wiz: The winner is Leonardo.

“Man, family fighting each other like that. I don’t I could ever do something like that if I have siblings.” Rainbow Dash said.

“I don’t ever want that to happen me and my siblings.” Applejack said praying to always love Applebloom and Big Mac as they love her.

“Me neither.” Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie said at the same time, thinking about their siblings.

“Don’t worry girls, family bonds are always strong whether you’re blood related or not.” Flash repeated the words his dad told him.

“I can ‘relate’ to that.” Sunset punned and remember the time when she used to look up to Princess Celestia as a mom.

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

The Battle Royale of the Ninja Turtles was great but also sad with family killing each other, which is why it’s always important to love your family no matter what and enjoy the time you have with them. Tank also thinks the battle was cool and was right for choosing Leo to win, he’ll be here on the next chapter when Leo fights again.

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Chapter 4: Zitz VS Leonardo

Chapter Text

Zitz VS Leonardo

“Okay, I’m about to play the next episode.” Flash said with the remote in his hand.

“I hope this one doesn’t make me feel emotional again.” Fluttershy said, still remembering the ninja turtle fight.

“I’m pretty sure it’ll be less of that from here on out.” Rainbow Dash said while petting Tank’s shell.

“Don’t worry, Tank. Turtles are still cool animals in their own way.” Spike comforted Tank making him smile slowly.

Then the episode started playing which everyone is about to be in for a surprise.

Boomstick: Last time on Death Battle, the Ninja Turtles battled to find the deadliest of the team, and good old Leo used cunning strategy and swordplay to come out on top.

Everyone gasps even Tank with his jaw slowly dropping down of shock.

“Whoa, Leo is fighting again right after the turtle royale!” Applejack said, not expecting that.

Wiz: But the fight isn't over yet. Leonardo must face his most powerful imitator: Zitz, the leader of the mighty Battletoads.

“And now he’s going to battle a toad man. Just how strange can these Death Battles get?” Rarity asked.

“I say strangely awesome!” Pinkie excited.

“You took the words right out of my word.” Rainbow Dash chuckled.

“Oh, then you can have them back in this cupcake.” Pinkie shoved a cupcake in Rainbow Dash’s mouth.

Boomstick: He’s Wiz and I’m Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (9)
Wiz: Zitz was computer engineered as one of three ultimate amphibian warriors in a gladitorial video game reality show called Battletoads. This accidentally opened a dimensional gateway to another galaxy. Every time the game began, the galaxy became the battletoad arena for their superhero war against the Dark Queen and they-

Boomstick, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack: Whoa, whoa, whoa, what?

Wiz: Three nerds made a video game, got sucked through it into another galaxy, and became toad superheroes.

“It was pretty obvious is what he was saying.” Twilight raised an eyebrow.

“Maybe for you.” Sunset said.

“So, these toads are computer programs and became real superheroes?” Pinkie tried to understand this.

“I think so.” Flash shrugged.

Real Name: Morgan Ziegler
Height: 6’8”
Weight: 196 lbs.
Leader and Strategist
Superhuman Strength
Was Originally Yellow, but is now Blue-Green (Sunset wonder about that)

Wiz: Zitz was originally colored yellow, to differentiate him from Rash, but he is now officially a blue-green hue.

“I guess whoever made the Battletoads were having trouble to decide on what color to go with.” Sunset guessed.

“Maybe he likes to feel blue to go green.” Pinkie joked.

Wiz: He leads the Battletoad team with a laid back yet strategic attitude.

Boomstick: He chooses to go with my personal favorite battle strategy: beat the sh*t out of everything that moves!

“I don’t think that would even be called a strategy.” Twilight pointed out.

Can Transform Body into Weaponry
Giant Fists, Boots, Horns, Hammers, Weights, etc.
Technologically Advanced (Twilight interested.)
Added Drills, Blades, Saws, Spikes, and Dozers

Boomstick: And as a Battletoad, Zitz can shape shift his body into various weaponry: Giant fists, heavy weights, ram horns, you name it.

“Golley, that would make him quite the handyman.” Applejack commented.

Wiz: Unlike his teammates, Zitz has used his inventive genius to mechanically advance his weaponry far beyond those of his fellow toads. By combining technology and brawn, Zitz has added blades, saws and drills to his arsenal.

“Combining advance technology with natural shape-shifting powers. I would like to study that.” Twilight interested.

“He’s almost like a Changling with the shape-shifting powers is very different in this one.” Sunset recalled how Changlings do their shapeshifting. This also reminds her of Shang Tsung as well.

“I would like to make giant fists and drills.” Flash imagined himself with a giant fist and drill from each hand.

Boomstick: This guy could be the world's best handyman, (Applejack: That’s what I thought too.) if he always wasn't getting sucked into an alternate dimension every time someone turned on a video game.

“Bet he wasn’t expecting himself to even happen in the first place.” Rarity guessed.

Wiz: Despite almost having no actual combat training, Zitz has proved strong enough to power through some of the toughest games ever made.

“I wonder of the programmers intended to make their game hard to play?” Fluttershy asked.

Wiz: And yes, the game's excruciating difficulty is canon as it was specifically programmed by the Battletoads themselves.

“Oh, okay.” Fluttershy nodded.

Boomstick: Yeah, try and wrap your brain around that one.

Zitz: I'm a big bad mother of all toads!

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (10)
Wiz: We briefly covered his abilities last episode, but there's plenty more to Leonardo.

“Ah yeah, I bet you would like to know all that. Would you, Tank?” Rainbow Dash asked cuddling her face on the shell as Tank slowly nods.

Height: 5’2”
Master of Ninjitsu, Bushido, and Swordsmanship
Leader and Strategist
Skilled in Using the Environment
Favorite Color: Blue, duh. (Everyone: Of course.)

Wiz: He's trained in Ninjitsu and Bushido all his life, shaping his body and mind to master close combat, swordsmanship, honor and the art of invisibility.

“I seem to recall Bushido being the code for Samurais.” Flash tried to remember that from history class.

“It is, and I think would take up that code to heart.” Sunset said.

Boomstick: He's also the strategist of the turtle team, who are now all dead. Sooo... yeah.

“Way to bring up that, idiot.” Spike glared and Twilight pet his head to calm him down.

Wiz: Leonardo is especially skilled in use of environment to outsmart and outmaneuver an opponent. He is also the only Ninja Turtle in any timeline who has studied under two masters, Splinter the rat, and the Ancient one.

“That could be a good way to fight in case we face another magical problem.” Applejack suggested.

“Leo must really like to train lot to study under two masters.” Fluttershy said.

Boomstick: Hey Wiz, look! It's an Asian Yoda! ...What?

“I’m not sure who this Yoda is, but I’m sure he would find that joke offended and not so good.” Spike stated.

“Yeah, have respect for the chubby people!” Pinkie yelled.

Also Called Ninjato
Shorter and Straighter than Katanas
Designed for Quick, Deadly Strikes
2 Ft. Long Blade
A Hollywood Invention

Boomstick: Leo wields two Ninjaken swords, which are best for swift deadly strikes and are designed with the idea that a good offense, is the best defense. They're usually mistaken as katana in the shows and comics, even though they are obviously straight, rather than curved.

“You would think like that if not a closer look.” Rarity commented.

Wiz: The Ninjaken is, in fact, an invention of Hollywood, as there is no historical evidence of the weapon's existence.

“I still can’t believe Hollywood even made those kinds of weapons.” Rainbow Dash admitted.

“Maybe it was just an idea for making the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.” Sunset theorized.

Boomstick: Like the moon landing!

“Oh, come on! The moon landing was so real!” Twilight angered, now it was Spike’s turn to calm her down.

Wiz: Shut up. While he usually relies on his brothers' solid teamwork, he has proven to be a very effective warrior on his own too, defeating all sorts of enemies like ninja robots, giant monsters, war-torn aliens and even The Shredder.

“Sometimes when flying solo, you got to show your toughness.” Rainbow Dash proclaimed smiling.

Leo swings his sword at a Foot Ninja as he dodges them, and the turtle leader trick him into thinking he attacked again. “Gotcha.” Leo kicks the ninja down and the one behind him.

Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set. Let’s end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: It’s time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!

“Okay Tank, your favorite turtle in blue is about to go up against a buff-up frog. Give him your best cheer!” Rainbow Dash excited as Tank smiles exciting and nods.

“Let see if he can win this again.” Flash said.

Zitz jumps over a wire fence and walks forward in what appears to be an abandon place as Leonardo jumps out of the sewer. Zitz turns to face his opponent.

“Frog vs Turtle, the ultimate showdown!” Pinkie announced.


Zitz charge in using his ram horns to knock Leonardo into the fence and, as Leo bounces off, Zitz kicks him with an iron boot three times then punches him away with a giant fist.

“Looks like Zitz is starting off strong and fierce.” Sunset commented.

“Yeah, but Leo got this.” Rainbow Dash believed.

Leo recovers just in time to avoid Zitz' drill attack and kicks him twice, only to get block by the frog man’s arm and then countered by a giant fist and a spiked wall. Then Zits starts giving Leo a painful pummeling.

“Goodness, Zitz sure doesn’t lit up on his opponents.” Rarity winced from seeing the pummeling.

After pummeling Leo some more, Zitz throws him towards the wire fence only for Leo to flip onto his feet and defend himself from Zitz' giant fist.

“Ah yeah, it’s Leo’s turn to beat him up!” Rainbow Dash cheered.

Leo hits Zitz twice and stabs him once, but Zitz turns into a weight to defend himself from Leo's swords.

“Ha! Too scared to get a cut, froggy!” Rainbow Dash mocked.

“I think he’s trying to make Leo waste his energy on attacking him like that.” Twilight guessed Zitz plan.

“But that won’t work because Leo can also think of plans too.” Fluttershy mentioned.

Eventually, Leo jumps into the sewer as Zitz returns to his normal form and jumps into the sewer.

“Zitz just step into Leo’s home turf where the ninja turtle can definitely gain the advantage.” Pinkie acted like an announcer at a sports game.

“He’s so dead.” Rainbow Dash said confident.

As Zitz scouts around for Leo, the turtle jumps out of a hole in the wall, stabs Zitz with his sword and jumps away. Leo tries this again, but Zitz grows a chainsaw tail, which Leo dodges. Zitz gives chase and finds that Leo has disappeared. Leo jumps out of the wall and hurts Zitz. Enraged, Zitz attacks the wall that Leo jumps back into through the hole.

“Oh boy, I think I know where this is going.” Applejack exclaimed.

“Look out! The frog dude is trying to bring the house down!” Pinkie alerted.

This distraction allows Leo to swim through the water and then slice Zitz in half.


Boomstick: Damn.

“More like damn awesome! Another score the turtles, Tank!” Rainbow Dash cheered as Tank smiles.

Wiz: Zitz was more than a match for Leonardo in a simple brawl, using his brutal arsenal to overpower him; But when it came to using the environment, Zitz couldn't handle Leonardo's ninja skills and his lack of training left him frustrated and unsure of what to do

“It’s really bad to be unprepared for such things like trying to get ready for an elegant, fancy party but didn’t have the dress for it.” Rarity pointed out as her own example.

“Or almost forgetting about the harvest season coming and couldn’t get all the apples in on time.” Applejack said.

Boomstick: While Zitz is a strategist, he always relies on his brute force and once Leo went in stealth mode and turned the tides, Zitz decided to just bring the whole sewer down.

“That’s unfortunate when he could have more calm during the fight.” Twilight disappointed Zitz’s lack of strategist uses.

“What’s the point of being a strategist if you’re not even gonna bother to act like one?” Sunset asked rhetorically.

Boomstick: And c'mon, Leo fights all kinds of mutants and monsters at least once a week.

Wiz: Of all the toads, Zitz certainly stood the best chance with his technologically advanced weaponry, but while the Battletoads are known for accomplishing impossible odds, so are the Ninja Turtles. Leonardo made quick work of Zitz as soon as he had the chance.

“Having to battle against many things did help Leo fight against Zitz as well.” Flash pointed out.

Boomstick: In the end, Zitz just needed to pull himself together.

Everyone groans except Pinkie who laughs a little thinking Zitz could use some stitching later.

Wiz: The Winner is Leonardo.

Boomstick: Again.

“Man, that episode was awesome, and you like how Leo won another battle. Right, Tank?” Rainbow Dash asked Tank who nods slowly in response.

“I like how Zitz can change his body parts into those tools, bet they would be big help around the farm.” Applejack complimented.

“And he certainly got the surprise of his life.” Pinkie giggled.

“I would be cool to be a teenage mutant ninja.” Spike imagined himself like that.

“Well, I’m take Tank back home. Be right back.” Rainbow Dash carried Tank using her superspeed to bring him home and came back in Sunset’s house.

“Looks like we still got time for a few more episodes before calling it a day.” Sunset looked at the time on her phone and Flash hold up the remote to play the next favorite episode.

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

Another episode of Leo fighting against a fierce and cool looking toad man, Zitz and the turtle in blue came out on top again showing why turtles are more awesome than frogs.

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Chapter 5: Felicia VS Taokaka

Chapter Text

Felicia VS Taokaka

The next episode is played and this one got everyone interested when they see the next two fighters.

Boomstick: Catfight!

Wiz: It literally is, Boomstick. Not only do we have two ferocious females in the ring today, but they're also, well, cats.

“Oh, wow it’s a fight between cats. This could get intense.” Fluttershy said.

Boomstick: Felicia, the popstar demon cat chick lady.

Wiz: And Taokaka, BlazBlue's speedy vigilante.

“Hey, maybe I should bring Opal to watch this.” Rainbow Dash suggested.

“I rather you do not, Rainbow Darling. Recall the last time you carry Opal around with your superspeed and how unsatisfying she was.” Rarity reminded her rainbow-haired friend with a raise eyebrow.

“Oh yeah, the claws everywhere.” Rainbow Dash shivered of the memory.

“Hey, you just trying to help Rarity when she was busy that day. Plus, the little scratches did make you looked awesome like a survivor from the apocalypse.” Flash complimented.

“Thanks, I guess the look was awesome.” Rainbow Dash blushed with smug.

“Way to smooth up on the rainbow.” Sunset teased making Flash flinch a little.

Boomstick: He’s Wiz and I’m Boomstick.

Wiz: And it´s our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (11)
Wiz: As a catwoman, Felicia faced discrimination all her life. She was raised by a nun and became a successful popstar, a passion that would ultimately lead her on a quest to bring humans and cat-people together to make children happy.

“Aw, now that is a goal I could go for.” Fluttershy smiled, happy that Felicia wants to make kids happy.

“Nice to know she doesn’t let the negativity of being a different race get her down.” Applejack nodded of approval.

Boomstick: What the hell? I thought we were talking about a deadly demon warrior and... is she naked?!

Wiz: Yes.

“Oh no…” Rarity exclaimed.

Boomstick: But she’s a cat.

“Well, that is the theme of this fight.” Pinkie said, not realizing what Boomstick is really thinking right now.

Wiz: Yes…

Boomstick: Hmmm... do you think it'd be wrong to-

Wiz and Rarity: YES!

“I swear to Heavens if he is just the worse kind of man.” Rarity muttered.

“Yeah, I prefer my own sexy Sunny girl right here.” Flash wrapped one arm around Sunset’s waist.

“Then maybe you wouldn’t mind seeing me as a naked cat?” Sunset asked teasing making Flash blushing like crazy as she made a little cat noise.

Height: 5’6”
Weight: 128 lbs.
Raised by a Nun (Fluttershy finds that lovely)
Happy-Go-Lucky Attitude (Pinkie would love to be friends with her)
Superhuman Strength, Speed, and Endurance

Wiz: Felicia is a Darkstalker, a creature of the night, and naturally possesses supernatural strength, speed and agility. She can also use her unique cat senses to sniff out enemies from extreme distances.

“Oh, she and I would get along great!” Pinkie believed, throwing a huge party together and being friends too.

“Sounds to me like she could know vampires and werewolves.” Twilight stated.

“Think she could introduce me to one?” Spike asked as he is a big fan of werewolves.

“Maybe if they don’t plan on eating little dogs.” Twilight joked as Spike roll his eyes.

Long, Pink Claws
Strong Tail
Speed-Based Combos
High-Damaging Grapples
Can Charge Energy at Will
Natural Athlete

Boomstick: She can tear into her foes with the sharp claws restin' in her big-ass paws, each several inches long and capable of tearing through all kinds of armor.

“Yeah, I am so not pissing her off.” Spike feared the claws.

Wiz: To top it off her tail is extremely strong, able to lift her entire body on its own.

“I have of a thing like legs day, but I think Felicia just invented tail day.” Flash surprised thinking Felicia must have done some tough exercising on her tail.

“I don’t think we can do that with our ponytails.” Pinkie looked at her puffy hair.

“Not unless you can make it move like an actually tail.” Applejack said.

Special Moves
Rolling Smash
Delta Kick/Cat Spike
Hell Cat Grapple
Rolling Buckler: Links to Various Attacks

Wiz: She's undeniably one of the faster darkstalkers and can get around the battlefield with her unpredictable Rolling Smash, Delta Kicks and Rolling Buckler.

“Hey Fluttershy, what if we try training some of the cats at the animal shelter to do those moves?” Rainbow Dash asked thinking of making some cats fight awesome.

“I don’t think that would be a good idea, it’ll be hard to find them a good home.” Fluttershy pointed out. Worry that could make any potential buyers not want them if the cats learn how to fight like that.

Boomstick: Felicia, she can really move- Felicia, she's got an attitu-ude-

Wiz: Yes Boomstick, we get it, she's like Sonic.

“Whoever Sonic is, I hope he didn’t have Boomstick to sing his theme song.” Sunset disliked how Boomstick sings like that.

Sand Splash
Short Range
Low to Middle Height
Also Called Litterbox Kick

Wiz: Anyway, as a darkstalker, Felicia has a natural affinity for magic, able to use it in the form of her only ranged attack: kicking sand.

Boomstick: At least she's litter box trained.

“Oh please, Opal is trained with better manners than that.” Rarity bragged.

“I think you’re missing the point, Rarity.” Applejack said with a sweatdrop.

Wiz: As she was raised by a nun, even becoming one herself, she has little to no combat training, preferring to focus on her singing career and running an orphanage. As such, she relies on her lethal feral instincts in a fight.

“Well, that’s a little letdown. She could have been a tougher Darkstalker if she tried approving herself.” Rainbow Dash proclaimed.

“But she wants to focus on the two things she cares for the most, I think that’s great.” Twilight believed.

Boomstick: But these same instincts also lead her to be easily distracted by ferocious enemies like butterflies, rolling balls of yarn and paper that crinkles.

“Whoa, guess even monster cats have the same weakness as normal cats.” Spike surprised.

“Yeah, how would get distracted by crinkling paper?” Pinkie asked.

Flash decided to play a little game with Pinkie and took out a ball of gummy worms he made this morning before school.

“Hey, Pinkie Pie!” Flash threw the gummy ball which got Pinkie to squeal with her eyes widen.

“Ball of sweets!” Pinkie screamed and pounce on the gummy ball playing with it for a bit like a cat before eating it.

“I’m sorry, I just couldn’t resist.” Flash chuckled.

Wiz: The other Darkstalkers consider Felicia to be one of the weakest of their kind, but with the help from her friends, she somehow manages to hold her own against demon lords, spell casters and all-powerful aliens.

“Now that is one tough cat.” Applejack commented.

Boomstick: That's one cat you don´t want to cross.

“Agreed.” Spike nodded.

Felicia: I sure could use a catnap.
Felicia then turns into her cat form.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (12)
“That’s certainly a unique outfit this one is wearing.” Rarity complimented.

Boomstick: That chick wearing a cat hoodie?

Wiz: No, that's a special cloak to fit her Kaka body.

“Really? Cause it sure looks like a hoodie to me.” Flash said.

“Looks can be deceiving, Darling. Unless you know its true value like what it’s made for.” Rarity lectured.

Boomstick: Her... what body?

“So, that means her body isn’t exactly normal.” Sunset figured out.

Wiz: Taokaka is a vigilante of the Kaka tribe, a catlike people descended from genetically engineered living weapons. Her genetics, provide her with a natural fighting instinct. She is the guardian of the Kaka, implying that she is the best fighter of the group.

“Amazing, genetically engineered living weapons sound impossible to do yet it is something science has been trying to drive for.” Twilight intrigued.

“I’m betting a little bit of magic had something to do with this.” Sunset said, also interested.

“(I’m not sure why, but those looks are starting to scare me.)” Flash thought gulped.

Height: 5’5”
Weight: 93 lbs. (Rainboom: That’s really light!)
Descended from Genetically Engineered Weapons (Twilight and Sunset interested)
Guardian and Vigilnate
Incredibly Stupid

Boomstick: While she may be a good fighter, she is one dumb cat.

“That’s not a very nice thing to say.” Fluttershy offended of that remark.

Wiz: Unfortunately, Tao has an incredibly severe case of ADHD. While she hunts bounties with the intent of improving her fighting skill and bringing money to her family, she often winds up completely forgetting about her mission at the worst of times, often even befriending her would-be targets.

“It’s nice that she is trying to collect some money for her tribe.” Applejack complimented.

“But the journey would be wasted if she keeps forgetting what she was doing in the first place.” Rainbow Dash stated.

“I’m sure she’s doing the best she can.” Fluttershy hoped.

A total of 12 Retractable Razor-Sharp Blades
Speed-Based Combos
Expert Air Control
‘Dancing Edge’ Drive is Extremely Fast

Boomstick: She has twelve retractable dual-edged blades on her hands and feet. While they´re not very long, they can transform from basic claws to hook-size and saw-blades. Damn, I don´t even want to think what those things would do to my couch.

“For once, we can actually agree on something.” Rarity said and suddenly found a strange taste in her mouth.

Wiz: Tao's genes allow her to instinctively access and utilize Seithr: a raw, powerful energy seething through the air.

“Ah, so that world as their own unique power source.” Twilight wondered if this Seithr could work on her as well.

Uses Instinctively
Uses for Special Attacks
3 Powerful, Fast Distortion Drives
Astral Heat
Limited Amount Available

Wiz: Tao can use Seithr to empower and transform her claws, as well as to execute incredibly vicious attacks. However, there is only so much Seithr in a given space, and once she runs out, Tao will lose many of her deadliest attributes.

“Huh, so depending on what location she’s in, she could run out of Seithr during a battle.” Sunset guessed.

“Such as why the Wheel of Fate is turning.” Pinkie said confusing the others.

“Huh, what?” Spike wondered what is really going on in Pinkie’s head.

Boomstick: Also, apparently Tao likes to carry around a lot of random sh*t, which she then uses as projectiles during a fight: bowling balls, apple cores, pillo-- a pillow? Really!?

“How in Hell does a pillow count as a weapon?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Pillow Surprise Punch!” Pinkie punched Rainbow Dash in the face with a pillow that knocked her down from the couch.

Rainbow Dash groans in pain a little and gave a glare at Pinkie for doing that just now as she got back on the couch and crosses her arms under her breasts.

“What? You asked.” Pinkie shrugged.

Wiz: She's the fastest of the BlazBlue cast, darting around the arena with incredibly fast combos. However, she's also the weakest stamina-wise and doesn't have very many defensive options.

“That’s going to be trouble if she gets herself tired before she could end the battle.” Flash stated.

“And if she can focus on the battle at all.” Rarity added.

Boomstick: But, if you want to kick her ass, you gotta catch her first!

Taokaka: Aah! It's the boobie lady!

Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set. Let end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: It’s time for a CAT FIGHT!!!

“Boomstick must really love cats.” Pinkie guessed.

“I don’t think that’s why he shouted like that.” Twilight said as she can tell that Boomstick was probably thinking perverted thoughts at the moment.

On a wooden bridge, a pink butterfly flies toward Felicia, who is wearing her nun attire and is watering plants.

“I get the weird feeling that butterfly may spark the start of this fight.” Fluttershy mentioned.

Felicia notices it and takes off her robes, then begins following it. She then leaps at it four times before accidentally bumping into and waking up Taokaka. Felicia jumps back while Taokaka is agitated.

Taokaka: Alright!

“You totally called it, Fluttershy.” Spike said.


Taokaka charges at Felicia, unleashing a long combo before knocking her into the air, then slamming her into the ground with her hook claws. She charges again when Felicia uses her Rolling Smash to jump onto her attacker, then unleashes a combo of her own.

“Tao sure started off fierce like a real wild cat from a jungle.” Applejack commented.

“And Felicia managed to counter with combos of her own, good reflexes too.” Twilight complimented.

Felicia then knocks Taokaka into the air, jumps upward, slashes her a few times before grabbing her and throwing her to the ground. Felicia lands and Taokaka attempts to counter, but her attack is blocked, leaving her wide open to Felicia's Delta Kick. Felicia then uses Rolling Smash and moves back and forth, hitting Taokaka repeatedly before she jumps upward and catches Felicia as she gets her claws ready.

Taokaka: Take this!

Taokaka proceeds to stab Felicia multiple times with her Distortion Drive, Imma Beat The Crap Outta You before Felicia completely reverses it with her Hell Cat Grapple, concluding by throwing Taokaka.

Taokaka: Boing

Taokaka has her hands on the ground and her tail in the air while Felicia in her fighting stance as well.

“Oh my, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but this is one cat fight I’m really enjoying!” Fluttershy amazed.

“Me too! Now I’m almost regretting not letting Rainbow Dash bring Opal.” Rarity nodded as she enjoys this fight so far.

“The two seem evenly match. Can one of them pull off a last surprising win in the end?” Pinkie asked like a wrestling announcer.

“Hey, is that the pink butterfly from the start?” Spike pointed his paw at the screen.

Then the butterfly from before returns, grabbing both of their attention.

“Great, their minds have gone stupid cat mode now.” Rainbow Dash groaned.

“Calm down, I’m sure they’ll get back to the epic fighting as soon as that butterfly is gone.” Applejack assured.

The two repeatedly leap at it and as the butterfly approaches Felicia, Taokaka slashes it with her claws.

Taokaka: Whoops!

Felicia is upset.

Felicia: No, no, no!

“When I said gone, I didn’t mean it like that.” Applejack worried that she might have jinx the butterfly’s life.

“It had lived a short life.” Pinkie sobbed with a tissue, then her mood changed complete 180. “Now back to fighting!”

Felicia then lunges at Taokaka, letting out a cat-like roar, and unleashes a combo on her. The two trade combos until Taokaka is slashing at thin air, forgetting where Felicia is.

“Even I paid more attention than that.” Spike claimed.

“Even when squirrels are around?” Twilight asked.

“Squirrels, where?” Spike asked, wagging his tail as he wants to chase them. But quickly realizes that he had just proven Twilight’s point that he can be distracted at times.

Felicia lands on Taokaka and slashes at her face before knocking her back with a kick. Taokaka gets into a one-legged stance when Felicia uses Rolling Smash. She catches Felicia off-guard using her Slashy Slashy, knocking her back. Felicia uses Sandsplash, but to no avail as Taokaka jumps right over it, trapping her in a combo and knocking Felicia into the air. She strikes Felicia multiple times, keeping her in the air, then lands. Taokaka then takes out her claws and jumps upward as she performs her Astral Heat, Attack Meow Pow.

Taokaka: Taokaka boom!

The strike is so devastating that it slices Felicia in half, separating her top and bottom halves of her body.

“Ow! That is one major cat scratch.” Flash winced.

Taokaka is then shown dancing.


Taokaka: Nya ha, nya ha, nya ha!

Taokaka then sits down on the ground.

Taokaka: Now I'm bored.

“Sheesh, quick way to get over a victory.” Rainbow Dash said.
Boomstick: Felicia just got put down!

“In two ways, no less.” Pinkie added.

Wiz: But this one was very close; based on their move sets, Tao appeared to have a slight speed advantage. Though Felicia had the endurance of a Darkstalker, Tao's superior agility eventually gave her the win.

“True, being able to withstand blows can help you last long in a fight, but that’ll be a problem if the opponent can dish out something stronger that can put you can and not being able to catch them as well.” Twilight explained.

“And even though Tao’s speed advantage was small, it was still above Felicia that also gave her the win.” Sunset added as the others agreed.

Boomstick: Not to mention she's got freakin' razorblades for claws! Felicia just took her final meow.

Everyone groans and Pinkie laugh a little with a meow sound.

Wiz: The Winner is Taokaka.

“It’s a good thing I’m the kind of dog who is friends with a few cats.” Spike sighed in relief.

“You know, that may have given me an idea for the cats at the shelter.” Fluttershy said, thinking of a way to get more cats adopted.

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

Everyone sure got a surprise that cats can be deadly in a fight like that, and Spike learned to always be on their good side or else he’ll get scratch on the nose, and Pinkie doing those silly things were cute too.

KO comment, favorite, click the thumb up button, and follow through of how this story will go!

Chapter 6: Kratos vs Spawn

Chapter Text

Kratos vs Spawn

“Phew, thanks for letting use your bathroom, Sunset.” Applejack thanked as she just came back from her bathroom break.

“No problem, you guys are always welcome in my house.” Sunset smiled before she starts playing the next episode of Death Battle.

Wiz: Of all the warriors who have entered this arena, none can compete with these two titans of death.

“Oh, sounds those two are very strong dudes.” Flash commented.

Wiz: Kratos, the Ghost of Sparta who single-handedly annihilated Olympus.

“Huh, Twilight, doesn’t legend say about Olympus being home of Greek Gods?” Sunset asked shock.

“Yes, I do seem to recall that.” Twilight answered.

Boomstick: And Spawn, who managed to dethrone both Satan and God.

“The f*ck?” Rainbow Dash f*cked.

“Okay, those two are WAY tougher than I thought.” Flash said feeling a bit scared.

Wiz: I'm Wizard and he's Boomstick, and it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (13)
Wiz: Kratos is a demigod, raised among the Spartans as their greatest warrior, until one day, his people were threatened to be overrun. It was then he struck a deal with Ares, the God of War. Ares would give him the strength to protect his people; in return, Kratos would serve as Ares' champion warrior.

“Guess being a half-God can make you a pretty powerful warrior.” Sunset said.

“Yeah, but I don’t like that Ares guy. The flaming hair gives off the evil vibe.” Pinkie narrowed her eyes of suspicious.

“But Gods are good, right?” Fluttershy asked.

Boomstick: Kratos became super-powerful and really vicious but was tricked by Ares into killing his own family. But hey, he saved some money on child support and divorce!

“That answer your question.” Spike said.

“Not cool, Boomstick! Death and Family is not something to joke about.” Rainbow Dash angered.

“Especially when it happens to someone who ended up doing the deed.” Applejack said upset too.

Wiz: As the white, hot ashes of his family clung permanently to his skin-

Boomstick: Just like Michael Jackson!

Everyone is confused of who this Michael Jaskson is and probably thought he didn’t get white skin like that.

Wiz: -his quest for vengeance against the gods of Olympus began.

“I’m guessing that Ares won’t be the only God Kratos will go after.” Rarity feared.

Over 6’ Tall
A Spartan Warrior
Holds the Rank Captain
Self-Centered Anti-Hero
Superhuman Strength, Speed, and Endurance

Wiz: As a demigod, Kratos possesses great strength, speed, and endurance. He can survive a pummeling from a Titan and best the power of Hercules.

“Man, I’m not sure if ma superstrength is strong enough to battle a giant.” Applejack surprised.

“Not unless you can grow giant size.” Pinkie stated.

Blades of Exile
Dual Short Swords
Wield with Chains Seared to Arms
Hook Design
Made from the Remains of the Blades of Athena
Flame On! (Sunset likes that)

Boomstick: Kratos wields the Blades of Exile, twin short swords bound to his arms by chains. The blades have a hook design that Kratos can use to cut right through his enemies or snag them and whip 'em around.

“That looks difficult to wield.” Fluttershy said for newbies.

Boomstick: And like most badass weapons, they can somehow emit fire.

“Fire powered weapons are great to have.” Sunset grinned.

Wiz: Kratos is well trained in sword combat and possesses what may be the most powerful sword the Greek gods have to offer - the Blade of Olympus.

Blade of Olympus
Can Kill Gods and Titans
Contains God Powers
Fires Blue Energy Waves
About 5 Feet Long

“Looks cool and all, but the Blade of Sweets is better!” Pinkie bragged.

“You’re talking about the big sword shape cookie you made two weeks ago, are you?” Flash asked.

“You got that right, Blue Cutie.” Pinkie winked at Flash causing his cheeks to blush a little and Sunset giggle.

Boomstick: After Kratos killed Ares...Uhhh, spoiler, he was made the God of War. But Zeus tricked him into putting all his godly powers into this sword, making him mortal once again.

“And thus, my guess went off on a high note.” Rarity sighed.

“Could be worst, like this Zeus guy is somehow Kratos’s father.” Rainbow Dash said.

Wiz: And making the Blade of Olympus a deadly harbinger of death to even the toughest Olympians.

Golden Fleece
Gold Armlet
Blocks Attacks
Deflects Projectiles and Magical Attacks (That got the Rainbooms worry)
Strong Enough to Counter the Blade of Olympus

Wiz: His most versatile defense is his Golden Fleece, armor capable of blocking powerful blows and deflecting magical attacks.

“Cool defense to have for football season.” Rainbow Dash commented.

“But deflecting magic can be a problem if it were use against us.” Twilight pointed out which the girls to think about with a slight worry expression on their faces.

Bow of Apollo
Can Rapid-Fire Arrows
Charged Fire Arrows
Does Not Drain Kratos’ Magic Limit
Quick with a Long Range

Boomstick: But there's a whole lot more to this guy's arsenal, like the Bow of Apollo, which can shoot a rapid stream of arrows or charge up deadly fire arrows.

“Bet that would have helped me during the Friendship Games.” Twilight said sarcastically.

“I think it needs the wielder doing the work.” Applejack said.

Claws of Hades
Used like Blades of Exile
Spiked Chains and Hooks
Rips Souls from Victims
Can be Resisted.
Can Summon Souls

Wiz: Then there's the Claws of Hades, which mercilessly rip the souls out of their victims, though tough opponents like Kratos can resist them.

“That would make anyone who wields them to be like the Grimm Reaper.” Sunset gasped.

“Good thing those don’t exist in our world.” Flash hoped he’s right.

“No’s taking my soul!” Pinkie declared and hold up a frosty squeezer in the air.

Nemean Cestus
Giant Metal Gauntlets (Applejack Interested)
Lion-Like Appearance
Originally Owned by Hercules
Incredibly Strong
Can Create Shockwaves Which Stun Foes

Boomstick: The Nemean Cestus are giant ultra-strong gauntlets which can stun foes with brutal shockwaves.

“I don’t like the way those gloves look.” Spike narrowed his eyes on the lion face of the gauntlets.

“Well, lions are used as many symbols like one being strength.” Fluttershy explained.

“I would like to go for a spin with those gloves.” Applejack interested to see if they can make her magical superstrength stronger.

Boots of Hermes
Greaves with Small Wings
Improved Running Speed (Rainbow Dash likes that)
Can Run Up Walls

Wiz: The Boots of Hermes give him superhuman speed.

“Oh yeah, I want those for my birthday!” Rainbow Dash cheered, even though she knew that may never happen.

“I don’t know, Rainbow Dash, you’re awesomely fast without them.” Flash believed.

“Hmm, I guess you’re right.” Rainbow Dash accepted that.

Icarus Wings
Can Glide and Fly
Huge 18’ Wingspan
Slowly Falls Apart During Flight
Ripped from Icarus’ Back

Wiz: And when battling the infamous Icarus, he ripped those huge wings off the old fool's back and took them for his own, giving him powers of flight.

“It looks like Gods and Titans aren’t the only things Kratos kills on his war path.” Pinkie exclaimed, fearing how sad Kratos’ like is.

“Although, it would be nice to have wings to fly.” Flash muttered to himself.

Boomstick: Holy crap, that's a lot of weapons! I like this guy!

“I guess carrying those weapons around can make you look badass in case anyone tries to mess with you.” Rainbow Dash bragged.

“I rather look cute and peaceful than deadly.” Fluttershy stand what she said.

Wiz: Kratos is not invincible, but he is very difficult to kill.

Boomstick: Hell, he can't even kill himself!

Everyone gasps when they saw Kratos impaling himself with the Blade of Olympus to commit suicide.

“So, do Demigods count as immortals?” Rarity asked curious.

“Not sure, perhaps he just has a very strong self-healing ability.” Twilight guessed.

Wiz: In his rage, he tore apart the ranks of Mount Olympus and slaughtered every god upon and below it... except for Aphrodite.

Boomstick: For obvious reasons!

“Oh God, please no!” Rarity complained.

Sunset shield Flash’s eyes by pulling his head into her breasts for a few seconds.

“Well, Aphrodite is known as the God of Love and Beauty.” Twilight mentioned nervously.

“Guess even Kratos can’t destroy something like that.” Applejack shrugged.

Wiz: In doing so, he ultimately brought about the end of the world. Without the power of the gods to keep the chaos in check, the apocalypse had arrived, and its vanguard was Kratos.

“And all because one God decided to screw his life.” Pinkie rolled her eyes.

Ares: I was trying to make you a great warrior.

Kratos: You succeeded.

Kratos impales Ares with the Blade of Olympus.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (14)
Wiz: Al Simmons was trained to be a deadly, stealthy soldier and assassin, and proved numerous times he was the best of the best. But when his morality got the better of him, his boss terminated his contract... permanently.

“Even assassin can question themselves in their life choices.” Sunset said.

Boomstick: That's when Simmons met Malebolgia, one of the Demon Lords of Hell, who struck a deal with him: He'd get to see his wife again if he became captain of Hell's armies. He agreed and was reborn as a Hellspawn.

“He was tricked badly.” Rainbow Dash called it.

Boomstick: But as with most Demons, it tricked him, leaving Spawn with a fate worse than death. And of course, Spawn swore revenge!

“Knew it.” Rainbow Dash sighed.

Height: 6’2”
Weight: 450 lbs.
Skilled Assassin
Superhuman Strength, Speed, and Durability
Composed of Necroplasm
Regeneration Healing

Wiz: Being a Hellspawn, he has superhuman strength and speed. He is nearly invulnerable and can use his own powers to heal and regenerate.

Boomstick: In addition, Spawn can feed off the evil auras of others for the same effect. It really saves him on Band-Aids!

“Feeding off evil auras. Doesn’t that remind you of the Dazzlings?” Flash asked.

“Yeah, but they needed to sing to absorb negative energy in their bodies.” Sunset mentioned.

“Not to mention force anyone into being negative and mind-control too.” Pinkie added.

Leetha of the 7th House of K
Symbiotic Suit
Can Create Chains, Spikes, Claws, Shrouds, etc.
Has a Mind of its Own
Feeds off Necroplasm or Natural Evil Energies

Wiz: He wears a living parasitic-symbiotic suit named Leetha of the 7th House of K.

“Living suit? That sounds to me like a future science project.” Twilight said getting an idea.

“That looks scares me sometimes.” Spike admitted.

Boomstick: Leetha has ridiculous powers. Basically, anything she or Spawn wants to happen can happen. The suit can create and control chains, claws, spikes, and morph itself into pretty much anything Spawn wants, like a badass cape that can drag enemies and protect Spawn from all sorts of danger.

“A badass cape from Hell, nice.” Rainbow Dash amazed.

Wiz: The suit has a mind of its own and can operate while Spawn focuses on other parts of the battle. It is strong enough to easily smash through brick, and fast enough to block bullets.

“Dark Stylish and dangerous, I should try making a combination like that.” Rarity impressed.

Wiz: However, Leetha feeds off necroplasm energy when using the suit's powers, a hellish matter which Spawn is entirely composed of. If Leetha uses too much, Spawn will be sent back to Hell. However, like Spawn, Leetha can also feed off the evil and sin of others.

“So, it can run on the same source of power like Spawn.” Sunset interested.

Can Alter Matter
Communicate with Animals (Fluttershy likes that)
Flight and Teleportation
Necroplasm Projectile
Healing the Sick and Even Resurrecting the Dead
Elemental Control

Boomstick: Spawn's also got tons of magic powers. He can teleport, transform, blow things up, turn invisible, alter matter, talk to animals, fly with his cape, read minds, and open portals to Heaven and Hell. Ho-oly crap!

“Man, that’s a lot more power than several powerful unicorns combined.” Sunset shocked.

“I like the power to talk with animals, it just like mine.” Fluttershy admired that power.

Wiz: And he can control the elements, often using fire and water to defeat swarms of enemies.

“Wow, imagine what how powerful he can be if he uses all four elements together.” Flash surprised.

“That would make him Captain Planet!” Pinkie saluted.

“Who?” Everyone confused.

“Just a cartoon character the author told me.” Pinkie said, they decided not to question it and went back to watching the episode.

Expert Marksman
Weapon of Choice
Least Effective Weapons
Skilled with All Types

Wiz: However, even with all these godlike abilities, Spawn usually resorts to his most primitive weapon. As he was trained in Special Forces for so long, Spawn is most comfortable using a gun. He is an expert in the use of nearly any firearm imaginable.

“Old habits die hard, even for a dead man.” Sunset commented.

Specific Weakness
Magic Necroplasm (Everyone Confuse of that)
Holy Weapons Forged in Heaven
His Dwindling Amount of Nercoplasm
Can Only Die through Beheading

Boomstick: Only two things can break through Spawn's defenses and hurt him: Necro-magic and holy weapons forged in Heaven. In addition, he can only die if he's beheaded.

“That means he’ll have to get ‘A-Head’ of his foes before they can.” Pinkie joked which made her friends laugh a little.

Wiz: Spawn killed all sorts of powerful enemies - assassins, cyborgs, vampires, ghosts, Angels, Demons, other Hellspawn, rampaging deities, even Satan and God. Yes, that old lady is the God.

“Whoa! Didn’t see that coming.” Rainbow Dash shocked.

“Maybe God was trying to go on vacation.” Rarity guessed.

Boomstick: Really? God looks like my nanna... Am I a demigod?

“Oh please no, please don’t let it be like that.” Rarity begged.

Wiz: And after being granted unlimited power from the Mother of all things, Spawn banished God and Satan from the Earth, which he wiped clean and rebuilt in his own image. He then willingly sacrificed his own God powers and eventually returned to his Hellspawn form.

“Seriously?” Flash confused.

Boomstick: Oh, why the hell would he do that? He must've been really bored!

“Or maybe he didn’t want to make himself feel like God or Satan after the kind of life he’s been through.” Fluttershy said.

“But he still could have kept the powers for like extreme, cosmic emergencies.” Rainbow Dash stated.

Spawn blows up a wall, walks in with guns in his hands.

Spawn: Knock, knock!

Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set. Let end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: It’s time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!

“I’m a little nervous to see which one will win.” Flash said.

“I can tell, a battle between two warrior who overthrew the Gods can make ones feel intense.” Sunset understood the feeling.

“Which means this battle could go either way.” Applejack guessed as the battle begins.

In an ancient underground palace lit by torchlight, Kratos marches up a staircase before turning around to see Spawn appear in a flash of green flame behind him, whipping out his Blades of Exile.

“Oh, this feels scary.” Fluttershy said shaking a little.


(Music: God of War 3 Battle Theme)

Spawn doesn't move a muscle as Leetha summons several chains to attack Kratos, which he blocks and slices through for a few moments. Eventually, Spawn pulls a large gun and starts shooting Kratos, who defends himself by crossing the Blades in front of him. He quickly swipes a Blade to disarm Spawn but misses his next swing as Spawn teleports behind him, landing a blow before getting stabbed by a Blade. He is dragged forward only to be kicked back by Kratos.

“Leetha is gonna need more than chains against the white guy.” Twilight pointed out.

Spawn lands at the foot of the stairs and barely dodges a leaping attack by Kratos. He follows Spawn into the next room but doesn't see his opponent.

“Now Spawn is playing hide and seek with Kratos.” Pinkie figured Spawn is using invisibility right now.

“More like Hide and Kill in this fight.” Spike commented.

Spawn lowers his invisibility and leaps from the wall he was hanging on the kick at Kratos. Spawn's punches send Kratos airborne, then uses his teleportation and speed to deliver more blows to get Kratos flying.

“Air Combo!” Pinkie said dramatically.

Flying quickly, Spawn sees Kratos at the foot of another staircase, and hurls a ball of energy at Kratos, which he sends back at Spawn. Kratos hooks Spawn and brings him down the stairs, then uses his Nemean Cestus to knock Spawn into the next room.

“C-C-C-Combo Breaker!” Pinkie said in a robot kind tone.

The blow's force pushes Spawn to the edge of a gap between two sections, which he floats over as Kratos reaches him, laughing and shooting more energy blasts at Kratos. He deflects them away with the Golden Fleece before summoning the Icarus Wings and tackling Spawn to the other side. While Kratos hangs on the ledge, Spawn leaps up and prepares to deliver a blow.

Spawn: You're pissing me off.

“Trust me, man. You haven’t seen how angry he gets.” Rainbow Dash proclaimed.

But before he can attack, Kratos grabs him with the Blades and they both fall into the pit.

“Looks like Kratos prefer taking his foes down with him.” Flash said.

The two land safely at the bottom, Kratos pulling out the Bow of Apollo and shooting arrows at Spawn behind the defense of his cape, finally charging up the next arrow. Spawn uses his elemental control to make the flame engulf Kratos, then launches a necroplasm grenade in the fire, exploding in bursts of smoke.

“Oh, done in by his own flame of revenge.” Spike shocked.

“Down, but I don’t think he’s out.” Rarity said.

Kratos, however, jumps from the blaze with the Blade of Olympus in hand.

“Now it’s down the big sword!” Rainbow Dash and Flash excited at the same time.

Nearly striking the teleporting Spawn, then easily cutting through Leetha's chains and stabbing Spawn through the chest.

“Okay, now he’s done for.” Twilight said.

“I don’t think so.” Fluttershy shook her head, knowing Spawn can still fight.

He remains still for a moment before teleporting off the Blade, behind Kratos, and holding him in the air by his head, draining his evil energy in a flash of green.

Spawn: DIE!

Spawn then creates a large spike in his hand through Kratos' head, killing the Ghost of Sparta.


Boomstick: Aaahhhh, man - here comes the rage from the God of War fanboys!

“Oh yeah, they’ll be very upset about that.” Applejack nodded.

Wiz: Kratos is a very difficult one to beat, but Spawn's magical prowess and near-indestructible body proved too much for him.

Boomstick: Yeah, normally, that last attack would've meant the end for his opponent, but not Spawn!

“Yeah, because you need to behead him for the kill.” Sunset mentioned.

“Along with the amounts of magical power he has too.” Flash said.

Wiz: And while much of Kratos' arsenal was forged by Olympians, Olympus is composed of Earthly elements, and is not another plane of existence like Heaven, so it stands to reason none of the Olympian weapons would kill Spawn.

“I guess Kratos should upgraded his weapons if he wants to kill a Hellspawn.” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

Boomstick: Except the Blade of Olympus, but it wasn't enough.

Wiz: Plus, Spawn and his suit had plenty of evil energy to feed on during the fight, since Kratos is literally covered in his past sins.

“Right, which means Spawn doesn’t have to worry about running low on energy in a fight.” Twilight said.

Boomstick: Well, that was one Hell of a fight!

This time, Rainbow Dash laughs along with Pinkie thinking the joke was actually funny.

Wiz: The Winner is Spawn.

“I’m glad Spawn won.” Fluttershy smiled.

“Because he has the same powers as yours, right?” Applejack asked.

“Yes.” Fluttershy answered without shame.

“Let just hope Kratos can finally rest in peace.” Flash prayed as the other agrees that the Ghost of Spartan deserve to sleep.

“(I wonder if Princess Celestia ever had to face some who don’t believe in Gods?)” Sunset thought wondered.

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

The Hell fight between two Gods hating fighters can sure scare most when watching that battle and they saw which of them is truly the man of Destruction. Next battle will be something Rainbow Dash may take a liking.

KO comment, favorite, click the thumb up button, and follow through of how this story will go!

Chapter 7: Vegeta vs Shadow

Chapter Text

Vegeta vs Shadow

“Oh, my Pinkie Sense is telling that the next Death Battle gonna be another Anti-Hero episode.” Pinkie’d body buzzed, wiggled, and shaking.

Wiz: Anti-heroes, walking a mysterious gray line between good and evil.

Boomstick: They do what they want, however they want, when they want.

“How does she keep knowing these before they even happen in the first place?” Twilight frustrated of the Pinkie Sense.

“Just remember, Twilight. Pinkie is being Pinkie and leave as that.” Rarity said as everyone knows to never question Pinkie Pie’s strangeness or else, they might get a major headache.

Wiz: Vegeta, Prince of the Saiyans and rival to Goku.

Boomstick: And Shadow, the Ultimate Life Form and rival to Sonic.

“So, it’s a battle of warriors who are rival to other characters.” Sunset wondered they are like.

Wiz: I'm Wizard and he's Boomstick and it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (15)
Wiz: Born a prince to the warrior-like Saiyan race, Vegeta's people were slaughtered by an evil tyrant named Frieza, who molded Vegeta into a deadly, ruthless killer. Over time, however, Frieza's iron grip over him led Vegeta to rebel, ushering Frieza's final defeat with the help of fellow Saiyan Goku. After struggling with adapting to life on Earth, Vegeta eventually became one of the planet's strongest defenders.

“You mean ever Saiyan alive is dead by one guy?” Rainbow Dash gasped.

“Guess that must have led him to work his way until the moment came to rebel.” Rarity said in a serious, detective-like tone.

“At least his people have been avenged, and now he’s a hero. In a way, I guess.” Fluttershy said.

“I wonder if he still calls himself the Prince of Saiyans?” Sunset asked.

Height: 5’3”
Weight: 123 lbs.
Saiyan Prince
Elite Warrior Class
Trained in Martial Arts
Current leader of the Z-Fighters

Boomstick: He even got hitched to Bulma, breaking poor Master Roshi's heart.

“I know I should respect my elders, but ma gut is telling me to watch out for that old man.” Applejack narrowed her eyes on the bald elder as the girls agreed.

Boomstick: Vegeta can move and fly at hypersonic speed, he can survive underwater and in far outer atmospheres for long periods of time. He even has the endurance to survive a nuclear freakin' blast.

“Surviving a nuclear blast, that’s insane!” Twilight shocked.

“Not to mention awesome!” Rainbow Dash impressed.

Wiz: Vegeta can use a natural inner energy called ki to create devastating attacks.

“Huh, inner energy.” Sunset said paying close attention to this.

Ki Attacks
Galick Gun
Bang Beam
Big Bang Attack
Final Shine
Energy Bullet Volley
Final Flash

Boomstick: His trademark attack is a purple laser called the Galick Gun.

“Hey, it’s purple like you, Twilight. Maybe you could do that move one day.” Pinkie awed.

“Pinkie, just because that move, and my skin is purple doesn’t mean any sort of connection.” Twilight denied.

Wiz: His Big Bang Attack unleashes a huge explosion of energy covering a vast distance and can be narrowed to a beam for concentrated accuracy.

Boomstick: He can launch a volley of energy bullets, pounding his foe with dozens of deadly blasts, but his most devastating move is his Final Flash attack, a huge golden beam that can destroy whole planets.

“Whoa, just one move and he can destroy a whole planet. Now that’s what I call gold power.” Rainbow Dash amazed.

“Not to mention dangerous.” Applejack scared a bit.

Wiz: Vegeta's ki is quite versatile and not limited to these four attacks. He is never without a weapon.

“Just like me with my cupcakes!” Pinkie pulled out two trays of cupcakes from out of nowhere.

Boomstick: But wait, there's more!

“More cupcakes!” Pinkie brought out more cupcakes.

“Pinkie, I think you should stop before you fill my house with cupcakes.” Sunset stopped her pink, energetic friend.

“Okay.” Pinkie said.

Super Saiyan
Can Reach Levels 1 and 2
500% Increase per Form
Can be Activated Any Time
Sustained Through Energy
Nearly Indestructible
Level 2 Drains More Energy than Level 1

Wiz: That's right! Vegeta can reach to the legendary status of Super Saiyan, a near indestructible form which increases his power output by 500%.

“Okay, now that is gold power.” Rainbow Dash said, the form being better than the attack.

Boomstick: And he can take this form to the next level for yet another 500% increase. That's a lot of power in math.

“Depending on how strong Vegeta is in his normal form, he very well takes on the world by himself.” Twilight stated.

Wiz: The Super Saiyan form is sustained through Vegeta's remaining energy.

“Meaning the more energy, he uses up, the more likely his transformation will run out sooner.” Flash started to understand that.

“Almost like how we use our own magical energy.” Sunset looked at her orange magical pendant.

Wiz: Also, despite reaching the level of Super Saiyan 4, he was only able to do so with Bulma's Blutz Wave Machine and cannot do so naturally.

Boomstick: And in Death Battle, we don't allow help from spouses.

“That’s a very rude thing to say to a lady.” Rarity scolded.

Wiz: Vegeta is co*cky, arrogant, and proud. He seeks to be the best and is willing to fight the best to do so, even allowing his opponents to reach power levels much greater than his own.

“Kind of reminds me of a certain rainbow sports girl.” Applejack looked at Rainbow Dash with a smirk.

“Hey! I’m not co*cky, I just like to think of myself as the most Awesomeness girl in the world.” Rainbow Dash proclaimed.

“And I’m sure you are, but you do tend to let things go over your head.” Flash pointed out, making Rainbow Dash pout.

Boomstick: While this has led to him dying twice so far, he's still around somehow kicking ass and being a dick.

“Wait, wait, he died twice?” Flash shocked.

“He probably got brought back to life in his life.” Fluttershy guessed.

“Let just hope he doesn’t let his co*ckiness get him killed again.” Rainbow Dash said as the others roll their eyes.

“Pot calling the kettle black.” Spike whispered to himself.

Vegeta: I am a Super Saiyan!

(The screen flashes as Vegeta prepares an attack)

Vegeta: And you can burn in Hell!

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (16)
Wiz: Built by Prof. Gerald Robotnik with alien DNA, Shadow the Hedgehog was created to be the Ultimate Life Form.

“A hedgehog? A bright scientist wanted to create a powerful being, and he chose to make it into the form of a hedgehog?” Twilight puzzled.

“I think it’s cute.” Fluttershy said.

“Yeah, if you call cute being edgy-looking.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

Wiz: Despite being a powerful, living weapon, Shadow's initial purpose was to provide genes capable of curing the deathly ill, specifically, Gerald's granddaughter, Maria. But before Shadow could be shared with the world, tragedy struck.

“What the Apple f*ck! How could they just kill an innocent little girl like that?” Applejack asked angry.

“I bet the government who funded the projected were scared of Shadow’s power and decided to erase him and any trace.” Pinkie guessed rubbing her chin and narrow her eyes.

“Somehow, I think you might be right.” Rarity said.

Boomstick: Then Shadow went crazy and tried to destroy the Earth for revenge, but he ended up saving the day instead. Though people are still getting sick on Earth, so uhh... guess he kinda forgot about that whole living cure thing, huh?

“Maybe he wasn’t informed about that purpose.” Spike said while scratching his ear.

Height: 3’3”
Weight: 77 lbs.
Bio-Engineered Ultimate Lifeform
Nearly Indestructible
Hypersonic Speed
Martial Arts Skills

Wiz: Shadow can move at hypersonic speeds and survive underwater and in space.

“Oh, so this one is a speedster. I sure like to see how fast he is compared to me.” Rainbow Dash excited.

Boomstick: He's even tough enough to survive a fall to the Earth from the moon, and that's one long ass fall.

“Now that’s one big fall.” Flash commented.

Wiz: Well, it wasn't exactly the moon, but Shadow survived a fall of about 200,000 miles. By the time he hit the ground, he was falling at a rate of over 6,000,000 feet per second.

“My goodness, that would mean his body can withstand the force of that speed!” Twilight shocked, using math in her brain.

“I hope he didn’t do a bellyflop.” Pinkie said, knowing how painful those are.

Boomstick: I feel sorry for whatever was around when he landed, some guy just walking along and ... (indistinctly) OH MY GOD!

“I would react like that if I found a humanoid hedgehog that fell from the sky.” Fluttershy stated.

Chaos Force
Chaos Control
Chaos Spear
Chaos Blast
Other Energy-Based Attacks
Can be used to Defend, Heal, Fly, and Warp

Wiz: Right. Shadow possesses a natural link to the Chaos Force, a never-ending pool of unbelievable energy.

“What I would love to give to study that power.” Sunset said.

“Then maybe you could be a sexy, Chaos woman.” Flash flirted.

“Flash, come on.” Sunset chuckled with a gentle punch to the arm.

Boomstick: He can fire several different energy-based projectiles like Chaos Spears and Beams. But his most powerful attack is Chaos Blast, a huge explosion which annihilates everything around him in seconds.

“I wouldn’t want to be one caught in that blast.” Spike said, feeling sad for the poor fools who got hit by the Chaos Blast.

Wiz: He can also manipulate time and space with Chaos Control, though depending on the situation using this technique to its fullest takes time and is impractical in combat.

“Still, manipulating time and space is something amazing like you could go to another dimension or travel in time!” Twilight excited.

“Easy Twilight, remember to breath.” Spike calmed his owner down.

Inhibitor Rings
Restrict Chaos Power
Maintains Precision Control
When Removed, his Power Increase Exponentially
When Removed, his Stamina Drops Quickly

Wiz: Also, Shadow wears two Inhibitor Rings, which restrict his access to the Chaos Force to maintain control. Should he remove them, his power increases immensely, but is somewhat uncontrollable and quickly tires him out.

“Having great power is good if you’re careful with the stamina dropping.” Applejack said.

Boomstick: His chaos power also increases depending on the number of Chaos Emeralds he has, and when he gets seven of them, ha, he goes super.

“Did he just say Super?” Rainbow Dash asked surprise.

“I believe he did.” Rarity surprised as well.

Super Form
1000% Power Increase
Automatic Flight
Unlimited Endurance
Duration Based on a Time Limit

Wiz: Super Shadow is the pinnacle of his powers, receiving a 1,000% increase.

Boomstick: He can fly, move near the speed of light, and is totally invincible.

“Just like me with my awesomeness.” Rainbow Dash bragged.

“Or your colorful ego.” Applejack joked earning a serious look from Rainbow Dash.

Wiz: Despite this, Shadow's super form can only last a few minutes.

Boomstick: But, considering his super speed, a short time to him is a long time to his opponents.

“Yeah, they won’t know what hit him.” Flash smirked.

Shadow: That's not all, I'm full of surprises.

“Oh, I love surprises!” Pinkie squealed.

Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set. Let’s end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: It’s time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!

“Man, both Vegeta and Shadow are awesome in their own way. I can’t choose who I want to route for.” Rainbow Dash tried to decide.

“Maybe you can go for both, there’s nothing wrong with that.” Fluttershy suggested.

Shadow is skating from his hover shoes in a green field. He then stops in front of Vegeta, whose back is turned.

Shadow: There you are! I knew I sensed an extraordinary power around here.

Vegeta: Well that certainly sounds like me.

“Just don’t let it go to your head too much.” Sunset joked.

Vegeta turns around and look down a little seeing Shadow in front of him.

Vegeta: Ummm... who and what are you?

Shadow: I am Shadow the Hedgehog. (Shadow stands at fighting pose) The Ultimate Life Form!

Vegeta: Ultimate Life Form? A weird looking rat, is an Ultimate Life Form? HAHAHAHA! That's a laugh.

“You won’t be laughing like that when you see what he can do.” Fluttershy grinned a little.

“Indeed, prince are supposed to have manner than this.” Rarity mocked.

Vegeta: Word of advice, freak: you're a little on the short side to try to be threatening.

Shadow: Funny, I was going to say the same thing about you.

“Oh no, he didn’t!” Pinkie wagered her finger and head.

Vegeta: You've just sealed your fate, fool.


Shadow launches a kick at Vegeta, but the latter catches the former's feet, kicks him off. Vegeta then charges a blast of purple Ki energy in his hands before blasting it at Shadow.


After being hit by a strong attack, Shadow's still standing from the blast, exhaustingly.

“Man, Vegeta doesn’t hold back even at the start of the fight.” Flash said shock.

“That just shows he doesn’t like wasting time.” Rainbow Dash believed.

Vegeta: Pathetic. Before you die, let me show you a TRUE Ultimate Life Form!

Vegeta powers up immensely, aura surrounding him, and his dark, gravity deifying hair now glowing blonde, becoming the legendary status of Super Saiyan.

Vegeta: Hahaha! Tell me hedgehog, does a lab rat like you experience fear?

Shadow: You have... no idea... WHO YOU'RE DEALING WITH! (*he leaps up in mid-air and surrounds himself with all seven Chaos Emeralds*)

“And now, Shadow is going all out too.” Rarity surprised.

“Looks like those will be the battle of the Super Forms.” Pinkie commented.

“Which leaves the question: which one is stronger?” Sunset laid out the question.

Vegeta: What's this?

After he taps into the power of the seven Emeralds, he turns from a black to a yellow lime coloured hedgehog with a bright glow and aura with invincible godlike powers, becoming Super Shadow.

Shadow: Behold the true power I possess!

Vegeta: Wow... what a ripoff--- (*Super Shadow tackles Vegeta*) GAH!!!

“Guess he’s about to make you a ripoff.” Spike joked.

Vegeta gets attacked by Shadow, blocking from a melee receiving from the bio-engineered hedgehog. Afterwards, Shadow side kicks Vegeta, leaving projectiles of Chaos energy after hitting Vegeta seven times, and from hitting by the energy left by Shadow, Vegeta then land crashes at the ground.

“Go Shadow, show how super you are!” Fluttershy cheered.

“Aw, cheering for your crush?” Rainbow Dash teased making the shy girl blush.

Shadow then launches a barrage of his Chaos Spear at Vegeta, but Vegeta jumps up and knees Shadow to the abdomen, kicked him, and then launches a volley of Energy Bullets. But when the smoke clears, Shadow is gone.

Vegeta: Wha-Where did he go?

Shadow: Right behind you.

Vegeta charges a blast of energy at concentrated accuracy, but before he can blast it at Shadow, the latter snaps his finger, teleports the former underwater. Swimming around him are two Cheep Cheeps and a Jawz.

Vegeta: (voiceover) ...The hell? How did I get here? (*annoyed groan*)

“What was the point of doing that?” Flash asked, recalling Vegeta can survive outer space.

“I think Shadow thought he could drown him, somehow.” Sunset shrugged.

Shadow: Hmph. That was easier than I thought. I guess I'm better than-

Vegeta suddenly jumps out of the water, his body full of energy.

Vegeta: Graaah!!!

Shadow: sh*t!

“Oh, I think he’s mad now.” Pinkie said.

Vegeta: Cheap trick, Teleporting me underwater, coward! Cut the act and give up already! You're nothing compared to me!

Shadow snaps his finger again, this time teleports Vegeta to the Earth's moon. In one of the craters was a strange-looking blue duck, in a space helmet.

Vegeta: Goddammit.

“Now Vegeta just became the second being on the moon!” Pinkie commented.

Shadow watches from a distance with a smug thinking he won.

Vegeta: Playtime's over, runt!

Vegeta punches the surface of the moon, pushing it closer to Earth.

“WHAAAAAT?!” Everyone gasped.

Shadow: No! Is he insane!?

“That’s what we’re wondering.” Fluttershy feared.

“Is he really willing to go that far just to win one fight?” Rarity asked freaking out.

“That guy is more co*cko than a weasel on coffee trying to ride a machine gun as a surfboard!” Applejack said.

“I wonder how Shadow will deal with that?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Shadow takes off his inhibitor rings and glows bright red.


He teleports the moon back to its place.

Shadow: Yes. I did it!

“Aw yeah, that was awesome!” Rainbow Dash cheered.

“Thank goodness.” Rarity wiped her forehead.

Then suddenly, Vegeta appeared right behind Shadow.

Vegeta: Congrats, furball.

“Whoa, when he did get back on earth?” Sunset asked.

“Must have been when Shadow was about to put the moon back.” Twilight guessed.

Shadow turns around facing his opponent, and he starts powering up his energy.

Shadow: It's time to end this!

Then he begins to glow bright red, charging Chaos Blast.

“Oh boy, here comes the big red gun!” Rainbow Dash excited.

Shadow: Chaos... BLAS-

However, Super Shadow wears off just before the attack can finish.

Shadow: Uh-oh.

“What happened?” Spike asked.

“He still had plenty of time in the transformation, so the rings he took off must have decreased the time limit faster.” Sunset theorized.

“Then that mean its bye-bye, Shadow.” Pinkie said with a tiny tear from her eye.

Vegeta: Sayonara.

Vegeta fires the Final Flash at Shadow, vaporizing the latter into the same shade of his quills, smoke.


“And just like that, he was gone… in a Final Flash.” Pinkie acted like a drama actor.

Boomstick: Oh, somebody call PETA, we're down a hedgehog!

“Not nice, Boomstick.” Fluttershy pouted.

Wiz: With Super Shadow's godly power and invulnerability, the question wasn't if Vegeta could kill Shadow, it was if Vegeta could survive Super Shadow.

“Sounds about right since Shadow was invincible in his Super Form and can continue fighting too.” Sunset pointed out.

Boomstick: But Vegeta's proven time after time he can take one hell of a beating and lasted long enough for Shadow to turn back to normal, giving Vegeta the opening he needed.

“Guess it’s a good thing he is one tough alien man.” Applejack commented.

Wiz: His loudmouth certainly helped him in his past, too.

“I’m not sure about that, but credit is where due, I suppose.” Rarity said.

Boomstick: Looks like Shadow's time was up.

Wiz: The Winner is Vegeta.

“Well, now we know that Pride isn’t always a weakness.” Flash said.

“Yeah, and I learned an important lesson from watching that.” Rainbow Dash mentioned.

“What’s that?” Twilight asked.

“Show them how awesome you are in any challenge!” Rainbow Dash smirked as she points a finger upward.

“Oh boy…” Applejack facepalmed herself.

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

Vegeta vs Shadow is always my favorite in Death Battle, and I think that episode has also become Rainbow Dash’s favorite too and may like the color gold as well.

KO comment, favorite, click the thumb up button, and follow through of how this story will go!

Chapter 8: Mario vs Sonic

Chapter Text

Mario vs Sonic

“Hey, how long have we’ve been watching these Death Battle episodes since we started?” Flash asked.

“It’s already been over one hour and ten minutes.” Twilight answered.

“Seriously, damn! Time sure flies by when you’re watching something awesome.” Rainbow Dash said.

“You got that right, these Death Battles sure are interesting.” Applejack nodded of approval.

“We already watched seven episodes, and these are just from the first season.” Sunset mentioned.

“Well, that definitely means we can watch some more before going home.” Flash smirked.

“You better believe it!” Pinkie grabbed the remote and pressed play to begin the next favorite episode.

Wiz: Their rivalry is legendary and their fame unmatched. After battling for over two decades, this epic duel will finally meet a decisive end.

Boomstick: I've been waiting for this forever!

“So, this is a battle between two characters from different franchises that are rival to each other.” Sunset excited.

“And now we’ll see which one is better than the other.” Spike said with his tail waging.

Wiz: Mario, the whimsical Italian plumber.

Boomstick: And Sonic, the hyperactive hedgehog.

“I don’t know Sonic, but I’m liking him already.” Rainbow Dash grinned.

Wiz: I'm Wizard and he's Boomstick, and it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (17)
Wiz: Mario is one of the Star Children and possesses many special abilities with the intent of protecting his home, the Mushroom Kingdom. Even as a baby, he was obviously destined for greatness.

“Goodness, born as a hero is certainly worthy.” Rarity fanned herself.

“Like us.” Rainbow Dash smirked.

Boomstick: When you've got an army of dinosaurs serving you before you can even speak, you know you're gonna do great things.

“Aw, those dinosaurs look so cute.” Fluttershy complimented.

Height: 5’1”
Can Jump Over 20 Feet
High Stamina
Superhuman Strength (Applejack likes that)
Superhuman Durability
Skilled Combatant

Wiz: He is well known for his incredible athleticism and unmatched jumping ability.

Boomstick: Who says white guys can't jump?

“I like to jump all the time!” Pinkie smiled as she starts bouncing from her puffy hair.

Wiz: Plus, he's a powerhouse, with the strength to lift heavy objects and crush enormous castles. He also uses his bare fists to smash solid brick.

“Strength is certainly one thing all folks should have for either farming or crushing evil.” Applejack flexed her muscles.

Boomstick: With his jumping skills and weight, he can pound and crush his foes into oblivion, and if he needs some extra firepower, well, he's got his entire arsenal of power-ups!

“Power-ups, like in a video game.” Flash realized.

Fire Flower
Grants Pyrokinesis (Sunset likes that)
Can Create and Manipulate Fire
Bouncing Fireballs
Ends After Absorbing 1 Deadly Blow

Wiz: His first power-up is the Fire Flower. With it, Mario obtains pyrokinetic abilities.

Boomstick: Really? I always thought the flower was just really spicy.

“Never judge a book by its cover, as they always say.” Rarity said.

“Especially when you can gain the power of fire.” Sunset grinned.

Wiz: He can create and manipulate fire to produce a variety of devastating attacks.

Frog Suit
Increase Jump Height
Increase Swimming Speed
Can Breathe Underwater
Resists Water Currents for Better Control
Looks Absolutely Ridiculous!

Boomstick: He's also got this Frog Suit thingy. While wearing it, Mario can jump even higher, swim even faster, and breathe underwater. The only problem is no one's really gonna take him seriously wearing that thing. Ha ha! Ah, look at him!

“I think he looks adorable.” Fluttershy believed.

“Being adorable won’t win him fights like that.” Rainbow Dash Stated.

Cape Feather
Wears a Yellow Cape
Can Fly for Unprecedented Amount of Time
Can Deflect Projectiles
Razor-Sharp Edge

Wiz: Several different power-ups have granted Mario flight before, but none as well as the Cape Feather. With it, Mario can fly for an unprecidented amount of time.

“Please, I can fly for as long as I want.” Rainbow Dash bragged.

“Except paying attention to where you’re going.” Applejack rolled her eyes.

“Hey, I only crashed into you one time.” Rainbow Dash snapped.

“Or three.” Pinkie whispered giggling.

Metal Cap
Becomes Living Metal
Nearly Indestructible
Incredibly Heavy
Power Increase
Speed and Maneuverability Remain Unchanged

Boomstick: The Metal Cap turns Mario's entire body into indestructible living steel. But while Metal Mario's extremely heavy, his strength and speed are boosted, giving him ten times more power and just as much agility as before.

“Weird, it says the speed is unchanged but Boomstick said that it’s increased.” Twilight noticed.

“Probably didn’t bother to check that and just drank a beer.” Rarity annoyed.

Increases Speed
Instantly Kills Foes
Short Time Limit

Wiz: The Starman envelops Mario into a blinding aura of compressed energy, granting increased speed and complete invulnerability for a short time. Touching a normal enemy in this state will instantly kill the foe.

“Ouch, I feel bad for the poor suckers who have to go against Mario in that form.” Flash commented.

Stored in Mario’s Pocket (Confused Everyone Except Pinkie)
Can Crush Practically Anything
Smaller Hammers can be Thrown

Wiz: And while it's not technically a power-up, Mario has a Hammer that can crush almost ANYTHING.

“Oh, I could use something like that.” Applejack wondered if she could use that hammer at her farm.

“But he does he even fit something that big in his pocket?” Twilight asked.

“The same way I fit my party cannon.” Pinkie pulled out her cannon from her pocket.

“It’s not loaded, right?” Sunset asked a little worry.

“Of course not, silly. At least I think so.” Pinkie answered, this got Sunset worry some more.

Mega Mushroom
Mario Grows Giant
Can Smash Through Almost Any Obstacle
Lasts for a Short Time

Boomstick: It seems like Mario's always popping 'shrooms to get more power. And with the Mega Mushroom, he gets GINORMOUS, mowin' down people, plants, environment, hell, everything!

“I want that mushroom!” Spike hopped exciting.

“But Spike, you don’t even like mushrooms.” Twilight reminded her.

“I know, but I’m sure that mushroom taste like steak or at least those doggy treats.” Spike said making Twilight giggles.

“I actually want to know what it’s like to grow giant too.” Fluttershy interested in that Mega Mushroom.

Wiz: Mario has battled a larger variety of enemies than any other video game hero. Whether a foe is large or small, scary or goofy, dumb or deadly, nothing has ever proved too much for him.

“Like a Knight in Shining Armor rescuing a princess.” Rarity commented beautifully.

Boomstick: Except for keepin' track of his woman. She's always gettin' kidnapped and he's always showing up at the wrong castle. Somebody needs to throw a GPS tracking bracelet on that bitch!

“Or not much as a knight, but he still rescues her in the end.” Rarity stated her claim.

“I think he needs better guarding.” Sunset advised for the plumber.

Wiz: He is fairly impulsive and not much of a strategist, preferring to quickly fight his way through problems before thinking things through.

“It doesn’t hurt to use your brain once and a while.” Twilight said, thinking this is like Zitz.

Boomstick: But that doesn't matter, Italy's greatest hero can power through anything!

Mario: "It's-a me, Mario!"

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (18)
Wiz: Sonic the Hedgehog is the fastest thing alive, and a freedom fighter battling to save the world from the tyrannical Dr. Ivo Eggman Robotnik.

“Hey, doesn’t he remind you of Shadow?” Applejack noticed the similarities.

“He was mentioned in Vegeta vs Shadow.” Sunset answered.

“And Wiz say he’s the fastest thing alive. Can’t wait to see what he can do.” Rainbow Dash excited.

Boomstick: He's not so bad for a tree-hugging hippie.

“Kind of reminds me of Tree Hugger.” Fluttershy said thinking of her friend.

Height 3’3”
Weight: 35 lbs.
Age: 15-16
Freedom Fighter
Top Speed: Unknown, Average of 765 mph (Rainbow Dash Impress)
Figure 8 Technique

Wiz: Sonic's most notable ability is his speed. He can easily break the sound barrier in mere seconds. While his top speed is unknown, he has clocked in an average of 765 mph.

Boomstick: Holy crap! This guy must blow through shoes.

“Impressive, but I can clear that speed no problem.” Rainbow Dash bragged.

“Remember, he said Sonic’s top speed is unknown though it’s likely that he is faster than you.” Applejack pointed out.

“We’ll see about that.” Rainbow Dash said.

Wiz: He can further increase his speed with his trademark figure 8 technique.

Boomstick: But he's not just fast on his feet.

Attacks and Techniques
Spin Attack
Spin Dash
Homing Attack
Light-Speed Dash
Martial Arts
Can Burrow Underground

Boomstick: He can curl up into a spiky ball and rip through his opponents with the Spin Attack.

Wiz: His Homing Attack rockets toward an opponent and can hit multiple times.

Boomstick: And with his Spin Dash, he can reach top speeds almost instantly. How does this guy not vomit?

“Man, those moves look awesome!” Rainbow Dash smiled.

“Being a hedgehog, they naturally roll like balls to make fast getaways from predators.” Twilight explained.

Wiz: During his adventures, he has used a variety of different shields to improve his abilities. Each shield can deflect minor projectiles and have environmental advantages, though they will disintegrate after blocking a deadly blow.

“Those shields would be interesting to have.” Twilight said.

Fire Shield
Impervious to Fire and Heat
Fiery Makeup
Disintegrates in Water
Mid-Air Dash Attack

Boomstick: The Fire Shield can absorb, well, fire and heat, though it can't survive underwater. No sh*t. But with it, Sonic can use a fiery dash attack.

“Flame on, little blue dude!” Flash cheered.

Lightning Shield
Impervious to Electricity
Electric Makeup
Disintegrates in Water
Magnetic Field
Mid-Air Jump

Wiz: The Lightning Shield can't survive in aquatic environments either, but it gives Sonic a mid-air jump for further aerial control.

“Bet those baddies like to feel ‘shocking’ from that.” Pinkie joked.

“Hmm, my detective instincts are telling that maybe something about Sonic and water.” Rarity said noticing when Boomstick and Wiz kept mentioning water.

Bubble Shield
Can Breathe Underwater
Water and Air Makeup
Bounce Attack
Bouncing Can Increase Jumping Height

Boomstick: And with the Bubble Shield, he can breathe underwater and control his jumps with a powerful bounce. Why do we keep mentioning water, you may ask? 'Cause he can't freakin' swim!

“Case closed.” Rarity snapped her fingers.

“Oh dear, must be hard to get around to someplace where there isn’t water.” Fluttershy said feeling bad for Sonic.

“Yeah, water can be a fierce enemy.” Spike growled a bit, remembering all the baths Twilight force him into.

Wiz: Sonic's ultimate power-up, however, isn't a shield at all. After absorbing thousands of Power Rings during his adventures, Sonic has become an embodiment of chaos.

“Chaos powers like Shadow, then that could mean…” Rainbow Dash paused her sentence as her eyes widen.

Wiz: Using the power of the seven Chaos Emeralds, Sonic can tap into their incredible power and summon the form of Super Sonic.

“I knew it!” Rainbow Dash cheered.

Super Form
1000% Power Increase
Automatic Flight
Unlimited Stamina
Positive Energy Aura
Duration Based on a Time Limit

Boomstick: Super Sonic can fly, breathe underwater, and is completely invulnerable.

Wiz: Not to mention his speed is increased a thousand-fold.

“Math isn’t my thing, but that’s WAY more than my top speed in my pony-up form.” Rainbow Dash admitted.

“Indeed, you are correct. That would put Sonic far faster than the speed of sound.” Twilight stated.

“Going from blue to gold looks cool too.” Flash amazed.

“I don’t know, I think blue is definitely your strong suit.” Sunset complimented with a kiss on the cheek.

Boomstick: But as with most things that are unbelievably powerful, it has a time limit. Without a steady supply of power rings, it can't even last a full minute.

“Considering how fast he is, a minute is enough time for him.” Applejack chuckled.

Wiz: And when the form finally subsides, Sonic returns to normal at peak physical form, regardless of his condition prior to the transformation.

“Cool.” Flash said.

Boomstick: While Sonic's always risking his life saving the world from all kinds of dangerous robots and demigods, he's kind of a dick.

“Hey, Sonic is awesome!” Rainbow Dash snapped.

Wiz: Sonic is co*cky, arrogant and addicted to action. He gets cranky and unstable when he's cooped up for too long.

Boomstick: And if you ignore him, hah, he'll straight up leave you!

“Almost like Rainbow Dash when she gets cranky.” Pinkie pointed out.

“Come on, I’m not that bad, am I?” Rainbow Dash asked concern.

“You kind of do, but you’re still a loyal friend to the end.” Sunset assured.

Wiz: But despite his rough personality, he'll do whatever it takes to save the day.

Sonic: Ooh, I'd like to hang, but I've gotta juice!
Sonic runs away from the enemy.

“Nice line, I should use it myself.” Rainbow Dash said.
Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set. Let’s end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: It’s time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!

Sonic is calmly sitting in a field when Mario emerges from a pipe. As Sonic leaps back, Mario jumps down in front of him.

“Here comes the fated battle between rivals.” Rarity said.

“Red Man vs Blue Beast.” Applejack excited.

Sonic: All right, chubby. Let's settle this!

Mario: Let's-a go!


Sonic attacks Mario with fast combos and sends him onto the pipe he emerged from. Mario produces a Fire Flower and becomes Fire Mario. Sonic dodges the fireballs that Mario throws at him but gets hit by Mario's fire slide.

Mario: Wah-ha!

Mario hits Sonic a few times, then grabs him and spins around in a circle while holding him.

Mario: Here we go!

“Mario is coming in hot, literally!” Pinkie announced.

“Let’s hope Sonic can get the heat.” Flash said.

Mario throws Sonic against the pipe. Mario then uses his cape to throw Sonic upwards, allowing him to knock Sonic to the floor, spin him around in a lariat of fire, and throw him backwards. Mario then releases a massive storm of flame, the Mario Finale, but Sonic is unscathed by his Flame Shield.

“Oh yean, time for a speedy counterattack!” Rainbow Dash cheered.

“I do wonder where does he keep his shields if the only clothing he got are those shoes?” Twilight asked.

Sonic used his flame dash attack to hit Mario six times. Mario counters Sonic's dash with his hammer.

(Music: Final Bowser Battle - Super Mario Galaxy 2)

A short montage of the fight begins. Sonic throws a punch and Mario dodges it, but Sonic then hits Mario with his Homing Attack in the air. Mario then uses his Super Jump Punch at Sonic, and afterward Sonic is standing impatiently next to Tanooki Mario's statue form.

Everyone became amazes of the montage of the battle showing Sonic and Mario trying to beat down each other, though some are wondering about the statue part. Never the less, this battle is great.

After the montage, Sonic is running as Cape Mario flies after him. Sonic activates his Thunder Shield and dashes over to a volcano with a sad face.

“Aw, that is one sad volcano.” Pinkie commented.

“Less worry about the rock face, more focus on fight!” Rainbow Dash said.

Both the hedgehog and the plumber end up inside the volcano, staring at each other on opposite sides. A Bob-omb is caught between them. Alarmed, the Bob-omb informs several other Bob-ombs that their home is being apparently invaded by intruders.

“Uh-oh, that doesn’t look good.” Fluttershy worried.

Mario: Mama mia!

“You can say that again.” Spike surprised.

The Bob-ombs exploded, sending Mario and Sonic flying.

Sonic lands in a lake but activates his Bubble Shield to keep him breathing. However, Frog Mario ground pounds him, deactivating his shield. Sonic tries to jump out of the water, but no avail.

As soon the song plays, knowing he couldn't stay down any longer due to lack of swimming, Sonic tries to run out of the water before he drowns, but his efforts are futile.

“Now Sonic can’t get back up, this looks like the end for him.” Applejack said as she is about to reach her hat.

“Hold off the hat of respect, AJ. This fight is not over, not by a long shot.” Rainbow Dash believed.

Frog Mario swims up into the surface, until...

Sonic: Now I'll show you!

Something fast and gold hit Frog Mario emerging from the water and reveals Super Sonic.

“I knew it! Go get him, Super Sonic!” Rainbow Dash cheered.

Super Sonic: How's that plumber?

Mario: (*gets his Metal Cap out*) Woohoo!

Mario slaps on his Metal Cap, becoming Metal Mario.

Super Sonic tries to attack him, but Metal Mario grabs him and throws him aside. Super Sonic tries a few more attacks but to no avail.

“Looks like Mario got more iron guts than Sonic.” Sunset punned.

After Metal Mario sidekicks Super Sonic away, he produces a Power Star. Using the combined powers of the Metal Cap and the Power Star, he attacks Sonic with the Mario Tornado, only for the power to suddenly wear off.

“Mario might have won in that one if the power-ups didn’t wear off.” Rarity stated.

Super Sonic: So you're tougher than I thought, huh? Now it's time for me to finish... this...

Mario produces a Mega Mushroom and becomes Mega Mario.

Super Sonic: Whoa...

“Whoa is right, how will you get out of this one, Sonic?” Fluttershy asked.

(Music: Cues: Sonic 3 - Final Boss Theme (Orchestral))

Super Sonic continuously attacks Mega Mario, but his attacks do very little. Instead, Mega Mario punches Super Sonic away and the power of the Chaos Emeralds wears off, causing Super Sonic to return to peak physical bluish form.

Sonic: Uh-oh.

“Curses that stupid time limit!” Rainbow Dash raised her fist in the air.

“Don’t worry, I think Sonic can still win this.” Flash believed.

Sonic falls to the floor. His only option is to run as Mega Mario gives chase after he uses the Figure 8 technique.

Sonic: You're too slow!

Sonic outruns Mega Mario, who returns to normal size, albeit a bit dizzy.

Mario: D'oh!

After Mario was worn out, Sonic then returns back to the red capped plumber.

“Now’s your chance, Sonic!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

Now's my chance!

Sonic knocks Mario back and forward with the Spin Attack, while mid-air, Sonic then Axel Kicks Mario to the ground and Spin Dashes the back of the downed plumber. The blue speedy hedgehog then jumps off of the bloodied red capped plumber.


“Fatality! Sonic Wins!” Pinkie announced.

“Awesomeness!” Rainbow Dash and Flash cheered.

Boomstick: Now that's what I call a Death Battle!

“Totally, never underestimate the blue dudes!” Flash said with a smug as Sunset rolls her eyes.

Wiz: Their power-ups seemed evenly matched, countering blow for blow.

Boomstick: Mario was even capable of countering the unstoppable Super Sonic!

“That certainly gave him the leg-up to stand a chance against Super Sonic.” Applejack nodded.

Wiz: But with their arsenals exhausted, Mario was no match for Sonic's natural speed. Even if they had used their lesser-known power-ups like the Ice Flower or Super Emeralds, there's no reason to say the result would be any different.

“Meaning Sonic could still win more fights than Mario.” Fluttershy guessed.

Boomstick: Looks like Mario just couldn't keep up.

“Nope, because he just couldn’t see the blue blur!” Rainbow Dash taunted.

Wiz: The Winner is Sonic.

“I think I just found my Number 1 favorite Death Battle.” Rainbow Dash smirked.

“It was very ‘dashing’ as I would put it.” Rarity nodded.

“Yeah, it makes you wonder if Death Battle would be doing a rematch of the fight.” Pinkie said.

“Even if they do, Sonic would still take the win.” Rainbow Dash smirked.

“And I believe you would still be a 1000x more awesome than him.” Flash complimented making her smiling blush.

“Oh, warming up to the speedy girl now.” Sunset teased her boyfriend.

“What, no, I wasn’t… I was just…” Flash flustered, trying to say something to counter.

“Let just move on to the next episode.” Flash said as Sunset giglges.

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

I think Rainbow Dash may like this Death Battle more than Vegeta vs Shadow was it was speed vs strength, and Sonic came out on top, and she would be very surprised of what Pinkie mentioned.

KO comment, favorite, click the thumb up button, and follow through of how this story will go!

Chapter 9: Chun-Li vs Mai Shiranui

Chapter Text

Chun-Li vs Mai Shiranui

Rarity didn’t know why, but she was getting a weird feeling about the next favorite Death Battle she and her friends are about to watch, and she is going to feel annoy of Boomstick again. Sunset started playing the next episode.

Wiz: When it comes to fighting, combatants come in all shapes and sizes.

Boomstick: And I'm liking the shapes and sizes on these two!

Everyone saw the two women on the screen, most likely the next fighter for this episode, pressing their breasts against each other while making intense eyes contact.

“Oh dear, we’re gonna hear that perverted mouth of his in this one, are we?” Rarity asked annoyed.

“Looks that way.” Applejack sighed.

Wiz: Chun-Li, the strongest woman in the world.

Boomstick: Mai Shiranui, the queen of fighters.

“Two women with the titles of being the strongest, this should be interesting.” Flash said.

Wiz: Wiz: He's Boomstick and I'm Wizard and it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (19)
When the girls first look at Chun-Li, they can tell that she is a strong woman and felt some jealousy upon seeing her wide strong thighs thinking she has done a lot of leg days, and this impresses Applejack the most.

Wiz: Chun-Li, first lady of the fighting game.

Boomstick: Famous for abusing the Thighmaster.

“Not that I’m agreeing with Boomstick, but that gal certainly got strong legs that could knock a tree down.” Applejack complimented.

“You also got strong legs even without magic, Applejack.” Flash complimented, making the cowgirl blush.

“Oh, you two could be strong-legs buddies!” Pinkie proclaimed.

Height: 5’6”
Weight: Secret (All the Girls Nodded)
Detective for Interpol
Trained with Gen
Skilled in Tai Chi and Kenpo
Bust/Waist/Hip: B88/W58/H90

Wiz: Chun-Li is a detective for Interpol and has gone through a rudimentary police combat training.

“A street fight policewoman, that’s something you don’t see every day.” Sunset said.

Wiz: She has also trained with Gen, a friend of her father's and legend of the Chinese Fighting Underworld.

“That old man doesn’t look tough.” Rainbow Dash said, uninterest.

“Probably not on the outside, but this old man could be a strong fighter to teach any youngsters a lesson or two.” Flash stated.

Boomstick: But she never did finish her training with him. Does anyone ever finish their training? Seriously!

“Maybe she didn’t need his training anymore.” Rarity guessed.

Boomstick: Well, I guess it's not totally her fault. After Bison killed her dad, Gen just kinda disappeared on her. What a dick.

“Must be hard to lose a friend and father like that.” Fluttershy said feeling sad for both Gen and Chun-Li.

Wiz: Since then, Chun-Li's been chasing after Bison for vengeance. She has trained in defense of Tai Chi and is skilled in a fast-paced kickboxing variant of Kenpo. She prefers speed over strength, using a combination of rapid strikes to pressure an opponent.

“Speed is totally ways to go.” Rainbow Dash smirked.

Boomstick: And if you can't tell by looking at 'em, her legs are pretty damn powerful.

“I already know upon first glance.” Applejack grinned.

Boomstick: She can even kick people through solid brick. Still, her strength doesn't just lie in those legs. She's strong enough to toss things around as big as a couch.

“I always prefer using ma legs to get the jo done.” Applejack stretched out one leg.

“Beware the Couch Throwing Fighter!” Pinkie joked as the others laugh.

Lightning Legs (Applejack would like to learn that)
Axe Kick (Hazanshu)
Spinning Air Kick
Stomp Kick
Spinning Bird Kick (Twilight questions that)
Senretsu Kyaku

Wiz: Her main attacks include the unbelievably fast Lightning Legs, the unpredictable Axe Kick, and the physics-defying Spinning Bird Kick.

“I wouldn’t mind learning that move, might be big help to buck down the apples faster.” Applejack interested.

“How does she even spin like that upside-down, it’s physically impossible unless it’s magic.” Twilight questioned the Spinning Bird Kick.

“She must have trained super hard to break the rules of physic.” Sunset figured.

Boomstick: I wouldn't mind taking a ride on that helicopter!

“Oh course, you would think perverted on that move.” Rarity rolled her eyes.

“He’ll probably get more pain than pleasure out of it.” Fluttershy believed.

Chi Attacks

Wiz: She can also focus her natural Chi energy to create the Kikoken, a slow, limited ranged attack.

“Not a very cool move right there.” Rainbow Dash unimpressed.

“Well, that’s probably because she’s more of a close-combat fighter and focus her Chi to enhance her body.” Sunset figured.

“She would also use her blast for some combo moves.” Applejack added.

Boomstick: And the Kikosho is basically a super version of that: an enormous ball of energy strong enough to stop a speeding car.

“Now that’s a move I can go with.” Rainbow Dash interested in that.

Took Down Shadaloo
Christened the “Strongest Woman in the World”
Honorary X-Men Member
Martial Arts Teacher
Never Defeated Bison
Defeated Urien (Kind of)

Wiz: Her detective skills were instrumental in taking down the criminal organization, Shadaloo; and after the tournaments, Chun-Li became a martial arts teacher. However, she has yet to win any major tournament, and failed to kill Bison to avenge her father. She was able to rescue one of her students from Urien, but turns out Urien let her win, wanting only to test her skills.

“Guess even being called the strongest doesn’t always get you anywhere.” Flash shrugged.

“The kicking gal probably had a lot on her plate, trying her best to achieve her goals and live out her life.” Applejack said.

Boomstick: Also, it seems Chun ends up having to be rescued a lot. Usually by Guile.

“At least she has a friend to always have her back.” Pinkie said before eating a cupcake.

Wiz: Oddly enough, her most noble award is placing sixth in an International Shooting Competition, despite rarely carrying a gun.

Boomstick: Well, I guess things wouldn't be too fair if she brought a gun to a Street Fight. Round One... BANG! WINNER!

Everyone laughs at the joke and glad to know Chun-Li doesn’t like fighting that way as well as not a killer.

Wiz: Despite this, Chun-Li is certainly capable of holding her own and has been consistently proven to be one of the toughest contenders in the Street Fighter tournaments.

“Yep, she got a heart and strong legs to back it up.” Applejack smiled proudly at the street fighting policewoman.

Chun-Li: You ready for this?

Mai Shiranui
Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (20)
Now seeing the next female fighter, the girls and Flash were both shock and blushing when they saw the red revealing outfit this Mai woman is wearing as Flash tries his best to keep his hormones down and the girls also became jealous at her large breasts.

Wiz: Mai Shiranui is... well...

Boomstick: Holy crap, look at those things!

“I rather not…” Rarity huffed while looking down at her own breasts.

“(Why do girls like her always get the big parts?)” Rainbow Dash thought pouted of jealousy.

Height: 5’5”
Weight: 106 lbs.
Shiranui Clan Ninja
Trained by Grandfather and Jubei in Koppo-ken and Judo
Bust/Waist/Hip: 87/55/91

Wiz: Mai is a ninja of the Shiranui Clan and has been trained by both her grandfather and the perverted, yet famously deadly, Jubei Yomato.

Boomstick: He brought a whole new meaning to 'wax on, wax off'!

“I like the ‘wax off’ more, thank you.” Sunset glared at the perverted old man, covering her chests with her arms.

“Yeah, only I get touch Sunset like that.” Flash blurted out loud by accident and blushes of embarrassment when he realizes this.

“Settle down, lover blue. No one is taking Sunset from you.” Applejack teased chuckling.

Wiz: She has extensive training in the Shiranui Ryu fighting styles. From her grandfather, Mai learned the Koppo-ken technique, specializing in pressure points and bone snapping. With Jubei, Mai trained in close-combat Judo.

“I bet Jubei was trying to get closer to her than training.” Rarity guessed as the others agreed.

Boomstick: Mai's pretty fast but focuses on single powerful strikes to punch through an enemy's defenses. The only downside to this is if she misses one, she's left wide open. (chuckles)

“Delivering powerful blows won’t mean much if you don’t have a good defense.” Sunset pointed out.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Applejack said.

Flying Squirrel Furiante
Deadly Ninja Bees
Folding Fan Fandango
Windmill Waster
Kacho San (Fan Throw)
Bushin (Shadow Images)

Wiz: Her Flying Squirrel Furiante and Deadly Ninja Bee attacks help her control the field of battle, and she uses clever fake-outs to trip up her foes.

“Outsmarting your foes can help in various situations.” Twilight smiled as she pushes her glasses back up.

“I just hope no squirrels would copy that move.” Spike narrowed his eyes.

“Oh, Spike.” Twilight chuckled at her dog’s wild imagination.

Butterfly Fans
Unlimited Supply (Twilight and Sunset Questions that)
Used in Close-Quarters and as a Ranged Projectile

Boomstick: And she has an unlimited amount of Steel Fans she can throw, which I guess she keeps in her non-existent bra.

“Another pervert jokes.” Fluttershy sighed.

Wiz: That’s right.

“What?!” Everyone gasped.

Boomstick: Really? I was just making a joke about her giant boobs.

“Seriously? How would they feel in her breasts all the time like that?” Sunset asked, thinking the fans could be uncomfortable to her.

“Not to mention the “unlimited supply” sounds ridiculous.” Twilight said.

Wiz: Speaking of her... outfit...

Boomstick: Or lack thereof.

“Well, everyone has their unique taste, I suppose.” Rarity shrugged.

Wiz: While it's unrestricted, it isn't exactly form-fitting either. However, as a testament to her training and balance, it doesn't seem to bother her. She wears it for Kunoichi, a female ninja method of sensually distracting a foe before striking.

Boomstick: ...I'm sorry, what? I was distracted.

Wiz: Never mind.

“I wonder if that method can work in real-life, huh, Flash?” Sunset asked teasing.

This made him start imagining Sunset in that revealing outfit and causing a tiny drip of blood from his nose, along with Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Pinkie. Sunset wipe it with a tissue.

Creates Fire and Explosions
Ryu En Bu Attack
Burning Mai Attack
Channels Fire Through Clothes and Objects

Boomstick: Okay! Mai can create fire and explosions, and she can control whatever fire she's created.

“It would be cool to do fire attacks.” Sunset commented.

“I prefer doing lightning attacks myself.” Flash bragged.

Mastered Stealth and Ninjutsu
Does Well in Tournaments
Formed the Woman’s Team (The Rainboom seem interested)
Never Won a Tourney
Has Only made Minor Impacts in Plots

Wiz: Mai consistently enters the King of Fighters tournaments to support herself, her claimed fiance, Andy Bogard. However, she has yet to win any major tournament, nor has she ever made a great impact in taking down the bosses.

Boomstick: Or taking down Andy!

“Sounds like she’s having trouble making a name for herself.” Fluttershy said.

“But can’t deny that she is a strong ninja woman with awesome firepower, literally.” Sunset pointed out.

“Amen to that.” Rainbow Dash agreed.

Wiz: She always does well, though, even joining Andy's award-winning team in 1999.

Boomstick: Even so, she ends up having to be rescued a lot, usually by Andy. But for some reason, I don't seem to mind.

“Probably because you know the woman is spoken for.” Applejack said.

“Good to know that Boomstick his standards, I think.” Rarity said.

Mai Shiranui: Mai Shiranui of the Shiranui School must teach you a lesson.

Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set. Let’s end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: It’s time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!

“Oh yeah, time for the battle of Blue vs Red!” Rainbow Dash excited.

“I’m cheering for the red lady!” Pinkie waved a red flag.

Mai Shiranui awaits her opponent in the middle of a deep forest. Chun-Li walks up, and Mai gives her a respectful bow as Chun-Li responses with a bow too.

“It’s important to show respect to one another before a big event.” Sunset beoieved.


Chun-Li starts off with a Kikoken, but due to the slow movement and limited range of the projectile, Mai easily rolls under it and starts delivering a fast barrage of low strikes and the Folding Fan Fandango, ending with a dropkick to knock back Chun-Li.

“Mai sure is going for a fast win in this fight.” Sunset commented.

“Yeah, but Chun-Li won’t make it easy.” Applejack stated.

Mai pauses for a moment before charging in to finish off her opponent.

(Music: Chun Li's Theme - Marvel vs Capcom 3)

However, Chun-Li recovers and springs to her feet, kicking Mai in the face. She then flips over Mai's attempted Ryu En Bu Attack and throws her back. Just as Mai gets back up, Chun-Li charges in with her Axe Kick, followed by several hard blows, and her Lightning Leg Attack.

“That’s right, show that ninja girl how you kick it up a notch!” Applejack cheered.

Realizing that close-combat with Chun-Li is not favorable, Mai gets some distance and throws out three of her Hacho San (Butterfly Fans) with the third being powered by her pyrokinesis. She also leaps in. Chun-Lin blocks the first two fans but is unable to block the third fiery one and Mai's simultaneous fire strike from above, taking both hits and an extra strike.

“Bet that made Chun-Li regret not practicing on her energy blasts more now.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Everyone has their own taste in things, darling. Even in combat.” Rarity stated.

Mai then attempts a fake-out with her Flying Squirrel Furiante, but Chun-Li anticipates the move and lets loose with a powered-up version of her Lightning Legs, causing Mai to take heavy damage and knocking her down.

“Oh, that has got to hurt.” Flash winced a bit.

Chun-Li charges in but Mai manages to recover, flips over Chun-Li and trips her with a sweep kick.

“But not enough to keep her down.” Sunset grinned.

Mai changes her strategy and begins leading Chun-Li in a chase up the tall trees. Each time they pass each other they exhange blows, but Mai manages to get another pyrokinetic strike, knocking Chun-Li down.

“Ninja tree battle, and Mai has won!” Pinkie excited.

Chun-Li retaliates and catches Mai off-guard with her Spinning Bird Kick. Mai is left dazed on a large tree limb, as Chun-Li lands and pauses to build up her ki to finish off her opponent.

“Here comes the big finish!” Applejack looked forward to seeing Chun-Li wins.

“I don’t think so, my apple flavor friend.” Sunset smirked, thinking Chun-Li made a mistake there.

This is Chun-Li's final mistake as it is just enough time for Mai to recover and roll out of the way. Chun-Li's Kikosho Attack misses, and Mai uses her legs to grab Chun-Li's head, slamming her into the tree limb, and then kick her into another tree. As Chun-Li falls, Mai follows her down in a fiery rolling attack, slamming into her opponent as she hits the forest floor. With Chun-Li standing in a fiery daze, Mai uses her pyrokinetic powers to engulf Chun-Li in a huge explosion of fire, leaving nothing but a charred skeleton.


Mai: Nihon'ichi!

“Guess it was Chun-Li who went out in a fiery blaze of glory.” Flash commented.

“I wonder if her bones taste good?” Spike asked.

“Spike!” Twilight gasped.

“Kidding, I was just kidding.” Spike reassured as the analyst started.

Boomstick: Boobs win!

“I’ll let it slide this once.” Rarity muttered.

Wiz: Chun-Li may be a bit tougher and quicker than Mai, and her professional training even prepared her for the fake-out ruse. However, her arsenal pales in comparison to that of Mai's, with her pyrokinesis and steel fans, Mai had superior range and energy-based attacks.

“Yeah, and her own long-range attacks weren’t very helpful as well.” Fluttershy added.

Boomstick: And while Chun's a beast in close corners combat, her straight forward approach was a bad matchup against Mai's ninja training.

“Ninjas are known for quick and deadly approach trying to end their targets’ life before they knew what’s coming.” Twilight explained.

Wiz: It was certainly a close match, but Mai's nimbleness and firepower eventually won out.

Boomstick: Chun-Li's never looked hotter.

“Oh, that battle sure made me feel spicy.” Pinkie giggled as everyone laughs a little from her jokes and not Boomsticks.

Wiz: The Winner is Mai Shiranui.

“Whoa, now I’m suddenly feeling hot from just watching the fight.” Flash pulled on the collar of his shirt.

“I’ll grab some water from the fridge.” Sunset said as she got up and walked to the fridge.

“In the meanwhile, I’ll keep you company.” Pinkie bounced on Flash’s lap.

“Uh, you don’t need to do that, Pinkie.” Flash said blushing.

“You said something? I’m busy being comfy.” Pinkie giggled.

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

That battle sure showed them to never mess with fire, especially if they are wield by a sexy red ninja girl or else, you’re gonna get burn and shows that having strong legs are good just as having strong arms. Next battle, everyone will be in for s big surprise of what they’re about to see.

KO comment, favorite, click the thumb up button, and follow through of how this story will go!

Chapter 10: Starscream vs Rainbow Dash

Chapter Text

Starscream vs Rainbow Dash

Sunset came back with a water bottle for Flash and saw how he is fluster of Pinkie Pie sitting on his lap like that, she couldn’t help but giggle at the sight.

“Enjoying some sweets on your lap, Flash?” Sunset asked.

“Well, Pinkie is something to be close to. Not that you’re not comfortable being close to or…” Flash chuckled blushing.

“I know, Flash. Just remember who’s the number girl in your life.” Sunset said as she sits back down next to him.

“Okay. Wait, what?” Flash confused of what his girlfriend just said.

“Hurry up and start the next episode!” Rainbow Dash complained.

“Hold your horses, Rainbow Dash. It’s not like you’re going to be in one.” Applejack said and the next favorite episode started playing.

Wiz: Television has been used to market toys to boys and girls for generations, ranging from G.I. Joe to Barbie and Transformers to My Little Pony.

“I’m getting the weird feeling about this episode.” Sunset said.

Boomstick: Are we really doing this?

Wiz: Yes, yes, we are.

“Sounds like Boomstick doesn’t like doing this one.” Fluttershy noticed the tone of his voice.

Boomstick: Alright. Well, Starscream from the first generation Decepticons.

Wiz: And Rainbow Dash of the G4 Pegasus Ponies.

Sunset quicky paused the video for a moment as everyone’s eyes became widen and their jaws drop when they heard Wiz said Rainbow Dash’s name and that it’s the pony version of her from Equestria in this episode.

“No way, is that really…?” Twilight tried to process what she is seeing right now.

“Well, I’ll be, looks like it really is her in this episode or at least the pony Rainbow Dash.” Applejack said, didn’t think her sarcastic talk would actually come true.

“And I’m up against a giant robot… AWESOME!” Rainbow Dahs cheered.

“I’m worry about this.” Fluttershy said.

“Don’t worry, Fluttershy. I’m sure Rainbow Dash will do fine, I hope.” Twilight gulped.

“Yep, and there’s two more pony episodes the author favorite into his list.” Pinkie mentioned.

“Two more what?” Flash confused.

“Nothing.” Pinkie giggled with an innocent wink.

“I do seem to recall the sender did said in the letter about in his world, we would be fictional characters in cartoons or other things.” Rarity remembered.

“And it looks like your pony counterparts are the popular ones for the kids.” Sunset pointed out.

“Duh, because we’re awesome in whatever multiverse we’re in. Now enough talk and play the episode so we can see my awesomeness!” Rainbow Dash snatched the remote from Sunset and pressed play.

Boomstick: He’s Wiz and I’m Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (21)
Wiz: Starscream is the air commander of the Decepticon Battle fleet. He constantly seeks power and often attempts to usurp Megatron's leadership of the Decepticons, with little success.

Height: Approx 20’
Decepticon Seeker
Air Commander
Graduate of the Cybertron War Academy
Nicknamed “Silver Snake”

“Sounds to me like he’s the loser robot of the army.” Spike commented laughs a little.

“But the thought of giant, super advance and intelligent robots makes a scientist feel that could be a possibility for the future.” Twilight said.

“Definitely better than Micro Chip’s toaster robot.” Applejack remembered that robot they fought.

Boomstick: He has two forms, giant robot, and jet.

“And transforming into certain vehicles, interesting.” Twilight grinned.

Robot Form
Can Fly
Cluster Bombs
Laser Guns

Wiz: His robot form is primarily meant for ground travel. Though it can fly short distances.

“Doesn’t look scary if you look at him more.” Fluttershy titled her head a bit.

Boomstick: This form's weaponry consists of cluster bombs, missiles, machine guns, and his trademark Null Ray, a laser that shuts down anything that uses electricity.

“That would be trouble if that hit our city’s powerplant.” Flash pointed out.

“Good thing our magic is a different power source than electricity.” Sunset mentioned.

Jet Form
F-15 Eagle Fighter Jet
Top Speed: 2,100 mph
AIM Homing Missiles: 7F/M Sparrows, 120 AMRAAM Slammers, 9L/M Sidewinders
M61A1 Vulcan Gatling Gun

Wiz: He can transform into an F-15 Eagle; a twin-engine, all-weather fighter jet with top speeds reaching Mach 2.8, nearly three times the speed of sound.

“Pretty fast for a little plane.” Rainbow Dash believed her pony-self is faster than that.

Boomstick: In jet form, he can fire three different types of homing missiles, from short-ranged Sidewinders to long-ranged Slammers. And if those don't do the trick, he's equipped with an M61A1 Vulcan Gatling Gun, that fires 20-millimeter ammo at 6000 rounds per minute. Fun fact: it also works great for hunting!

“I don’t think jets are allow to be use like that, right?” Fluttershy asked Twilight.

“Right.” Twilight nodded.

Wiz: Starscream is a coward, and uses cheap tactics, often shooting his opponents in the back.

“Such a coward, indeed. Doing whatever it takes just to be at the top.” Rarity disgusted of Starscream’s ways.

A Clever Speaker
Transparent Strategist
Arrogant and Stubborn
Uses Cheap Tactics

Wiz: However, his deadliest weapon is arguably his silver tongue. While he is not the strongest Decepticon, he is a clever and deceiving speaker, who can worm his way into favorable positions.

“Hate to say this, but sometimes tricking your foes with words can get you out of a jam.” Sunset exclaimed.

Wiz: Despite this, he is a terrible strategist. Most of his plans instantly go wrong.

Boomstick: Like when he took over the Decepticons because Megatron had a sore throat.

Megatron: *incomprehensible speech* Autobots!

Starscream: Too bad! He's blown his vocal components. I guess that makes me the new leader!

“Now that’s just stupid. Making yourself leader because of a sore throat like that, for shame.” Pinkie disappointed in the evil robot guy.

Boomstick: It was short-lived.

“Probably about ten seconds flat.” Rainbow Dash chuckled.

“Or five.” Applejack joked and the two high-five each other.

Wiz: And yet his persistence paid off, and he was eventually crowned leader of the Decepticon Faction.

“Well, what do you know. He got what he always wanted.” Rarity surprised a little.

Boomstick: Again, short-lived.

“Only to be taken away so soon.” Rarity added.

Wiz: Starscream was king for a whopping twenty seconds, a personal record.

“At least he lasted longer to bask in the glory before being killed.” Flash shrugged.

Can Move on its Own
Can Possess and Control Other Machines

Wiz: However, after his death, Starscream discovered his spark, or life-force, was somehow indestructible.

“Sheesh, this guy can’t stop being annoying even in death.” Rainbow Dash grunted.

“Please don’t let him haunt us.” Fluttershy whispered, pleading to the Heavens.

Boomstick: And a good thing too, because since then, he's been dying nearly every episode.

“Probably because he keeps being an idiot despite being an advance tech civilization.” Twilight pointed out.

Wiz: His ghostly spark can possess machinery. He has taken over several other Transformers, robots, and even a cybernetic schoolgirl while she was using the bathroom.

Boomstickand Everyone: What?!

Wiz: Unfortunately, his poor knowledge of human society led him to forget to pull up the girl's underwear, making him the laughing stock of the school.

This causes everyone to laugh hard at the poor and idiot Starscream for making himself a fool in a far worse ways than when he was still a giant robot.

“I-I didn’t think it was possible to laugh at something that is supposed to be a scary villain.” Fluttershy said, not feeling scared of Starscream anymore.

“Now that is Epic Failure!” Pinkie laughed now laying her head on Sunset’s lap.

“Even dogs would laugh at that.” Spike proclaimed.

Boomstick: Props to you, Japan. I didn't see that coming.

Megatron: You're an idiot, Starscream!

“Idiot to major embarrassment.” Rainbow Dash mocked.

Rainbow Dash
Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (22)
“Okay, let see what they say about the awesome pony of me!” Rainbow Dash excited.

Wiz: Rainbow Dash is a Pegasus Pony from Equestria, the magical land of ponies.

“It’s nice to hear about my former home.” Sunset smiled, thinking about going there for a visit soon.

Boomstick: *Groan*

“Boomstick must not like cute things.” Fluttershy noticed.

“Consider the kind of man he is, I doubt he would like to cuddle with a bunny.” Rarity stated.

Height: Approx 4’
Flight School Drop-Out (Shocked to Some)
Weather Manager
Winner of the “Best Young Flyer’s Competition”
Unnatural Durability
Black Belt in Karate

Wiz: After dropping out of Flight School, Rainbow found a job in Ponyville as Weather Manager. She is a strong, agile flyer with great durability and resilience. She can smash through trees and solid rock and get right back up. She is also training to join the Wonderbolts, a superb team of flyers who are kind of like the Blue Angels.

Boomstick: Except they’re PONIES.

“Oh man, I am so awesome in that world!” Rainbow Dash squealed.

“Though I am concern about the drop-out part.” Applejack mentioned.

“Probably because she was too awesome with her flying moves.” Rainbow Dash proclaimed.

“Yeah, I’m sure that’s the reason.” Twilight rolled her eyes.

Wiz: She is also a black belt in karate.

Boomstick: How does a pony learn karate, let alone master it?

“Maybe because we’re all awesome.” Rainbow Dash bragged.

Apple Bloom kicks a punching bag, only for her to shake a few seconds and fall to the ground.

“Okay, maybe not all of us.” Rainbow Dash take back her words.

“Huh, that pony almost look like Applebloom.” Applejack narrowed her eyes.

Weather Control
Can Stand on Clouds
Can Manipulate Clouds
Can Force Lightning and Rain from Clouds
Managerial Position Proves Mastery of this Field
Tornado Creation and Control

Wiz: As a Pegasus pony, Rainbow can control weather. She can use the clouds in the sky to manipulate lighting strikes and precipitation. Also, she can create and control giant tornadoes.

“Hey Sunset, do you think I can do that with my magic?” Rainbow Dash asked as she wants to create tornados too.

“Huh, I never thought about that. We could run some tests when we get the chance.” Sunset intrigued to see if that could happen.

Move List
Super Speed Strut
Fantastic Filly Flash
Cloud Barrel Weave
Cloud Spinning
Rainbow Dry
Buccaneer Blaze

Boomstick: She's also got some other moves, like the Buccaneer Blaze, which is apparently so amazing it can't be shown on screen. And, somehow, it creates a huge explosion.

“Bet that would be a great move on the soccer field!” Rainbow Dash interested.

Wiz: Rainbow often brags that she is the fastest in the world. And you know what? She's right.

“Sometimes, she isn’t bragging enough.” Pinkie commented.

“And she has always proven to be right most of the time.” Flash nodded.

“Obviously.” Rainbow Dash smirked.

Wiz: By calculations according to this guy.

“Whoa, now that is one crazy fanboy.” Spike surprised.

“And he looks like he could in college.” Twilight added which she finds that weird.

Brash and Arrogant
Extremely Competitive
Brave and Loyal
Athletic Both on Ground and in the Air
Top Speed: 3,800 mph

Wiz: Rainbow Dash can fly up to five times the speed of sound with ease. This is apparent through the Mach cone that often forms around Rainbow, which indicates that she has broken the sound barrier. And the angle of which proves she can reach up to Mach 5 speeds.

“That’s probably faster than any fighter jet.” Flash impressed.

Boomstick: This is a pony, a baby horse girl toy. Why is it so awesome?

“Because we are born awesome!” Rainbow Dash said proudly.

Wiz: And upon breaching Mach 5, she entered hypersonic speeds to create the Sonic Rainboom.

Sonic Raiboom
Instantly Double Speed to Mach 10
Top Speed: 7,600 mph
Creates a Rainbow
Powerful Shockwave
Can Pull 90 Degree Turns

Wiz: With this, her speed doubles instantaneously to Mach 10. And somehow the resulting sonic boom completely shatters the visible light spectrum.

“Yes! I knew it was destiny to call ourselves the Rainbooms!” Rainbow Dash cheered.

“Well, we can certainly agree that you are a special girl like us.” Applejack said.

“And we are proud to have you with us as our friend.” Fluttershy smiled.

“Thanks, guys. I’m proud to have you guys too.” Rainbow Dash blushed a bit.

Boomstick: Not to mention the sonic boom itself is apparently strong enough to split solid rock and shake entire mountains.

“Oh, that could help with my family at the rock farm.” Pinkie commented.

Wiz: Rainbow is brash, athletic, and extremely competitive. But while she's steadfast and loyal, she sometimes cheats to get her way.

“Like the time we raced, and you said you weren’t gonna use your superspeed.” Applejack reminded her.

“Okay, so I don’t like losing. But we redo the race and had some fun.” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

Boomstick: Well... let's make it fight a giant robot.

“I don’t think he’s expecting you to win this battle.” Sunset stated.

“Well, he’s going to be proven wrong once he sees my awesomeness in action.” Rainbow Dash grinned.

Rainbow Dash: Yeeeeaaaaahh!

Wiz: Alright the combatants are set. Let’s end this debate once and for all.

Boomstickand Rainbow Dash: It’s time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!

The F-15 Eagle Jet Fire flies in to reveal itself to be bumbling Starscream coming in for a landing in his humanoid robot form.

Starscream: Who dares challenge the mighty Starscream?

“The one who is more awesome, that’s who.” Rainbow Dash smirked.

Out of the blinding sun, a Pegasus pony named Rainbow Dash flies down in a landing, seeing Starscream.

Rainbow Dash: Hi there!

“Not the kind of entrance I would go for, but still cool enough.” Rainbow Dash shrugged.


Starscream: *mockingly laughs* A pony? I'll crush you in an instant. Prepare to be annihilated.

Rainbow Dash: You talk a lot.

“And you’re about to shut him up.” Pinkie said as the human rainbow-haired girl agrees.

Rainbow flies around Starscream in many different directions, bucks him in the heel with no effect on him, Starscream backhands Rainbow out of anger.

Starscream: That's it. I am going to kill you!

Before Starscream can even move, Raibow Dash flies up and tags him in the head.

Rainbow Dash: Tag, you're it!

“That’s right, get the robot angry for a chase!” Rainbow Dash angered.

Starscream shouts in anger as he turns back into the F-15 Eagle Jet Fire and chases Rainbow Dash in the sky. He proceeds to fire his Gatling gun, which Rainbow Dash easily evades. He then fires missiles, which also fail to hit their mark. In Starscream's POV, we see him preparing to lock onto Rainbow Dash.

Starscream: Alright, don't move...

“As if Rainbow Dash would sit still for a moment.” Applejack rolled her eyes.

Just as Starscream successfully locks on, Rainbow Dash flies off, immediately undoing it, causing his monitor to say "TARGET LOSS".

Starscream: Blast it!

“Told you so.” Applejack chuckled.

After he says this, Rainbow Dash appears face-to-face with him, making multiple funny faces at him.

Starscream: Hey! What are you doing? Stop that!

This whole time, Rainbow Dash was standing on Starscream, who didn't even notice.

Rainbow Dash: You're not very good at this game, are you?

She leaps off of him, which Starscream clearly flees and then he proceeds to follow Rainbow Dash upward into the clouds.

Starscream then transforms back into his robot form and hovers.

Starscream: Where are you? Show yourself!

Rainbow Dash quickly flies in with a rain cloud and places it over Starscream.

Starscream: Hey!

“Careful what you ask for.” Rainbow Dash mocked.

Rainbow Dash repeatedly kicks the rain cloud, causing Starscream to be hit repeatedly with lightning, eventually causing him to fall to the ground. Rainbow Dash walks on the ground up to her downed opponent, but she is suddenly struck by the Null Ray, knocking her back and momentarily dazing her. Starscream laughs, but then Rainbow Dash recovers.

Rainbow Dash: Alright! It... is... on!

“Yeah, show him what you’re made of!” Fluttershy screamed like she is at a wrestling match, which is a surprise to everyone.

Rainbow Dash flies around Starscream multiple times, eventually creating a tornado, which he is trapped in. He attempts to escape by turning back into his jet form, only for one of his wings to break off, causing him to fall to the ground once again. Rainbow Dash lands and prepares to charge at him.

“Guess even powerful jets can’t fight against the force of nature.” Rarity commented.

“And now it’s the end.” Spike believed.

Starscream: Wait! Wait! I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me! Please!

Hearing this, Rainbow Dash slows and eventually stops in her tracks.

Starscream: I'll... I'll join the herd! I'll be a good Decepticon from now on!

As he is saying this, Starscream is preparing to lock onto the idle Rainbow Dash.

“Don’t listen to him, Rainbow Dash! He’s trying to kill your cute rainbow likeness!” Flash panicked while hugging the human Rainbow Dash a little tightly.

“Easy Flash, I won’t go down like that. Just watch.” Rainbow Dash proclaimed while enjoy being in the arms of her secret crush.

Starscream: Please, just let me go.

Rainbow Dash: Well, I don't know. I mean, I know should love and tolerate, but...

Starscream successfully locks onto Rainbow Dash, preparing to fire everything.

Rainbow Dash: Wait... what's that?

Starscream's chest reveals his homing missiles.

Starscream: Die!

He fires the homing missiles, which head toward Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash: Oh my gosh!

Rainbow Dash flies into the sky and up into the clouds as the missiles follow. Starscream stands, waiting with his arms crossed in his "Any minute now" pose.

“Oh no, you don’t he got you?” Fluttershy worried.

“Hold that thought, Fluttershy, dear. Look!” Rarity pointed at the screen.

Rainbow Dash then flies downward with the missiles still following her, flying so fast that she has broken the sound barrier. She then unleashes the Sonic Rainboom. Starscream is stunned as Rainbow Dash flies right past him, leaving him too late to dodge the homing missiles. They strike, destroying his lower body, as Rainbow Dash smashes into Starscream and then uses her Buccaneer Blaze, which tears Starscream apart off-screen. Rainbow Dash then flies towards Starscream's torso.

Rainbow Dash and Human Rainbow Dash: Aw yeah! That was awesome!

Then Starscream's Spark emerges from his torso, floating in the air.

Starscream: You haven't won! I'm invincible! My Spark lives! You can never defeat Star-

He is cut off by Rainbow Dash, who eats and swallows his Spark.


“Rainbow Dash, did your pony-self just ate a robot’s soul?” Sunset asked shock as the others are too.

“I did, I never would have expected myself to do that. Mind blown!” Rainbow Dash amazed and Pinkie mimic the explosion sounds with hand gestures.

Boomstick: Forget all doubt, that pony is a monster!

Wiz: Rainbow's speed and agility were more than a match for the clumsy Starscream, and it doesn't help that his aim is even worse than a Stormtrooper's. Not to mention the Null Ray is designed to destroy electronics, not living ponies.

“It may have stun her a bit, but not enough to keep her down.” Twilight pointed out.

“I guess his programing were having a lazy party if they didn’t do the aiming right.” Pinkie joked.

Boomstick: She just ate a Transformer!

“Bet it was the taste of victory!” Rainbow Dash smirked.

Wiz: Yes, and while Rainbow might experience some mild indigestion, Starscream's not going anywhere anytime soon.

“Unless it’s down the”

“Don’t even finish that sentence, Spike.” Twilight looked down at Spike with a scolding face.

Boomstick: Well, she put the pwn in pony.

“I certainly did.” Rainbow Dash nodded.

Wiz: The Winner is Rainbow Dash.

“Hey Sunset, there’s actually something I’ve been wondering.” Twilight said.

“What’s up, Twilight?” Sunset asked.

“Are there any kinds of machines or some form of tech in Equestria?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Well, it’s been a while since I was last there. What I do remember is there are some sewing machines, record players, lamps, megaphones, and I seem to recall the pony version of Vinyl having her electric DJ set with large loudspeakers.” Sunset answered, remembering most of that stuff.

“Sheesh, if Starscream into any of those then he might have caused some trouble.” Flash stated.

“Yeah, I believe Princess Twilight and the others can handle him.” Sunset said.

“Totally, especially with me kicking his robo-butt again and again!” Rainbow Dash said as she strikes some karate poses.

(Equestria, Castle of Friendship)

“Hmm?” The pony Rainbow Dash looked at a random direction.

“Something wrong, Rainbow Dash?” Princess Twilight asked.

“I don’t know, but I’m getting a weird feeling that something awesome happened and I was at the center of it.” Rainbow Dash smirked.

“Oh nelly, you always think you would do something awesome.” Applejack rolled her eyes.

“Because I always do.” Rainbow Dash proclaimed as her friends and Spike roll their eyes.

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

There you have it, everyone, they have watched the My Little Pony Death Battle episode of the pony Rainbow Dash against the idiot robotic villain and won. Pretty to see Rainbow Dash literally cheering for herself, and as Pinkie pie spoiled there will be the other two pony Death Battles coming in this story.

KO comment, favorite, click the thumb up button, and follow through of how this story will go!

Chapter 11: Pikachu vs Blanka

Chapter Text

Pikachu vs Blanka

“Hey guys, this next one is the last episode of season 1.” Sunset announced.

“Damn, never thought we ended the season so quickly.” Rainbow Dash surprised.

“Remember, these episodes are just his favorites, not the whole list.” Flash reminded her before the next Death Battle episode starts.

Wiz: When you think of an electric charged combatant, these two always come to mind. Pikachu, Ash's first Pokémon.

“Aw, that little yellow one is so cute.” Fluttershy awed of the yellow creature.

Boomstick: And Blanka, the man-beast of Brazil.

“A green beast-man, this should be interesting.” Applejack said.

“I wonder how many greens he has to eat to look like that?” Pinkie asked curious.

Wiz: I'm Wizard and he's Boomstick, and it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills, to find out who would win.... a Death Battle.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (23)
Everyone also thought of this Pikachu being cute like Fluttershy though also thought if this little creature is going to be in Death Battle, then this Pikachu must be strong despite its little size.

Wiz: Standing barely over one foot tall and weighing less than a newborn baby, Pikachu is the quick-footed electric mouse Pokémon, and the first under the command of Ash, a ten-year-old trainer from Pallet Town, because you don't need puberty to travel the world by yourself.

“What kind of f*ck up world let’s ten-year-old kids travel the world on their own, that is mess up!” Twilight snapped.

“Twilight, did you just… cursed?” Spike shocked.

“I did, even I have limits.” Twilight admitted.

Height: 0.4 m/1’4”
Weight: 6.0 kg/132 lbs.
Ability Static
Pokedex number 25
Dislike his Pokeball
Likes Ketchup
Can absorb and use more electric power than a normal Pikachu

Boomstick: Pikachu is now Ash's most loyal and trusted companion, but he sure didn't start that way. He was actually kind of a dick.

“Sometimes, trying to make a new friend doesn’t always start cheerfully and such.” Sunset exclaimed, remembering how she didn’t have even one friend when she first came to this world.

Boomstick: Then again, if a ten-year-old was trying to trap me in a tiny ball and make me fight other creatures to the death, I'd probably f*ck him up too.

“So, these Pokemons travel with their trainers and fight other Pokemons. Not sure if I approve, but their world, their laws.” Applejack shrugged.

Wiz: Being so small, Pikachu has low stamina and physical strength, but more than makes up for it with speed. However, his EV training was arbitriary and inconsistent.

Boomstickand Rainbow Dash: EV-what now?

Wiz: Effort Value training. Every time a Pokémon wins a battle, one of its abilities improve depending upon the opponent.

“Oh, so if it thought an ultra-powerful pokemon then it becomes stronger.” Rainbow Dash guessed as she looks at Twilight.

“Probably.” Twilight said.

HP: 182=Below Average
Attack: 144=Average
Defense: 108=Below Average
Sp. Attack: 123=Average
Sp. Defense: 80=Below Average
Speed: 291=Above Average

Wiz: aking the first seasons of the show into account, we have compiled an estimation of Pikachu's statistics upon reaching his maximum level. By defeating so many Spearow early on, Pikachu's speed is off the charts.

“Whoa, talk about early XP level up!” Rainbow Dash surprised.

“Must have been a tough battle for a little cutie.” Rarity said.

Boomstick: The little lightning rat isn't just quick. He's got two incredibly powerful weapons built into his face!

“Is he talking about those red circle things on its’ cheeks?” Spike asked.

Move Set
Thunderbolt: Type: Electric (Special Attack), 10% chance of paralyzing targets.
Thunder: Type: Electric (Special Attack), 30% chance of paralyzing targets, Low accuracy
Quick Attack: Type: Normal (Physical Attack), Increase priority over opponent’s attack
Iron Tail: Type: Steel (Physical Attack), 10% chance of lowering target defenses
Electro Ball: Type: Electric (Special Attack), Deals more damage to slower targets
Volt Tackle: Type Electric (Physical Attack), Deals 33% recoil damage to Pikachu, 10% chance of paralyzing target

Boomstick: Those aren't just rosy cheeks, they're electricity sacks, which he uses for attacks like his trademark Thunderbolt.

“Oh, good to know.” Spike said.

Boomstick: And when that won't do the trick, he can use the extra-fast Quick Attack to surprise his foes, or Iron Tail, which turns his tail hard as steel. Electro Ball is a projectile that, for some reason, deals more damage the slower an opponent is. But when things get serious, he'll bust out his greatest attack. The Volt Tackle.

“My, Pikachu has a lot of strong moves.” Fluttershy surprised.

“Like zapping someone into a coma.” Pinkie said.

“Depending on how strong its electric attacks are, that’s probably the case.” Twilight wondered Pikachu’s body can even contain pure electric energy at all.

Wiz: The Volt Tackle strikes with the force of a mouse-powered megaton warhead, but there's a catch. Pikachu receives recoil damage equaling 33% of the total damage dealt. This move cannot be used lightly.

Boomstick: Well, that's dumb. It's like, "Hey I can kill you, but I'm gonna blow off my arm!"

Ash: That's kinda weird.

“And dangerous, try to think more of Pikachu’s well-being.” Fluttershy scolded.

Wiz: Regardless, Ash's Pikachu is astounding. He's like a living battery, weaponized.

“Yeah, an electric danger mouse.” Flash commented.

Strong against Flying and Water foes
Developed Thunder Armor move
Developed Counter Shield move
Developed Spin Dodge
Beat Drake’s Dragonite with help
Defeated Brandon’s Regice alone
Team Rocket’s worst Nightmare

Wiz: Not only can he discharge an enormous amount of power, he can also absorb electricity and use it against his foes. In fact, he can conduct more wattage than any normal Pikachu, making him one of the toughest of his kind.

“That could mean it would power up an entire building or a city block.” Twilight amazed.

Boomstick: Yeah, but he's got his limits, get too much electricity stored up and BOOM! No more Pikachu.

“That doesn’t sound very good.” Fluttershy feared.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure Ash knows when to give Pikachu a checkup every once and a while.” Flash assured.

Small and Fragile
Little Solo Battle Experience
Susceptible to Overcharge
Poor Defense against Ground-based Attacks
Weak Special Attacks against Dragon, Electric, Grass, and Ground Foes
Refuses to Evolve

Wiz: It's true. Pikachu is still a tiny mouse Pokémon with very clear limits. And even though he has long since reached his maximum potential, he refuses to evolve into the vastly superior Raichu due to some pretentious excuse of love and acceptance. What a waste of potential, can you imagine how powerful he could be as a Raichu?

“Huh, so those Pokemons can also evolve into new forms.” Rarity interested.

“But it doesn’t look like all of them wants to evolve, Pikachu sure doesn’t.” Flash pointed out.

“I think Pikachu wants to prove that it can be the strongest Pokemon without having to evolve.” Pinkie believed.

Boomstick: But Pikachu's accomplished quite a lot of impressive feats on his own. He's beaten legendary Pokémon and developed new fighting techniques like the Counter Shield and Midair Spin Dodge. He may be the size of a squirrel, but he's one tough fighter.

“It sure is, Boomstick. It sure is.” Pinkie nodded.

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (24)
“Okay, what’s the story on jungle man here?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Wiz: As a child, Jimmy Blanka was a pale-skinned Brazilian boy. That is, until the horrific plane crash...

Boomstick: Like "Lost"!

Wiz: f which he was the sole survivor, stranded in the Amazon.

“You really should joke about these sorts of things, Boomstick.” Rarity said.

Height: 1.92m/6’3.5”
Weight: 98kg/217lbs
Real Name: James “Jimmy”
Hobbies: Hunting, electrical Work (Everyone surprised)
Previously Pale Skinned
Friends with Dan and Sakura
Survived in Amazon for Years

Wiz: Trapped in an area filled with dangerous predators, he was forced to camouflage himself day and night. After many years of this, his skin absorbed enough chlorophyll to turn a permanent green hue.

“Surviving alone in the jungle must’ve been pretty hard on the guy.” Applejack said, feeling sad for Blanka.

“I know I would feel sad if I ever got lost and alone without my friends or family.” Pinkie stated.

“At least we now know why he’s skin is green.” Sunset said.

Boomstick: Really? I always thought he was just some kind of jungle monster beast guy.

“Can’t judge a book by its cover.” Rarity said.

Wiz: Despite his appearance, Blanka is actually extremely passive and gentle. However, piss him off and he enters an unstoppable bloodlust.

Boomstick: Well, that seems like a pretty drastic change.

“That could be a problem if he met some bad people.” Fluttershy worried.

Wiz: But before he was old enough to fight the predators himself, he was forced to live off electric eels as his primary food source. After years of this diet, he developed a high resistance to electricity and somehow gained the ability to produce similar electric shocks.

“Can that really work?” Flash asked, taking interest in this.

“Don’t even think about it, Flash. Eating doesn’t really give you electric powers, who would be stupid enough to try that?” Sunset asked.

Boomstick: Be right back! Getting eels!

“Of course, he would.” Sunset sighed.

Wiz: No, Boomstick, it doesn't work like that. Plus, we kind of have a show to do.

Boomstick: Fine, but afterwards, I'm proving you wrong.

“Doubtful.” Sunset and Twilight said at the same time.

Wiz: Okay. Blanka eventually found his way to civilization by complete accident, and found a friend in Dan Hibiki, the absolute worst Street Fighter on earth.

Boomstick: Ah, Dan. Couldn't get any real people friends, so you had to resort to jungle Frankenstein over here.

“A loser pink wearing guy and a loner jungle man, pretty weird friendship if you ask me.” Rainbow Dash commented.

“I think it’s great that Blanka found one human friend after so long.” Fluttershy believed.

“But the guy is funny looking with the pink gi.” Flash chuckled.

Wiz: After arriving in the city, Blanka entered the second World Warrior Tournament, and discovered he was one of the most agile competitors there, leaping and ducking around his opponents with ease, like a jungle monkey, which is basically what he is.

“And now, he shall be King of the Concrete Jungle!” Pinkie said like a wrestling announcer.

Move Set
Amazon River Run
Rocket Crusher
Electric Thunder
Beast Roll
Vertical Beast Roll
Backstep Beast Roll

Boomstick: He uses a self-taught martial art, which he learned while fighting...friggin' crocodiles and jaguars, that's what!

“Okay, now that is awesome!” Rainbow Dash amazed.

“Guess you gotta do what you gotta do to survive.” Applejack said.

Wiz: He has several unique attacks, like the Beast Roll, with which he hurdles through the air like a bullet, obliterating all laws of physics.

Boomstick: I dunno which jaguar or crocodile taught him that move, but sh*t, I want it!

“Me too!” Rainbow Dash and Pinkie agreed.

Super Moves
Grand Shave Roll: Chargeable Spin Attack
Shout of Earth: Can electrify the ground or shoot a bolt straight up
Lightning Cannonball: Electric spin attack

Boomstick: That aside, he's also got a few super moves. The Ground Shave Roll is a chargeable spin attack, and with Shout of Earth Blanka can fire off a wave of uncontrolable electric energy. But you really gotta watch out for the Lightning Cannonball, where he rockets forward as spinning ball of electric death.

(Blanka hits Balrog with the Lightning Cannonball.)

Announcer: K.O.!

“Now that’s what I call rolling over!” Spike said waging his tail.

Wiz: Blanka is a deadly fighter and obviously an extremely tough survivor.

“Tough enough to show everyone his beast side.” Sunset commented.

Preferably Docile
Susceptible to Cold
Never Won a Tournament
Only Formal Training came from Dan Hibiki

Wiz: However, his greatest weakness comes from his lack of formal training. In fact, the only training he's ever had was under the tutelage of... guess....

Boomstick: Don’t say it…

Wiz: Dan Hibiki.

Boomstick: That's like anti-training.

“Yeah, I wouldn’t want to be caught dead training with a loser like him.” Rainbow Dash insulted the man in pink.

“He could have at least ditched the pink. It doesn’t go well with him at all.” Rarity complained on the man’s fashion sense.

Grew up alone in the Amazon
Honed skills against predators
Found his long-lost family
Local Hero
Represented Brazil in the Second World Warrior tournament
Immune to most viruses

Wiz: And yet, he has proven his combat skills time and time again. Though he did not win the World Warrior Tournament, he was picked from hundreds to represent Brazil, and through it, rediscovered his mother and hometown. At long last, Blanka had come home.

Boomstick: Most terrifying family reunion ever.

“I think it’s very sweet that Blanka found his mom.” Fluttershy said with a single tear forming from her eye.

“Bet they had a big reunion party too.” Pinkie would like to do that for Blanka.

(Blanka plays and jumps around with children while he laughs)

Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set. Let’s end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: It’s time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!

Pikachu and Blanka face each other in a forest, presumably the Amazon.

“Go, Pikachu! I choose you!” Fluttershy cheered.

“What was that for?” Rarity asked.

“I don’t know, it just felt right for some reason.” Fluttershy confused of herself as well.


Blanka attacks Pikachu and knocks it backwards. Pikachu then jumps back and attacks him with a Thunderbolt, but no dice.

Blanka: Not good enough!

“Blanka can take in the electric, I wonder Pikachu will fight in this situation?” Flash wondered.

Blanka attacks Pikachu with a Beast Roll and knocks the electric mouse out of the air and down to the ground, but Pikachu quickly gets back on its feet and charges at Blanka with a Quick Attack, flying by him numerous times and then hitting him head on.

“Now that’s what I call Whack-A-Mole!” Pinkie joked.

Pikachu follows it up by quickly jumping back into the air, and starts to spin as it hits Blanka in the head with an Iron Tail. It then charges at Blanka, picks him up and starts to roll him backwards to throw him upwards, only for Blanka to quickly get back down and do the same.

However, just before Pikachu hits the ground, Blanka uses his Electric Thunder move to attack Pikachu, but Pikachu retaliates with a Thunder attack which causes them to send flying from each other.

“So far, the little guy is doing great against the jungle man.” Rainbow Dash impressed.

“Their electric attacks can’t hurt each other; this will be a tough one to see.” Sunset proclaimed.

Blanka is knocked backwards, while Pikachu lands on its feet, and quickly follows it up with another Thunderbolt, but Blanka simply blocks it again and charges at Pikachu with another Beast Roll. Pikachu charges at him as well, but uses the midair spin dodge technique to go right by him.

Blanka stops rolling, wondering where his opponent went as Pikachu charges up and fires an Electro Ball. Blanka looks through his legs behind him, only to get hit by the attack and fall down.

“Oh, electro ball right in the butt.” Flash winced.

Pikachu gives a peace sign as Blanka jumps back up and rockets forward at Pikachu with a Lightning Cannonball, to which Pikachu attacks back with a Volt Tackle.

“A final clash of electric power!” Applejack gasped.

The attacks collide together, and electricity is flying everywhere. The camera zooms in to see both Pikachu and Blanka firmly keeping their attacks going. But soon after, Blanka grabs Pikachu and bites its head off. Blanka then pulls out a blender and puts the rest of Pikachu's body in it. The man-beast drinks what's been made, belches (with a few sparks in it), and then starts scratching his chin.


Everyone’s jaws drop of just witnessing what appears to be the most odd and brutal way of one killing an opponent in a death match.

“Fluttershy, are you gonna be okay?” Applejack asked.

“I… I think so.” Fluttershy said before her cheeks puff up almost like she’s about to vomit but manages to hold it down.

Boomstick: You know, I've always wanted to eat a Pokémon. What? They look delicious!

“Please, don’t say such awful things.” Fluttershy begged whispering as Rarity comforts her.

Wiz: Pikachu may be powerful, but he can't compete with Blanka's ruthless skill.

Boomstick: Even though Pikachu was clearly quicker on his feet, his attacks had little effect. Blanka can resist the electric attacks, and the Iron Tail's a steel-type move, which, as we all know, is weak against electricity. Pikachu's only option was to outmatch Blanka's physical strength and stamina, which was just too much for the little guy.

“Let’s not forget that Blanka is a strong survivor, spending years living in the jungle means he can take whatever Pikachu could throw at him.” Sunset mentioned.

Wiz: And despite keeping a clear head, Pikachu rarely shows any exemplary competence or aptitude on his own. Many of his greatest achievements are actually a result of his trainer's quick thinking or downright luck.

“So, Pokemons can fight well when on their own, but better than they have trainers to help them use their attacks in a more affective way.” Twilight figured out.

Boomstick: Everything was going well, until Pikachu lost his head.

Fluttershy groans hard from the awful pun, not liking how Pikachu was treated as food in the end.

Wiz: The Winner is Blanka.

“I wonder what kind of Pokemon would I be like, I certainly like having Twilight as my partner.” Spike cuddled his head on Twilight’s cheek making her giggle.

“And I would be proud to have you as my Pokemon partner.” Twilight smiled, hugging her fateful dog.

“Hey Sunset, would it be alright if I go home for today. I like I need some cuddling with Angel.” Fluttershy suggested.

“Yeah, we just clear the first favorite season episode. So, I think we should call it a day and watch the next one tomorrow.” Sunset agreed.

“Yeah, I should be going too. Still got some chores back at the farm.” Applejack said before she and the others got up.

Everyone says their goodbyes leaving Flash and Sunset alone in the house.

“Damn, that Death Battle show sure is awesome to watch. I can’t wait to see what other episodes we’ll watch.” Flash excited.

“Me too. It’s nice to watch some dangerous like that, not to mentioning learning some interesting things too.” Sunset smiled.

“Yeah, those characters with their own superpowers and skills were really cool!” Flash commented.

“Right, those are what I meant.” Sunset giggled making Flash confuse a little.

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

The Rainbooms and Flash have cleared my first episodes from Death Battle Season 1, and next up is the second season as they will see what new characters will be fighting and the next one may catch Twilight’s interest the most.

KO comment, favorite, click the thumb up button, and follow through of how this story will go!

Chapter 12: Luigi vs Tails

Chapter Text

Luigi vs Tails

The Rainbooms and Flash have enjoyed themselves another great day in Canterlot High though they are more excited of watching the next episode of Death Battle they got from the strange being from another world, they are looking forward to seeing who will fight against whom.

When the school bell rang for the end, Flash is at his locker getting some of his stuff out.

“Hey, Flash.” Micro Chip walked up to him.

“Hi Micro Chip, need to borrow another guitar string for an invention?” Flash asked.

“Not really, I can’t find the new idea for an inventing, so I’m taking a break for a while, but I don’t know what to do now.” Micro explained.

“Hmm, I think I might just the thing.” Flash grinned.

(Sunset’s Home)

“So, you guys watch this Death Battle show when it suddenly appeared out of nowhere?” Micro asked after hearing the story of yesterday.

“Yeah, the note said there are more episodes though the ones we’re watching are this sender’s favorites.” Twilight mentioned.

“We already gone through the season 1, and we’re about to watch the second season favorites.” Applejack said.

“And you’re sure this is not one of those magical dangerous problems?” Micro asked to be sure.

“100% magic problem free. Now sit down and enjoy the show!” Rainbow Dash forced Micro to sit on a chair and gave him a bowl of popcorn.

“Might as well see where this goes.” Micro shrugged before eating one popcorn.

“That’s the spirit!” Flash excited as Sunset start playing the episode with the opening theme.

“Hmm, good theme.” Micro commented.

Wiz: With the dragon slain and the princess rescued, the hero revels in gold, glory, and cake.

Boomstick: But they couldn't have done it without a little help.

“So, those are two that hosts this show.” Micro noticed the two voice.

“Yeah, but it would be nice to know what they really look like than just hearing them.” Rarity wondered.

Wiz: The sidekick. The people's champion would be lost without his player 2. Such as Luigi, Mario's younger brother

Boomstick: And Tails the Fox, Sonic's deformed flying stalker.

“Oh, those two are close to Sonic and Mario!” Pinkie clapped her hands.

“Watched an episode of them fighting.” Rainbow Dash said to Micro Chip.

Wiz: Now we have already proven that standard Mario and Sonic series power-ups perfectly counter each other, so, to not waste time, we're giving these second strings only what unique to them.

“That would make sense consider the power-ups we’ve seen.” Applejack agreed.

“Mind if I watch that episode later?” Micro asked.

Boomstick: He’s Wiz and I’m Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (25)
Wiz: After clobbering Koopas, besting Bowser, and saving the princess, who gets all the credit?

Boomstick: Mario, of course, leaving his lanky brother with rejected sloppy seconds.

“It’s not easy being second-place, which that never happened to me.” Rainbow Dash proclaimed.

Wiz: No doubt, Luigi has it rough. Despite being born as one of the seven Star Children destined for greatness, it's not easy being second fiddle to the most popular character in video game history, yet he doesn't seem to mind. Like a good sidekick, Luigi exists only to help Mario, never asking for his own slice of the cake.

“I think he could have at least gotten his share of glory.” Flash believed.

“But it’s nice to know he’s a good little brother.” Fluttershy said, wishing her younger brother is like that.

Boomstick: So, he’s pretty much a slave.

“Well, that’s a harsh way of putting it.” Micro said.

Age: 26
Height: 1.65m/5’5”
Weight: 91kg/200lbs
Mario’s Younger Brother
Citizen of the Mushroom Kingdom
Trained by the Jellyfish Sisters and the Thunder God

Wiz: In a way, but this devotion makes him the perfect teammate, helping to save the Mushroom Kingdom time and time again.

Boomstick: What did Mario do to him to make him so obedient? He's gotta have some serious dirt from their childhood.

“Hey, he would never do that!” Applejack hoped she’s right.

Wiz: Luigi may take subordination to an extreme, but he's no pushover. In fact, he's not only taller than Mario, but also faster and more athletic.

“True, most times when some are taller than others, they can have those traits with some exercises.” Twilight explained.

“Even when it happens within families.” Micro added.

Wiz: He can jump over 6 feet higher, plus after studying Yoshi's superb jumping ability, Luigi developed his own variant of the dinosaur's floating technique, the Scuttle Jump.

Skills and Abilities
Superhuman Strength and Stamina
Scuttle Jump
Super Jump
Green Missile
Luigi Cyclone
Super Jump Punch
Superhuman Jumping Ability

Boomstick: His abilities don't end with the mid-air hustle, Luigi has plenty of powerful attacks, each of which, if pulled off perfectly, increase their damage for quick KO's. The spinning Luigi Cyclone, the rocketing Green Missile, and the Super Jump Punch, which can send his foe up into the air so high, they never come back down.

Luigi sneaks up on Jigglypuff from behind and uses the Super Jump Punch, knocking Jigglypuff into the background.

“NO! Why do the cute things get the harsh punishment?” Fluttershy cried a little Rarity hands her a tissue to blow and she starts to calm down.

“Okay, I’m okay. Please continue.” Fluttershy said.

Ultra Hammer
Vanish Power Flower
Poltergust 5000: Elemental Medals-Fire, Water, Ice
Negative Zone: Random Effects Ranging from Dizziness, Decrease Enemy Weight, Trip, Foes, Consistent Damage, Other Effects

Wiz: In addition, He has numerous power-ups at his disposal, including his trusty hammer and the Vanish Power Flower, which makes him invisible and intangible, Luigi could be next to you... watching you... right now.

Boomstick: Aahhh, stop that!

“Whelp.” Rainbow Dash mocked as she is about to eat a popcorn.

“Boo!” Pinkie spooked Rainbow Dash.

“Pinkie Pie!” Rainbow Dash glared.

Boomstick: He was trained by the Thunder God himself in the powerful Thunder Hand technique. With this, he can shoot lightning at his foes or at deadly soccer balls.

“Bet he could kick you into next season.” Applejack joked at Rainbow Dash making her roll her eyes.

Wiz: And after spending so much time in Mario's shadow, Luigi has somehow gained the ability to manipulate some sort of negative energy.

Luigi dances, creating the Negative Zone.

“Whoa, that looks weird yet seemly dangerous at the same time.” Spike commented.

Boomstick: Remember when Mario Bros. was about running around and jumping on turtles? Anyway, you were saying something about physics breaking time energy or whatever?

“Try to pay attention more.” Rarity muttered.

Wiz: Luigi's Negative Zone can devastate a nearby opponent. Its effects are random, but unavoidable, ranging from sudden dizziness to uncontrollable tripping over absolutely nothing.

“Sounds like dark magic to me.” Sunset said.

“Or some form of extreme hypnosis.” Micro theorized.

Boomstick: But when Luigi wants real firepower, he busts out the Poltergust 5000, a handy vacuum cleaner which can somehow kill ghosts! It can KILL that which is already DEAD.

“Granny would certainly like to get her hands on a vacuum clearer like that.” Applejack said, wondering if this would also fix houses too.

Wiz: He ain't afraid of no ghosts!

A ghost appears behind Luigi, frightening him.

“Doesn’t look fearless to me.” Rainbow Dash deadpanned.

Sleeps through Important Events
Inferiority Complex
Fails at Traction

Wiz: Scratch that, he's afraid of all ghosts, bugs, water, flowers, the sun. Luigi is a coward and even try to hide it. Granted, his fears are usually justified... usually.

“We have Fluttershy, but she always stuck through the dangerous situation in the end and show how brave she is.” Rainbow Dash bragged.

“Well, not entirely brave, but thank you.” Fluttershy thanked her childhood friend for the kind words.

Boomstick: He's also pretty clumsy, and you'd think would make a terrible combination. But like the Chinese Drunken Master style, Luigi harnesses awkwardness to make himself even more vicious. He's more powerful than he seems, murdering Goombas and Koopas by the hundreds every day.

Luigi uses a cannon on the Koopas in the Ice Capades for little kids.

Boomstick: Ha Ha. Before we go any further, I'd like to point out that the unmaking cannon belongs to a bunch of children. "IS IT BEDTIME NOW MOM?!" Goush! No more parents!

“Does this guy always talk crazy like that?” Micro asked.

“Yep.” Everyone answered.

Feats and Strengths
Expert in Multiple Sports
Defeated Dimentio
Saved Wario from Chief Chilly
Assisted Mario in Many Adventures
Regularly Smashes Solid Bricks
Won Mario Party by doing Absolutely Nothing (Everyone confused of that)

Wiz: Even without it, Luigi has defeated Dimentio, discovered the Grand Final Galaxy, raised a ravenous man-eating dinosaur, and even rescued Mario from certain doom on three separate occasions. The Green Thunder can pretty much do it all.

“I say Luigi has earned himself more than being a simple sidekick.” Rarity commented.

Boomstick: Luigi is one mean, green, fighting machine.

Luigi: *Puts on the Poltergust* Yeah. *Speaking into the nozzle* I do it. Ho-ho!

Luigi dances, before accidentally bumping into a car, which then causes a shelf to fall down.

Luigi: Oh...

“Dude, you need to work on your posture.” Rainbow Dash sighed.

Tails the Fox
Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (26)
Tails is flying his plane high in the sky.

Tails: All systems go... full speed ahead!

Wiz: Born the very same day Dr. Eggman began his robot-powered takeover of the world, Miles Prower-

Boomstick: Haha! I get it! Miles Per Hour! Creativity like that is why Sega is still making consoles...

“Hahahaha! That’s so funny!” Pinkie laughed and fell off her sit.

“It almost like the parents are expecting him to be a mechanic or something.” Flash chuckled.

Wiz: Ahem, Miles was awkwardly born with two tails.

“Aw, that’s so cute.” Fluttershy complimented.

“And unrealistic.” Micro shocked.

Full Name: Miles “Tails” Prower
Age: 11
Height: 80cm/2’7”
Weight: 20kg/44lbs
IQ: 300 (Twilight and Micro are shocked of that)
The Youngest Freedom Fighter
The Chosen One of the Ancient Walkers

Wiz: Mere minutes after being welcomed into the world, Eggman's deadly forces made Miles Prower an orphan.

Boomstick: Whoa, that's... that's pretty f*cked up.

“f*cked up is right. No one should go through losing their parents like that.” Applejack angered, almost reminds her of how she lost her parents years ago.

Wiz: Eight years later, and after some much-needed counseling, Miles stumbled upon a broken-down biplane and happily repaired the whole vehicle on his own.

“How would he even know how to fix a plane?” Rarity asked.

“Probably because of the high IQ, and maybe read a book during the years.” Micro guessed.

Boomstick: Well, of course. Just like all walking, talking, adolescent, two-tailed foxes can. Anyway, as it turns out, that plane happened to belong to Miles' personal idol, Sonic the Hedgehog.

Sonic: What're you doing?

Boomstick: Why Sonic needed a plane in the first place is beyond me, but whatever.

“Probably because of Sonic’s fear of water and he can’t swim.” Flash said.

Wiz: It was Sonic who first suggested that Miles' birth defects could be used to fly by spinning them like helicopter blades. Which is obviously impossible because it could never create lift and-- *Shocked to see that Miles is flying* WHAT?!

“How is the even physical possibly? It’s almost like questioning Pinkie Pie’s weirdness!” Micro asked shocked.

“Those tails would be spinning the same speed as helicopter propellers, yet that shouldn’t happen on a fox.” Twilight questioned this too.

“Unless you’re from a strange and adventuring world where anything can happen.” Pinkie stated.

Boomstick: And so, Sonic gave his rotary ass the oh so obvious nickname he deserved: "Tails."

Wiz: Well, that's stupid. That's like if you were nicknamed "Boomstick" because you just like shotguns.

Boomstick: Don't be f*cking ridiculous, Wizard.

“Having a nickname does make you cool. Like Applejack with AJ, Pinkie with her name except with a Y, and Rainbow Dash with”

“No, no, no, I do NOT want to hear that nickname again.” Rainbow Dash glared at the dog.

“Whoops, sorry.” Spike apologized chuckling.

Twin Tails
Increases Running Speed
Strong Enough to break Metal
Combat Techniques: Tails Swipe Attack, Rapid Tails Attack, Thunder Shoot Punt

Boomstick: Anyway, aside from flight, Tails' copter butt blades are strong enough to bust metal, and he can use them like a turbine of an engine to keep up with Sonic's super-fast speeds. He can almost reach the speed of sound.

“Now that is one impressive fox.” Sunset amazed.

Wiz: Tails pledged himself to Sonic's freedom fighting cause against Dr. Eggman, and the two became friends, almost like brothers. They also share a sort of teacher-student relationship, though it wasn't always clear who was the student.

Boomstick: It was Tails who invented the famous Spin Dash. Not the speedy hedgehog.

“I say in this one, Tails was the teacher.” Micro commented.

Wiz: Tails is a genius and a master mechanic.

“Oh, a brainy fox.” Twilight interested.

Boomstick: He's so much smarter than Sonic, that he actually learned how to swim.

“Sonic should take a note from him.” Spike said.

Offensive Arsenal
Spin Dash
Projectile Ring
Bombs: Napalm, Chu^2, Dummy Rings, Flash Bang
Magic Hand
Energy Ball Arm Cannon

Wiz: He has built several planes and combat mechs and has numerous gadgets on hand. Like the Projectile Ring, which can pull or latch onto objects, almost like a grappling hook.

Boomstick: But despite being a super geek, he really likes to blow sh*t up. He carries a huge supply of bombs. Big bombs, napalm bombs, remote bombs, flash-bang grenades, bombs shaped like magic rings, bombs shaped like mice, bombs shaped like your mother. You name it, he's got a bomb like it.

“Whoa, that little guy sure is packing some big explosives.” Rainbow Dash surprised.

Wiz: He also wields the Magic Hand, a long-range comical punching weapon, and the Energy Ball arm cannon.

“Such amazing inventions!” Micro said as his brain starts getting some new inventing ideas.

Boomstick: Which is ripped straight out of Mega Man! He built all this HIMSELF, but never a device to breath underwater. Kinda dropped the ball there, sidekick.

Tails swims underwater as the timer goes down to zero, causing him to drown.

“Maybe he doesn’t do underwater missions much.” Fluttershy guessed of the reason.

Support Arsenal
Medi Bot
Shield Bot
Jet Anklets: Boosts Flight Speed
Rhythm Badge: Helps Maintain Balance
T-Pup Remote Robot

Wiz: Unlike Sonic's speed-blitzing battling style, Tails relies on logic and tactics in a fight. His Shield Bot fortifies his defenses and his Medibot heals wounds over time.

Micro is already writing all this down on his little notepad along with some little drawings as they look like some of Tails’ inventions.

“You’re Welcome.” Flash said to Micro.

Fear of Thunder
Fear of Ghosts
Gets Dizzy Easily
Over-Reliability on Sonic
Youthful Naivete
Lacking Hand-to-Hand Combat Skills

Boomstick: But he's a total wimp. He can't fly forever, and if he doesn't have Sonic around to hold his hand, he's scared of pretty much everything. After a good thunderclap, you'll find him shivering his spiny ass off in the bathtub.

Sonic: Right, we should hurry.

Thunder goes off in the background, scaring Tails, who jumps and grabs onto Sonic.

Tails: GAAHH!! I'm afraid of lightning!!

“Great, now we got a scaredy fox.” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Don’t be rude, he is only a child, after all.” Rarity pointed out.

“He also tagged with Sonic on some dangerous adventures too.” Pinkie added.

Feats and Strengths
Top Speed: 1,223km/hr / 760 mph. Minus Tail Support: 160 km/hr / 100 mph
Self-Taught Genius Technician
Defeated Wendy Witchcart
Saved Station Square from a Nuke
Defeated the Battle Bird Armada
Defeated Eggman on the ARK
Unified the Chaos Emeralds to Complete the Great Harmony

Wiz: Well, he is only 11 years old, and the feats he's accomplished at his age are beyond impressive. Like being able to run 100 mph without his tails, stopping a nuclear missile, and saving the MULTIVERSE by transforming into... Uh…

Everyone’s eyes widen upon seeing Tails in tall, muscular form which is very weird to them though Fluttershy is blushing for some reason and secretly thinking erotic.

“(I want to feel that fox on me.)” Fluttershy thought.

Boomstick: Don't do steroids kids.

Sonic: We good to go or what, Tails?

Tails: I've built a TV out of paperclips...

Sonic: Yeah...

Tails: ...and reprogrammed a supercomputer using dishwashing detergent and a toothpick...

Sonic: I know...

Tails: ...So look, fixing a propeller on a bi-plane? That's about as difficult as taking a nap. [spins propeller]

As Tails spins the propeller, the plane starts its engine after it was fixed.

Sonic: 'Kay, I did not need your whole life story. A simple "good to go" would have been cool.

Tails: Alright. Good to go!

Sonic: Cool!

Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set. Time to end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: It’s time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!

“Okay dude, ready to see your first Death Battle?” Flash asked.

“Sure am, my calculation predicted that Tails will win.” Micro grinned.

“Funny, I was thinking the same thing.” Twilight said.

Tails flies down onto a pipe and begins scouting the area, but Luigi pops out of the pipe, making Tails jump down. The plumber jumps out of the pipe angrily to face Tails.

Luigi: Let's-a go!

“Another man vs beast battle of heroes.” Spike excited.


Tails uses his energy cannon, but Luigi powers through with a Green Missile, but his attack misses as Tails jumps away and hits Luigi down to the ground with his tails. Luigi jumps back up as Tails uses the Spin Dash to charge at his opponent, but Luigi counters with the Hammer, hitting Miles up into the air. Luigi follows him upwards with his Scuttle Jump and they go blow-for-blow, with it being Tails Swipes VS Luigi Cyclones.

“Come on, Tails! You can spin faster than that!” Rainbow Dash yelled at the TV.

“Maybe not to fast.” Pinkie said as her eyes started to swirl.

The two eventually knock each other away, Tails into the air and Luigi onto the ground. Luigi walks around as Tails closes in on him and the plumber tries to jump up and hit Tails with his Hammer again, but Tails counters it with his tails again, knocking Luigi back.

“Going up for the yellow fox.” Flash joked a little.

Tails lands on the ground and tries out another Spin Dash, but this time Luigi launches Tails up with his Super Jump Punch. Tails manages to recover though and begins flying around the place from his high altitude. He then goes back down to the ground, picks up Luigi and begins to fly back up, but Luigi uses his Vanish Flower to confuse Tails, and knocks the fox away with his hammer to break free.

“Now he’s about to face the hammer of Luigi!” Applejack said exciting.

The Hammer and Tails' gadgets go blow-for-blow first with the Magic Hand and Hammer colliding, Tails taking out his arm cannon again, but Luigi simply hits him, Tails using the Magic Hand from the ground now but doing nothing to his intangible adversary and finally, as Tails charges up his arm cannon once more, Luigi nails him in the face and sends him downwards a bit.

“Luigi sure is trying to end the fellow.” Rarity worried.

“That may look like it, but Tails still got more gadgets to use.” Twilight pointed out.

As Tails recovers from the blow and starts flying again Luigi uses the Scuttle Jump again to land safely as the invisibility wears off. But soon after Luigi lands, Tails drops multiple bombs surrounding the plumber and leaving him to run around in panic. Luigi then gets the idea to suck up the bombs with his Poltergust 5000 and fires all the bombs at Tails.

“Oh, looks like Tails is gonna be the one to get blown up in the face.” Sunset said.

“That depends on if the air pressure used to launch the bombs was strong enough.” Micro Chip stated.

However, they are launched just barely too low to hit Tails, and it backfires on him as they land before he can run and blow him sky-high.

“Good call, Micro.” Twilight said as they five-high each other.

After being launched up, Luigi notices a pipe and dives into it, then shooting out with his Lightning powers fully activated, completely surrounded in lightning. He hits Tails with his Super Jump Punch, followed by a Green Missile and then slams into him multiple times with Luigi Cyclones, before hitting him with his Hammer and transferring all of the electricity into his hands, sending Tails away with an extremely powerful Thunder Hand.

“You certainly got him, Luigi!” Pinkie said throwing her fists in the air.

“Tails better think of something fast.” Fluttershy worried for Tails.

In the distance, Tails gets back on his feet and uses his Medi Bot to heal, but Luigi somehow clears all that distance and uses his Poltergust to bring it close to him and the Hammer to destroy it. Luigi then tries to suck Tails in and finish the fight, and almost succeeds until Tails throws his Projectile Ring at a nearby pipe to keep himself steady and throws out a Flash Bang which Luigi's Poltergust sucks up and escapes into a pipe.

Luigi: Hello?

The Flash Bang blows up, and while Luigi is dizzy, Tails comes out of the pipe and rigs a bomb onto the Poltergust and tries stalling him with his Shield Bot, but Luigi quickly destroys the bot with his hammer again.

“Tails is gonna try blowing Luigi up with his own vacuum ghost sucker!” Applejack figured out Tails’ plan.

“The only problem that if Luigi catches on.” Sunset said.

Tails jumps away from his broken machinery as Luigi pulls out and breaks a Smash Ball. Tails begins to walk towards Luigi, but the plumber unleashes Negative Zone.

“Let see if Tails can escape Luigi’s tramp card.” Spike narrowed his eyes.

Tails trips up and is almost hit with Luigi's hammer, but he flies up to just barely escape it. He is almost sucked up by the Poltergust and finished, but Luigi is forced to stop when he notices the bomb and tries to throw it away. Unfortunately, while Tails fails to escape the blast due to the Negative Zone slowing down gravity, Luigi does not escape either and is sent hurtling through the air until he slides up to the front of a pipe as the Negative Zone gets destroyed.

Tails quickly runs up to Luigi (with his tails on fire for a brief moment, presumably due to the explosion) and has him backed up against the pipe. With the two being face-to-face, Luigi readies his Hammer to squash Tails and end the fight.

“The last move will decide the winner of this battle.” Flash said in a low dramatic tone.

But isn't fast enough as the Magic Hand quickly rockets forwards, impaling Luigi through the abdomen and damaging the Warp Pipe.


Tails goes to heal himself with another Medi Bot as blood still pours out of Luigi's impaled body.

“Damn, that was bloody and intense.” Micro commented.

“You can say that again, I almost thought Luigi had won.” Fluttershy exclaimed.

Boomstick: Well, there goes the Year of Luigi.

“Guess didn’t get the fox for this hunt.” Pinkie punned.

Wiz: While Luigi technically has more combat experience, and has survived being Nintendo's whipping boy, Tails' skills and arsenal was more than the green-capped plumber can handle.

“He had more gadgets on him, meaning he can protect and fought on par with Luigi.” Twilight mentioned.

“Let’s not forget Tails can also fly, giving him the flight advantage.” Micro added.

Boomstick: His training with Sonic makes him faster and his superior mobility gave him complete control over the battlefield.

“There’s that too.” Micro nodded as the others agreed.

Wiz: Also, he has an outrageous I.Q. of 300, which is about as much as Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking combined.

“It’s still amazing to have such a high IQ level at such a young.” Sunset said.

Boomstick: Hell, Tails is stronger too. He can move 10 tons, while Luigi struggles to lift a large radish.

“Good golly, Tails is certainly one amazing fox.” Applejack surprised of Tails’ strength feat.

“He sure is.” Fluttershy awed.

Wiz: And Tails' gadgets more than make up for any of his weaknesses.

Twilight and Micro smug as they have already known that as the purple girl already covered that.

Boomstick: Looks like Luigi was outfoxed.

“I’m guessing he does the bad puns.” Micro groaned from that pun.

“Unfortunately, he does.” Rarity said feeling a slight headache.

“But his puns are funny.” Pinkie giggled.

Wiz: The Winner is Miles "Tails" Prower.

“So, what did you think?” Flash asked.

“Man, that was a great show. And seeing Tails’ inventions have already given me ideas for some new projects.” Micro said while holding up his notebook.

“Just be sure it’s not a rampaging toaster.” Sunset pointed her finger at him.

“Don’t worry, it’s nothing like that. I better home to work on it right now, catch you guys later!” Micro ran out of Sunset’s home.

“Well, at least he had a great time here.” Applejack said.

“And Tails is really an amazing fox with a high level of the mind.” Twilight squealed.

"He sure is." Fluttershy giggled blushing.

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

Twilight has taken a big liking to this episode and Fluttershy might be having a crush on the yellow fox boy and decided to bring someone in like Micro Chip who is a genius inventor of his own rights and thought he would love this Death Battle with Tails and his inventions.

KO comment, favorite, click the thumb up button, and follow through of how this story will go!

Chapter 13: Godzilla vs Gamera

Chapter Text

Godzilla vs Gamera

“Here you go, Fluttershy.” Pinkie handed her a big stuffy of chibi lizard-like monster creature.

“Huh, thank you, but why?” Fluttershy asked.

“Just in case.” Pinkie shrugged as they turn their attention to the TV to see the next favorite Death Battle.

Wiz: Kaiju: the Japanese word for-

Boomstick: A giant monster that destroys everything around it!

“Now its giant monsters battling each other, cool.” Spike smiled.

“Maybe even better than some monster movies.” Rainbow Dash excited.

Boomstick: Like Godzilla, the King of the Monsters.

Wiz: And Gamera, the Guardian of the Universe. Despite being box office rivals for half a century, these two enormous creatures have never met... until today.

“Oh, a fated battle bringing two monsters from different worlds together.” Rarity intrigued.

Boomstick: He’s Wiz and I’m Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (27)
Wiz: The year was 1954, less than a decade after Little Boy and Fatman had decimated Japan.

Boomstick: The nuclear age had begun.

“Yes, that was the time when the governments were trying to create a powerful to stand against the other countries and later on some had the same idea. And that was years after World War 2.” Twilight explained.

Wiz: As the United States tested their shiny new hydrogen bombs across the Pacific, one of them woke something up.

Godzilla is standing tall and fierce letting out his roar.

“Eeep!” Fluttershy hugged the stuffy in her arms tightly.

“That sounded more fierce than a lion’s roar.” Spike said as he covered his ears.

Boomstick: Godzilla, the radioactive rampaging savior/destroyer of Japan.

“Savior/Destroyer? How does that even work?” Flash asked.

“Maybe he’s like an Anti-Hero, maybe.” Rainbow Dash confused about this as well.

Height: 108m| 355ft
Weight: 81,600,000kg| 90,000 tons
Japanese Name: Gojira
Age: Over 65 Million Years
Feeds on Nuclear Radiation
Nuclear Powered Heart
Accidently Mutated by Nukes
Somehow has Knowledge in Judo and Boxing

Wiz: Mutated by nuclear energy, Godzilla stands over 300 feet tall and weighs 90 thousand tons. He is an unstoppable force of nature.

“Though the Japanese name is silly, that’s more fitting for a female monster.” Pinkie giggled a little.

“His age must mean that he must’ve been in the Dinosaur Era, but how is it even alive during all that time?” Twilight asked shock.

“Maybe the nuke brought hm back to life.” Sunset guessed.

“Not to mention this monster also knows some fighting moves, now that’s hardcore!” Rainbow Dash amazed.

Boomstick: And for some reason, Godzilla has made Japan his personal playground and has been stomping through it for 60 years.

“Oh dear, that’s not good for the locals.” Fluttershy worried.

Man: Couldn't he have picked on some other country?

Boardroom: *laughs*

“Guess even higher-up officials would try to brighten up the mood.” Rarity exclaimed.

Wiz: Godzilla's radioactive mutation leaves everything in his wake contaminated: water, plants, even people. Godzilla's presence alone turns a city block completely uninhabitable.

Boomstick: Like that noisy upstairs neighbor or people who let their dog sh*t in your front lawn.

“Hey, we dogs can’t help it when we got to go!” Spike defended that.

“And you’re trained better to.” Twilight smiled proudly.

Wiz: But Godzilla does not simply walk past his enemies to destroy them.

Boomstick: His strength is insane. He once lifted and threw his arch-rival Keizer Ghidorah, who weighs 100 thousand freakin' tons.

“Golly, I’m not sure if I could even lift something like that!” Applejack wondered the limit of her magic super strength.

Wiz: He channels this strength through his claws, teeth, tail –


Godzilla performs his One Angry Attack while dropkicking Megalon.

Everyone’s jaws drop of shock that a heavy and strong monster was able to do something like that with Fluttershy simply saying “Wow”.

Wiz: Hilarious abilities aside, Godzilla would not be such a legendary kaiju without some serious firepower. He can emit atomic energy from his body for a short-range Nuclear Pulse.

“That sure gives the new meaning “Hands Off”.” Sunset commented.

Boomstick: Or fire his signature Atomic Breath, a goddamn laser beam of pure radiation! That's like microwaving at least a hundred balls of tinfoil.

“Try a LOT more.” Twilight gulped.

Wiz: Well, give or take a few... million...

Godzilla fires the Atomic Breath directly to the army.

“Whoa…” Rainbow Dash said simply.

Boomstick: The Atomic Breath can melt, burn, or blow up just much anything, and you know it just can't smell good! I mean.... that's a lot of fish!

“Don’t these monsters know anything about brushing his teeth?” Rarity disgusted making Applejack rolls her eyes.

Wiz: NO! No, no, no! That right there is Zilla, the bastardized and shamed American version that Toho literally bought the rights and completely re-branded... just to murder on-screen.

Boomstick: *chuckles* Take that, America!

“Never mess with Japan and their rights to make awesome things!” Pinkie saluted.

Wiz: And that was just the real Godzilla's standard Atomic Breath.

“Standard? Like that’s not its full power?” Flash asked shock.

Boomstick: Yep. After absorbing a giant pterodactyl's soul... oookay... he gained the power to boost his breath to the red spiral ray...

“Poor pterodactyl, may you rest in peace.” Fluttershy prayed.

Atomic Breath: Spiral Atomic Breath
Nuclear Pulse
Regenerator G1
Magentic Powers
Sharp Dorsal Plates
Uncanny Durability
Godly Strength
Can Breathe Underwater

Wiz: An attack so deadly it only took a few blasts to obliterate the more powerful clone of himself, Space Godzilla.

Boomstick, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash: What?! Space Godzilla?!

Wiz: Yes, Space Godzilla is a thing, moving on...

Boomstick: Ohh…

“Is it even possible to clone a monster this powerful?” Twilight asked herself.

Wiz: Godzilla's cell structure can quickly regenerate from all manner of wounds, and despite being vulnerable to man-made electricity, he possesses magnetic properties. Like a lightning rod, he can attract thunderbolts from the sky and use nature's power to enhance his own abilities... or turn himself into a giant living magnet.

“I wonder if that’s how Flash got Sunset back, being a ladies’ magnet.” Pinkie teased.

“The bacon girl just can’t get away from me.” Flash chuckled.

“Really? Because I seem to remember you screaming like a fan girl back at Spring Break on a yacht.” Sunset countered making him blush nervously.

“(But it looks like your “magnet” may have worked on other girls too.)” Sunset thought.

Boomstick: Magnets... how do they even work?

“It’s really quite simple, you see, magnets works as a”

“Twilight, I think you should save that for science class.” Applejack stopped her from going into her science talk mode.

“Fine.” Twilight sighed crossing her arms.

Boomstick: Well, believe it or not, that isn't the weirdest thing that Godzilla can do. If Big G needs to get somewhere quick, he bends over, charges up, and does this...

Godzilla uses his Atomic Breath to propel himself through the air.

“He can make himself fly!” Fluttershy shocked while looking at the stuffy as the others are shock of this too.

Wiz: Well, at least Japan is… creative?

“Just like with anime shows defying the laws of physics.” Pinkie stated.

Boomstick: Wait, can that even happen?

Wiz: Scaling to the present, to actually lift his body means his Atomic Breath must have a force of over 328 trillion psi. That's the equivalent of 1 TRILLION riot control fire hoses, enough to wrap around the earth 38 THOUSAND times.

“My goodness, he is right!” Twilight said as she done the calculation herself.

Boomstick: Damn!

“I don’t think that word could even cover it.” Sunset said.

Strengths and Feats
44 wings, 9 losses, 7 ties
Survived and Escaped a Black Hole
Regenerated from a Beating Heart
Battled Rodan for over 12 Hours
Survived the Absolute Zero Cannon
Lifted and Threw Kaizer Ghidorah
Matched Thor’s Strength
Defeated 10 Monsters in a Row in Final Wars

Boomstick: Godzilla has 44 known victories, largely due to his insane durability. He's fallen into a volcano, survived a black hole, and tanked a meteorite point-blank... without a scratch.

“Wait, did he even get into a black hole in the first place?” Twilight asked.

“Who cares, he’s awesome.” Rainbow Dash bragged.

Sensitive to Light
Relatively Slow
Somewhat Clumsy Due to Size
Lost to King Kong and Mothra
Gills are a Weak Spot
Vulnerable to Strong Surges of Unnatural Electricity
Killed by Oxygen Destroyer and MechaGodzilla 2

Wiz: But despite popular belief, Godzilla is not invincible. His regeneration takes time, his speed is lacking, and despite having two brains, one in his skull and the other where his tail meets his torso, he's pretty darn clumsy.

Boomstick: Where were you on that one, ass brain?

“Hey now, I’m sure Godzilla is doing his best being the rampaging monster.” Fluttershy said while petting her new stuffy.

Wiz: He officially lost a fight against King Kong and he's even died in four separate films.

“Damn, this guy just can’t catch a break.” Applejack said.

“Wait, is that his heart?” Spike pointed at one square showing Godzilla’s heart.

“The feats did say he could regenerate from that.” Flash remembered.

Boomstick: But Godzilla's victories definitely outweigh his failures. There's a good reason they call him the "King of the Monsters."

Godzilla roars.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (28)
Wiz: The year was 1965, the apex of the Space Race. Technology was advancing further and faster than ever before, but no one could've anticipated the bio-engineered marvel hidden beneath the waves.

“Oh, Flashback Alert!” Pinkie excited.

Wiz: Eons ago, the ancient people of Atlantis learned how to construct life and foolishly decided to play God.

Boomstick: But instead of creating something safe like a dog or a bunny, they created giant flying laser-shooting murder birds. Surprise, surprise, they couldn't be controlled, and they turned 100% of Atlantis into ocean front property.

“Why does this happen whenever someone discovers a new source of power, they ended up going for the crazy things that becomes beyond their control?” Twilight asked annoying.

“Who knows, Twilight. The important is that we learn from them don’t make the same mistakes.” Sunset recalled some of the Equestria magical events that happened to some people they met.

Wiz: So, what was their solution to counter these giant destructive monsters? Why, ANOTHER giant destructive monster, of course!

Gamera lands and roars

“And I thought the Ninja Turtles were cool, but this one is even more awesome!” Rainbow Dash commented.

Height: 80 meters/262.5 ft
Weight: 9,000,000kg/10,000 tons
Origin: Atlantean Bio-Engineering
Age: Up to 150 Million Years
Feeds on Fire, Plasma, and Mana
More Intelligent than Most Humans
A Skilled Gymnast

Known as Guardian of the Earth and Friend to All Children
Wiz: Enter Gamera, Guardian of the Universe and Friend to All Children.

Kid 1: Hurry, let's go!

Kid 2: He won't harm us. Gamera doesn't hurt people. He likes us.

“Well, that’s surprisingly cute for a giant monster turtle.” Rarity surprised.

Boomstick: "Friend to All Children"? That's a terrible title. How about "Gamera, the flying fire-breathing ninja turtle of doom!"

“That’s saying it like he’s related to the ninja turtles.” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

“Maybe he could be their long-lost uncle.” Flash joked.

Wiz: That's... actually not far off. For a 260-foot, 10-thousand-ton turtle, Gamera is quite agile.

Gamera spins around on a horizontal bar before flipping through the air and landing on his feet.

Boomstickand Pinkie: And he sticks it!

“Okay, I was not expecting that.” Flash surprised.

Fire Breath
Plasma Fireball
Accelerated Healing
Mana Manipulation
Flight, Top Speed: Mach 3
Vanishing Plasma Fist
Ultimate Plasma Mana Cannon

Boomstick: His arsenal includes two huge tusks, twin elbow spikes, and a fire breath so strong it can be used underwater, despite being... you know... fire.

“I believe that is actually plasma than fire.” Twilight said.

Wiz: Technically, it's highly concentrated plasma, (Twilight: Told ya.) the fourth state of matter. The hottest plasma ever created by man exceeded 3.6 million degrees Fahrenheit. That's hotter than the surface of the sun. Gamera's fire balls can burn through practically anything.

Boomstick: And when he's not spitting hot fire, he f*cking eats it!

Wiz: It's true. A fiery four-course meal can quickly heal and re-energize him.

“Now that’s what I call a healthy diet.” Applejack commented.

Boomstick: Naturally, as a giant turtle monster, he can retract his limbs and head into his shell for extra defense.

“Obviously, like all turtles do.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

Gamera spews jet fire out of the shell and flew into the air.

“He can fly?!” Rainbow Dash gasped.

Boomstick: And then fire rocket jets out of the holes and freakin' fly?! WHAT THE f*ck IS THIS?! And why can't my turtle do that? Someday, Mr. Snappy, someday...

“I bet Tank would be a better flier.” Rainbow Dash proclaimed about her pet turtle.

Wiz: Gamera can fly at speeds breaching Mach 3, over 22 hundred miles per hour. That's faster than the world record holding SR71 blackbird.

Boomstick: But how the hell does he know where he's going, and more importantly, how does he not puke his guts out?

“I’m sure his creators took care of that when creating him.” Twilight theorized.

Wiz: The Atlanteans built Gamera using mana, an ethereal energy force connecting all things, places, and people. Everything has a finite pool of mana, which can be measured using a... Sega Dreamcast.

“Okay, that’s both interesting and weird at the same time.” Sunset said.

Boomstick: *sighs* But it still can't play DVD's.

Wiz: A person's mana is dependent on how much influence and authority they possess over others. As Gamera literally holds the world's fate in his claws, his mana levels are off the charts.

“Goodness, that could make him king of the world.” Rarity scared a bit.

Boomstick: Gamera can manipulate his mana in combat, which is useful when you've lost your arm and need to give your enemy a kaiju-sized falcon punch.

Gamera uses the Vanishing Plasma Fist to defeat Irys.

Boomstickand Rainbow Dash: f*ck yeah!

Wiz: And if Gamera ever runs low on mana, he can summon more from the earth itself.

Gamera uses the Ultimate Plasma Mana Cannon to defeat Legion.

Boomstick: …I think he got him.

“No sh*t, it literally destroyed the monster.” Spike pointed out.

Strengths and Feats
16 wins, Losses, 2 Ties
Famous Steadfast Determination
Plasma Fire Trumps the Tsar Tomb
Can Jump Hundreds of Feet High
Survived a City-Leveling Explosion
Blew up a Star Destroyer (No Joke)
Survived an Orbital Re-Enter with Crash Landing
Repaired an Alien Spacecraft… wtf?

Boomstick: Gamera is fast enough to catch a missile going Mach 10, capable of flying through outer space, and tough enough to survive a nuclear explosion which leveled the entire city of Sendai.

Wiz: As Sendai is about 152 miles across, this explosion must have yielded nearly 112 megatons of force.

“I think the shell did most of the protecting.” Fluttershy said.

Boomstick: Gamera has a fierce will to fight. No matter how much pain he's in, he'll keep pushing forward for the win.

Wiz: And he's not just determined; he's actually quite brilliant. He tactically seeks to exploit enemy weaknesses and is apparently smart enough to repair an alien spacecraft.

Boomstick: He does machines.

“How would he even do that? Does he have a giant toolbox or something?” Applejack asked.

“I’m more amazes that he can think more clearly in battle.” Sunset impressed of Gamera’s mind.

Underside of Shell is Weaker than its Top
Relies on Human Connection to Maintain Power
Prefers a Winning though Retreating Strategy
Puts the Earth’s Safety above his own.
Vulnerable to his own Plasma

Wiz: But despite his intelligence, he is not infallible. Gamera's supposedly impenetrable defenses have been pierced before. And remember, Gamera is explicitly the Guardian of Earth, which does not necessarily include humanity. In fact, Gamera fears mankind may one day become the earth's greatest enemy.

“I know we humans have done some things that can hurt the earth, but we’re doing our best to make it better.” Flash stated.

“I’m more worried about the military provoking him to attack humanity.” Applejack said.

Boomstick: I knew he sounded too good to be true. He's a hippie turtle...

“Hey, he’s just getting his priority straight, man.” Spike defended Gamera.

Wiz: And yet Gamera has a strange fondness for children.

“Well, at least that’s something to admire.” Fluttershy believed.

Boomstick: *singing*: Gamera! Gamera! He will bring kids to his van! Touch them like no other can! Please don't tell on Gamera! *Stops singing* ...no, really.

“Worst. Singing. Ever.” Rainbow Dash groaned.

“Yeah, my granny can sing better than that.” Pinkie proclaimed.

Wiz: Actually, he's sacrificed his life to save children on multiple occasions, even used his ultimate self-destruct move all for the safety of innocent children.

Boomstick: Oh, that’s pretty cool.

“Nice to know the children can look up to their giant guardian.” Fluttershy smiled.

Gamera let out his mighty roar.

Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set. Let’s end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: It’s time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!

“Do you need a moment, Fluttershy?” Sunset asked.

“No, I’m okay. Play the battle.” Fluttershy nodded.

Nearby a large city at the ocean, Godzilla emerges from the water and roars. Tanks quickly mobilize and as Godzilla approaches the city, fire upon him. Godzilla then stomps on the ground, taking them out instantly, and proceeds to destroy a building and knock away a missile.

“Not even a minute and he is already destroying the city.” Rarity sighed.

“He’s a giant monster of destruction, what did you expect?” Rainbow Dash asked sarcastically.

He roars again when Gamera flies past him, then lands on the ground. The two trade roars.


Godzilla begins to approach Gamera, who picks up and throws a small building at him. Godzilla is unfazed and continues as Gamera unleashes his fire breath.

“Gamera is bringing the heat, but Godzilla can take it.” Flash said.

Afterward, he proceeds to swing both of his hands at Godzilla and strikes him with his head. Godzilla then grabs onto Gamera and slams him into a building twice, the first push damaging it and the second knocking it over. Godzilla then grapple and tosses Gamera over him, knocking him into another small building on his stomach. Godzilla backs up and fires his Atomic Breath upon Gamera, then fires upon more of the city, turning it into a flaming wreck.

“Looks like it’s Gamera that got burned.” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

“Yes, but I believe the fire his opponent is causing is a good thing.” Rarity stated.

The fire then dissipates, as Gamera absorbs it. He fires off three fireballs, all of which strike Godzilla. Godzilla then strikes the ground with his tail twice, then proceeds to do his jump kick, with his tail dragging across the ground. Gamera backs up to no avail as Godzilla lands it and then lands on him, slamming his back into the ground.

“Bet he didn’t see that coming.” Applejack grinned.

Godzilla roars and then prepares to stomp when Gamera retracts his head into his shell. Godzilla strikes the ground with his foot, then turns his head in confusion at what happened. He backs up when Gamera's shell begins spinning and then flies into the air. Godzilla roars, then is struck from behind by the spinning shell.

“Oh, the King of the Monsters just got Shellshock!” Rainbow Dash excited.

“Good word.” Pinkie said.

Rain begins to pour, and thunder strikes as Godzilla roars once again and fires his beam multiple times at his flying opponent to no avail. Gamera flies toward Godzilla, who catches him, then flies backward out of his grip. He flies toward Godzilla again, who once again catches him, but this time fires jets from his back holes and grips Godzilla with his hands. Godzilla is lifted off of the ground, grabbing onto the shell, as the two begin flying into the air.

“Now Gamera is taking the fight in the air.” Spike wondered what’s going to happen next.

“I bet he’s gonna try killing him in an outer space freefall.” Sunset guessed.

The two roars, then Godzilla begins firing Atomic Breath multiple times to no avail. The two eventually reach space, with Godzilla floating helplessly as Gamera circles around him. He grabs onto Godzilla's sides from his back and then flies downward towards Earth. The two breach the atmosphere and are back in the rainy skies. Godzilla's back spikes begin attracting lightning and he uses that power to create a Nuclear Pulse, knocking Gamera off of him. Gamera falls towards the water below, slowing his fall drastically by spinning in his shell, before going into the water. Godzilla then uses his Atomic Breath to slow down his fall before crashing into the water.

“Doubt a pain bellyflop can keep either of them down.” Fluttershy believed.

Both emerge from the water roaring, then grab each other by their hands.

“Knew it.” Fluttershy said.

Gamera strikes Godzilla with his head, but Godzilla responds by biting Gamera's left hand. He tears it off with little effort, with Gamera reeling backward in pain, as Godzilla spits it out.

“Gamera has been disarmed on the left, what will be do now?” Pinkie asked freaking out a bit.

Gamera then absorbs the planet's mana as Godzilla prepares to fire his Atomic Breath. Gamera then opens his chest to fire his Ultimate Plasma Mana Cannon, which hits Godzilla before he can use his own blast. The blast is so devastating that it goes through a bridge, destroying the whole thing. Godzilla then roars as he is enveloped in it.

Gamera then stands in the water, his green blood pouring out of the socket, where his left arm once was. He overlooks the destroyed bridge and roars.

“My, that battle sure had me on the edge of my sit.” Rarity fanned herself.

“At the turtles have scored another victory.” Rainbow Dash smirked.

“But wait, there’s no “KO” announcement.” Fluttershy pointed out.

“She’s right, and if that hadn’t happened yet then it means…” Flash paused his sentence when everyone looks at the screen shock.

However, Godzilla emerges from the water behind him only much bigger, bleeding after surviving the attack.

“He’s alive. ALIVE!” Pinkie screamed.

“Oh man, didn’t think he could take on the Mana-power of the world!” Spike surprised.

He roars as lightning strikes again, Gamera looks back, then Godzilla grabs onto Gamera. Gamera retreats into his shell and tries to use his Fireball Ejection Suicide as one last attempt to kill Godzilla, but Godzilla throws him straight into the air over him. His spikes then turn red as he fires his Spiral Atomic Breath, which strikes Gamera's shell's back. The beam eventually pierces the shell and Gamera is then obliterated, with a few pieces of his shell scattering into the water below, Godzilla roars.

“Looks like Godzilla carry on the self-destruction to Gamera.” Applejack commented.


Godzilla roars as whatever is left of Gamera is now deep in the water and out of sight.

Boomstick: Add "Master of the Culinary Arts" to his title, 'cause Godzilla just made turtle soup!

Wiz: Gamera may have held the speed advantage, but Godzilla's sheer size and power won this bout.

“Yeah, Godzilla had battled probably stronger monsters than the ones Gamera fought.” Flash stated.

Boomstick: He’s nine times heavier!

“It’s still a surprise that Gamera managed to lift him into space.” Sunset said.

Boomstick: Plus, while Gamera tanked a city-busting nuke and almost died, Godzilla tanked a similar explosion from a meteorite and didn't even flinch.

“Oh yeah, that definitely shows the difference in durability.” Fluttershy nodded.

Wiz: Gamera's shell was once pierced by Viras, a physically weaker foe. There's no doubt Godzilla could overpower this giant turtle.

Boomstick: Hell, he's strong enough to match goddamn Thor, and since Godzilla's atomic breath is composed of pure radiation, not fire, Gamera could not feed off of it.

“He actually fought against a God of Thunder! No wonder his strength is so legendary.” Rainbow Dash shocked.

“His Atomic Breath also played a role in battle that Gamera had no way of defending himself from that.” Twilight stated.

Wiz: But most importantly, Gamera has a history of winning through retreating. He usually takes one round to analyze his foe and another to win the day. On paper, this sounds like a smart idea.

“If you can’t beat your foes the first time, you can always leave to fight another time and use the knowledge from the previous battle to win.” Sunset explained.

“Too bad his opponent ended up being Godzilla.” Applejack sighed.

Boomstick: But unfortunately for Gamera, Godzilla don't play like that. Looks like Godzilla put Gamera through living... shell.

“Don’t joke like that. I might have nightmares about Tanks like that.” Rainbow Dash groaned.

Wiz: The Winner is Godzilla.

“Hey Pinkie, I just notice that this stuffy you gave me looks a lot like Godzilla.” Fluttershy realized.

“Really? I didn’t notice, I just made that some time ago for Gummy to have a friend. But he wasn’t being friendly to Gummy, so I think he’d be better with you.” Pinkie explained.

“Oh, okay.” Fluttershy looked at the stuffy for a moment then smile thinking its not scary and hugs it again.

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

Everyone has seen the battle between the two giant monsters and the King himself has crushed another worthy foe, and it looks like Fluttershy may see Godzilla in a different point of view than before from the stuffy Pinkie gave her. I don’t think the way she made it was a coincidence, huh, Pinkie Pie?

Pinkie: Maybe. Hehehe.

KO comment, favorite, click the thumb up button, and follow through of how this story will go!

Chapter 14: Batman vs Captain America

Chapter Text

Batman vs Captain America

Wiz: Defending the weak from powerful agents of evil demands a champion who has achieved the peak of human capability, all in the name of justice. And sometimes vengeance.

“This should be interesting.” Flash said.

Boomstick: Batman, The Dark Knight.

Wiz: And Captain America, The Sentinel of Liberty.

“A dark knight vs a solider hero, sounds thrilling.” Rarity excited.

Boomstick: He’s Wiz and I’m Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (29)
Wiz: Throughout the underworld of Gotham City, one name strikes fear in the cold, black hearts of even the most hardened criminals: The Batman.

“Whoa! I just got spook there.” Pinkie surprised.

Boomstick: But becoming a six-foot flying Rat of Vengeance comes at a cost, for eight-year-old Bruce Wayne, it was helplessly watching as his parents were gunned down in front of him on the way back from the theater. That poor kid... that Opera really must have scarred him.

“More about his parents’ death, you jerk.” Applejack glared.

“How does Wiz even put up with him?” Spike asked.

Age: 41
Height: 6’2” |1.9 meters
Weight: 210lbs |95.3kg
Secret Identity: Bruce Wayne
Net Worth: $6.9 Billion (Everyone shocked)
Perfected Every Martial Art known to Man
Has had 23 girlfriends, Kissed at least 60 Women.

Wiz: Bruce's genius-level intellect and physical prowess allowed him to pick up a vast array of skills on his global journey to become The Dark Knight. He became an expert in the art of disguise and a master of every fighting style known to man. He's perfected escape artistry, sword fighting, detective skills, stealth, has a photographic memory, earned 12 master’s degrees, an expert marksman and is vastly knowledgeable in pressure points.

“Holy cow, that’s a lot of skills to hone!” Applejack surprised.

“No doubt he has been pushing him hard to achieve those.” Twilight said.

“Though I am concern about the numbers of women he had.” Rarity narrowed her eyes.

Boomstick: And we're positive he's not superhuman?

Wiz: Officially no he's not, but he has learned to appear so in the minds of his opponents. Having been trained by The League of Assassins, Batman's greatest weapon is fear.

“I know how powerful fear can be.” Fluttershy admitted as she is the most timid girl.

“Don’t worry, Fluttershy, you can always count on us to be by your side to kick the fears’ butt.” Rainbow Dash assured making her smile.

Boomstick: All it takes is a glimpse of that pointy-eared shadow and criminals start shaking in their boots.

“I know I’m feeling it.” Flash said, Sunset hugs him for comfort which is working.

Utility Belt
Smoke Pellets
Various Batarangs
Explosive Gel
Shock Gloves
Cryptographic Sequencer
Forensic Analysis Kit
First Aid Kit

Boomstick: He can disappear and reappear in an instant thanks to his mastery of stealth and the high-tech gadgets he keeps in his Utility Belt, like his batclaw grappling hook, smoke pellets, tons of different Batarangs, and... shock gloves.

Wiz: Hey, don’t underestimate the shock gloves. they release a charge powerful enough to penetrate Kevlar, and even stop the heart of one of Batman's most powerful enemies, Bane.

“My word, the gloves would have to be over 50,000 volts of electricity to stop a human heart.” Twilight shocked.

“Shocking.” Pinkie punned.

Boomstick: But then he restarted it because he's nice like that. Bane later said "Thank You" the only way he knew how.

Bane breaks Batman's back.

“Ouch! I hope he got himself a good doctor to fix that.” Rainbow Dash winced from seeing that.

“And he was just being nice even if he was a villain.” Fluttershy said upset.

“He probably didn’t want to admit that his life was saved by the very enemy he tried to kill.” Sunset stated.

Boomstick: I'm surprised Batty didn't pull something out of the Utility Belt to stop that one, considering it seems to contain anything Batman could ever need. Even... shark repellent.

“What has Shark ever done to him?” Fluttershy asked.

“Maybe like… eat him alive.” Spike answered.

Wiz: Actually, that's a common misconception, the Shark Repellent was stored in the helicopter that Robin was flying, NOT Batman's Utility Belt.

Boomstick: Oh yeah, because that makes it SOOO much less ridiculous.

“But it’s good to have something in case of a shark attack.” Twilight pointed out.

Wiz: Batman also carries Explosive Gel. A cluster of this substance can be sprayed onto nearly any surface and remotely detonate, perfect for distractions.

“Huh?” Rainbow Dash and Pinkie confused.

Boomstick: Or you know... BLOWING sh*t UP!

“Oh, cool!” Both girls said smiling at each other.

Boomstick: Tip for Criminals: if you know Batman's after you, Avoid anything shaped like a Bat.

Man 1: Somebody in here?

Batman stares at the man, who then closes the door.

Man 2: Something Wrong?

Man 1: Nope.

Everyone laughs at the man who so scared of Batman from just being stared at.

Wiz: Bruce chose the guise of a Bat to project his own fear of the flying mammal onto his enemies. However, that is not the Batsuit's only purpose.

“Now I know why the bat, let see how he made the suit.” Rarity interested.

Boomstick: Thanks to some Military-Grade Armor he stole from his own company with Morgan Freeman's permission, the batsuit is almost completely bulletproof, knife proof, electricity proof, punch proof, dogproof and theftproof.

“Man, this guy takes no chances at anything, huh?” Flash gasped of the many proof things the batsuit is.

Wiz: Inside Batman's Cowl is an array of High-Tech Gear commonly used for listening to Police Scanners and Communicating with Allies, but in combat, Batman finds more use in its Night, Infrared and Ultraviolet Vision. Also, its built-in Triangulation Imaging System, which hacks into the world's cellphones and creates a Digital 3D Map.

Boomstick: You mean he can see EVERYTHING I do, just because I have a phone?

Wiz: More or less.

Boomstick: Ask him where I left my keys...

“Amazing, that kind of gadget can be a big help like rescuers looking through buildings and secret agents on infiltration missions.” Twilight amazed.

“Eeh, it’s pretty good.” Pinkie shrugged as she already has her own method of knowing things.

Avoid Unavoidable Omega Beams
Survived Outer Space for 24 Seconds
Bench Press: 1,000lbs
Leg Press: 2,500lbs
Can Throw a Batarang 100mph
Swapped a Poisoned Drink Faster than the Literal Blink of an Eye
Broke into Area 51… and Area 52

Wiz: Aside from Mass Invasion of Privacy, Batman's resume includes such accomplishments as dodging Darkseid's virtually unavoidable Omega Beams, withstanding the vacuum of space for 24 seconds and breaking free from a coffin, buried 6 feet underground, in a straitjacket after being deprived of sleep for days all while having a co*cktail of unknown drugs in his system along with The Joker's latest Venom Toxin.

Boomstickand Everyone: WHAT THE f*ck?!

“How in f*cking Equestria is he even still alive?” Sunset gasped, using a phrase she hadn’t said in a long time.

Boomstick: Are we positive that we're positive he's not superhuman?!

“Yeah man, there’s no way any normal human can do all that!” Rainbow Dash wondered too.

Wiz: Given his line of work, I wouldn't be surprised if he stumbled into a room filled with Gamma Rays or something like that.

“But he doesn’t need no superpowers because he’s Batman!” Pinkie said in a slight dark tone.

Wiz: But underneath the Batsuit, he is affected by knives and bullets the same as any other mortal man. Even though he usually comes out victorious, his self-confidence occasionally put him in life-threatening situations he can't escape without help.

Boomstick: Like Bane's "Thank You Spine Durability Test".

“Damn, now that is a badass man.” Rainbow Dash complimented.

Wiz: But the Caped Crusader has consistently found a way to survive even the most life-threatening situations.

Boomstick: And Bats has no problem continuously going toe-to-toe with evil in the name of Justice... Vengeance.

“Even if he does do vengeance, I don’t think he would kill the bad guys either.” Sunset believed.

“If that’s the case then he probably has a code to keep himself in check.” Flash theorized.

Batman: From this moment on, none of you are safe...

Captain America
Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (30)
“Oh, that looks like Manhattan.” Rarity recognized the bridge on the screen.

Before Transformation, Height: 5’4” |1.6m. Weight: 95lbs|43.1kg
After Transformation, Height: 6’2” |1.9m. Weight: 220lbs|99.8kg
Both parents died Early in his Life
Won the Hold Medal in an Art Contest as a Teenager (Sunset would like to see his Artwork)
Was Once Mutated into “Spider-King”
Secretly a Habitual Car Thief

Wiz: Born to poor Irish immigrants in Manhattan on July 4th, 1920, Steven Rogers grew up with little money, few friends-

Boomstick: And even fewer muscles! Good God, is that Steve Rogers or Jack Skellington? Somebody get that kid a sandwich!

“Forget a sandwich, he needs a Thanksgiving size feast!” Applejack surprised.

“I’m sure he gets buff later.” Spike said.

Wiz: But his sheer willpower, selflessness, and desire for justice stood out. As those around him left to serve in the Second World War, Rogers was desperate to fight for his country. But due to his lacking physique and health problems, he was turned away from every single Military Organization multiple times.

“Poor Steve, all he wants is to help serve his country.” Fluttershy said feeling sad for Steve.

“It can’t be helped if you don’t have the health and physique to get in.” Flash stated.

Boomstick: Meanwhile Hitler was creating a new group of Super Nazis with lasers, called HYDRA.

“That’s not good.” Pinkie shook her head.

Wiz: Desperate to combat this new threat, Uncle Sam began the top-secret "Project Rebirth", it looked like Rogers would finally get his chance to be the hero after all. ...Provided he survived an untested, unstable, unprecedented experience.

“Of course, they would just do that.” Twilight rolled her eyes.

“An evil army is on the loose and they need a Super Solider fast, so I’m sure Steve is up for the job.” Rainbow Dash believed.

Boomstick: After an injection of some mystery juice and tanning in Vita-Rays, Rogers lived!

“Oh my…” Rarity blushed upon seeing Steve now tall and muscle along with those strong biceps.

Boomstick: And as a plus became a Nazi Annihilating, Terrorist Thrashing symbol of freedom: Captain America! 'MERICA!(Gunfire sounds as a Bald Eagle flies by while Confetti and Fireworks go off.)

“Sounds like Boomstick is a fan.” Applejack noticed.

Wiz: The Super Soldier Serum pushed Steve's body to the absolute limit of human physical and mental potential.

Boomstick: A homeless guy sold me a Super Serum once. I woke up in Denny's a week later without my wallet.

“More like you got scammed.” Spike chuckled.

Adept in all Fighting Styles
Master Tactician
Proficient in all Weapons, though he typically only uses his Shield
Expert Acrobat
Capable of Chi Manipulation
Can Resist all Form of Mind Control
Proficient in Driving all Kinds of Vehicles

Wiz: With his new body, Rogers can bench press 1100 lbs and run a mile in 73 seconds, by comparison, the bench press world record without the aid of a bench shirt is Eric Spoto's 722 lbs and the fastest mile run belongs to Hicham Guerouj of Morocco of 3 minutes 43 seconds, that makes Rogers nearly twice as strong and over three times as fast as the most physically fit human beings in the world.

“Goodness, he could win the Olympic easily!” Rarity shocked.

“Not when he’s up against me.” Rainbow Dash smirked.

“Or me.” Applejack smirked as well, also thinking about challenging the Cap.

Boomstick: He can even dodge gunfire at point-blank range by, in his own words "Seeing Faster."

Wiz: Which is the absolutely stupidest way of saying that his brain can process images faster than a normal human.

“Yeah, just say he has faster reaction time. It’s better!” Twilight proclaimed.

Boomstick: Putting his new abilities to good use, he's adept in every single form of hand-to-hand combat known to man. That's right, I bet you didn't know that Captain America was a ninja.

Iron Fist: Jujitsu, Kung-Fu, Krav Maga?

Captain America: All of the above.

“I’m only a black belt in karate, now I definitely want to learn more martial arts!” Rainbow Dash excited.

Wiz: Despite his incredible physical potential, the military initially decided Super Steve was best suited as... The US Army Poster Boy.

“What? That’s not Super Solider Action!” Rainbow Dash complained.

“They probably just wanted to inspired other men to join the army.” Applejack figured.

Boomstick: That suit looks like it was ripped from a Patriotic Circus.

Wiz: It was.

Boomstick: Really? Well, at least he upgraded to suits not made for a circus later on.

Wiz: No, they were too.

“Circus can really make those?” Fluttershy confused.

Boomstick: What kind of circus would make a costume with Kevlar, Nomex, and Lightweight Titanium, that's resistant to water, fire, and electric shocks?

“Yeah, what?” Rainbow Dash wanted to know too.

Wiz: Some call it War World II.

Boomstickand Rainbow Dash: Oh, I get it.

Wiz: But the most iconic aspect of Cap's attire is his famed Shield.

Cap’s Shield
2.5 Feet in Diamter, Weighs 12lbs
An unrepeatable combination of Proto-Adamantium and Vibranium
Its Proto-Adamantium is even stronger than Regular Adamantium
Absorbs the Full Blow of any Impact
Conducts neither Electricity nor Heat
Highly Aerodynamic
Can Only be Damaged by Tampering with its Molecular Bonding

“Stylish and functionally.” Rarity commented.

Wiz: Composed of Proto-Adamantium and a mysterious metal from space called Vibranium, this one-of-a-kind shield was presented to him personally by none other than the 32nd President of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

“Such an Honor.” Applejack saluted.

Boomstick: And like a badass, Cap doesn't just use his shield for defending himself. He hurls that motherf*cker at just about anything that moves!

“Good defense is always the good offense.” Sunset stated.

Wiz: The combination of the two metals allows the shield to absorb and reflect practically all kinetic energy and thus ricochet off multiple targets with only minor loss in velocity. Captain America utilizes this in combination with his super-soldier mind to predict and calculate the shield's trajectory so that it always ends up back in hand no matter how many targets it has struck.

“Good to know he doesn’t lose it in battle.” Fluttershy relieved.

Boomstick: Cap's shield can reflect anything from bullets to lasers, decapitate vampires, and stop a blow from Thor's Hammer. And if you recall, Mjolnir doesn't f*ck around, this giant Frisbee of freedom is so cool, even Superman wants one!

No knows who this Superman is, but they can tell that he looks like a powerful hero and is impressed of the shield thought they’re also surprised that Captain America have met Thor in person too.

Peggy Carter shoots bullets at Cap's Shield

Peggy Carter: Yes, I think it works.

“I guess that’s one way to test run.” Twilight commented.

Wiz: But it's not unstoppable, it's been damaged and even destroyed its fair share of times over the years, but only by Cosmic or Reality warping powers.

Boomstick: Luckily, Mr. America doesn't rely only on his shield.

“Nice to know he’s more than a one-trick-pony.” Flash nodded.

Survived being Frozen in Ice for 70 Years
Can run almost 50mph|80.5kph
Caught a Torpedo with his Bare Hands
Threw the Hulk off his Feet
Jumps 20-30 Feet High
Drops from Airplane at Cruising Altitude into Water without a parachute no Problem

Wiz: He's boxed Thor to a standstill, was deemed worthy to wield Mjolnir and has even managed to incapacitate The Hulk with his knowledge of Pressure Points.

“That just shows how tough we Americans are.” Rainbow Dash bragged.


“I take it this Hulk must be a powerful foe or ally, maybe.” Sunset said unsure of that.

Boomstick: You've gotta be a real man to give the Green Goliath a nut check. I mean, that's the fastest way to piss off a dude. And who don't we like when they're angry? Balls of steel right there. Great big, eagle-shaped, freedom balls of steel.

“Okay, enough talking about men’s private place now.” Rarity snarled.

Wiz: And to top everything off, not many Superheroes can claim to have defeated the fearsome foursome of Crack, Weed, Ice, and Ms. Fix: The literal personifications of actual Street Drugs.

Boomstick: So, you're telling me he's preaching an anti-drug message, KNOWING that drugs are the entire reason he became awesome?!

Wiz: I guess we can add "Hypocrite" to his list of aliases.

“He’s a superhero! Of course, he would send Anti-Drug messages to help keep people safe and healthy.” Pinkie pointed out.

Wiz: Despite being a physically perfect human, Captain America more or less has the same weaknesses as any other man, his patriotic uniform can only protect him so much from stabbing weapons.

Boomstick: And sniper bullets, God knows he gets killed pretty good by those. AHHH, WEAPONS! MY ONLY WEAKNESS! How did you... know...?

“Oh, ha ha, I forgot how to laugh.” Rarity said sarcastically.

“Though it is worth noting to be careful with weapons.” Applejack said.

Wiz: Even in the face of Death, Captain America always stands for what the United States needs.

Boomstick: And sometimes that's serving Hitler an American sized knuckle sandwich!

“Give him a serving kickass dessert too!” Rainbow Dash cheered.

Man: Who are you supposed to be?

Captain America: I'm *pant* Captain America.

Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set. Let’s end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: It’s time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!

“Time to see which defenders has more justice than the other.” Flash excited.

An alleyway is shown, and we see Captain America drop from the top of a building. The camera turns into the shadowy parts of the alley, and we see two blank eyes. These eyes belong to Batman.

Batman approaches the good Captain slowly and takes a combat stance. Cap responds, doing the same.


Captain America instantly throws his shield at Batman, which hits and ricochets, allowing Cap to sprint and grab the shield.

“Looks like Cap is going for a big start.” Applejack commented.

Cap starts pummeling Batman with punches and kicks (due to his knowledge of pressure points and his study of different martial arts), but Batman starts avoiding the attacks, and counters with a kick.

Batman throws some Batarangs but said weapons are deflected as Cap throws his shield again. Batman dodges it and shoots his grappling hook from his grapple gun in an attempt to pull Cap towards him. But Cap catches the grappling hook with his hand and his shield bounces of a wall hitting Batman in the back of his head.

“Should have checked if the shield was coming back.” Rarity said.

“But Batman has taken hits harder than that on the back.” Pinkie pointed out.

Cap yanks the cord, and races to get his shield. As he retrieves the shield, Batman is flying towards him (Due to the grappling hook), and rams the shield into Batman's chest, knocking him into a wall.

“Batman better think of something against that shield.” Sunset wondered how the Dark Knight will get around the shield.

Batman activates the shock gloves, which are useless against the shield when punching it. Cap pushes Bats back, only for Bats to spread Smoke Bombs along the floor.

Captain America: Let's finish this. Hyper...!

This is followed by the smoke screens going off, with the rim of the shield in the wall, Batman seemingly vanished. Then, more smoke bombs are detonated.

“Let see how Captain’s super vision will work in this.” Spike grinned.

Cap looks around confused until a Batarang flies by his head. Cap throws his shield in the distance and waits for a second.

Nothing happens, until he gets his shield back, covered in explosive gel.

“OOOH! Gel Bat-Bomb in your face!” Pinkie called it.

The ensuing explosion makes Captain America stumble, and become woozy. Batman leaps in and uses his knowledge of pressure points to keep Cap at bay.

As soon as Captain America collapses, Batman grabs the Shield and walks behind Cap.

“Looks like Batman is about to finish this fight.” Flash stated.

“I bet it’s gonna be using his shield against him.” Rainbow Dash smirked.

Before Cap can regain his senses, Batman knocks Cap into the sky and uses his grappling hook to grab Cap by the neck. Cap is jerked down, and the hook wraps around a lamppost, breaking the Star-Spangled Hero's neck instantly as he hangs above the street.

“Death by hang, old school but effective.” Twilight noted.


Batman throws Cap's shield at the hanging Captain America, slicing off the bottom half of his body and after that throwing a smoke pellet into the ground disappearing into the night of the city that he was fighting The First Avenger.

Boomstick: I pledge allegiance, to the Cap, hanging miserably from the light post.

“Hey now, no mocking the honorable solider.” Applejack crossed her arms.

Wiz: Captain America did have the endurance and power advantage, and Batman himself has admitted he COULD lose a hand-to-hand match against him, but there's a big difference between COULD and WOULD.

Boomstick: I COULD survive a fall out of an airplane, but I wouldn't bet on it. Unless you're doing it, Wiz, you should totally try it. 5 bucks if you make it.

“I wouldn’t take that bet. Ever.” Sunset said.

Wiz: You're an idiot, Boomstick. Also, the fact is, Batman is more than a boxer. His stealth and disarming skills allowed him to turn the fight in his favor.

Boomstick: Not to mention the gadgets. Just because Cap could "see faster" doesn't mean he can see hard enough to spot Bats through a solid wall of smoke.

“True, even animals with heighten eyesight can’t see through fogs.” Fluttershy nodded.

Wiz: Batman also regularly battles and sneaks around super-beings far above your average Laser Nazi.

“Always got to be prepare for anything, like Granny Smith always said.” Applejack mentioned.

Boomstick: If he can ninja around SUPERMAN'S Super Hearing, there's no reason he can't do the same to Captain America.

Wiz: And, of course, Batman has more knowledge of Pressure Points and fighting styles, because he's mastered all of them, rather than simply being adept, helping him incapacitate and finish off the Star-Spangled Soldier.

“Being able to adept can only get you so far if you’re opponent has more experience and completely master the fighting styles.” Pinkie pointed out surprising her friends.

Boomstick: Captain America just couldn't hang in there.

Wiz: The Winner is Batman.

“Guess it goes to show that sometimes darkness can be a great alley to have.” Flash commented.

“True, though I prefer the ways we do when it comes to saving the day.” Rainbow Dash shrugged.

“At least Steve went down fighting like a solider he is.” Applejack smiled.

“That he did, Applejack, dear. That he did.” Rarity nodded.

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

They have seen the might of the Dark Knight taking down the America Super Solider and learned to never underestimate of those without powers, I’m sure they’ll take that to heart and think of both heroes as an inspiration.

KO comment, favorite, click the thumb up button, and follow through of how this story will go!

Chapter 15: Tigerzord VS Gundam Epyon

Chapter Text

Tigerzord VS Gundam Epyon

"Hope you're excited for the next one, Twilight." Spike said.

"Why say that?" Twilight puzzled.

"I don't know, just a feeling I'm getting that you might like this one." Spike shrugged.

"Whatever, just get to playing the next episode already!" Rainbow Dash whined a bit, pressing her chest onto Flash's leg which causes him to blush like crazy.

"Right, right, playing it now!" Flash quickly pressed the play button.

Wiz: Evil: It has many faces, and sometimes even a good-natured soul may become its unknowing pawn.

"Know the feeling too well." Twilight remembered when she shortly became evil during the Friendship Games event.

"Aman." Sunset nodded, remembering the time during the Fall Formal.

Boomstick: Oh, did you say something? I couldn't hear you over GIANT FIGHTING ROBOTS! Seriously, what's cooler than giant robots? Absolutely nothing.

"Giant robots, this I got to see." Applejack interested in this.

"Spike, I think you're right about me liking this episode!" Twilight smiled hugging the happy dog a little tight.

Wiz: The White Tigerzord, the sixth Thunderzord.

"Oh, this one is an animal." Fluttershy surprised.

"And it's a cat." Spike sighed.

Boomstick: And Epyon, the sixth Gundam.

"You know, this is almost like the classic "Man vs Beast" saying with how those giant robots look." Rarity pointed out.

"Huh, it actually does now that you mention it." Flash said seeing this too.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

White Tigerzord
Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (31)

"Now, show me the wonders of those machines." Twilight excited.

"(Thank you for being right, instinct.)" Spike thought smiled.

Wiz: Behold the Thunderzords, mighty bestial vehicles with a power and a force like you've never seen before.

Boomstick: Unless you live in Japan, then that sh*t is everywhere!

"I think I just thought of my next family vacation!" Pinkie smiled.

"If you can travel another world like that." Sunset pointed out.

Wiz: The Thunderzords are piloted by the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, five overbearing and over-emotional humans.

Boomstick: Teenagers…

"Come on, we're not that bearing with emotions." Flash stated and Pinkie winks at the readers.

Wiz: For over a year, these five heroes defended the Earth from the evil Rita Repulsa and her cronies.

"Huh, that's almost like how long we have our magical powers." Applejack said thinking about it.

Boomstick: But when her boss, Lord Zedd, showed up and started beating some serious Ranger ass, the team knew they needed some help.

The teens and dog groan of shock when they saw Lord Zedd having such a scary look like something came out of a secret lab in a hospital.

"I'm glad we never had to fought someone like that." Fluttershy gulped.

Wiz: Thus, a giant floating head in a tube and his robot buddy set to work building a new Ranger with a new Zord.

Zordon: I present to you... the White Ranger.

The room gets brighter, then the White Ranger floats downward to the ground.

White Ranger (as Tommy): Tigerzord!

"My, what a handsome man he is." Rarity smirked at Tommy.

Then everyone saw the White Tigerzord entering the scene with a mighty roar of a tiger and charging into the battlefield.


The 6thThunderzord

Height: 152 ft|46.5m

Weight: 150 tons| 136 metric tons

Power: 75,000 megavolts (Shocked Twilight and Sunset)

Top Speed: 115 mph|185 km/h

Pilot: Tommy Oliver

Power Source: Morphing Grid

Boomstick: The White Tigerzord is a gigantic weaponized robo-kitty. While cats are clearly inferior to dogs, I might make an exception for this one and take it home.

"No! Go back to hating cats, dogs are greater!" Spike declared as he growls.

"Spike Sparkle Dog, there's no need to get all growling like that." Twilight scratched behind his ear calming him down.

"Besides, you're friend with my cat, Opal." Rarity reminded.

"True, but she's only one cat." Spike chuckled with a slight blush of embarrassment.

Wiz: Well, considering after it transforms to warrior mode, the Tigerzord weighs 150 tons and stands nearly fifteen floors tall, I don't think you'll find one in a pet shop window.

"Awesome!" Rainbow Dash liked this robot cat more now.

Boomstick: And it's a Transformer?! Awesome!

"That's what I just said." Rainbow Dash said.

"Not to mention the power it has, that much could light up the entire city." Sunset stated.

Wiz: The White Tigerzord is powered by the, quote, "White light of goodness", as is its pilot, the heroic leader of the team, Tommy Oliver, the White Ranger.

Tommy OliverPilot

White Mighty Morphing Power Ranger

Height: 5'11" |1.8m

Weight: 214lbs|97kg

Weapon: Saba: Length, 20in|51cm. Sentient saber. Can fire lasers and fly independently

Martial Arts: Karate, Keppo, Takewondo, Judo, Shinkido (Rainbow Dash impressed)

Has had 5 different Ranger Powers (Group wonder about that)

"Oh, there's that handsome man again." Rarity squealed.

"Easy there, girl." Applejack patted her on the back.

Boomstick: He wasn't always in charge, though. His original powers came from the screeching, migraine-ridden she-witch Rita. Naturally, it was a trick, and those powers came packaged with a curse that turned him evil.

"Not a good way to start being a Ranger." Sunset exclaimed.

Wiz: Luckily, Rita doesn't logic much, so the Rangers reversed the spell by destroying a completely unrelated object.

"Bet she didn't think they would go for that." Twilight chuckled.

Boomstick: Tommy wields Saba, a talking saber that shoots lasers and remote controls the Tigerzord.

"A talking sword that can control the giant robot! Where can I get one of those?" Rainbow Dash asked exciting.

The Tigerzord trips and falls on its back, still moving its feet as if running.

White Ranger: Hey! I thought you knew what you were doing!

Saba: I do!

White Ranger: Yeah, you sure could've fooled me.

"Never mind." Rainbow Dash take back what she just said.

Wiz: And is also... uniquely multilingual.

The scene shows the Rangers fighting a monster and the White Ranger is next to a birdcage.

That's right. None of you speaks bird. Take me over to the cages. Um... squawk, squawk, tweet, squawk, tweet...

This made Fluttershy giggles.

"What did he say?" Pinkie asked.

"Just about the monster and wonder if the bird will share some of its birdseeds." Fluttershy answered.

Flash and the girls look dumbstruck at Fluttershy wonder if that's true.

Boomstick: Everyone that just watched that is now dumber. Our bad.


Golden Tiger Sword

White Tiger Thunderbolts

Sonic Roar

Hyper Speed

Shoulder Charge

Pilot Mimicry

Wiz: In battle, the Tigerzord's tail doubles as a golden tiger sword.

Boomstick: Which can light itself on fire, I assume, by sparking a robo-fart of some sort. See, Wiz? I can science, too.

"No, that wasn't science." Twilight facepalmed herself.

Boomstick: Anyway, the Tigerzord knocks foes off their feet with sonic blasts, temporarily increases agility with hyper speed, and shoots fireballs from its... chest mouth thing.

White Ranger: White Tiger Thunderbolt! Armed and ready!

It fires, which hits Nimrod.

White Ranger: *laughs*

"That would be cooler if it can blow parties from it!" Pinkie proclaimed.

Wiz: The Tigerzord's greatest asset, however, is its ability to mimic the movements of its pilot.

White Ranger does punches and kicks and the Tigerzord mimic those moves on Nimrod, knocking her to the ground.

"Mimic the movements of the pilot, now that's crazy!" Flash commented.

Wiz: So, it's important to determine how superhuman the White Ranger is, but he doesn't have many measurable feats. Fortunately, all Ranger powers are derived from the same Morphing Grid, a galaxy-spanning energy field which balances all life.

Boomstick: So... the Force.

Wiz: Yeah, pretty much. This means all Rangers have comparable powers that we can use to measure Tommy's potential.

"So, drawing from the same power can give all the Rangers the same superhuman feats instead of some being superior." Sunset stated.

"Kinda make sense." Applejack said though a little confuse.

Boomstick: The SPD Green Ranger Bridge Carson once lifted and threw a two-ton car at this poor girl, who he guessed was a demon. Luckily, he was right, and a PR catastrophe was avoided.

Wiz: The average man can squat-lift about 125 lbs, so this feat makes Power Rangers at least 32 times stronger.

Saba: That was most impressive.

"Hoo-Wee, I can lift a bus with one hand." Applejack bragged.

Wiz: And we know Rangers also receive a speed boost, so it's reasonable to believe that a morphed Ranger's reaction speed is in the ballpark of 32 times faster than the average person. Thus, the White Ranger can actually react to attacks in about six milliseconds. To compare, in the same given time, a bullet fired from a gun would've only traveled about nine feet. As the Tigerzord mimics the White Ranger in real-time, it must be capable of the same speeds.

"Oh, I would like to see them react to my awesome speed." Rainbow Dash grinned.

"I'm sure you would leave them in the dust." Flash believed.

"Duh, it's me we're talking about." Rainbow Dash smiled and hiding her blushing cheeks.

Boomstick: I bet he could totally do that knife finger stabby game. Actually, uh, Wiz, put your hand on the table.

Wiz: NO! Not after last time! That poor intern...

Boomstick: I told him not to move!

"Yeah, I'm never playing games with him." Fluttershy promised.

"Aw, but games are for friends having fun!" Pinkie stated.

Wiz: Anyway, like that intern, the Tigerzord can't always cut it on its own.

Boomstick: When that happens, Tommy's friends usually come in to save his ass, but even though they won't be able to help him today, Tommy can still call upon his secret weapon.

"What other secrets will they show us?" Twilight asked exciting.

Wiz: Each Power Ranger has his or her individual Zord, which only they can pilot. However, there have been numerous instances when a Ranger has called upon other Zords. So Tommy can call upon the Lion, Griffin, Unicorn, and Phoenix Thunderzords to create the Mega Tigerzord.

The Tigerzord transforms into the Mega Tigerzord.

"I'll admit, that's a scene transforming scene." Spike said.

Mega Tigerzord

Height: 207ft|63m

Weight: 336 tons|305 metric tons

Energy Ball

Energy Shield

Bladed buckler

Phoenix Strike (Finishing Move)

More powerful than the Thunder Megazord

Boomstick: The Mega Tigerzord is a massive monster of a mech. It's got an energy shield, an energy ball attack, and a wicked dropkick. Oh, and its finishing move is literally lighting a giant robo-bird on fire and shooting it through everyone in its path. Obviously, the Mega Tigerzord has never lost a match.

"Oh man, now I really want to pilot that beast!" Flash squealed.

"Easy, Flash. I'm sure someday you'll pilot a giant robot." Sunset giggled while stroking his hair.

Strengths and Feats

Beat Nimord when Megazord failed

Defeated Cannontop singlehandedly

Stronger than Thunder Megazord

Survived deflected Phoenix Strike

Can lift over 1500 tons (Applejack amazes)

Tommy Beat Pursehead one-on-one

Tommy defeated 4 monsters at once

Tommy defeated Golder in several duels

Wiz: The Mega Tigerzord is so powerful, it's even had that finisher move reflected back at it, survived, and all it did was fall over and look surprised.

"Oh man, that's crazy tough!" Applejack commented.

"You can say that again." Rarity nodded.


Defeated by Dragonzord in one shot

No backup power supply

Not very agile

Destroyed by Rito Revolto

Tommy's stubborn honor can sometimes lead to mistakes

Boomstick: But it's not all firebirds and rainbows. Enough damage can overload the Tigerzord's connection to the Morphing Grid and annihilate it. But don't get me wrong; this is one ass-kicking, Mighty Morphin', fire-birding, flame-swording power kitty! Meow.

"Bet it was hard for bad guys to take down a big cat like that." Rainbow Dash stated.

White Ranger: Saba, are you ready, pal?

Saba: White Ranger, I'm ready when you are.

White Ranger: Alright! Tigerzord! Power up!

The Tigerzord roars and then turns into warrior mode.

Gundam Eypon
Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (32)

Wiz: In the year 195 A.C., yes, A.C., Earth and its space colonies were on the brink of civil war. Chaos had erupted, governments shattered from within. The only constant were five freedom-fighting mobile suits called Gundams.

"Wow, never knew humans could make something do advance in other worlds." Sunset said.

"I hope pilots are friendly." Fluttershy wondered what they're like.

Boomstick: Piloted by a bunch of kids who have no idea how to have fun. Seriously, get laid or something.

"No fun! That's so sad!" Pinkie sobbed.

Wiz: Intrigued, the disgraced commander Treize Khushrenada set about creating his own Gundam.

Boomstick: For sex?

"Huh?" Everyone confused.

Wiz: No, for Zechs.

Boomstick: This is getting really confusing.

"Is he seriously mixing that word with someone's name?" Rarity annoyed.

Wiz: Try and keep up. Treize hoped this new non-sexual fighting machine would finally answer the meaning of life and death.

Boomstick: And birth.

Wiz and Rarity: NO!

Treize removes a book from the shelf.

Treize: I have a guide here that will show you how to live from now on.

The walls split, revealing Epyon.

"It's like we're looking at a demon!" Flash surprised.

Wiz: And so, the Gundam Epyon was born.

Heero Yuy: Do you think you've built a god or something?

Treize: Maybe I do.

"Oh boy, that's a co*cky attitude we all know." Sunset rolled her eyes as everyone agrees.

Boomstick: Epyon is a fierce force of metal and badassery. Like all Gundams, it's armored with... Gundanium.

Wiz: Yet another stupidly named fictional metal that happens to be many times stronger and lighter than titanium.

"Guess he doesn't like made-up metals, huh?" Spike noticed.

"He is a scientist; I know how he feels." Twilight said.


The 6thoriginal Gundam (Wing)

ID: 0S-13MS Gundam Epyon

Height: 57ft|17.4m

Weight: 9.4 tons|8.5 metric tons

Max Propulsion: 194,337lbs|88,150kg

Pilot: Zechs Merquise

Armor: Gundam alloy

Power plant: Untracompact Fusion Reactor

Boomstick: Standing 57 feet tall and weighing just under ten tons, Epyon is actually quite a bit smaller than your average Japanese giant robot.

"Still bigger than we've seen." Flash commented.

Wiz: But for what it lacks in size, Epyon compensates with incredible speed. With a max propulsion of nearly 200,000 pounds, Epyon can fly over 250 miles per hour.

"I can still run circles around it." Rainbow Dash grinned.

Boomstick: But manning a Gundam at that speed is rough and can kill a pilot who hasn't been trained.

"Kinda like those space training programs, right?" Applejack asked.

"Yep, unless your body can withstand the force of leaving the planet then you'll be flat as a pancake." Sunset explained.

"Oh, I would look good as a pancake." Pinkie smiled making some laugh a little.

Zechs MerquisePilot

Code name: Lightning Count, Wind

Age: 20

Height: 6'1" |184cm

Weight: 168lbs|76kg

True identity: Milliardo Peacecraft

Valedictorian of Lake Victoria Military Academy

Ranks: OZ Colonel, Romefeller Count, White Fang Commander-in-Chief

Wiz: Epyon's pilot is the legendary warrior and Treize's closest friend, Zechs Merquise, the Lightning Count. Commander of the OZ special forces, valedictorian of a prestigious military academy, and sole pilot of the unstable Gundam prototype.

Boomstick: How does the Wizard of Oz come into this now!? Anime seriously confuses me.

"Dude, you really got to pay attention on how the plot goes." Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Boomstick: Well, regardless, Zechs is a true warrior.

Zechs: I am a true soldier.

Boomstick: Oh look, an echo.

"Echo. Echo. Echo." Pinkie repeated for fun.

Wiz: Despite this, he could not handle the politics of war. After Treize staged a coup which spiraled out of control, Zechs stumbled through the ensuing chaos like a lost pup, always ending up fighting for the wrong cause by complete accident. Whoops.

"How does that happen to a well-trained soldier like him?" Rarity asked

Zechs: I don't understand! Why am I still so... spineless?

"Oh, poor Zechs." Fluttershy felt sad for the pilot.

Boomstick: Oh, I have an awesome giant Gundam that everyone needs to do awesome stuff. Poor me.

"Not nice, Boomstick." Fluttershy glared.

Wiz: But PLOT TWIST: Zechs has been hiding a secret identity. He is, in fact, Milliardo Peacecraft, the long-lost heir to the throne of the pacifist Saint Kingdom. Yes, the Peacecrafts literally craft peace.

"Damn, not that feels more sadden for the fella." Applejack commented.

"At least he comes from a peaceful family." Sunset said.

Boomstick: At first, the only one who knew Zech's true identity was his slap-happy admirer, Noin. You'd think a cheerful girlfriend who doesn't have blood on her hands would help Zechs lighten up a bit. But...

"My, I can definitely see a bright future for them." Rarity complimented.

Zechs: Don't go getting too attached or parting will hurt.

Noin: But my soldiers aren't ever going to be killed in battle.

A black screen says "Exactly 1 minute, 10 seconds later"... then explosions travel across the complex, killing her men, followed by Noin holding one of her men in her arms before he dies.

"Totally jinx yourself, woman." Rainbow Dash sighed.

Boomstick: Damn... he won't be hitting that for a while.

"BOOMSTICK!" Rarity shouted in rage.

Wiz: Despite being a back-stabbing, coup-staging terrorist, Treize Khushrenada apparently has some high sense of honor, and this is reflected in Epyon's arsenal.

"Really?" Pinkie asked.

Boomstick: Aside from two tiny vulcan guns, Epyon was designed as a dueling suit, and lacks effective long-range weaponry. But that's okay, 'cause check out this sword!

They see Eypon fly fast and sliced four robots, destroying them in one swing each.

"Whoa!" Spike surprised.


Beam Sword

Eypon Claws

Eypon Shield

Heat Rod

Vulcan Guns

Search Eye

Eypon System: Modified ZERO System, Predicts outcome in midbattle, Potentially harmful to pilot, Can cause hallucinations

Boomstick: The Beam Sword is connected directly to Epyon's power source, which means its size and power can be increased on the fly. Epyon also has a durable shield which houses a chain whip called the Heat Rod, that can be super-heated to slice through armor.

"I would like to try that out." Sunset said interest in the Heat Rod.

Wiz: But its greatest and most risky weapon is its on-board computer: the EPYON system. A modified Zoning & Emotional Range Omitted System. This directly links with the pilot's brain and aids him by constantly predicting outcomes and strategies in mid-battle. And unlike other zero systems, this modified version shows Zechs's opponents' face as he's murdering them.

Boomstick: Oh, that's right. For the nightmares.

"Guess he can't always handle finishing off his opponents afterward." Flash said.

Wiz: It gets worse. The EPYON system relies on Zechs ignoring all distractions, including his own drive to win. It predicts every possible outcome of the battle at hand and shares them with him. These include the outcomes where he loses, which take the forms of hallucinations. If Zechs can't separate fact from fiction, these hallucinations may become reality.

"Ouch, that's gonna be hard for therapy." Applejack commented.

Strengths and Feats

Held off 4 Gundams at once

Destroyed Barge

Undetectable by most scanners

Survived Explosion of Libra station

Gundanium armor is several times stronger than titanium

Zechs defeated Colony 191 in under 1 minute

Boomstick: But despite the danger, it's totally worth getting into Epyon's pilot seat, 'cause this giant robot is a born winner. It's capable of holding four other Gundams at once, survive the heart of an exploding space station, and destroyed another giant space station with a single, awesome sword slice. Ha-haa! Gundam powers, away!

"Slicing a giant ship with one swing! Okay, I'm impress." Rainbow Dash nodded.

"Couldn't have done it without the pilot." Flash stated.


Lost duel against Gundam Wing Zero

No powerful ranged weapons

Susceptible to beam cannons

Physically and mentally dangerous to pilot

Eypon System may cause hallucination and loss of control

Zechs' obsession over Lucrezia Noin (Rarity thinks that's romantic)

Wiz: Of course, Epyon does have its fair share of weaknesses, and even though Zechs eventually overcame his turn to the dark side, nearly sacrificing his life for the greater good in the process, he never did quite become that perfect soldier he always wanted to be.

"Sometimes what you want is beyond your reach." Sunset stated as Twilight nods.

Boomstick: But good news: he did eventually get in Noin's pants. Worth it!

"Oh, I knew those two are meant for each other!" Rarity squealed.

"Nice to know he has a little happiness in his life." Fluttershy smiled.

Zechs: Just watch me! I'm gonna live right to the bitter end! I'll live the hard life of a warrior!

Wiz: All right, the combatants are set. Time to end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE! Robo Style!

"I'm voting the tiger robot to lose." Spike said.

"Somehow, I knew you would say that." Twilight chuckled.

In a barren, hill-covered area, the Tigerzord in warrior mode slowly walks across while the White Ranger stands atop it holding Saba, who is controlling the Zord.

White Ranger: Alright Saba! Time for a weekly test run!

Saba: Excellent! Let's test the weapon systems!

"Looks like they're doing some training." Flash guessed.

White Ranger: Just make sure the safety systems are on.

Just as the White Ranger says this, a blast fires from the Tigerzord's chest as the Zord falls onto its rear.

Saba: Safety systems activated.

"Too slow, sword dude." Pinkie giggled.

The blast from the Tigerzord continues flying into the distance.

Saba: Um... that will... probably dissipate, right?

"I'm getting a bad feeling about that blast." Applejack said.

Elsewhere in the same area, Zechs is standing. He lets out a breath until Noin flies in inside her mech.

Noin: Zechs... what are you doing down here?

Zechs: Hm... hello Noin. Just brooding over how I nearly destroyed the Earth.

Noin: That again? You've gotta lighten up, you grump.

Zechs lets out another sigh.

"Looks like used to being the bad guy is still hard on him." Fluttershy pointed out.

"We feel his pain." Twilight and Sunset said at the same time and shared a laughing moment.

Noin: Well... how about we do that thing you're always asking about? You know... that thing that rhymes with your name?

Zechs: What? Really?

Noin: Of course. I think it's finally time.

"Aw, how sweet." Rarity awed.

Just as Noin says this, the blast from the Tigerzord hits her mech, causing critical damage. Noin screams and then the mech explodes.

Zechs: Noin? NOOO!

"So much for the love." Rainbow Dash said.

It cuts back to the Tigerzord.

Saba: ...eventually...

White Ranger: Huh. I think I'll drive.

The White Ranger jumps into the Tigerzord.

Meanwhile, Zechs, amongst the fiery ruins of Noin's mech, takes out a remote control and presses it. Epyon flies in right behind him and its eyes glow.

The Tigerzord resumes it walk, this time with the White Ranger piloting it. Suddenly, it stops.

"Looks like war is coming." Flash commented.

Saba: Warning! Bogey approaching fast! 200 meters!

White Ranger: *groans* Must be one of Zedd's!

Saba: Zero meters!

White Ranger: Huh?

Epyon flies in and strikes the Tigerzord from behind, then lands to the ground.


White Ranger: Is it just me or do Zedd's goons keep getting smaller and angrier?

"If only you knew what you did, Tommy." Spike sighed.


Zechs lets out a roar-like shout as Epyon flies towards the Tigerzord. The Tigerzord blocks the blow, but Epyon flies behind it, striking the Tigerzord from behind with its beam sword. It cuts to the inside of the Tigerzord, with Saba floating alongside the White Ranger.

White Ranger: Whoa! He's quick for a little guy!

Saba: Stop messing around and start defending!

White Ranger: Right! Time for action!

The Tigerzord starts charging up a move as Epyon flies toward it.

White Ranger: White Tiger Sonic Boom!

The move is successful, as Epyon is blown backward and falls to the ground.

"Roaring success for the white robo-kitty!" Pinkie joked.

t cuts back to the White Ranger, now holding Saba in his hand.

White Ranger: Alright Saba, I want the Tigerzord to follow my every move!

He lifts Saba over his head, then does two swings. The Tigerzord replicates the two swings to defend against Epyon's beam sword, then swings the sword rapidly, keeping up with Epyon's swings, before the two swords clash. It cuts to Zechs inside of Epyon.

"They almost seem evenly match." Sunset amazed.

Zechs: You may be skilled... but you're too slow for Epyon!

As he says this, Epyon flies backward.

White Ranger: How's this! Hyperspeed!

The Tigerzord moves forward at an incredible speed, punching the fleeing Epyon, who then crashes to the ground on its front. The Tigerzord then steps toward it.

"That's what he gets for bragging too much." Fluttershy scolded.

White Ranger: Time to stamp out some evil!

The Tigerzord moves its foot downward to stomp on Epyon, but Epyon flies out of the way just in time. Epyon fires its vulcan guns at the Tigerzord while it flees, which have almost no effect.

White Ranger: Huh. What, are you playing hard-to-get? Alright then. Go long!

The Tigerzord begins charging an attack.

White Ranger: White Tiger Thunderbolt! Fire!

The bolt fires from the Tigerzord and Epyon activates his shield. While the shield does prevent damage, the blast itself knocks Epyon back. Inside Epyon, the EPYON system beeps and a red-light flashes over Zechs.

Zechs: The EPYON system indicates that you've shown your full arsenal.

"That means he'll know what to expect as the fight goes on." Twilight stated.

The Tigerzord charges up once again.

White Ranger: Fire!

This time, three bolts fire from the Tigerzord. Epyon flies toward the Tigerzord, evading all three bolts. It seems that another bolt manages to hit Epyon, but then Epyon slices at the Tigerzord's legs nearly instantly, damaging them. Epyon then flies upward towards the Tigerzord's head, ready to deliver the final blow.

Zechs: You're finished.

"Yes, bag that cat!" Spike cheered.

"As the old say goes that Size matters not!" Pinkie stated.

"You can say that again." Rainbow Dash said.

"Size matters not!" Pinkie repeated.

Suddenly, the wasteland is shown in a sepia-tone color, as is Epyon, but with the Tigerzord nowhere in sight. Epyon stops what it's doing.

Zechs: What?

"What happened? Where did Zechs go?" Rarity asked.

"I think that might be the Eypon System predicting the future of the battle." Flash realized.

Then a massive shadowed mech appears in the background and moves its arm upward, ready to strike. A gleam appears from the hand.

Zechs: What's that?

The mech's arm starts glowing, then its chest charges with electricity. A sound of a bird screech and a lion roar plays, then the mech unleashes its attack as Zechs screams.

Then the wasteland is in color again, back to Epyon and the Tigerzord.

"Wait, that's leaving the Eypon open for an attack." Applejack gasped.

Saba: Quick Tommy! The circle on its chest! It must be a weak spot!

White Ranger: Right!

The Tigerzord steps back and prepares a punch.

(Music: MMPR - White Ranger Tiger Power)

The Tigerzord's fist moves with incredible speed, then when the Tigerzord finally hits Epyon, it has no effect.

Zechs: Hmm... don't get co*cky.

White Ranger: What? He didn't explode?

Saba: Well, this defies all logic!

"Should have thought this more than your usual logic." Twilight rolled her eyes.

Epyon flies away from the Tigerzord, then grips its leg with the heat rod. The Tigerzord falls over on its front, knocking the White Ranger and Saba down.

White Ranger: We're grounded!

Saba: Tommy! Call the Zords!

The White Ranger picks up Saba.

White Ranger: You got it!

He holds Saba upward.

White Ranger: I need Thunder Zord Power! Now!

(Music: MMPR - Zords (Instrumental))

The Mega Tigerzord charges toward Epyon, who tries to block the blow, but is knocked back. Epyon is then grabbed by the Mega Tigerzord, who places it on its feet, flips over, and lands on the ground. Epyon is knocked upward, allowing the Mega Tigerzord to punch it multiple times before knocking it upward even further with an uppercut. The Mega Tigerzord jumps after Epyon and flies above it, then kicks it back to the ground with both its feet. It then puts both of its arms up into the air, charging up an energy ball, then throws it downward. Epyon manages to regain control and avoids crashing into the ground.

"Oh, the Mega Tigerzord is showing no mercy!" Rainbow Dash commented.

"Does seem like the tide has turn." Applejack said.

Zechs: No, not like this!

Epyon turns to face the incoming energy ball and uses the heat rod to block, which successfully stops the attack.

"I wouldn't count him out just yet." Sunset smiled in confident.

The Mega Tigerzord puts its arm up and begins charging up an attack. Zechs then sees the shadowy mech doing the same move and realizes that it was the move that destroyed him in his hallucination.

Zechs: Here it comes.

"Yep, this battle is his." Flash nodded.

The Mega Tigerzord unleashes a giant beam, which Epyon flies out of the way of.

(Music: Gundam Wing - White Reflection)

Zechs: Routing all power to thrusters!

Epyon flies right behind the Mega Tigerzord by its head.

Zechs: And now to the beam saber!

"No escape now!" Rainbow Dash excited for the big finish.

Zechs: For... NOOOIIIN!

White Ranger: UGH! NO!


After a single slash from the full-powered beam saber, Epyon lands to the ground as the Mega Tigerzord reaches critical condition and overloads its connection to the Morphing Grid. The top half begins to slide off the bottom half, then it explodes as the White Ranger screams. All that remains is the Mega Tigerzord's bottom half.


Zordon is crying over the death of the White Ranger, the Command Center filling with tears, while Zechs is by Noin's mech crying over her death with a puddle of tears below him.

"Zechs may have won the battle, but both sides lost someone important to them." Fluttershy sighed.

"Too true, darling. Too true." Rarity agreed.

"Well, I'm glad the cat robot is gone." Spike smiled.

Boomstick: Ow! My childhood!

"Aw, Boomstick feels sad too." Pinkie pointed out.

Wiz: This was a surprisingly close call. At first glance, the Tigerzord towers over Epyon and is fast enough to keep up with it.

"Even so, the giant cat robot still came up short." Sunset said.

Wiz: Yet Epyon destroyed Barge, a 26,000-foot-long space fortress with one sword swing, just one! There's no doubt that a few swings like that were enough to overload Tigerzord's connection to the Morphing Grid.

Boomstick: I mean, this goofy-looking skeleton dude did it, so I imagine a giant laser sword wielded by a devil robot could do it too.

"I suspected that one with more power than the other can do the Tigerzord in." Twilight stated.

Wiz: Also, Zechs is a far more experienced and properly trained warrior, unlike Tommy, who was drafted in the middle of high school.

"That was pretty obvious given who is the better fighter." Rainbow Dash stated.

Wiz: But the Tigerzord wasn't helpless. Its Mega form even duped the Epyon System for a moment, but unfortunately for our favorite White Ranger, Epyon is an ever-evolving dueling machine.

Boomstick: Stupid future-predicting robot. And its REALLY f*cking sweet sword! Gun-damnit!

Pinkie laughs at the joke while the others just groan.

Wiz: The winner is the Gundam Epyon.

"Let that be a lesson to make sure there is absolutely no one around when training." Sunset said as the others agreed.

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

The gang have seen the big battle of giant robots piloted by great warriors even when one of the robots is smaller than the other, and Spike seem to dislike the cat robot being a dog that he is. But it was still an enjoyable fight as they saw Eypon cutting his way for the victory!

KO comment, favorite, click the thumb up button, and follow through of how this story will go!

Chapter 16: Ryu vs Scorpion

Chapter Text

Ryu vs Scorpion

"Okay, I'm finish with the bathroom break." Fluttershy said as she came back sitting with everyone.

"And thank you for waiting on me, the client who just called me was in real demanding for the dress he wanted me to make." Rarity informed as she put her IPhone away.

"Alright, next Death Battle here we come!" Flash excited as he grabs the remote, but Sunset suddenly snatched it away from his hand.

"Before we start the episode, I should remind everyone of the time of the day we have left." Sunset pointed out of the time right now.

"Oh damn, is it that time to go home already?" Rainbow Dash surprised with how much time has passed.

"No, but it's definitely close for perhaps one more episode for the day before going home." Twilight said as Spike is holding up her IPhone for her.

"Hopefully this one won't take long because if I don't get home soon, ma granny is gonna give me an earful for being tardy." Applejack mentioned.

"I thought you got longer time on curfew." Pinkie Pie confused a little.

"Granny Smith punished me for that incident with the rainbow pained apples prank that almost gave her a heart attack two weeks ago." Applejack explained.

"Oh yeah, that was a riot… But, but also bad for how your granny reacted." Rainbow Dash chuckled.

"Well, then let's be sure to enjoy this awesome episode together!" Flash declared.

"Yeah!" The Rainboom cheered and Spike somehow jumped so high that he landed into Pinkie's fluffy, puffy hair.

"Hey, you got cupcakes." Spike said.

"Of course, where else do you think I keep them, in my pocket?" Pinkie laughed and Sunset played the episode.

Wiz: Two marquee warriors, arcade rivals since the '90s, now facing off for true superiority.

"Ah, reminds me of my rivalry with that Suri Polomare except she wouldn't stop her cheating." Rarity said.

"Glad to see you are a better woman than her." Flash commented.

"Indeed, I am." Rarity grinned.

Boomstick: Ryu, the wandering world warrior.

Wiz: And Scorpion, the ninja from hell.

"That one is a ninja, sweet!" Rainbow Dash excited.

Boomstick:He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (33)

Wiz: Endlessly walking the earth and improving his fighting skill is the life of Ryu, the Japanese martial artist without a home.

"Ah, did he lose it in the fire?" Fluttershy asked concern for the martial artist.

"I don't think so, it's more like he just travels a lot and doesn't stay in one place for long." Flash stated.

"And from what I can tell, the battlefield of every fight he's in is his home." Rainbow Dash added.

"Okay, but I still think it's sad." Fluttershy said and patted comfort on the shoulder by Rarity.


5'9" |175cm

150 lbs|68kg

Birthday: July 21, 1964

Dislikes: Spiders, Wearing Shoes (Rainbow Dahs laughs at the spider part and Rarity gasp on him not wearing any shoes.)

Capable of Sleeping Anywhere (Surprising everyone.)

Has eyebrows so epic that they cannot be contained by his headband

Boomstick: But there's more to this karate hobo than meets the eye. After being dumped on a doorstep by his douchebag parents, he was adopted by the mysterious Gouken. From that moment on, Ryu dedicated his life to martial arts. Probably on some sort of parental vengeance quest.

"I seriously doubt it's about revenge against the parents who abandoned him." Sunset rolled her eyes.

"Man, he must just squish spiders in his path if he dislikes them so much." Rainbow Dash laughed a little.

"Now I'm having mix feelings about him." Fluttershy said.

"I'm more worried about the fact he doesn't wear shoes at all! Is he some kind of barbarian or something?" Rarity gasped.

"Maybe he just finds them uncomfortable." Applejack shrugged.

"Um, uncomfortable, my ass." Rarity muttered.

Wiz: He trained alongside his best friend and rival, Ken Masters.

"At least he had a friend with him through the hardship of training." Rainbow Dash commented.

Wiz: Gouken taught them the Ansatsuken, or Assassin's Fist fighting style. But the name is actually a bit misleading. While originally designed as a means to murder, Gouken's personal take on the Ansatsuken is based around karate, kenpo, judo, and NOT killing people. Unlike the ways of his violent brother, Akuma, who, ultimately, would prove to be his undoing.

Boomstick: Oh yeah, he can fingerpaint.

"It was never funny the first time." Twilight pinched the bridge of her nose.

Ansatsuken Fighting Style

Shoryuken: "Rising Dragon Fist" Generally Ryu's most powerful technique

Hadoken: "Wave Motion Fist" Contrary to popular belief, not actually composed of fire

Tatsumaki Senpukyaku: "Tornado Whirlwind Leg" Can safely pass over many projectile attacks

Joudan Sokutogeri: Forceful enough to bounce opponents off walls

Boomstick: Well, the Assassin's Fist isn't your average McDojo style. His Ryu Shoryuken is an uppercut so powerful; it launches his victims sky high.

"That would be something to learn from." Applejack interested in the uppercut move.

Boomstick: The Hadouken uses a fighters' willpower to fire a blast of energy and destroy evil things, like... waterfalls.

Wiz: And... physics?

"Hey, what evil things did waterfall every done to you?" Pinkie asked joking with a glare.

Boomstick: And finally the Tatsu, uuuh... Tatsu...maki...senpuu...

Wiz: Tatsumaki Senpukyaku.

"Try learning how to pronounce foreign languages better next time." Sunset scolded.

"Bet it's not easy saying it like five times." Flash said.

"Tatsumaki Senpukyaku. Tatsumaki Senpukyaku. Tatsumaki Senpukyaku. Tatsumaki Senpukyaku. Tatsumaki Senpukyaku. Tatsumaki Senpukyaku." Pinkie said the move six times perfectly and fast too.

This left a big shock expression on everyone's faces of how well and fast Pinkie did with that attack move words, Pinkie just looks at them with a confident look on her face and giggles at the Fourth Wall with a very cute wink.

Boomstick: I HAD IT! (Spike: Yeah right.) Anyway, the thing I totally know how to pronounce gives the finger to gravity and lets him briefly fly around like some human helicopter kicking machine.

"Must have trained his legs hard to swore like that." Flash said.

"I can totally pull off any of those moves." Rainbow Dash proclaimed.

Wiz: He also has a powerful step kick he calls the Joudan Sokutogeri.

Boomstick: Hey! We don't have the translation for that one! I'm on it.

Boomstick types Joudan Sokutogeri on Google Translation and got this, "And diarrhea joke foot"

Boomstick, Rainbow Dash, Flash, and Pinkie: ND DIARRHEA JOKE FOOT?! HAHAHAHA!

Boomstick: What does it do?! Kick people in the stomach so hard that he takes them to Brown Town?!

"Oh man, I never thought learning another language would be so funny!" Rainbow Dash laughed hard.

"Guys, please. He clearly got the spelling wrong of the kanji." Sunset pointed out.

"Better be sure about that, Sunset otherwise I might take you to brown town with my foot." Flash joked causing him and the two girls to laugh some more.

"Very funny, Sentry." Sunset rolled her eyes with a chuckle.

"It is pretty funny though." Applejack admitted.

Wiz: With the CORRECT kanji it's more like... "High-Level Leg Blade Kick".

"Told you so." Sunset said with a proud grin.

Boomstick: You know it's "Diarrhea Kick" forever in my mind now, right?

"Me too, I am so going to use that as a joke later." Pinkie said.

Wiz: *sigh* At the age of 23, Ryu entered the first World Warrior Tournament to test his skill. He swept through nine powerful combatants before taking on the champion, Sagat. After a hard-fought battle, Sagat was set to take the win...

Boomstick: ...until he made the mistake of being a good sport. After beating the sh*t out of Ryu, Sagat offered him a helping hand up. Instead of taking it, Ryu gave him a surprise punch SO HARD it ripped his chest open and nearly killed the guy. Dick move, Ryu. Dick move.

"Oh my…" Fluttershy gasped from the sight of blood and almost about to vomit, but was able to hold it in.

"I'm pretty sure it's more than Ryu suddenly being a sore loser." Rarity pointed out.

"Yeah, and that Sagat guy was being nice too." Twilight said.

Wiz: This was Ryu's first taste of the dark power buried within him. The Satsui no Hado. Literally the Surge of Murderous intent.

Boomstick: Still not as good a name as the "Diarrhea Joke Foot".

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie giggles as they high-five together agreeing with Boomstick on this one.

Satsui No Hado

A form of Ki based around man's evil nature (Frighten some)

Greatly increases the speed, power, and ferocity of its user

Grants access to the most fatal Ansatsuken technique, the Raging Demon (Rainbow Dash thinks it's cool.

Has an addictive quality, making it hard to turn away from it

Causes hair to turn red, eyes glow white, and teeth sharpen

Wiz: The Satsui no Hado gives Ryu incredible power, but at the expense of his humanity. He can tap a portion of this power to safely enhance his attacks, however, should his desire to win become so great he would even commit murder. The Satsui no Hado can overwhelm him, and he will lose control, becoming Evil Ryu.

Boomstick: Now we're talking!

"Whoa, that almost reminds me of how you were when becoming a She-Demon." Flash said.

"Guess Ryu and I have something in common, conquering our inner demon." Sunset believed; Flash gave her a kiss on the lips that made her smile.

Wiz: Evil Ryu has enormous power to the point of being almost unstoppable. He can even blast a skyscraper to smithereens.

Screen shows Evil Ryu blasting a Hadoken to destroy a building he was currently inside.

"Whoa, that was intense." Rarity shocked.

"I'm sure glad we don't become like that." Fluttershy said.

"Not anymore for me too." Twilight nodded.

"But I do like how his teeth look. Bet he would make a great dog." Spike commented.

Boomstick: He can teleport short distances, even passing through attacks along the way. More impressively, despite Gouken never teaching him this, Evil Ryu can use the Ansatsuken's forbidden technique, the Shun Goku Satsu, more commonly known as the Raging Demon.

Evil Ryu performed the Raging Demon on Ken.

"Wait, can he really turn the whole scene black like that?" Applejack asked a little scared.

"I don't think so. It's probably because he was moving faster than the eye can see, but the black scene and other effects were frightening." Twilight said, hugging Spike a little tighter.

Wiz: With this, Evil Ryu turns his foes own sins against them, and eradicates their soul. It was this exact attack, which Akuma, a master of the Dark Hadou, used to murder Ryu's master. Since then, Akuma has been haunting Ryu, tempting to succumb and fully commit to the dark Satsui no Hado as well, basically, this is "Karate Star Wars".

Boomstick: Oh, you call everything Star Wars.

"Don't know what that is, but I'm pretty sure it's too separate things. I think." Rainbow Dash proclaimed.

Wiz: Well, some even speculate that Akuma is Ryu's father.

Boomstick: Mother of God... it is "Karate Star Wars"!

"NOOOOOOO!" Rarity screamed dramatically, earning the "really" looks from her friends.

"What?" Rarity asked.

Wiz: But Gouken's teachings instilled a powerful belief in Ryu. If he can resist and shun this dark temptation, he can attain an even greater power.

"Oh, this I got to see." Flash interested.

Boomstick: By detaching himself from all emotion, he enters an altered state of consciousness.

Wiz: Like a Jedi.

Boomstick: This boosts his speed, power, and can do all sorts of crazy sh*t to his abilities.

Wiz: This is the Power of Nothingness.

Boomstick: Stupid name.

"I may agree with the stupid name, but hearing it that it's more powerful than the last form then I'm in." Rainbow Dash grinned.

Power of Nothingness

Foil to the Satsui No Hado

Resembles states of being found in Buddhism

Brings a hyperawareness of the universe to the user

Boosts one's strength and speed without losing clarity of thought

Causes eyes to glow blue-white (Fluttershy thinks it's cool.)

Can be used to withstand even the dreaded Raging Demon

Wiz: The Power of Nothingness is more focused than the Dark Hado, allowing Ryu complete control over his mind and body. Gouken even once used this power to separate himself from his soul in order to survive Akuma's Raging Demon. Surprise! Obi-Wan is still alive!

"Is he every going to let go the "Karate Star Wars" thing?" Spike asked.

"We can only hope so, Spike." Twilight said petting Spike's head.

Boomstick: Ryu is skilled enough to take on numerous thugs at once, tough enough to survive being impaled, and strong enough to overpower the genetically created super warrior Seth. Oh, and he's fast enough to dodge point-blank gunfire!

"That is so badass." Rainbow Dash impressed.

Wiz: Yet as Evil Ryu, his aura's so strong he can just walk-through bullets.

"Scratch that. That, that is badass." Rainbow Dash said.

"Can you do that with your magic aura?" Flash asked.

"I don't think so, but it would be cool if we can." Pinkie excited.

Boomstick: That being said, being the Street Fighter poster boy doesn't mean he's the top world warrior. He's lost a number of matches fair and square against the likes of M. Bison, Oro, and even his best friend Ken.

"Guess even the strongest can have their days when being beaten." Rarity commented.

"Yeah, losing one battle will make you strong for the next." Rainbow Dash stated.

Wiz: However, many of these losses may stem from his struggle to contain the power of the Dark Satsui no Hado, which is obviously quite difficult to do in the middle of a battle.

"Hope he remembers his own meditation exercises." Fluttershy said.

Boomstick: But when Ryu unleashes his full potential, stay the f*ck out of his way!

Evil Ryu: My name is Ryu, and the ultimate power has awakened within me!

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (34)

Wiz: From Earthrealm to Outworld there were few who didn't fear the ruthless clan known as the Lin Kuei.

"Did anyone notice a four-armed woman with a skimpy outfit?" Rarity asked feeling weird about it.

"Uh, no, I didn't see anything." Flash tried to act cool, but blushes on his cheeks weren't helping.

"Yeah, sure you weren't." Sunset chuckled.

Boomstick: Except the Shirai Ryu; a clan with some serious balls. Not only do they defect from the Lin Kuei, they mock them on a daily basis by wearing obvious palette-swaps of their clothes. They also like to pull classic pranks like annoying phone calls, TP-ing Lin Kuei homes and constantly slaughtering their loved ones. Haha, got 'em!

"Okay, that last one was NOT a prank." Applejack pointed out.

"Yeah, I know pranks better than anyone." Pinkie stated since she is also known as the Sweet Queen of pranking.

Wiz: From the Shirai Ryu came Hanzo Hasashi, the hellish ninja of vengeance.

"Oh, just hearing his name gives me chills." Twilight said.


Real name: Hanzo Hasashi

6'2" |188cm


Physical age: 32

General of the Shirai Ryu Clan

Kombat Styles: Ninjutsu, Pi Gua, Hapkido, and Moi Fah

Strongly prefers foes to come to him

Creator Ed Boon's favorite character

Wiz: But before he became the stuff of nightmares, he was once an ordinary young child... whose father just happened to be a deadly assassin. In hopes of sparing him from a violent life of regret and murder, Hanzo's father forbade him from ever joining the clan.

Boomstick: Sorry son, you're not allowed to be awesome.

"But why banned him from something that is already in his blood?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Rainbow Dash, he just said that he didn't want him to be a killer and hopefully he can enjoy the peaceful life." Sunset pointed out.

Wiz: However, as time went on, Hanzo became desperate. He needed a way to support not only himself but also his wife and son. Faced with few other options, he reluctantly disobeyed his father and began the life on a ninja assassin.

"Guess the peaceful life didn't last for him." Flash shrugged.

Boomstick: As a ninja, Hanzo is exceptionally skilled in Ninjutsu, Pi Gua, Hapkido and numerous secret Chinese martial arts. But it's his weapon of choice that earned him the nickname Scorpion.

"Catchy." Pinkie commented.

Scorpion: GET OVER HERE!

Scorpion threw the kunai right into a blue ninja's head, ripping it off with a pull as the head flies past him.

"Ouch! Whatever happened to asking nicely?" Pinkie surprised.

Move Set

Kunai Spear: Closest real-life equivalent was called the rope dart. Also Previously depicted as a mace or a serpent creature. Has also been used by Reptile, Smoke, and Noob Saibot

Hellfire Punch

Fire Breath

Leg Takedown

Flaming Scorpion Sting

Boomstick: While his kunai-in-a-rope is iconic and deadly, I'm more partial to whatever the hell that snake creature is that lives in his hand. Well, in whatever form, it impales the opponent and pulls them in close, usually for a sweet uppercut to the jaw.

"A weapon literally in one's hand." Sunset said.

Wiz: This is similar to an ancient assassination weapon used in the Tang dynasty called the Rope Dart. It's extremely difficult to master, making Scorpion's finesse all the more impressive.

"I like the part you can use it to uppercut people." Rainbow Dash smiled.

Boomstick: He's also proficient with several weapons like long swords, twin katanas, and axes.

Dan Forden: Toasty!

"Hey, wasn't he that man from Akuma vs Shang Tsung?" Spike mentioned as he saw the guy in the bottom right concern of the screen.

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot about him. He was funny." Pinkie chuckled.

Wiz: Scorpion's weaponry and combat prowess were put to the ultimate test by the legendary Lin Kuei warrior Bi-Han, a.k.a. Sub-Zero.

"I bet the battle was always and the Scorpion man won!" Rainbow Dash smirked.

Wiz: And things didn't go so well for our yellow-clad ninja. Next thing he knew, Scorpion was waking up in the Netherrealm.

"Or not." Rainbow Dash surprised shock.

"I'm getting the feeling he ended up in the bad place." Fluttershy scared.

Boomstick: More commonly known as Hell. Bet you wished you listened to Dad now, then maybe you could have ended up in a happier place, with your murdered wife and kid-oh yeah, they're dead, too.

"Looks like this guy can't catch a break." Flash said.

"Hopefully his family are in a better place." Applejack sighed.

Wiz: Enraged at Sub-Zero for apparently killing all he'd sworn to protect, Scorpion scored a second chance striking a deal with the sorcerer Quan Chi. In exchange for his loyalty, Scorpion was resurrected as a phantom of the Netherrealm.

"Something tells me the deal was more than what it may seem." Sunset raised an eyebrow.

Wraith Abilities

Teleportation: Commonly used to surprise attack enemies from behind

Netherrealm Portal: Quick access to the underworld and back at any time

Control over Hellfire: Explosive fireballs, Summoning flames under his opponent, Surrounds himself in harmful flames, Can even breath fire

Cannot die from physical attacks

Boomstick: And being reborn as a demon of vengeance has its perks. Scorpion can now teleport, summon fire at will and create portals in and out of the Netherrealm he was spawned from, literally dragging others to Hell! Whilst there, his plus ones can enjoy such tourist locations as Lava Pit and witness the corpse-burning celebration called: The Festival of Torture. Fun times!

"AAH! Please, don't show us that!" Rarity gasped.

"I think it's too late because I can't unsee what I just saw." Twilight said looking a little pale.

Wiz: The Netherrealm is the source of Scorpion's demonic power and his strength rises simply by his being there.

"So, he becomes OP in Hell. Got it." Flash nodded.

Boomstick: Scorpion is so vicious he can perform no fewer than thirteen different Fatalities.


Spin Rip: Remove victim's head with bare hands. Presumably learned it from Sub-Zero

Toasty: Scorpion's fire breath incinerates the target in seconds (Pinkie think it's hot.)

Hand from Hell: A flaming skeletal hand pulls the enemy to Hell

Spear Slice: Cuts victim in half and beheads them

Animalities: Becomes a scorpion and years them in half… Or becomes an adorable penguin (Fluttershy thinks that's cute)

Wiz: He can rip a person's head from their body - spine included...

Boomstick: That's not something you just do, that's art right there.

"Ew, art is more elegant and NONE blood shedding." Rarity pointed out glaring at the screen.

Wiz: ...rip off his mask to show his true face...

Boomstickand Fluttershy: AAAAAH, WHAT THE f*ck IS THAT THING?!

Wiz: And score a kill by transforming into a, well, giant scorpion, of course. Or a penguin.

Boomstickand Rainbow Dash: Wait, what?

"Aw, that is so cute!" Fluttershy smiled.

"Cute and deadly. Who knew?" Sunset surprised.

Wiz: And although Scorpion was far from the most powerful combatant in the Mortal Kombat tournament, he has defeated lethal warriors across multiple worlds. He's conquered sorcerers, demons, cyborgs, and eventually avenged his death by incinerating Bi-Han in the Netherrealm.

"Still feels like something more is going on here." Sunset stated.

Boomstick: But it turns out that that Sub-Zero guy was kind of innocent. The man actually responsible for the death of his family was Quan Chi. You know, that guy he swore himself to and has been working for this whole time? Man, Scorpion's kinda like the Charlie Brown of Mortal Kombat.

The gang took a moment of silence when they heard the sad music being played and then resume the show.

Wiz: As penance for his mistake, Scorpion dedicated his life after death to protecting the late Sub-Zero's younger brother... Sub-Zero.

"Okay, who are naming their kids like that?" Rainbow Dash asked annoyed of that.

"Pretty sure "Sub-Zero" is just a title." Flash said.

Boomstick: Though he still found time for shooting three's, hitting homers, and hosting his own cooking show!

"Huh?" Everyone surprised as they see Scorpion doing cooking, in a dangerous way.

"Wow, he's really moving up on the world." Pinkie commented.

Boomstick: Yeah, I'm not gonna trust anything that guy makes. Does he even eat anymore?

"I'm more worried about the people who would have to eat his food." Rarity said.

Wiz: Aside from his weakness for the culinary arts, Scorpion's win-loss record is not as intimidating as you might think. But consider the outrageous scope of his competition.

Boomstick: Any way you look at it, it's tough to be much more of a badass then a fire-breathing skeleton ninja from Hell.

Scorpion: I am Scorpion, vengeance will be mine!

"Oh, getting revenge never solves anything." Fluttershy muttered worry.

Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set. Let's end this debit once and for all.

Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!

Ryu is seen standing in a mountainous location

"Must be doing more of his training." Applejack guessed.

"Which is about to get interrupted." Rainbow Dash excited for the fight to start.

Scorpion: Get over here!

Ryu sense something dangerous coming and catches the kunai spear flying at him.

Ryu: Can't fool me.

He then pulls Scorpion into the area.

"The battle of warriors from Earth and Hell!" Flash commented excitingly.


Scorpion teleports to Ryu which he blocks. He tries landing a flurry of punches, but Ryu blocks and avoids them. Ryu punches Scorpion in the skull and knocks him over.

"Oh, talk about a headache." Spike whined from the scene.

Ryu tries punching Scorpion while he's on the ground but Scorpion teleports right before he does so.

"Gonna have to do more to take him down." Sunset smirked crossing her arms.

Scorpion: COME HERE!

Scorpion tries once again to catch Ryu with his kunai spear, but Ryu deflects the attack with his Hadouken, knocking it back at Scorpion. He then teleports before the Hadouken can hit him. Teleporting behind Ryu, Scorpion then punches Ryu in the face, disorienting him. While Ryu is dizzy, Scorpion summons a katana and attempts to slice him. But, before he can do so, Ryu wakes up and dodges the sword slashes, subsequently kicking Scorpion in the face with his Tatsumaki Senpukyaku, uppercutting him with a Shouryuken, then kicking him off the mountain with the Joudan Sokutougeri.

"Watch out, Scorpion! You're going to be sent to Brown Town!" Flash joked causing Pinkie and Rainbow Dash to laugh.

"You guys are never going to let that go, are you?" Sunset asked chuckling.

"No, we are not." Pinkie answered.

"It's too funny to forget." Rainbow Dash laughed a little more.

Scorpion is on his knees. Ryu lands on his feet in front of him.

Ryu: Can you stand up after that?

"I'm pretty sure even demons needs a moment to recover from a fall like that." Applejack stated.

When Scorpion does not answer, Ryu slowly begins approaching him.

Ryu: I'll finish this!

"I don't think it'll be that easy." Pinkie said.

Ryu throws out a punch, which Scorpion suddenly catches to Ryu's surprise.


Scorpion drags Ryu close and opens a portal to the Netherrealm, dragging them both into it.

"Oh dear, off to the bad place." Fluttershy gulped.

In the Netherrealm, Ryu and Scorpion face off again. Ryu smiles at his opponent.

Ryu: Hmmm, this is some fight!

"Looks like Ryu isn't going to be faze of being in Hell just to fight an opponent." Twilight amazed of Ryu's bravery.

Scorpion lets loose with a ball of Hellfire, but Ryu counters with his Hadouken. Scorpion suddenly teleports behind Ryu and kicks him in the back. He then begins alternating back and forth with teleportation attacks, landing blows and sword slashes.

"Looks like Scorpion is not lighting up on this one." Sunset commented.

Scorpion He brings Ryu to his knees panting. However, Ryu bites down on the pain and warns Scorpion.

Ryu: Neither of us has reached our full potential!

Scorpion: As if that matters!

"I think it should matter when your opponent isn't using his full power yet." Applejack stated.

Then Hellfire bursts under Ryu trying to burn him to death as Scorpion laughs. Suddenly, a voice calls out to him.

Ryu: It's not over!

Ryu starts tapping into the power of the Satsui no Hado as his clothes start growing darker. Ryu's transformation to Evil Ryu is complete.

Evil Ryu: Surprised?

"Not entirely, but yeah." Pinkie answered.

Scorpion fires off another ball of Hellfire, but Evil Ryu simply punches it away.


Evil Ryu leaps forward and delivers several aerial Hadoukens. Scorpion dodges them but Evil Ryu lands on top of him, pinning him down. Using a Hellfire kick, Scorpion knocks Evil Ryu away and charges in with his sword. Evil Ryu breaks the sword with his hands and warns Scorpion.

Evil Ryu: Don't expect mercy!

Ryu lets loose with a brutal combination, including the Tatsumaki Zankukyaku, and the Shin-Shoryuken.

"And the bug guy is sent flying out of here!" Rainbow Dash cheered.

However, Scorpion still gets up from that pummeling.

"He maybe down, but he is not out!" Flash excited.

Ryu's eyes glows as he teleports forward to finish off his opponent.

Evil Ryu: GOTCHA!

Evil Ryu then try to use the Raging Demon technique, but Scorpion easily teleports out of the way, and ends up behind Evil Ryu.

"Oh, so close on using the Raging Demon." Spike said snapping his paws.

Scorpion takes off his mask, revealing his skull as he tries his Toasty Fatality on Evil Ryu. Evil Ryu dodges it, and the two exchange blows again. Scorpion catches Evil Ryu with an uppercut, and using his Rope Spear, knocks Evil Ryu back and forth three times with a Juggling Combo. ending with a Hellfire blast that knocks Evil Ryu back again. Evil Ryu bounces away, then reverts back to normal Ryu as the Satsu no Hado is spent.

"Uh-oh, looks like the Satsu No Hado couldn't handle Scorpion's might." Fluttershy pointed out.

"But he was doing awesome before!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Scorpion's strength does increase in the Neatherrealm." Sunset reminded her.

Panting hard, Ryu focuses all of his remaining power while on his knees.

Ryu: Concentrate... I will NOT succumb to evil!

Ryu attains the Power of Nothingness, as Scorpion slowly approaches to finish Ryu off. Ryu focuses his power as he prepares to let loose one final blast. His eyes glowing, Ryu lets off one final warning to his foe.

"The Power of Nothingness, Ryu's final trump card." Flash said, hugging Sunset a little tighter.

Ryu: I walk the path of the true warrior. THIS IS THE POWER OF MANKIND! SHINKU-HADOUKEN!

Ryu fires the Shinku Hadouken at Scorpion, who makes no attempt to evade or block it. He is engulfed in the attack and is reduced to a standing, charred skeleton. Ryu falls to his knees, totally spent.

Ryu: I walk a path... with no end.

"Okay, that was MORE than I was expecting." Applejack shocked.

"Perhaps that would be the end of Scorpion." Rarity said.

"I don't think so." Sunset watched the show closely.

Suddenly, Scorpion's skeleton starts moving again, shocking Ryu.

Scorpion: I will crush your bones!

With that said, he fires a stream of Hellfire at the completely exhausted Ryu, who can only look on in shock as he is incinerated by the attack, reducing him to ashes. Scorpion then laughs.


Scorpion then turns into a penguin and lays an egg, which proceeds to explode and destroy Ryu's remains.

Boomstick: I'm no chef, but that looks a bit overcooked.

"Overcooked doesn't begin to cover it." Rarity said as everyone is still shocked that Scorpion won while he was a skeleton.

Wiz: Ryu's Satsui no Hado and the Power of Nothingness were incredibly powerful, but raw power alone is not enough to destroy Scorpion.

Boomstick: Yet Scorpion's advantage of already being dead didn't make this a cakewalk. In fact, Ryu had a perfect way to permanently end Scorpion: the soul-killing Raging Demon. But he could avoid the instant murder move, thanks to his awesome ninja skills and teleportation.

"Of course, it wouldn't be easy for Ryu to get that move to make contact." Twilight stated.

Wiz: Not to mention Ryu has very little experience actually using the Raging Demon anyway.

"That's most likely from holding back on using the Satsu No Hado for the longest time." Flash pointed out.

Wiz: But most importantly, Scorpion's strength increases the longer he remains in the Netherrealm, with no defining limit. Once trapped in hell with Scorpion, Ryu stood little chance in the long run.

Boomstick: Zero chance if Scorpion just upped and teleported him into a pool of lava, which he could totally do! Scorpion was just too hot to handle.

"Oh, I'm feeling hot right here." Pinkie fanned herself with a mini fan.

Wiz: The winner is Scorpion.

And with that, Sunset turns off the TV.

"Okay, that's all for today." Sunset said as the Rainboom got up and walk to the door saying their goodbyes and Rainbow Dash excited to see more episodes soon.

"So, now it just you and me, all alone." Flash said.

"You want to stay over?" Sunset asked.

"If you wouldn't mind." Flash pulled Sunset in for a heated kissing session which she gladly responds as they hug each other.

"Come on, I have leftover pasta we can eat." Sunset said as they walked to the fridge together.

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

Everyone sure saw a Hellish fight between Ryu and Scorpion with the Ninja of Hell winning in the end, and it did have a little laughing moment or two to enjoy. Next Death Battle will be something extreme and more funnies at the same time and will bring in a few more guests to join the episode.

KO comment, favorite, click the thumb up button, and follow through of how this story will go!

Chapter 17: Deadpool vs Deathstroke

Chapter Text

Deadpool vs Deathstroke

As usually for the high schoolers, the day has ended for everyone to enjoy their afternoon off to do whatever they like especially for a certain group of girls and a boy about to enjoy another favorite episode of Death Battle.

Although Sunset and Flash have come home a little early than everyone else to do a little something first.

(Short Lemon/Sex Alert: Scroll Down If You're Younger than 15-16 to Skip It)

"Damn Sunset, just couldn't hold it in, could you?" Flash chuckled while he and Sunset are naked together on her bed, and he is doing the pile drive on her.

"It's your fault for making me want you more! Teasing my body whenever we have class together! I just couldn't hold it in anymore!" Sunset moaned smiling.

"Yeah, that is my fault. You're just so sexy and… and awesome!" Flash complimented.

Flash thrust his hips ramming his 17-inch co*ck harder into Sunset as the tip of the co*ck is hitting all of her weak spots including the womb at the end, each impact on the womb causes jolts of pleasure coursing through her body and she becomes crazy arouse of this.

"Man, I always believe our first sex together would feel so good!" Flash moaned happily.

Oh yeah, it's also their first sex together too, crazy timing, right?

"YES! I want to feel every each of you in my f*cking puss* to f*cking rape me until I can't feel my body anymore!" Sunset demanded sexually.

Flash looks down seeing Sunset's breasts bouncing like crazy and latch his hands to grab onto them causing her to squeal loud, this is more than what she could have imagined as her puss* is cumming like crazy from the intense love pleasure ramming into her like a human jackhammer.

"Damn Flash, this is too much! I'm cumming so much!" Sunset moaned.

"Sorry, couldn't resist wanting to feel every inch of you!" Flash groped strong onto the big melons feeling his fingers are sinking in.

Sunset holds up her arms to her boyfriend wanting some more love as he does so, leaning forward and down to her face and pressing his lips onto hers for them to have their passionate kiss, and with his hands occupied on her breasts, Sunset wraps her legs around his waist to have him f*ck her closer and harder.

"Sunset, I'm about to cum right now!" Flash alerted, thinking about taking his co*ck out.

"Do it inside, I want you to do me inside!" Sunset begged sexually.

"Are you sure?" Flash asked surprise.

"Do it NOW!" Sunset shouted sexually and kissed him again.

Flash decided to go with it seeing how sexy hot she is being right now, thrusting his hips faster with the feeling of his co*ck's limit as he tries to hold it off for a few more moments until he slammed into her one last time letting out his big white load making her scream in pleasure.

"Wow, so much is coming in." Sunset giggled lewd and her body twitches a little.\

(Lemon/Sex End)

"We should get clean up before the others arrive." Flash stated.

"Yeah, yeah, just let me put my head together." Sunset nodded, sighing with a smile that she just did her first sex with Flash on her bed.

After getting themselves settle from the intense first sex and their bodies to rest up enough as they hurry to clean their messes, hopefully the others don't notice the odd smell before the Rainbooms arrived with two extra faces coming in.

"Hey guys, hope you don't mind that we brought Lyra and Sweetie Drop to watch the episode with us." Twilight said the two girls as they walk in.

"When I overheard you guys talking about this Death Battle show, it got me curious of what got made you girls so into so much." Sweetie Drop explained.

"Then she told me about it which got me in such a mood to wanting to see this now!" Lyra added exciting.

"Yeah, what they say." Fluttershy said.

"Well, two more wouldn't hurt to have another." Sunset said as everyone got around and look at the TV as she starts the next episode.

Wiz: They say imitation is the highest form of flattery, but sometimes it's nothing but a slap in the face. Such as the case when it comes to these two masked mercenaries.

"So, this one is about mercenaries. Bunch of rude men for money." Rarity scoffed.

"Oh, you think so, huh?" A man said surprising Rarity as she knows that wasn't anyone here.

"D-Did you all hear th-that." Rarity asked feeling a bit scared and leaned onto her girlfriend, Applejack.

"There, there, Rarity, I'm sure it was just the… wind." Applejack tried to comfort.

"Or could be a new friend." Pinkie winked at the fourth wall.

Boomstick: Deadpool, the Merc with a Mouth.

"That way looks a bit funny." Lyra commented.

Wiz: And Deathstroke, the Terminator.

"And that one looks more serious than Coach Ironwill." Sweetie Drop added.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (35)
Boomstick: You see him on T-Shirts, Internet memes, and EVERYWHERE you look at nerd conventions.

"Wow, this character must be quite the fame guy to get that many stuff and fans." Lyra said.

"Yet he feels annoying for some reason." Rarity raised an eyebrow.

Wiz: But the story behind this popular anti-hero isn't as lighthearted as his joking nature would lead you to believe.

"Like what? He was gonna die form cancer?" Rainbow Dash asked.


Real Name: Wade Winston Wilson

Height: 6'2" |1.88m

Weight: 210 lbs|95 kg

Place of Birth: Canada

Aliases: Merc with a Mouth. Regenerating Degenerate. Ninja Spider-Man (Applejack finds that a little funny).

Lives with a blind elderly woman (Fluttershy worries)

An even more cliched cosplay subject than the Joker

Wiz: Wade Winston Wilson was a globetrotting mercenary looking for his chance to become the world's next greatest superhero. Then he was diagnosed with cancer, which hit him like a flaming semi-truck falling on his face.

"Oh…" Rainbow Dash now felt bad for him.

Boomstick: That's... oddly specific.

"And hurtful." Fluttershy pointed out.

Wiz: Facing the inevitability of death, Wade gave up. He abandoned his heroic dreams, stopped his chemo treatments, and dumped his girlfriend to free her from the burden of a man doomed to die.

"Oh, how sweet of wanting to protect his love from his death." Sweetie Drop commented.

"Brace yourselves because something like this usually has a deep twist in the characters' life." Twilight informed.

Boomstick: Doomed, until he was offered a cure by Department K, the special weapons development division of the strange, alien world called... Canada.

"Where all the leaves and snow are to be respected as if they were gods with the love of pancakes." Pinkie joked with a salute.

"Don't forget the maple syrup." Flash added making the two laughs.

Boomstick: And by cure, I mean he actually was handed over to the Weapon X program, the same guys who gave Wolverine's bones the old chrome dip. They injected Wade with Wolvie's healing factor.

"Injected him with what?" Spike confused.

Wiz: Which I don't even know if that's possible. Do they have like a spare jar of essence of Wolverine or something?

"Having a sample of a man with healing abilities does help, in a way." Twilight said.

"But something tells me they didn't ask him for his samples nicely." Sunset stated.

Boomstick: With the ability to heal from anything, his body became a surgical playground for Doctor Killbrew and his assistant, Ajax. Just like Operation, only constantly hitting the sides. *buzzer effects* But hey, at least he doesn't have cancer anymore.

"Using him for something inhuman, that's crazy." Sweetie Drop angered.

"But he's all better. Aw, that's nice!" Pinkie smiled.

Wiz: Well, actually, he still does. His cells just regenerate faster than the cancer can kill him. Beneath the red and black spandex, he's basically a giant walking tumor, which can talk... a lot.

Everyone gasps in horror when they showed what Deadpool's face looks like because of the cancer with the healing factor, and most try their best to not vomit on the floor.

"For f*ck sake, he can heal from anything but can't fix his face?" Rainbow Dash grossed out.

"Oh dear, I think I'm gonna faint." Rarity fainted with Flash catching her in his arms.

"I bet he tried to get revenge on the guys who made him look like that." Pinkie narrowed her eyes.

Boomstick: AH! KILL IT WITH FIRE! Oh wait, we can't.

"Guess he'll be stuck like that forever." Spike exclaimed.

Wiz: Meanwhile, among Killebrew's other prisoners, a gambling ring was formed. Patients would place bets on each other's survival under the knife.

Boomstick: And these bets were placed of what they called "The Deadpool". ...Get it? 'Cause it's kinda where his name comes from? Oh, you'll see.

"I guess that's one way to pass the time." Applejack said while fanning Rarity with her hat.

Wiz: Unfortunately for Killebrew, Wade had somehow gotten superhuman strength, speed, and stamina. Because I guess they got a jar filled with that sh*t, too. He used these skills to kill Ajax and make a dramatic escape. Free at last, his fellow inmates inspired him to take on his now famous namesake...

"Here it comes." Pinkie excited.

"Huh, is it over?" Rarity asked as she starts to wake up.

Boomstick: Deadpool—


Boomstickand Rainbow Dash: What the heck?!

Deadpool:Oh ho, I'm sorry! Please continue talking about how great I am.

"Is he talking to the hosts?" Sunset wondered.

"You better believe your bacon hair, I am." Deadpool answered, suddenly appearing to everyone much to their shock except Pinkie.

"No way, you're really here!" Pinkie gasped smiling.

"You better believe I am and man, you guys are going to love this episode!" Deadpool smiled.

"But… Eh, huh… How?!" Twilight gestured to the TV.

"Keep watching and you'll see." Deadpool turned Twilight's head to look at the TV again.


Superhuman body

Exceptionally skilled with swords and all forms of guns

Mastery in assassination techniques and numerous martial arts

Superb healing factor

Magic satchel: Contains arious items, regardless of continuity-Includes teleportation belt, machine guns, katanas, pistols and other things

Fourth Wall


Wiz: I was afraid of this. See, Deadpool somehow possess a unique awareness of whatever media he's in. Whether there be comic books, games, TV shows, or an awesome Internet show.

Boomstick: Huh in the what now?

Wiz: Basically, he's a pro at shattering the fourth wall.

"Very good at it too along with this cupcake sweetheart here." Deadpool bragged and pointed at Pinkie.

"Doing what I love to do." Pinkie giggled/

Deadpool:Bingo! Oh hey, Boomstick! Tell your ex-wife I said hello~.

Boomstick: You've got five seconds to get the hell out of here before I blow your head off.

"Going after a man's ex-wife, kinda sounds crazy." Rainbow Dash said.

"Crazy to get some jerking on!" Deadpool stated in a fresh beat tone.

Wiz: Unfortunately, all that would do is piss him off. Bad idea, as Deadpool is a master martial artist, seasoned assassin, and a raging sex machine- what?

"What?" Most of the girls are puzzled of that part.

Deadpool:Yeah, I noticed that you left a few things in the script, so I made some changes. You know, just the important stuff. Like my penis.

"Are you for real?" Sunset deadpanned at Deadpool.

"Don't worry, I'm not going after you girls. Flash is gonna do that." Deadpool said causing some of the girls to blush and Flash feeling embarrassed.

Boomstick: Well, if by raging sex machine, he means getting down with bloated alien, a shape-shifting teenage prostitute, and Death herself, he must have some pretty low standards. That's right, this guy literally tried to stick his dick in Death! Maybe that's why he liked my ex-wife.

"Dude, you and Death together!" Flash shocked.

"Yep, Death is my main sweetheart even though I only be with her when I'm temporary dead though we enjoyed ever second we can." Deadpool smiled.

"Death, the DEATH?" Twilight struggled to process this much information.

"Don't worry, folks. She'll calm down soon." Deadpool said to the readers.

Boomstick: But besides his dick, Deadpool has an arsenal of weaponry he can pull out from absolutely nowhere!

Wiz: This is an animation technique commonly called the Magic Satchel, though its existence as an actual thing is preposterous.

Both Deadpools: Oh yeah? Watch this!

The Deadpool on the TV pulled up an elephant while the Deadpool with the watchers has pulled up a lion.

TV Deadpool: Hey, nice lion!

"Thanks, nice elephant." Deadpool complimented back.

Wiz: I hate you!

Both Deadpools: Oh, I hate you, too.

Boomstick: Me too.

"That wasn't very nice to say to Wiz." Fluttershy scolded softly.

"It's fine, this kind of thing always goes for those two and you mind taking the lion off my hands? Thanks!" Deadpool said with a thumb up, and the lion just growls causing Fluttershy to gulp.

"I don't know if I can handle seeing two of you!" Rarity exclaimed.

"Alright, alright, I'll go, and you'll see the sweet weapons I have." Deadpool smirked before disappearing from sight.

Boomstick: Some of Deadpool's favorite toys include-

Deadpool: My trusty rusty twin katanas, some grenades, my two favorite machine guns (Butter and I Can't Believe It's Not Butter), a teleportation belt, an Infinity Stone that alters continuity... (giddy) Ohoho I can't choose! I love 'em all!

"Of course, a crazy like that would love all those crazy toys." Sweetie Drop rolled her eyes.

Boomstick: Okay that's it, I'm gonna kill him!

Boomstick tries to shoot Deadpool down with his guns, but Deadpool ran off making him miss and shot the screen.

"Sorry Boomstick, but today is not Deadpool hunting season." Pinkie pointed out.

"Oh, good one." Deadpool whispered to Pinkie.

Wiz: Combined, Deadpool's weapons and abilities has helped him to accomplish some amazing feats in spite of his illness.

Strength & Feats

Navigated an obstacle course meant for Iron Man-like suits unscathed

Completely regenerated from a single hand (Pinkie thinks it's very "handy")

Sole person to outwit Taskmaster

Can dodge point-blank machine guns

Killed the Marvel universe

Casually battled Red Hulk

Once became a Herald of Galactus (This worries everyone)


Boomstick: His quick draw's fast enough to beat seven Hydra agents at once. He can decimate legions of armed warriors solo... while talking on the phone. He's the only one to ever outwit Taskmaster, who literally has the power to predict his opponent's moves. And in one instance, he even murdered the ENTIRE Marvel Universe, including the supposedly unkillable Wolverine.

"The same guy Deadpool guy the healing factor from." Fluttershy recalled while stroking the lion who has calm down and rest next to her.

"If he's unkillable, then how did Deadpool kill him at all?" Spike wondered.

"I'm more impressed he was fighting off enemies while on the phone." Sweetie Drop admitted.

"Not to mention outwitting that Taskmaster guy seems impossible to most who fought him." Applejack stated.

Wiz: He did this with a sword made of Carbonadium, an alloy capable of nullifying healing factors. In other words, he cheated.

"Well, that make sense." Twilight rolled her eyes.

Boomstick: He survived skyscrapers collapsing on top of him, having his heart ripped out, his head blown to bits, and even his entire body melted into a puddle.

"Jesus Horse Feathers! Is there nothing that can stop this guy?" Rarity asked.

"Only if Marvel cancels my existence." Deadpool popped up spooking Rarity again before going back down.

Wiz: But his regeneration is also responsible for one of his greatest downfalls. This power has trained him to think he's invincible and has become quite careless in battle.

Boomstick: And that just if his extreme ADHD hasn't already put him into a bind.

"Goes to show even when you have an awesome superpower, you can't get co*cky that can have others get the upper hand on you." Sunset stated.

"You hear that, Rainbow Dash?" Applejack narrowed her eyes at Rainbow Dash.

"What?" Rainbow Dash confused of why the cowgirl was looking at her like that.

Wiz: Yet there are few more deadly than the Regenerating Degenerate. Really, Deadpool finally accomplished his dream of becoming the next great superhero.

"At least that's a good thing he has done." Pinkie nodded.

"Just hope he doesn't get overwhelmed with the fame." Flash said.

Deadpool: Aw, that's sweet of you guys! Wanna see me naked?

"What?" Everyone shocked.

Wiz: Wait, what? No, no, no-!

Everyone shocked and gasp of horror upon seeing Deadpool naked even Pinkie Pie didn't want to see that as they try to look away, and Rarity fainted again, this time on Applejack.

Boomstick: Agh, my eyes! Can't... claw them out... fast enough...!

"We can never unseen what we just saw." Twilight and Spike said in union.

Deadpool: Aaand now you're scarred for life. Let's see my competition.

"You're going to wish I can kill you right now!" Sunset threatened.

"Like you can, ever." Deadpool said, appearing upside-down and turns to Flash.

"Hey Flash, have fun banging your future harem." Deadpool winked before vanishing again.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (36)
Wiz: In the history of the DC universe, there has never existed a more lethal tactician and soldier than Slade Joseph Wilson.

"Oh, he has the same last name as Wade." Fluttershy noticed.

"Maybe the one of them was base from the other." Flash guessed.


Real Name: Slade Joseph Wilson

Height: 6'4"/1.93 m

Weight: 225 lbs/102 kg

Alternate Alias: The Terminator

Known for terrorizing a certain group of teenage superheroes (That frightens the Rainbooms a bit)

Will shoot children in the knee point blank using a shotgun (Everyone gasp)

Has yet to be accurately portrayed outside of his comics

Wiz: After illegally joining the U.S. military at the age of 16, he fought in Korea for years where his skill earned the attention of an experimental serum program and the lovely Captain Adeline Kane.

"This is sounding familiar." Applejack said.

Boomstick: This is sounding suspiciously like the origin story of Captain America.

"Oh, that." Applejack realized.

Wiz: Slade actually gets the girl.

Boomstick: Oh, never mind! But does he steal cars?

Wiz: Probably. Slade completely mastered every fighting style under Adeline's tutelage in record time. Apparently, this impressed her so much, they were married with a kid on the way in mere months.

"Wow, now that's a way to impress a woman." Lyra commented.

"I know, wonder if we'll ever meet a guy like that?" Sweetie Drop asked.

"I'm sure whatever guy you'll meet, he'll love you both the same." Flash believed making the two blush a little.

Boomstick: Now that's my kind of woman! Oh, you're a badass? No roses! No dates! Let's fight people, get married, and plow!

"Way to make it sound uncivilized, Boomstick." Rarity said.

Boomstick: Feeling pretty f*cking great about life, Slade volunteered for an experiment that would help him resist enemy truth serums. Everything went exactly as planned...

They see Slade going on a rampage with screaming and glass shattering.

"That doesn't look like it went as planned." Sweetie Drop pointed out.

Boomstick: You'd think these guys would've learned by now.

"Like doing other test before the human test subject." Sunset stated.

Wiz: Wouldn't you know it, the injection did not have the effects they were looking for. But instead of ruining his life forever, the experiment accidentally transformed Slade into the deadliest assassin in the world. A Terminator if you will. Which begs the question: What on Earth does the U.S. military think is in truth serums?

"Probably just a form of liquid or something new like a gas form." Twilight theorized.

Boomstick: Slade rose as a new man known to the world as Deathstroke.

When seeing the picture of Deathstroke, they laugh when seeing he has a broke drawn hat and mustache with the word "LOL" next to him.

Wiz and Sweetie Drop: Really?

Deadpool: Don't forget to like, fav, and subscribe! Whoop, whoo-oo, whoop!


Enhanced mind: Blazingly fast reaction times. Nine times the normal processing speed

Enhanced body: Superior strength, speed, and durability

Adaptive healing factor

Mastery in boxing, jiujitsu, karate, ninjutsu, and sword fighting

Extensive knowledge of battle tactics

Boomstick: Deathstroke is nearly superhuman. He can hit harder, run faster, react quick, and push himself longer than an Olympic athlete. Plus, he can use 90% of his brain, unlike the average 10%.

Wiz: Come on! If we really only used 10% of our brains, we'd be about as dumb as sheep!

Boomstick: You're a sheep!

"Wiz is right, the human mind does use a little more than 10% of our brain power." Twilight believed.

"Bet you're glad to be smarter than a sheep." Rainbow Dash teased with a laugh, earning a stare from Twilight.

Wiz: What's important here is that Deathstroke's mind can process information nine times more efficiently than an ordinary man. He can think quicker, hear better, and see faster- Goddammit, that's not a real thing!

"Seriously, how hard is it to say his sight just increase better?" Twilight asked.

"Maybe the creators thought it was better to say it like that." Lyra guessed.

Boomstick: Ooh! We should put him and Captain America into a staring contest!

"We're gonna a timer for that one!" Pinkie stated and pulled out a stopwatch from her shirt, between her breasts surprising Flash.

Wiz: He also has a healing factor, which can repair any part of his body... even if his brain is blown to smithereens.

Boomstick: Bringing him back from the dead.

"Guess even the dead can't keep this family man down." Rarity commented.

Wiz: Unfortunately, life back home was rough for Slade. His abilities were put to the test when his son was kidnapped by a group of rival mercenaries. Despite a successful rescue, his son lost the ability to speak.

"I'm sure the kid is still fine." Flash hoped.

Boomstick: So his ungrateful wife lashed out in rage and Slade was never the same.

Wiz: Literally.

"So much for that." Rainbow Dash said.

Boomstick: But he's one step closer to his secret dream of becoming a pirate.

"I don't think pirating is what he would do after that." Rarity stated.

Boomstick: Question, Wizard: If he has a healing factor, how come he's still missing that eye?

"That is a good question." Sunset agreed with Boomstick, for once.

Wiz: Well no one knows, Boomstick, but perhaps not even a healing factor can repair the deepest of emotional wounds.

Boomstick: Oh, that's bullsh*t!

"There's nothing wrong with feeling emotional of being drafted away form the people you love." Applejack said a little upset as Rarity holds her hand.

Wiz: Despite his new lack of depth perception, Deathstroke remained as skilled as ever.

Weapons & Armor

Dual machine guns

Sniper rifle

Promethium sword

Energy lance: Fires a concussive laser blast

Super Bomb: A very expensive flash grenade designed to keep Superman at bay

Armor: Partially composed of Nth metal. Slightly enhances strength and speed

Boomstick: Partially thanks to his favorite gear. I'm talkin' dual machine guns, a sniper rifle, and a super bomb.

Wiz: Which is actually just a glorified flashbang grenade with trace bits of Kryptonite. Guess who that's for?

"Oh, oh, oh, I know! It's for Superman!" Pinkie answered while raising her hand.

The guy who fought Goku in one of the most biased fanboy videos ever!

Wiz: Shut up, Wade!

Deadpool: Okay, Ben!

Boomstick: This is just getting weird.

"Tell me about it." Twilight and Rarity exclaimed together.

"I wonder who is this Superman guy they mentioned?" Flash asked.

"Maybe he was on one of those Death Battle episodes, but I don't think the guy who sent us the DVDs has that fight." Spike guessed.

"Probably would've been good to watch too." Rainbow Dash said being curious of that fight.

Boomstick: So back to the weapons. Deathstroke prefers his sweet Thundercat-style sword and laser-shooting energy lance. Also, he's got an awesome suit of armor, made up of Kevlar and Nth metal.

Wiz: Oh look! Yet another fictional alloy that's stronger and lighter than titanium! Also, he has armor composed of promethium.

"Sounds like Wiz doesn't like made up metal alloy." Sweetie Drop noticed that tone.

"Seems like it." Twilight agreed.

Boomstick: Well, my shirt is made up of "Boomstick-ium". See? I can make up alloys, too, writers.

Wiz: Actually, Boomstick, promethium is a real thing.

Boomstickand Twilight: Oh, come on!

Wiz: Though in real life, it's a chemical used in atomic batteries to power guided missiles and spacecrafts. But in comic book land, it's not that at all. It can absorb energy, is incredibly strong, and is self-regenerative.

"A healing suit, far out!" Lyra amazed.

Boomstick: Wait, so his suit has a healing factor, too? So, does like his zipper try and close itself when he wants to take a leak? Because that's horrifying. I mean I remember when I got my junk stuck in the toaster-

"Oh! Please, no!" Rarity complained.

Strength & Feats

Downed 38 men in under 2 minutes

Had his brains shot out, came back to life just hours later

Beat most of the Justice League (Everyone is surprise of this)

Decisively defeated Batman in a hand-to-hand fight

Agile enough to elude Superman

Can see at a subatomic level

Able to kick down a reinforced steel door with ease

Wiz: With his impressive skills and arsenal, Deathstroke has defeated dozens of ninjas at once, survived an exploding nuclear submarine, and took down most of the Justice League by himself.

"Oh my, he really is like a Terminator!" Fluttershy shocked.

"I'll admit, I wouldn't survive going against him." Rainbow Dash admitted.

Boomstick: He's also really good at push-ups.

Shows the footage of Deathstroke in his cell room doing some push-ups.

Wiz: Uh... how many push-ups can he do?

Boomstick: All of them.

"Damn!" Flash, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack shocked.

Wiz: Despite multiple members of the Justice League agreeing he's the best tactician on the planet, Deathstroke is known for violent outbursts of rage when in extreme pain. Depending on who he's fighting, this can make him even more dangerous.

"As if we didn't have anything else to worry about him." Sunset said.

Boomstick: Deathstroke doesn't just solve problems. He terminates them.

Deathstroke: I am the thing that keeps you up at night.The evil that haunts every dark corner of your mind. I will never rest... and neither will you.

Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set. Let's end this debate once and for all!

Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!

"I'm gonna have to go with Deathstroke, no way that goofball can win against that." Sweetie Drop decided on who will win.

"I don't know, I think Deadpool got this in the bag." Lyra said, going for Deadpool.

Lyra and Sweetie Drop glare at each other like the time they competed for the spot in the Friendship Games with sparks flying between them.

The scene starts at the set of traffic lights along with vehicles coming in different directions, the camera then cuts to the bus stop with the poster of Deathstroke with a $5,000,010 bounty, then pans next to the bounty poster of Deadpool's with a $5,000,000 bounty.

"Haha! Deadpool is ten bucks worthless!" Rainbow Dash laughed.

Deadpool:PFFT! What a rip! Seriously, what makes this chump worth 10 bucks more than me? C'mon! I'm me! What!? Am I right?

The two mercenaries are observing the poster of the latter, and not realizing they're close to each other as Deathstroke doesn't respond.

"That's an odd way to meet." Flash commented.

Deadpool: Yeah, I am. I'm pretty sure.

Deadpool and Deathstroke realize they are next to each other and somersault backwards.

"Now they notice each other." Applejack rolled her eyes.

Deathstroke: It's your lucky day. (pulls out his machine guns) I can show you.

Deadpool: Oh, boy! A show? (pulls out his machine guns) Can I get popcorn first? I hope they have salt and pepper shakers. I love them to be tasty.

"Me too!" Pinkie agreed.


"Go Deadpool!" Lyra cheered.

"Send that clown to Hell, Deathstroke!" Sweetie Drop yelled.

Both combatants shoot at each other, with their Machine Guns deflecting each one of their bullets.


In slow motion at Deadpool's side comes five bullets, and came another from Deathstroke's side, bouncing off in opposite sides, then it switches to normal speed, where they keep on firing until both combatants run out of ammo.

"Very shocking to see they can aim perfectly like that." Sunset surprised.

Deadpool: Uh-Oh!

Deathstroke pulls out two ammo clips from his armor to reload, only to realize that Deadpool has disappeared, wondering where he has gone to. Deadpool teleports behind him.

Deadpool: BAMF!

Just as Deathstroke turns around, Deadpool kicks him and beats Deathstroke while continuously teleporting, and Deathstroke drops his machine guns as well.

Deadpool:BAMF! Shoryuken! BAMF!

"Hey, that was Ryu's move!" Rainbow Dash pointed out.

"Guess he must be a Street Fighter fan." Spike shrugged.

Deadpool: You better believe I am!

Deadpool teleports into the air in slowmo, poised to kick.

Deadpool: Check out this rad air!

Deathstroke gets kicked in the stomach, and lands on the ground, pulling out his energy lance. Deadpool lands on the ground.

Deadpool: A Donatello fan, huh? (takes out his twin katanas) I was always more of a Leonardo guy myself. Although, I think most people would pin me more as a Michelangelo, you know that's them labeling—

Deathstroke hits him with his staff, interrupting him.

"Thank you, Slade for shutting him up." Rarity said crossing her arms under her chest.

Deadpool:I will not be labelled!

The combatants continue fighting with the swords against the energy laser lance

Deadpool: No touchy-feely!

They fight until Deadpool is knocked far back by Deathstroke's Bo staff but recovers his landing. Deathstroke goes after Deadpool. Deadpool teleports again, close to his opponent and blocks a strike from Deathstroke.

Deadpool: Let's do this!

Deadpool continues fighting Deathstroke seems to be even, but Deathstroke gains the advantage, and he continually hits and beats up Deadpool by twirling his staff around fast.

Deadpool: (yelps) OW! OW! OH, MY KIDNEY!

"Oh yeah, show no mercy!" Sweetie Drop smirked.

Deadpool escapes and teleports into the air.

Deadpool: Comin' at ya!

Deadpool attacks him in midair, but Deathstroke breaks his katanas with his staff. Deadpool teleports away to the side of a road, realizing his swords are broken, but Deathstroke chases him again.

"Now he's disarmed. How will he continue the fight?" Twilight wondered.

"I'm sure he'll do something crazy to drag the fight elsewhere." Pinkie said.

Deadpool:Let's see what kind of mark this leaves on you.

Deathstroke shoots a laser out of his lance, piercing through Deadpool's stomach and knocking him onto the road, and he gets hit by a incoming truck. While on the truck windshield, his wounds begin to heal.

Deadpool: ACK! Hey buddy! Don't let me slow you down!

"I hope that guy doesn't hurt mix up in this." Applejack concerned.

"Something tells me it's already too late." Rarity exclaimed.

"But that won't stop Deadpool from taking that guy down!" Lyra stated in a deep tone.

Deadpool teleports on top of the truck to search for Deathstroke.

Deadpool: Where is that son of a gun? I'm gonna show him what for, I swear-OOoooh, sh*t!

Deadpool is shot straight through the head by Deathstroke who is revealed to have his sniper rifle on top of a bus, and he reloads. Deadpool lands on windshield again.

"That guy doesn't give up the hunt that easily." Sunset said.

"Deadpool have met the windshield yet again." Flash joked a little.

Deadpool:*talking to the truck driver again* Look at me, LOOK AT ME! Do not slow down!

"Not like he can do that anyway." Spike pointed out the fight is now on a bridge.

Deadpool teleports on top of truck again. Deathstroke shoots and misses Deadpool while he keeps teleporting closer, even moving to the other side of the bridge at one point.

Deadpool: MISSED ME! Whoop! Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!

"Going for the confusion strategy, at least he knows more than he leads on." Sweetie Drop said.

"Well, he was a mercenary before becoming Deadpool." Flash pointed out.

Deadpool: I! HATE! YOUR!

Then Deadpool teleports behind Deathstroke trying to spook him.

Deadpool: DUMBFACE!

Deathstroke finally punches Deadpool in the stomach.

Deadpool: OH, MY KIDNEY!

Deadpool is repeatedly punched and kicked until he goes down, Deathstroke then pulls out his sword.

Deadpool: Oh, is it swordfight time? Good thing I carry spares!

"Of course, he would have more." Twilight groaned, remembering the Magic Satchel.

Deadpool and Deathstroke continue fighting with swords again, with Deadpool parrying Deathstroke.

Deadpool: Guess it's cutting time!

Deadpool continuously slashes Deathstroke, but his armor and healing factor leave him unscathed. Deathstroke gains the upper hand, shoots Deadpool in the face several times with his pistol and breaks Deadpool's spare katanas after the Merc with a Mouth backflip trying to block his attack.

If you spent half as much time concentrating as you do talking, perhaps you would be less predictable.

"Oh, burn!" Pinkie said.

Deadpool: Not helping, Pinkie!


"With you acting like an idiot, then yes." Sunset answered.

Deadpool: f*ck you, Sunset.

Deadpool reaches and pulls out a boombox, playing his Marvel vs Capcom 3 theme once again. Deadpool somehow changes his clothes in a split second from his signature red and black jumpsuit to sweats with chains and a DEADPOOL headband.

Deadpool: I'm just getting warmed up!

As he starts dancing around, a special effect surrounds him making it more flashy and people are cheering from the foreground, causing Deathstroke to groan.

"Where did all those people come from?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"The Fourth Wall, remember?" Pinkie reminded her friend.

Deadpool still breakdances while dodging all of Deathstroke's attacks and hitting him with break dance moves.

Deadpool: *sings* Splick splick, Dynamite! (moonwalks) He's coming for me, Watch the fight!

"Yeah! Shake what your momma gave ya!" Pinkie cheered as she dances, and Lyra joins her.

"That won't save him for long." Sweetie Drop said.

As Deadpool keeps on dancing, an annoyed Deathstroke shoots the bus' tires with his pistol, causing it to skid and cause hundreds of car crashes. Both combatants stagger.Deadpool teleports just as a car fly towards both him and Deathstroke while Deathstroke dodges it. Vans and cars kept crashing. Deadpool, who now is back in his old clothes and had dual pistols, and Deathstroke both leap off two different vehicles towards each other.

"And they say traffic jam makes you feel dead." Flash commented.

The truck tips over while the combatants fight in mid-air and then land on the side of the school bus, still in midair. They continue to fight, evenly matched, until Deadpool holds a gun to Deathstroke's head, which ends in Deathstroke wildly slashing Deadpool.

Deadpool: OW! OW! OW! MY OTHER LUNG! OW! OW! OW!

Deadpool gets impaled through the chest.

Deadpool: MY SPLEEN!

Deadpool then gets shot in the back of the head and sent flying.

Deadpool: MY LEG!

Deadpool ends up landing on a flying car.

Deadpool: OH! IT'S CRAMPING!

"Dude, he didn't even go for your leg!" Rainbow Dash pointed out.

"Yeah, pay more attention to yourself." Sweetie Drop added.

Deathstroke cuts the car in half causing an explosion. He then realizes his sword is missing after the explosion. Deadpool teleports behind Deathstroke and stabs him with his own sword.

"Done in by his own weapon!" Pinkie winced a little.

Deadpool: Pop-Pop, watching Deathstroke-

A truck is seen about to collide with Deadpool.

Deadpool: Ah, damn it! OH MY THIRD LUNG!

The truck explodes, and extreme effects like Michael Bay's film with explosions. An unconscious Deathstoke is seen, as is Deadpool, who is unfazed by the damage, and he gets up revealing that he's missing an arm and holding a limp.

Deadpool: Well, that escalated quickly. Yeah, you might want to lay low for a couple of days, cause... you are, pretty much responsible for a mass murder.

"You caused that murder too!" Applejack pointed out.

Deadpool puts his limb back on while Deathstroke, who is missing his mask, lets out a groan while regaining consciousness with a sword in his chest.

Deadpool: *laughs* It's a Deathstroke kabob!

While he was pointing at Deathstroke mockingly, he just realized that he putted in his leg on the upper arm and his arm attached to the thigh by mistake.

Deadpool: Whoops! Hang on, give me a sec. Oh this is going to hurt!

"That was pretty funny that he got the leg for an arm." Fluttershy giggled.

Deadpool attaches his limbs in the correct places while Deathstroke pulls his sword out of his chest, then struggles to get up while groaning in pain.

"It's not over, Deathstroke is still in this!" Rarity hoped he can put Deadpool down for good.

Deadpool: Whoa, hold on! You heal fast too? I got something special for that!

"I think I know what that is." Sunset said.

As Deathstroke finally gets on his feet, Deadpool pulls out his last sword.

Deadpool: Carbonadium Sword! Murdering all your pesky Wolverines and Saberteeth since 2012! Good year for cinema.

The combatants fight once more, once again evenly matched. While their swords are locked Deadpool points his pistol against his arm and right at Deathstroke's face and turns to the audience.

Deadpool: All the children in the audience, cover your eyes!

"Why?" Fluttershy asked.

Deadpool fires, the bullet going through his arm and hitting Deathstroke's good eye. Deathstroke staggers while covering his wounded eye that was formed by the gun's bullet.

"Oh, that's why." Fluttershy frightened of seeing a man's good eye got shot.

Deadpool teleports behind Deathstroke and cuts him, and Deathstroke falls as the screen blacks out.

"No, he can't have lost to him!" Sweetie Drop hoped that isn't the case.

Deathstroke is seen lifting up his head seemly alive.

Deathstroke: (deep voice) And the moral of the story is...

Deadpool reveals himself puppeteering Deathstroke's head.

Deadpool: (normal voice) *gasps* Deadpool wins! YAY!

"NO!" Sweetie Drop dropped on her knees in despair.

"YES!" Lyra shouted throwing her fists in the air of victory.

Explosions are heard, while Deadpool throws the head away and sings Macarena while replacing two lines.

Deadpool (replacing lines): This is totally racist. HEYYY CHIMICHANGAAAAAAA! (Chomping Noise)


While Deadpool is driving a sweet ride, on that hood, it has Deathstroke's dismembered head as a hood ornament.

Deadpool: (faking) Oh! Oh, YouTube comments. Oh, I see you rolling. Oh, you're hating. Oh, it wounds me so- it doesn't at all. Explain how I beat this asshole.

Wiz: Don't tell me how to do my job.

"Yeah, let him tell us how the heck did Deadpool win!" Rainbow Dash demanded.

"Relax, you'll see how awesome I am." Deadpool said suddenly appeared next to her.

Wiz: This was a surprisingly even match. Though Deathstroke was the superior fighter of the two and had the better armor, Deadpool could take all his punishment and give just as much.

"I survived some pretty tough situations like my run-in with the Hulk, Thanos, and Galactus." Deadpool listed.

"And you were already a skilled fighter to begin with." Lyra mentioned.

"That too." Deadpool nodded.

Boomstick: Deathstroke's smart, so normally he would have no problem predicting his opponent's moves, but Deadpool is so unpredictable, not even Taskmaster, or sometimes even himself for that matter, can keep up with whatever he's doing.

"Damn, you're almost as unpredictable as Pinkie or more!" Sunset shocked.

"You could say we're two peas in a pot." Deadpool smirked.

"Indeed, we are!" Pinkie agreed and they high-five together.

Wiz: Unfortunately for Deathstroke, he didn't have the means to put Deadpool down for good. And while Deathstroke's healing factor was perfect for repairing damage, Deadpool's trumped his by being capable of replacing entire organs at a much faster rate.

"Faster than the raging sex time Sunset and Flash were doing at the start of this chapter." Deadpool blurted out.

"WHAT?!" All the girls and Spike gasped as the couple blushes of embarrassment.

Wiz: Sometimes the original isn't always the best.

Boomstick: Deadpool is just a cut above the rest.

"Oh, better go!" Deadpool excited exit the scene.

Wiz: Wiz: The winner is-

Deadpool pops in victoriously to finish the last sentence.

Deadpool: Spider-Man! I mean Deadpool, sh*t!

"I have to say, that was amazing to watch a Death Battle and I think we found ourselves a new show to love." Lyra smiled.

"I know, it was so much fun!" Sweetie Drop said hugging her girlfriend and the two squeal together.

"Do you mind if we watch one more episode with you?" Sweetie Drop asked.

"Sure, it's more fun to have more people watch this together." Flash nodded.

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

Yep, everyone has been and met Deadpool himself interacting with the characters along with winning his fight against Deathstroke showing that even the crazy and silly can stand victorious in battle!

Deadpool: That's right! The Merc with the Mouth is AWESOME!

You can say that again, next up are two strong men who are heroes against the world.

KO comment, favorite, click the thumb up button, and follow through of how this story will go!

Chapter 18: Ragna the Bloodedge VS Sol Badguy

Chapter Text

Ragna VS Sol Badguy

"The next guy I'm gonna pick is gonna win for me again." Lyra smirked.

"We'll see about that, my sweet but I believe it'll be my win." Sweetie Drop smirked back with an intense stare.

"Those two can be really tense when it comes to things like this." Rarity whispered to Applejack.

"Yet they will have the moments to keep on loving each other." Applejack commented with a gentle smile.

The next favorite episode of Death Battle starts playing and everyone here is going to be in for a little ride of these two combatants.

Wiz: No anime tough guy trope is complete unless he has outrageous spiky hair, a sword that's clearly compensating for something...

Boomstick: And belts. Lots and lots of belts.

"A little over do with the belts, but they do look stylish none the less." Rarity commented.

Wiz: Ragna, the Bloodedge.

Boomstick: And Sol Badguy, the Flame of Corruption.

"Whoa, now that is an awesome name!" Sunset impressed, getting a slight familiarity of that title.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

Ragna the Bloodedge
Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (37)
Wiz: Nearly a century ago, humanity was hunted to near extinction by the fearsome Black Beast. Fortunately, six brave heroes slain the monster and saved mankind. The remains of humanity were reorganized under an oppressive government until one man decided to rise up: Ragna the Bloodedge.

"If I were to force into listening an oppressive sh*thead, then I would also rebel." Rainbow Dash stated.

"Surprisingly, me too." Flash nodded as he never like those kinds of people, remembering what his parents always told him to be careful with.

"You got to admit though, Ragna is rocking the white hair." Pinkie complimented.

Boomstick: Baggy pants, giant sword, brooding personality. Ragna has tragic backstory written all over him.

"I have a feeling it has something to do with that oppressive government." Spike guessed from his doggy instincts.


6'0.8"/185 cm

172 lbs/78 kg

Blood type: B

Alias: The Grim Reaper

Frequent dine-and-dasher

Bounty: 90,000,000,000

His foul mouth gives the Angry Video Game Nerd a run for his money (Confused of that)

Has a crippling fear of ghosts (Rainbow Dash laughs at this.

Wiz: I'd actually go with gruesome. As a young child, he and his siblings were confined in an experimental facility as lab rats.

Boomstick: Bummer. What were they trying to do?

"Probably some inhuman experiments like trying to create their own super solider." Twilight hated when science is being use like that.

Wiz: No one knows. The important thing here is they were rescued by a talking cat named Jubei, who also happened to be the most feared warrior on the planet.

"I think you might to think twice when you bark at a cat, Spike." Twilight warned.

"It's not like I was gonna hurt or anything." Spike defended himself.

"I think I'm gonna give Opal some extra treats when I get home." Rarity decided on herself for her pet cat.

Wiz: However, things took a darker turn when Ragna's sister Saya grew very sick.

"Aw, poor thing." Fluttershy said sadden.

"I hope it's not a fatal one." Sweetie Drop concerned for Saya.

Boomstick: With what?

Wiz: Sickness? No one knows. Ragna took Saya under his wing, but their younger brother Jin was irritated that Ragna was not spending more time with him. Being a reasonable guy, he decided the only solution was to murder his brother.

"WHAT?!" Everyone gasped.

Boomstick: Oh yeah! That makes a ton of sense! "I'm lonely. I'll kill one of the people I care about." Great plan. So, then a maniacal hipster villain named Yūki Terumi showed up out of nowhere, helped Jin impale Ragna through the chest, and then cut off his arm for good measure.

"That… So messed up." Lyra said, feeling like she's about to vomit.

"Even our little sisters never did anything like that when they felt left out." Applejack said, referring to the time Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo tried to make Sunset look bad but went too far.

"I blame that creepy guy Yuki Terumi guy. He must have made Jin do it." Fluttershy glared.

Wiz: Why? How? No one knows. Have you familiarized yourself with that phrase yet? Good, 'cause it's not stopping anytime soon.

"Seriously? How could those guys not know anything about whatever world Ragna comes from?" Flash asked.

"Maybe because that life is a game and were still making more of the series." Sunset guessed.

"That or the creators answer any fan questions right away." Pinkie shrugged.

Boomstick: Moving on for sanity's sake, Ragna would've been done for until an omniscient time-traveling pig-tailed vampire descended from the heavens, snapped her fingers, magicked him a new arm, and left. No, no. Don't think. Just accept.

"She just… grew him a new arm with a snap of her finger? It's like she can bend reality itself!" Twilight shocked, feeling like her mind is broken.

"It's probably magic." Sunset theorized.

Azure Grimoire

Gives Ragna virtually unmatched control over seithr

Absorbs the soul of its target

Augmented by the Idea Engine: Acquired from the dying Λ-No.11. Adds the ability to create a force field. Can activate Blood Kain without losing life force

Turned Ragna's right eye red when it bonded with him

Doubles Ragna's attack power

Wiz: Surprisingly still conscious and apparently an expert of things that never happened before, Ragna instantly recognized his new appendage as an Azure Grimoire, a piece of the Black Beast which Ragna can use to manipulate Seithr. Seithr is a radioactive energy left behind by the Black Beast all over the world.

"Wow, the thing that almost destroyed the world is now being used to help it." Sunset surprised, seeing the irony in that.

Boomstick: Like magic.

Wiz: Well, no, Magic is totally different.

Boomstick: But it lets him do magic-type stuff...

Wiz: Yes…

"This is confusing." Flash puzzled of what to make of this.

"Let just say magic and Seither are two different things and move on." Sunset advised not to think too much on that.

"Agree." Twilight nodded.

Boomstick: Ooo... kay! Well after missing out on the maiming and resurrection of Ragna, Jubei the cat ninja returned and decided to teach him the ways of combat.

Wiz: Where the hell was he before? No one knows.

"Yeah man, Ragna could have used your help being killed by his own brother." Rainbow Dash complained.

Boomstick: Probably destroying someone's furniture or pissing in their shoes.

"Not all cats are like that. They just wanted some attention." Fluttershy assured.

"Perhaps too much from my Opal." Rarity said.

Move Set

Hell's Fang: Dashes in with a seithr-enhanced punch

Inferno Divider: A rising leap slash using his sword

Gauntlet Hades: Downward strike powered by seithr

Dead Spike: Summons the jaws of the Black Beast (Scares Fluttershy a bit)

Blood Kain: Boosts speed, power and soul-draining ability

Wiz: Through his training, Ragna's control over Seithr became practically unmatched. He can form various parts of the Black Beast in combat, transform his own arm into razor-sharp claws, or drain the soul of his foe through his strikes.

"Draining his foes' souls?! It's like he became a spiritual vampire or something scarier!" Lyra hugged onto Sweetie Drop.

Boomstick: But if he needs more power, more defense, and more... soul-sucking, he can crank these up to 11 with his Blood Kain form.

"Bet they're gonna show the big sword big, it looked so awesome!" Rainbow Dash excited.

Wiz: Upon completing his training, Jubei bestowed upon him a red cloak and a deadly blade called Blood Scythe.

"Called it!" Rainbow Dash raised her fists in the air.

Boomstick: This baby can extend for stabbing strikes and like the Azure Grimoire, slowly drains the souls of its victims upon contact. And before you point out that it's clearly a sword and not a scythe, it can do this.

Ragna uses his Astral Heat on Arakune, which causes Blood Scythe to transform into a Scythe.

"AWESOME?!" Rainbow Dash and Flash cheered at the same time.

"Kids can their love for ultimate moves." Sunset chuckled softly to herself.

Boomstick: Ragna's angsty rage took him on a world tour of single-handed government smashing, earning him the nickname the Grim Reaper.

"Ooh, scary!" Pinkie made a spooky sound for that comment.

"I'm not sure if this is what Jubei had in made for Ragna when he trained him." Rarity concerned.

"Far as I can see, the master will let the student walk their own path." Applejack said.

"Wise, where'd you hear that?" Sweetie Drop asked.

"From a Kung-Fu movie." Applejack answered honestly.

Wiz: And racking up an unprecedented bounty of 90 billion... whatever their currency is. No one knows.

Flash paused the video for a second to see Ragna's wanted poster and everyone started laughing hard from how so bad they got his face, giving him a chubby look of a loser.

"I can't… I can't… how have they not corrected the face yet?" Sweetie Drop asked.

"Maybe Ragna already beat up the guy who did the poor picture." Rainbow Dash guessed.

Wiz: And despite being the largest bounty of all time, he still freely walks the world on foot and in public with no attempt to disguise himself whatsoever.

"Because of the stupid picture, I don't think he would be recognized like that." Flash pointed out with a little laughing.

"Yeah, I'm gonna have to give the guy a major F-." Sunset said.


Accelerated healing ability

Extremely high pain tolerance: Taken many impale wounds through vital organs. Sacrificed his left arm showing zero pain (Applejack is shocked of this)

Punched a crater into a wall with his non-Azure Grimoire hand

Defeated the giant anti-Black Beast bioweapon, Take-Mikazuchi

Can defeat Murakumo Units without using his Azure Grimoire

Boomstick: Probably because nobody wants to piss him off. We're talkin' about a guy who treats getting knocked though solid concrete as an inconvenience, has survived multiple impalings through the chest, took out hundreds of armed officers without breaking a sweat, and obliterated an entire street with a single one-hand sword strike.

"Now that's one powerful throwing arm." Rainbow Dash amazed.

Wiz: Ragna is referred to by some as the most powerful man in the world, but he's also known as a risk-taker with a short temper.

"Reminds me of someone I know." Rarity teased with a smirk at Rainbow Dash.

"Don't you start with me." Rainbow Dash glared at the fashion loving literal white girl.

Boomstick: And despite being trained by the most dangerous kitty cat in the world, Ragna's obviously nowhere near Jubei's level of skill, who terrifies even the deadliest villains of the series.

Wiz: But after all's said and done, Jubei left Ragna with a dire warning: never think of the Azure Grimoire as your own.

"But it's a part of his body, doesn't that mean it's already his own?" Fluttershy asked.

"I think he means the power of the Black Beast from within." Twilight stated.

Boomstick: Which is kind of bullsh*t. I mean it's attached to him, so I'm pretty sure he's got dibs.

"Way to make it sound so simple." Twilight rolled her eyes.

Wiz: Well, he does, but if he loses control over it, it can transform him into the Black Beast itself. In fact, Ragna was the original Black Beast, sent back in time after falling into a magic cauldron. The two were somehow separated and did battle in the past. These events would repeat themselves in a 100-year time loop until this chick saved Ragna from falling into that cauldron, stopping the Black Beast from appearing in the past in the first place.

"Seriously, Ragna was the Black Beast all along?" Lyra shocked.

"And what's worst is the confusion of time travel and such." Twilight exclaimed.

Boomstick: But if the Black Beast never went back in time, then it never would've created Seithr, and everything in BlazBlue shouldn't exist as we know it. So how-

Wiz and Everyone: No one knows!

"Sheesh, now I get why Wiz find this so annoying." Lyra said, groaning a little.

Boomstick: You wanna just make this guy fight someone now?

"Yes, please!" Flash exclaimed.

Ragna:I'm the main character, and yet again, I get left in the dark! It's really starting to piss me off!

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (38)
Sol Badguy

Wiz: Way back in the year 2010, the discovery of magic forever changed the course of human history. Traditional technology was eliminated for newer and environmentally friendly methods, and after improving the planet, a certain world superpower sought to improve mankind itself.

"Replacing technology as a whole? How crazy are these people?" Twilight gasped.

"Well, magic was an everyday thing for me back in Equestria." Sunset mentioned.

Boomstick: Oh hey, another super soldier project. Lemme guess, they injected this guy with some serum, and it didn't really work out the way they wanted, but now he's a badass.

"Oh! Sounds like Captain America except with the magic stuff." Pinkie said.

"Captain who?" Lyra and Sweetie Drop confused of who this Captain America is.

"We'll explain later." Sunset said.

Wiz: Replace serum with magic and... close enough. This man would emerge as the feared bounty hunter, Sol Badguy.

"I suddenly feel sacred of the name." Fluttershy gulped.

"Don't worry, despite the name I think he's more of the main hero of his world." Flash believed.

Boomstick: So, he's clearly the bad guy.

Wiz: Actually he's the main hero of the story.

"Told ya." Flash smiled.

Boomstick: Well then, why would they…


6'0"/184 cm

163 lbs/74 kg

Real Name: Frederick

Alias: Haitoku no Honoo [Flame of Corruption]

Favourite band: Queen

Ironically Guilty Gear's protagonist, despite the name

Has a degree in particle physics

Wiz: Before Sol's transformation, he was known as Frederick, a scientist tasked with leading the super solider project alongside with his love interest, Aria, but whether he intended to or not, Frederick would become the prototype of this new super race, the Gears.

"Gear, really? He couldn't have come up with a better name than that like the Danger Fangs or something cooler than Gears." Rainbow Dash disappointed of the name.

"The name may not sound scary inspiring, but they were made to be dangerously powerful." Rarity pointed out.

Boomstick: But is he... guilty?

"Guilty for what?" Spike asked.

Wiz: Oh hell yeah! He was responsible for Aria's death. And then her next death when she was resurrected into this... thing.

"Whoa, now that's an ugly monster." Lyra shocked.

Boomstick: Oh. Wasn't expecting her to look like that, but not as much as I wasn't expecting the BLUE ROBO PENIS! Who even does that?!

"Didn't need to see that." Lyra and Sweetie Drop covered each other's eyes.

Wiz: She was likely created as a "Eff You!" to poor Sol by That Man.

Boomstickand Applejack: Which man?

Wiz: That Man.

Boomstick: I only see Sol Badguy.

Wiz: No, no it's That Man.

Boomstick: It's just me and you here, Wiz.

"What are they talking about?" Rarity confused.

Wiz: Listen. The villain is That Man.

Boomstick: Sol Badguy's the hero and the villain?

"He is?" Fluttershy asked.

"No, silly billy. The guys' name is literally "That Man"." Pinkie pointed out shocking the others.

Wiz: No, no, he's another character- just pretend Sol Badguy's not there.


Wiz: When this person was born into the world, his parents looked at this child and decided they would name him "That Man"!

"f*ck… That's an even worse name than the Gears." Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Boomstick: Who were they looking at, Wiz?!

"And Boomstick still doesn't seem to get it." Applejack sighed.


Boomstick: WELL F-U-C-K, SPACE, Y-O-U! I'M OUT!

Two letters showed up saying "Sometime later" as the screen gone gray for a second or two.

Boomstick: So... I looked at the Internet and discovered that his actual name is... That Man. I apologize for earlier, let's move on.

"About time." Rarity exclaimed.

"To be fair, a lot of people would be confused and misleading with a name like that." Sweetie Drop pointed out.

Wiz: Sol had to maintain a human appearance to disguise his true Gear form. So he developed a special limiter headpiece to keep his own power at bay.

Boomstick: If that thing comes off, say goodbye to whoever recently pissed him off.

"That just makes me want to see what his true form is like!" Rainbow Dash interested.

Wiz: As a Gear, Sol's aging was slowed to a near halt, allowing him more than enough time to develop his own fighting style.

"I bet it must've taken him a hundred or maybe a thousand years." Sunset guessed, remembering her former mentor Princess Celestia is over a thousand years old.

Boomstick: Well, whatever fighting style lets you punch fire, that's the one I wanna learn!

"That goes double for me!" Sunset interestedly exciting.

Move Set

Gun Flame. Shoots fire projectiles from the ground. Commonly mistaken for "girlfriend" when called out

Bandit Revolver. A forward-moving spinning attack

Riot Stamp. Springs off the wall and flies in foot-first

Volcanic Viper. Leaps upward, slashing with his sword

Dragon Install. Temporary enhances speed and power

Boomstick: Sol's Volcanic Viper and Fafnir Punches are flame-enhanced strikes, while his Riot Stomp flies in with a fearsome kick. And because this is anime, Sol can trigger his second form: the Dragon Install.

"Talk about Dragon Up!" Fluttershy punned.

"Oh, good one." Pinkie complimented to Fluttershy's pun.

"Thanks." Fluttershy smiled.

Wiz: The Dragon Install allows Sol to safely tap into a fraction of his full Gear power, boosting his strength, speed, and healing ability. The drawback: he can only sustain this power for so long and afterward, he's left vulnerable.

"Which is why you gotta get things done fast." Rainbow Dash grinned with a snap of her finger, then use her superspeed to get herself a sandwich.

Boomstick: As Sol wandered the Earth, That Man began a plan for world domination using an army of Gears. In response, Sol put together a Gear-obliterating superweapon called Outrage.

Wiz: Which looks like the world's most complicated can opener... or next-gen Bop-It.

"That's a weapon?" Twilight confused as everyone else feels the same, seeing the Outrage looks stupid when shown.

Boomstick: Turns out it was so powerful, nobody could wield it... not even Sol. So he had to split it apart into eight pieces just to make it usable. Naturally, he took the best piece for himself: the flame-enhanced Fireseal. I wanna fire seal, that'd be f*ckin' sweet. Try and eat me now, orca whale. Fire seal!

"WHAT?! How could he?! Orcas can help it when they need to eat to survive." Fluttershy stated angry at Boomstick for wanting to kill an orca.

Wiz: Using Fireseal to its full potential, Sol defeated That Man's forces twice over.

"Classic hero stuff, always beating the bad guys." Applejack chuckled.

Boomstick: And then he decided to upgrade the sh*t out of it with the Junkyard Dog Mark 3 casing.

"Oh, now that's something I would love to get my hands on for myself." Sunset smirked.

Wiz: But this is hardly the full extent of Sol's power.

"Really now?" Lyra asked.


Completely incinerated a huge Gear with a fraction of his power

Survived witnessing his past self-die: Actual reason given: because he's Sol Badguy (Everyone shocked of this)

Outran a missile and hung onto it with just his fist (Flash thinks it's so cool)

Endured the soul-destroying atmosphere of The Backyard

Once stabbed through the shoulder, then used that same arm to swing his sword seconds later

Wiz: He once survived the Backyard, an alternate dimension which would annihilate the soul of a normal man. And by removing his headband, he can access his full unrestrained potential.

Boomstick: Like when he shot a laser out of his sword to incinerate an inhuman Gear the size of Mount Everest!

Wiz: And once, he went back in time and witnessed his past self get murdered, which should've erased him from the present ala Marty McFly, but he didn't like that idea very much, so he just... didn't.

"Seriously? How does that even work, he just ignored the erasing of his existence from time itself?" Twilight exclaimed angry.

"This is almost sounding like Ragna's bio." Spike commented.

Boomstick: After BlazBlue, nothing is too bizarre for me anymore.

"Me too, I just go with the flow." Pinkie smiled.

"Party flow, you mean." Flash flirted a little which earned a wink from Pinkie.

Wiz: Sol is powerful, but fears his full potential. He's also pretty lazy. His favorite strategy is always whatever's the least strenuous. This lack of extra effort can sometimes leave him underestimating his opponent.

"One must always be cautious, darling." Rarity stated.

Boomstick: But the second he starts trying, few can stand in his way.

Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set. Let's end this debate once and for all!

Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!

"I'm betting Sol is gonna win." Sweetie Drop said.

"Then I'll be cheering for Ragna." Lyra smirked.

The fight takes place in BlazBlue's Kagutsuchi at nighttime during a rainstorm. In a large garden, Sol is looking over at a wanted poster for Ragna.

"At least they got his face right." Fluttershy said.

"But the man still goes around like nothing." Rarity rolled her eyes.

Ragna walks right past Sol, who just notice him then runs past him and stops him in his tracks.

Sol: (You're an eyesore!)

"What the… He's not speaking English?" Rainbow Dash confused.

"Maybe they get find the English voice for him." Sunset shrugged.

Ragna: Who are you? Out of my way, or you're dead.

Sol: (Tsk. Gun Flame!)

Sol releases Gun Flame at Ragna, which Ragna jumps back and avoids.

Ragna: You gotta be kidding me. Let's get this over with!

Sol: (I'll burn you to a crisp.)

"Give him the burn, Sol!" Sweetie Drop cheered.


Sol charges at Ragna, whom is about to slam Blood Scythe down, and stops it with Fireseal. The two knock each other back and Sol tries using Gun Flame again. Ragna avoids this and lunges at Sol, whom jumps back before slamming Fireseal. The two clash weapons once again, then swing their swords at each other. As Ragna goes for a strike, Sol jumps upward and kicks Ragna, who goes flying toward a wall. Ragna bounces upward to attack, but Sol kicks him multiple times before using Volcanic Viper and finishes it with Bandit Revolver before sending him slamming to the ground.

"Sol sure is 'kicking' things off with that combo! Wonder how Ragna will respond?" Pinkie said like an announcer.

Ragna lands on his knees and breathes heavily before preparing the Azure Grimoire.

Ragna: Bitch! Restriction Number 6...

But before Ragna can finish, he is kicked to the face by Sol's Bandit Revolver once more, knocking him back.

"Oh yeah, don't give him a chance to fight back!" Spike said.

Ragna: You're gonna pay!

Ragna punches the ground, then raises Azure Grimoire. Suddenly, Sol is trapped by Dead Spike.

"He got him!" Flash surprised.

"Now Ragna can finish what he was doing." Lyra pointed out.

Ragna: Restriction 666 released, Dimensional Interruption Imaginary Number Formed! BlazBlue, activate!

Ragna charges at Sol for a punch. The Dead Spike holding Sol disappears, but before he can react, Ragna punches him, sending him flying into the next area, where he bounces off a wall. Before he can hit the ground, Ragna uses the Azure Grimoire to stab him, then proceeds to unleash a combo with Blood Scythe.

"Yeah! Slice him up and take his soul!" Rainbow Dash excited.

"I don't think it'll be simple as that." Applejack proclaimed.

Ragna: It's my turn now!

The combo concludes with Sol hitting the ground. Ragna picks him up, but the grapple is reversed and Sol throws Ragna into the wall which he bounces off and onto the ground, but he wouldn't stay down.

Ragna: Idea Engine, linked! This'll sting!

Suddenly, the Azure Grimoire glows with a white light and Sol is suddenly knocked right into the wall. He then falls down with his next comment muffled by the ground.

"Yes, he's down!" Lyra laughed.

"Maybe so, but he's not out." Sweetie Drop believed in Sol to win this fight.

Sol gets up and unleashes Dragon Install to tap into his power, to which Ragna retaliates with Blood Kain.

Ragna: Blood Kain.

The two charge at each other and strike, with both hitting the other's sword. Sol is on the offensive and overpowers Ragna, then knocks him into the air. During his assault, Ragna reverses it and slams Sol back to the ground. He flies downward and swings Bloodscythe as Sol jumps out of the way, then the two trade swings and punches. Then Ragna grabs ahold of Sol by his head and tosses him into the air before punching him and striking him with Blood Scythe multiple times.

Ragna: Inferno Divider!

"They look evenly match." Rarity surprised.

Ragna lands and exits Blood Kain while Sol falls to the ground. Sol lies down and is about to get up, but then he exits Dragon Install and is momentarily stunned. Ragna uses this to his advantage and grabs him.

Ragna: Tappin' out?

"Oh, he's gonna be out alright." Rainbow Dash grinned.

Ragna places Blood Scythe in front of him, then extends it, penetrating through Sol, who screams out in pain. Ragna then tears it out of Sol, who falls to the ground.

Ragna: I'm not gonna waste any more time on you, asshole!

"Oh yeah, Ragna stands victorious!" Lyra cheered.

Suddenly, Ragna is stabbed.

Ragna: sh*t!

"Or not." Lyra shocked.

Sol had stabbed Ragna above the groin with Fireseal. Ragna steps back and begins to bleed from his wound. This pushes Ragna too far and after dark clouds of smoke cover him.

"Oh, that doesn't look good." Fluttershy worried.

"Considered what else we learned about Ragna, it isn't." Sunset said.

Ragna transforms into the multi-headed Black Beast. Sol looks over at the eight-headed beast and as smoke covers him, he takes off his headband and transforms into his true Gear form. As the heads of the Black Beast charge towards Sol, Sol swings Fireseal, firing a powerful blast. The Black Beast's heads are overwhelmed, and the blast continues to fire upward into the sky.

"Oh no…" Lyra knew what this means.

"Oh yes!" Sweetie Drop smiled widely.

After a bright flash of light, Sol is seen standing on a small piece of land after the attack in his regular form, with Ragna nowhere to be seen. Sol then cracks his neck and chuckles.


Sol jumps down into the rubble, comes across a book titled "BlazBlue Story Script", knocks it upward, punches it away with a fiery strike, and then walks off.

Boomstickand Sweetie Drop: Bullseye!

"Now that was a hot finish." Sunset commented.

"Too much, if you ask me." Flash chuckled.

Wiz: Ragna put up a tough fight, but Sol had him outclassed.

Boomstick: Likely due to the fact that while Ragna had on four belts, Sol had 18.

"What do belts have to do with the fighting itself?" Applejack puzzled.

"Yes, I love fashion as much as the next gal. But I don't the belts have anything to do with the outcome." Rarity agreed.

Wiz: Sol's centuries worth of fighting experience trumped Ragna's training and he has consistently shaken off wounds more easily.

"Toughest guy you will ever know." Sweetie Drop commented.

Boomstick: Even Sol's... soul is tough enough to withstand Ragna's Azure Grimoire, just like when it survived the Backyard.

"Knew it." Applejack smirked, looking over to Rainbow Dash who rolled her eyes.

Wiz: The Black Beast was impressive, but Sol's Gear form is leagues above. Recall when Sol turned that Gear the size of Mount Everest into dust. By comparing the size of the Gear to the clouds, we can determine its volume to be around 140 billion cubic meters. Destroying something this size would require more than 85 gigatons of TNT. That's nearly 200 times more powerful than the 9.0 earthquake that hit Japan in 2011.

"Yes, the kind of power that can destroy the whole country by himself if he wanted to." Twilight agreed with the calculation.

"That is one hell of a firepower for barbeque." Pinkie commented surprise.

Boomstick: More than enough to take Ragna down... and that was only a fraction of Sol's real power. Ragna just burned out in the end.

Wiz: The winner is Sol Badguy.

"Man, that was an awesome! Thanks for letting us watch it together." Lyra thanked the group.

"No problem, we're glad you enjoyed it." Flash said.

"Oh man, watching those fights just gave me an idea of something we can do." Sweetie Drop excited.

"If you're thinking the same thing like I am, then we better get to it!" Lyra excited.

"I can hardly contain myself!" Sweetie Drop squealed.

"Me too!" Lyra nodded and the two kiss each other hard for five seconds before getting up.

"Bye, guys!" Lyra and Sweetie Drop waved goodbye as they leave the house.

"Note to self, don't anger Opel when I see her." Spike whispered to himself.

KO new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

I always love Blazblue and Guilty Gear, they're both such awesome game series that I wish they can do an actual crossover with each other than in fanfiction, and Spike learned to respect cats a little more.

KO comment, favorite, click the thumb up button, and follow through of how this story will go!

Chapter 19: Gaara VS Toph

Chapter Text

Gaara VS Toph

"How about we make the next two episodes the last for the day, I need to get home and help mom with making dinner." Twilight informed.

"Oh yeah, you two are making that spaghetti dish with the green sauce." Spike excited.

"Sure, I'm pretty sure my granny needs me back home soon." Applejack nodded.

"Need some apple bucking again?" Rarity asked.

"Nope, just to babysit Applebloom because she is going out with her old gals and Big Mac is going to sleepover at Sugar Belle's home for the night, or maybe two." Applejack explained about her family's activities.

"Oh! Sounds like Big Mac is ready to make the ultimate move on her." Pinkie grinned.

"That's what we are all hoping for. We've always seen Big Mac looking so happy and cheerful whenever he is with Sugar Belle, that shows they are destined to be together until death or maybe beyond that." Applejack giggled.

"Well, when you get home, give Big Mac, tell him good luck and have a good time." Flash said.

"I sure will." Applejack winked.

"(Sure wish I could have a good time with you though.)" Applejack thought sighed a little as Rarity notice this, doing her best to comfort her.

"How about I come over to the farm with you, I'm sure you could use the extra eyes to keep watch over Applebloom." Rarity offered to come back to Sweet Apple Acres which made the cowgirl smile.

"Alright, time for the next episode!" Rainbow Dash excited and Sunset press the play button starting the next favorite episode.

Wiz: Throughout Death Battle, we've seen all manner of weapons and abilities, but these two combatants command the very Earth around them.

"Golly, connecting the earth to help in battle sure sounds fun!" Applejack interested.

"Does that mean they can move mountains?" Fluttershy wondered.

Boomstick: Garra of the Desert.

Wiz: And Toph Beifong, the Blind Bandit.

"Wait, did he say blind?" Twilight asked shock.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

"An earthly Death Battle!" Pinkie joked.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (39)

Wiz: Gaara of the Desert is a short, skinny, pale, stick of a kid, but he's also one of the deadliest shinobi in the world.

"Short and deadly, quite the combination." Sunset commented.

Boomstick: He looks like a member of Green Day.

"Ah! Is that a group of goths!" Rarity gasped.

"I'm pretty sure they look more like a band." Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes a bit.

Wiz: Gaara is the son of the Fourth Kazekage, leader of the Village Hidden in the Sand. Born prematurely at the cost of his mother's life, Gaara was destined for a childhood of depression and loneliness from the get-go.

Boomstick: Not even a minute old and already has a kill under his belt. Though, technically he had a little help. Because you see... as he was being born, his father was like, "Hey! You know what would be awesome? Using ninja magic to seal a horrible monster in my son's belly to turn him into an ultimate weapon!"

The shows of Gaara scream in both pain and anger with sand bursting from his forehead.

"WHAT?!" Everyone gasped.

"I can't believe it… How could be do that to his own son and after he was born?!" Applejack stomped her foot causing a crack under her boot.

"That man is… the f*ckING worst!" Fluttershy snapped hugging her Godzilla stuff with somehow an angry expression.

"You said it, Fluttershy! I want his head off. Off with his head!" Pinkie screamed.

"Let's all agree that Gaara's dad f*cked up his life." Rainbow Dash said.

"Yeah." Everyone agreed without hesitation.

"I doubt his wife would've agree to such thing." Rarity pouted.

Wiz: The process was successful, and Gaara became a jinchūriki: human beings who have powerful tailed beasts trapped within them. Gaara's beast was Shukaku, a giant tanuki with power over sand.

"Ah, a tanuki! Their so cute!" Fluttershy smiled.

Boomstick: Aww, I want a tanuki as a pet. They're so fluffy and adorable, you just wanna hu- (Shukaku appears) HOLY sh*t, WHAT IS THAT!?

"Eep! Not cute! Not cute!" Fluttershy hide behind her Godzilla stuffy.


Age: 19

Full title: Gaara of the Sand Waterfall

Birthdate: January 19th

Blood type: AB

Son of the Fourth Kazekage

Host of Shukaku

Brother to Temari & Kankuru

Fifth Kazekage

Wiz: Shukaku loathed humanity, and at first, Gaara had difficulty controlling the monster's rage, accidentally hurting others. As such, he was shunned by his own people, forced to live a secluded life.

Boomstick: Well, yeah, I mean, he's got a goddamn tummy monster, it's not like Pepto-Bismol's solving that.

"No thanks to his dad." Flash sighed upset.

"Easy Flash, your anger is in the right place." Sunset petted his head calming him down.

Wiz: Convinced his only option was to fight and care for only himself, Gaara became a ruthless killing machine.

"How sad." Fluttershy said, feeling sad for Gaara to live in such a life.

Boomstick: But it's not all bad. Having a digestive desert demon gives him control over all things sand.


Sand Gourd

Johyo rope dart

Gold Dust (Rarity shock of this)


Sealing Tag

Boomstick: He can wield it as a weapon using his mind to trap and crush his foes. Oh, and he can also use it to freaking fly. How the hell does that work?

"Maybe that Tail Beast has the ability to fly." Rainbow Dash guessed.

Wiz: He can mentally adjust the density of his sand, whether it needs to be lighter than air or stronger than steel, He can even use it to stop bombs powerful enough to wipe out an entire village. He can control any sand in his vicinity using his Chakra, a spiritual energy Shinobi access for superhuman abilities, such as walking up a tree.

"Walking up tree, huh? I wonder if I could do that?" Applejack asked herself.

"But you would still love to kick the trees to get the apples down." Flash believed.

"You betcha I would." Applejack nodded.

"Wouldn't have it any other way." Rarity smiled.


Armor of Sand

Shield of Sand

Third Eye

Desert Wave

Sand Binding Coffin

Sand Binding Prison

Sand Clone

Sand Hail

Sand Shuriken

Boomstick: This guy's like the ultimate emo kid, but I'm not gonna give him too much crap, because he can use existing sand to crush the ground around him for even more sand, so he's never without easy access to ammo. Despite this, he still carries a gigantic gourd of sand on his back.

"Ouch! Hate to know how he does backpain." Spike shocked.

"I think I can handle that despite looking a little thin." Pinkie said.

Wiz: It's huge! You'd think that'd be hard on his spine. Interestingly enough, its unique shape and size is a reference to how in Japanese folklore, Tanuki's were considered to be so well endowed, they'd have to sling their testicl*s over their shoulders.

Boomstick/Rarity: Awesome! /Disgusting!

Wiz: But the thing is, Gaara's gourd is not carrying any ordinary testicl*s... I mean, sand!

"Nice save." Flash chuckled.

Wiz: Gaara has infused his own Chakra into the gourd sand.

Boomstick: This directly links it to Gaara, making it much easier for him to control. He's so skilled with it, he can even forge weapons from it, bury people underground, or send it into another person's bloodstream and control them like some sort of puppet. Talk about an itch you're not gonna scratch.

"Now I'm worried about getting sand on me." Spike gulped.

"Good thing there's no possible way that can happen. I hope." Twilight worried a little.

Wiz: Also, Gaara eventually battled and defeated his own father, who happened to be a zombie at the time, His father used a Magnetic Release ability to control gold dust, much like Gaara does sand.

"Zombie dad, bet Gaara was looking forward to a little revenge." Sunset said.

"But it's interesting that he can do magnetics to control dusts made of gold." Twilight pointed out.

"Yes, very interesting." Rarity smiled a little too much.

Boomstick: Even though he can't do the Zombie Dad Magnet thing, Gaara added Gold Dust to his gourd sand anyway, giving him more control over its weight.

"Oh, very sandy." Pinkie punned.

Wiz: But wait, there's more. With her dying breath, Gaara's mother somehow imparted her own power into this sand. It became living sand, an extension of her will determined to follow and protect Gaara. It will spring from the gourd to defend him from any danger, regardless of risk and without command.

Boomstick: This absolute defensive technique is called... The Absolute Defense; pretty good name really.

"Sure, go for something that is so obvious for everyone to know." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

Boomstick: Gaara's sand is so dense and fast, only someone who can move nearly the speed of sound can pass it.

Wiz: Gaara can also use everyday sand to create defenses, such as his Sand Armor, which encases him in a shell to soften blows, unlike his automatic Absolute Defense, the Sand Armor is self-created, and requires a large amount of his Chakra to maintain.

"But he must a large amount of Chakra to be able to do those impressive things." Flash stated.

Boomstick: Gaara's skill with sand is only limited by how much Chakra he's got left in his system. After running low, he could tag out and give Shukaku a turn fighting, until a group of crazy people literally pulled the sand monster from his body for good. That must've hurt; it's gotta be like twice as bad as the night after Chipotle.

Wiz: He… died.

Boomstick: Oh… the same then.

"What does he mean by that?" Rarity asked raising an eyebrow.

"I rather not know." Fluttershy said as she shook her head.

Wiz: Turns out losing Shukaku was actually a blessing in disguise. After being resurrected, Gaara spent some time re-evaluating his emotional roller coaster of a life. Inspired by Naruto Uzumaki, he began to truly understand compassion, his attitude changed, his people began supporting him, he even commanded the Allied Shinobi Forces during the Fourth Great Shinobi War, and like his late father, Gaara also became...

"A lifeguard?" Pinkie guessed joking.

Boomstick: A ZOMBIE?!

Wiz: Kazekage.

Boomstick: Damn!

"Well, looks like Gaara's life is looking pretty bright." Applejack smiled, glad to know Gaara has turn things around in his life.

Feats and Strengths

Achieved Kazekage rank at 15

Protected Sunagakune from Deidara's C3 bomb

Sand is faster than the eye can see (Rainbow Dash shocked of this)

Held up a falling meteor

Defeated Rock Lee & Sasuke

Defeated his father, Rasa (Everyone cheered for that)

Regimental Commander of the Allied Shinobi Forces

Boomstick: Well, even non-zombie and missing Shukaku, Gaara still retained his powerful Chakra and skill over sand.

Wiz: In their fight, Gaara was so powerful, his father mistook him for Shukaku itself, despite the sand monster being long gone.

"Wow, must've been surprised to see how much his own son has grown." Fluttershy commented.

Boomstick: Gaara is stronger and smarter than ever, all thanks to his mother's love... I miss Mama Boomstick...

Wiz: Few can withstand the overwhelming power of this sand shinobi...or Mama Boomstick's cooking.

"Hey now, I don't think you should go insulting someone else's mom." Applejack scolded.

"At least Boomstick cares about his mom." Rainbow Dash said.

Boomstick: HEY! You're uninvited to Thanksgiving.

Wiz: I never was!

Boomstick: Exactly.

Scene shows of Gaara pulling a ninja into a dark alleyway with a shock Naruto and Shikamaru as they are frozen with fear. Gaara silently approaches and walked past them.

"Okay, that scared me a bit." Sunset said.

Toph Beifong
Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (40)

"Okay, let see what this girl can do." Rainbow Dash said.

Wiz: As the only child of the wealthy Beifong family, Toph was kept a secret from the rest of the world. Hidden away, she was pampered and guarded like a fragile child. Her parents were hopeful she could someday become a noble, respected member of Earth Kingdom society.

Boomstick: But their hopes were pretty much dashed from the moment she popped out. See those faded whites? Yeah, Toph's completely blind.

"Oh my, that must've been tough for them, and the girl." Rarity said.

"This probably annoys her too." Flash guessed.

Lao Beifong: My daughter is blind. She is blind and tiny and helpless and fragile!

"Sheesh, way to make your daughter feel safe about herself." Rainbow Dash groaned a little.

Boomstick: Still, "fragile" is the last word that I would want to use to describe this chick.

"(Maybe I would feel upset from that too.)" Fluttershy thought felt a kinder spirit with Toph in some way.


Age: 12 (Avatar)/88 (Korra)

Full name: Toph Beifong

Daughter of a prestigious family

Extremely acute senses beside sight

Former police chief (Sunset think she's cool)

Stage name: The Blind Bandit (Rainbow Dash likes it)

Eventually retired to the swamp as a hermit

Wiz: Frustrated by her parents' stubborn coddling, Toph ran away from home at the age of six, and ended up losing her way in a cave, until she was rescued by some giant Badgermoles. Yes, they're badgers, and they are moles.

"Aw, so big and cute!" Fluttershy complimented.

Boomstick: Imagine one of those things burrowing into your home. What kind of pest control do you even call for that? Oh wait, I know. FIRE.

"No! Don't hurt them!" Fluttershy begged Boomstick not to hurt them with fire.

Wiz: Like Toph, Badgermoles are blind, so they took a liking to her.

Boomstick: Well, how the hell would they know?

"Probably they can sense her blindness." Twilight theorized.

Wiz: And as the original artists of the craft, the Badgermoles began her training in the art of Earthbending.

"Way to rock on!" Applejack chuckled after seeing Toph successful move a rock.

Bending Arts

Earthbending: Seismic Toss, Earth compression



Mudbending (Pinkie thinks that's fun)

Boomstick: These giant varmints taught Toph how to manipulate rock and stone. Using movements similar to the Chu Gar Praying Mantis martial art, Toph can telekinetically throw, grow, shrink, and alter earth in any conceivable way, making for some pretty down to earth attacks and defenses.

"Wow, way to make playing the dirt more fun." Flash commented.

"And yet, we still have to take baths." Sunset joked.

Wiz: The Badgermoles also taught Toph how to see.

"Huh?" Everyone confused of that.

Boomstick: Wait, these ridiculous creatures are also masters of LASIK surgery?!

Wiz: No, Toph does not use her eyes to see. Of course, her other senses are extremely accurate, and as a master earthbender, Toph can sense the location of earth anywhere. Even more impressive though, the Badgermoles navigate their tunnels using an earthbending technique known as the Seismic Sense, and Toph quickly picked up on this talent. It's kind of like sonar, detecting the exact location and movement of a person or object through their interaction with the ground.

Toph: I feel the vibrations in the earth, and I can see where everything is. You, that tree, even those ants.

"Wow, it's like she's one with the earth itself!" Applejack amazed.

"I wonder if she can find jewels too?" Rarity tapped her chin with a smile.

Wiz: She feels every movement, every footstep, every heartbeat, so precisely, she can even tell if a person's lying.

Boomstick: A woman who can always tell when I'm lying? No thank you! Toph is so good at this, that even her closest friends sometimes forget she's blind.

Sokka drops Toph's championship belt to her, but it hits her head, and she falls over.

Sokka: Sorry.

Boomstick: But don't worry, they're reminded

"Glad to know." Spike relieved, he was a little worried for the girl there.

Boomstick: But don't worry, they're reminded. In only six years, Toph had completely mastered Earthbending. She even won the Earth Rumble VI tournament multiple times under her stage name, "The Blind Bandit".

"Cool name, by the way." Rainbow Dash complimented.

Wiz: But Toph didn't stop her training with just earthbending. At first, softer earth proved difficult for her seismic sense.

Toph: I feel the vibrations in the ground with my feet, but this sand is so loose and shifty, it makes everything look fuzzy.

"Like when your eyes become fuzzy upon too much contact with bright light." Twilight pointed out.

Feats and Strengths

Reigning champ of Earth Rumble VI

Invented Metalbending (Sunset and Twilight amazes of this)

Held up Wan Shi Tong's library (Applejack respects her strength)

Duelled Bumi to a draw

Trained the Avatar in Earthbending

Destroyed several Fire Nation Blimps (Rainbow Dash thinks that's awesome)

Created the Metalbending Police Force

Wiz: But she has since demonstrated her mastery in both sandbending and mudbending. She can also change the density of earth from sand to stone and back, and before you start making any density or hardening innuendos, she's twelve.

"Thank goodness, I did not want to know of Boomstick's talk of women.

Boomstick: I... okay, but her greatest achievement is the discovery of an all-new bending art, one thought to be impossible: Metalbending.

"So, she can control metal too? Awesome!" Rainbow Dash amazed.

"So young, yet so strong." Fluttershy amazed too.

Wiz: By manipulating the earthly composition within, Toph can bend nearly any type of metal just as well as stone, the exception being highly purified metals such as platinum.

Boomstick: Toph quickly mastered metalbending and went on to teach it to others.

Wiz: She eventually even founded and led a metalbending police force.

"Best show them who's the boss." Sunset grinned.

Boomstick: And that's after conquering Earth Rumble IV, holding up a building the size of a castle, defeating an entire army almost singlehandedly, and dueling King Bumi to a standstill, and that guy's conquered an entire hostile city by himself.

"Whoa, way to enjoy your golden years!" Pinkie smiled for the old man.

Wiz: Even in her old age, Toph was capable of going one on one with the new Avatar, and her Seismic Sense could locate people across the world.

"Seriously? That's so OP!" Flash shocked.

"She could even outdo dogs!" Spike realized.

Boomstick: She knows when I've lied AND where I've been? Women should not have these powers.

"Too late on that one." Rarity stated.

Toph: I am the greatest earthbender in the world! Don't you two dunderheads ever forget it!

Toph jumps off from the metal prison box and earthbends her way on a wave of rocks.

"I know I won't!" Applejack smiled for the strong blinded girl.

Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set. Time to end this debate once and for all!

Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!

"I believe Gaara is gonna be the winner. He's a ninja with power over sand." Fluttershy said.

"I don't know about that, darling. Toph can even control the sand, so it'll be tough to get around her." Rarity grinned.

"That is if Toph even fought a ninja before." Twilight said.

Gaara is shown standing alone is a rocky battlefield. At the other end of the battlefield, a building made of rock rises out of the ground. It opens up, and Toph walks out.

Toph: Whew, talk about a rough ride.

"Odd, was she traveling underground?" Applejack asked.

Gaara: You do not belong here. This is sacred ground. Leave.

"Uh-oh, Gaara doesn't like party crashes!" Pinkie played shock.

Toph: Pfft. Oh yeah, tough guy? Make me.

"And Toph doesn't like being told to leave." Flash added.


Toph stomps the ground, making a boulder rise up. Toph punches it toward Gaara. She stomps the ground again, summoning two boulders that she hurls at Gaara. Toph punches the ground creating four more boulders and throws them at Gaara. Gaara's sand arises from his gourd and destroys the first three, before creating a shield to protect him from the rest of the boulders.

"The Absolute Defense is working against Toph's strong assault." Spike excited.

"Let see how Gaara will down when it's his turn." Twilight said adjusting her glasses a little.

The sand shield shoots Sand Bullets at Toph, who creates a rock to protect herself from the attack. She then punches her stone shield, which flies towards Gaara's position, just before his sand comes down and destroys it in slow motion.

"Holy Tiny Destroying Large!" Pinkie gasped.

Gaara: Interesting. She commands stone as fluently as I control sand.

Toph: By the way, I can tell you're using your sand to smash up the ground underneath us for more ammo. Pretty smart for a Sandbender.

As Toph talks to Gaara, the camera shows Gaara's sand flowing. Toph then enters a fighting stance.

"It's his famous way of fighting." Fluttershy smiled.

"Making his arsenal that more powerful. Quite clever." Sunset commented.

Toph: Too bad I'm gonna kick your butt before you can use any of it!

Toph uses her Earthbending abilities to create sharp rocks to impale Gaara. Gaara dodges and leaps into the air.

Gaara: *groans* I can't underestimate her.

Gaara uses the Body Flicker Technique to teleport away.

"Gaara now sees that Toph is a greater threat." Flash said.

Toph stomps the ground to create a large rock. She jumps up and stands on top of the rock, and then commands the rock to move forward. She brings out her steel rope to strike Gaara. Gaara appears after using his jutsu and stands up.

Gaara: I need time.

Gaara creates a sphere of sand around him. The whip attaches itself to the shield of sand, unable to penetrate it.

"Guess she'll have to punch through the dome to get to Gaara." Rainbow Dash shrugged.

The shield creates spikes on the side the steel rope is connected to.

"Not unless she wants to stab herself first!" Rarity worried.

Toph: Woah!

Toph jumps off the rock and let's go of the steel rope. The rock slams into the shield and breaks.

Toph: Whew. Sorry, grumpy. I'm not ready to be a shish kebab just yet!

"Whoa, that was too close for comfort." Flash sighed.

"Now Toph just need to force him out of there." Applejack said.

Toph creates a sand pillar to flatten Gaara's sand shield. It hits it, but the pillar breaks.

Toph: Come on! Are you really that scared of a littleblindgirl? I'm touched.

"Yeah, I think she's mad." Applejack nodded.

She runs at Gaara's sand shield and grabs hold of one of Gaara's spikes. She changes the spike's density to make it much harder, spins it around in her hand, and then slams it into the sand sphere, piercing straight through. Gaara flies out of the back. When he stands up once more, Gaara is wearing his sand armor, and it begins to crack.

"And just like that, he is outside." Spike commented.

Gaara: Your eyes. Those are not the eyes of loneliness, like mine. They are... blank.

"Did he just realize that she's blind?" Rainbow Dash confused.

"I think it's more that he was trying to read what kind of person Toph is through eye contact." Applejack stated.

Toph: Impressive insight, "Gloomsville". I'm digging the whole "wearing sand" thing though. That's new!

"More than you know." Twilight said.

Gaara flies into the air on a cloud of sand and begins firing sand bullets at Toph. She summons a rock in front of her and holds it up like a shield. Gaara's sand bullets begin to pummel the rock. However, the rock shatters after receiving too many hits, and she is hit by a barrage of sand.

"Now Toph is the one getting the hits!" Fluttershy grinned.

Gaara then uses sand to pick up Toph and restrain her.

Toph: Hey! No fair!

Gaara: You need your arms to control the Earth. I will remove them!

"Oh boy, now she's gonna be blinded and disarmed." Pinkie surprised.

Toph lowers the sand's density from inside and is able to stick her arm out. She then punches the sand, and it transforms into stone. She then shatters it and is released from Gaara's grip. The stone falls to the ground.

"Not if she does that." Rarity smiled.

Toph: Dream on, creep! It will take a lot more sand than that to take me down!

Gaara: That's the plan!

Gaara uses sand wave to overwhelm Toph. An enormous amount of sand begins rushing towards Toph.

Toph: Oh, crud...

"Think Toph can defend herself from that?" Flash asked.

"She'll have to put up a lot of rocks for that." Sunset stated.

Toph creates two stone pillars to protect herself, and before the sand can reach her, she begins wrapping her steel rope around her body. The enormous wave of sand hits. When it clears, a hole opens up in the ground, and Toph rises up on top of a boulder out of the hole, completely covered in solid steel armor.

"She's okay!" Applejack cheered.

Gaara: Sand coffin!

He traps Toph in a giant coffin of sand.

"Or not." Rarity worried.

Gaara: Sand Burial!

The sand constricts tightly around Toph. No sounds can be heard coming from inside. Gaara spins around to face away from her.

Gaara: It is done.

The ground begins to tremble. Toph leaps out of the sand, and her steel armor shatters and falls to the ground in mid-air.

"She's okay!" Applejack and Rarity cheered.

Toph: Jeez! I almost felt that.

Gaara: That's impossible!

Toph: Are you kidding? Pay attention, Sandy. I'm about to school you!

"Oh yeah, show him why you're the true master of your home turf!" Applejack cheered excitingly.

Toph assumes a horse stance and begins to yell as if she is powering up. A barrage of boulders begins to rapidly rise up out of the ground. Toph launches them all at Gaara. He uses sand to stop them all. Behind him, Toph rises out of the ground on top of a massive earth column. Six more earth columns rise up out of the ground next to her, surrounding Gaara.

"Gaara better do something quick or else he'll be grounded, literally!" Fluttershy worried for Gaara.

Gaara attempts to attack Toph with his sand. Just as it is about to hit her, time slows, and Toph reaches out and redirects the sand, so it misses her.

"What the… But how? It wasn't even from the ground?" Rainbow Dash confused.

"Maybe her senses are that advance." Sunset guessed.

The sand loops around the pillars, then turns and starts to rush back towards Toph again. The six earth pillars bend down in front of Toph, protecting her, and the sand slams into them harmlessly. Gaara attempts to recover, but Toph appears behind him on another rock pillar, grabbing Gaara by the neck. He struggles, but he can't break free.

Toph: Gotcha...

"Yep, he's done for." Flash knew where this is gonna end.

Toph uses sandbending to compress Gaara's sand armor down into his body, crushing him within his own armor. As he lets out one last scream and dies, the camera moves upwards as blood comes out from under the screen. The scene then fades back to Toph, who throws Gaara's sand armor down at the ground. As it hits the ground, it makes the sound of porcelain/glass shattering.

Toph: That's how it's done.

"Indeed, it does, darling." Rarity nodded.

"Yeehaw!" Applejack cheered wigging her hat around.


Boomstick: Ohh-! (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) god-damn (bleep) son of a (bleep) (bleep) weasel! Why did another anime character have to lose?!

"Don't be a baby, Boomstick. That just how the match ends." Twilight said.

"But how did Gaara lose to Toph exactly?" Fluttershy wondered.

Wiz: Yeah, but... here's why. Gaara's sand is monstrous and its speed and power could easily obliterate most foes, but with Toph, it's another story.

Boomstick: Really? She's freaking blind for God's sake, and he can fly!

"Yeah, I thought flying would give him a big advantage on that?" Flash confused on that.

Wiz: Ohoho! In the OFFICIAL "Behind The Scenes extras" of the Avatar: Book 2 DVD, we found this...

A small caption on the screen says "Did you know? Toph can feel the Earth even if it isn't connected to the ground?"

Wiz: Toph can feel the Earth, even if it isn't connected to the ground.

"Whoa, that means her senses is kind of OP!" Sunset shocked.

"To feel the earth that is not connected to the ground is insane! It's like she has her own psychic power." Twilight stated.

Boomstick: Toph is tough, but her real strength lies in her precision and technique, and with her Earthbending and Seismic Sense, she could see Gaara's attacks coming the instant they began, regardless of if he was in the air.

Wiz: And while Gaara's chakra-infused sand is controlled by his late mother, it's still sand. Just like in an Earthbending duel, Toph was able to influence it long enough to misdirect or block attacks. Also remember, Gaara added his father's Gold Dust to the mix, giving Toph two different bending options, just in case. Unlike Platinum, Gold contains traces of Iron and Copper, and can be metal-bent.

"That means it would be easy for Toph to control Gaara's attacks more and probably would have use the gold dust against him." Sunset explained.

Boomstick: To top this off, Gaara keeps himself covered in his Sand Armor, so Toph could always sense where he was.

"And there's the armor too." Sunset said.

Wiz: And it's specifically stated that the Sand Armor uses up large amount of Gaara's own Chakra, not his Mother Sand. So, when he ran low on Chakra, it became difficult to maintain. Thus, Toph had no problem turning Gaara's greatest defense into his worst weakness.

"Destroying the defense from within, nice." Applejack smiled.

Boomstick: Gaara couldn't sand up to Toph. Ahaha! I know you're floored. I really ground that one in, didn't I? What can I say? It's my Earthly Delight.

Everyone groans from those bad puns though Pinkie is having a good time hearing them with her laughs.

Wiz: Ugh... The winner is Toph Beifong.

Boomstick: No need to gravel about it, can't we just bury the hatchet? I'm out.

"That guy really needs a new hobby on puns." Sunset said.

"Come on! Don't be such a stick in the mud." Pinkie punned.

"Okay Pinkie, I think that's enough of the earth puns." Flash chuckled.

"Why? Are you gonna ground me? Boom, I am on a roll!" Pinkie cheered for herself.

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

Now the gang have seen how powerful earth can be in the hands of those who are one with them and saw how Toph made a crushing victory, and Applejack certainly like how Toph proves her toughness with the element.

KO comment, favorite, click the thumb up button, and follow through of how this story will go!

Chapter 20: Guts vs Nightmare

Chapter Text

Guts vs Nightmare

"I got the popcorn ready!" Pinkie jumped back to the group from the kitchen with a large bowl of popcorn in her hands.

"That doesn't look like popcorn." Sunset noticed how the snack looks so pink and sticky.

"It's my own tripe chocolate marshmallow peanut better popcorn! You girls and Flash are going to love it!" Pinkie smiled proudly and took a big bite of a handful of that popcorn.

"Well, I know whatever you make always tend to be good in the mouth and soul." Flash believed as he took the sticky popcorn and ate it, finding this new kind of popcorn delicious.

"Wow, this is good! You should think about opening your own sweet shop!" Flash amazed of how this popcorn and Sunset tries it too.

"I'll think about it, and maybe I'll let you be my first customer." Pinkie winked at Flash before he presses the remote for the next episode to start.

Wiz: For untold decades, scientists have searched for a legitimate method of measuring a person's level of badass-ness, completely missing the obvious answer.

"Is it having a big heart and caring for others?" Fluttershy asked.

Boomstick: Just check out the size of his sword!

"Oh…" Fluttershy sadden of this.

Boomstick: Like Guts, the brutal black swordsman from Berserk.

Wiz: And Nightmare, the demonic scourge from Soulcalibur.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

"Battle of giant swords, that does sound badass!" Flash excited.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (41)

Wiz: In the realm of Midland, rumors run rampant of a man wielding a humongous blade slaying any that get in his way, but before his legend grew, this black swordsman was known simply as Guts.

"It's the simple things you don't always see it coming." Rarity commented.


Height: 6'3"/190.5 cm

Weight: 230 lbs/104.3 kg

AKA The Black Swordsman (Rainbow Dash thinks it's a cool name)

Occupation: Mercenary

Mentors: Gambino, Griffith, Godo

Branded sacrifice to Femto

Former Hawk's Raiders commander

Trained to fight since the age of 6 (Everyone shocked)

Hates the weak (Fluttershy is worried about that)

Boomstick: Oh ho, man, I'm so excited! Guts is one of the most badass and hardcore characters ever.

Scene shows of Guts fighting a slightly larger armored man with a spiked ball, and Guts shattered it with one swing of a smaller sword.

"Impressive strength, but bet I can do that with just a pinkie finger." Applejack bragged.

"I think you may actually can." Twilight nodded.

Wiz: But the story of Guts is not for the faint of heart.

Boomstick: Yeah, it's... kind of dark. You've been warned.

"Please, we've seen Godzilla and other scary things. How dark could this be." Rainbow Dash grinned with confident.

Wiz: After a brutal massacre, Guts was born from the corpse of his mother, who had been hanged from a tree.

"WHAT?!" Fluttershy shocked while hugging her Godzilla tightly onto her chest as everyone else is horrified of this as well.

"To be born like that… It's even a miracle that the baby was even born at all!" Rarity stated while trying to prevent herself from fainting.

"Who would even do such a thing to those people?" Applejack asked worry.

"Probably bandits and murders." Sunset guessed.

Boomstick: And we're just getting started. Baby Guts was discovered by a traveling band of mercenaries and was adopted by the camp whor*.

"Well, at least he had someone to take care of him." Flash smiled a little.

"Wait for it…" Pinkie said.

Wiz: Who… died of a plague three years later.

"There it is." Pinkie sighed, knowing there always has to be something bad happening to people like that woman.

Wiz: With no one left to turn to, Guts was mentored by the mercenary leader Gambino, who began training him in swordsmanship when he was just six years old.

Mercenary member:Hey Guts! Why don't you use a smaller sword? One right for your size?

Little Guts tried to attack Gambino only to knee-kick in the stomach hard.

Gambino:We don't carry any baby-sized swords for kids here anyway.

"Such a brutal man, forcing a child to become a fighter for war and such." Rarity disapproved of that man's way of "raising" Guts.

"But he had no one else to turn to, and considered the kind of era he is living in." Sunset pointed out the sad thing about Guts' life.

Wiz: An extremely determined student of war, Guts was soon brought onto the battlefield and killed his first man at the age of nine.

"No child should go through that at a young age." Spike growled, blaming whatever God of that world making Guts do that to him.

Boomstick: Despite his skill, life wasn't all murder, sunshine, and rainbows. Young Guts was constantly abused in many ways that I don't really want to go into. But these awful things he had to endure kickstarted the long and excruciating process of grooming Guts into the scariest man in the world.

"Scary is right." Flash commented.

Wiz: After killing his crazed adopted father in self-defense, Guts became a lone mercenary, and a damn good one. Recognized for his skill, he was recruited by a mercenary group called the Band of the Hawk, Led by an ambitious man named Griffith. The Hawk's raiders would be Guts' first taste of camaraderie and friendship.

"Looks like things are finally looking up for Guts, maybe he'll also see things in an awesome way." Rainbow Dash hoped.

"I would hold back that hope if I were you, I'm getting a Pinkie Sense that he'll face harshness again." Pinkie stated.

Boomstick: Over the next three years, they single-handedly ended a one-hundred-year war. Things were looking up for Guts.

"I get the feeling Pinkie's prediction is about to come true." Sunset worried.

Boomstick: Aaaand then Griffith summoned a horde of demons, transformed into a bat monster, and murdered all of Guts' friends, and claimed ownership of Guts' soul by branding his neck. If that wasn't dramatic enough, Griffith then raped Guts' girlfriend in the pool of his friends' blood as he watched, pinned down with his eye gouged out and forced to cut off his own arm.

Everyone became shocked of seeing that the man who brought Guts into his Hawks group and became good friends with him, only for him to bloody sh*t of Hell on the poor guy and having to lose everything. And they all have one thing in their minds right now.

"(I hope Griffin suffer for this!)" Everyone thought angered.

Wiz: Definitely not his best day. After all that, Guts dedicated his entire life to murdering Griffith as painfully and brutally as possible. While fighting demons on a daily basis as they are drawn to his brand like moths to a flame.

"As if the guy didn't ruin his life enough." Rainbow Dash muttered.

"Let's hope he managed to get his revenge." Applejack glared at the screen.

Boomstick: But to do this, he needs the right tools for the job.


Mechanical Hand (Pinkie joked that it's 'handy')

Cannon Arm

Repeater Crossbow

Flame Gun

Magnetized to better grip sword

Miniature Bombs

Explosive radius: 15 ft/4.6 m

Approx. the size of a golf ball

Spiked for sticking to foes

Throwing Knives [5]

Short Dagger

Berserker Armor

Boomstick: He carries a belt of throwing knives and a pouch of mini bombs even demons can't take.

Wiz: He also received a new mechanical hand, which houses a flamethrower, repeater crossbow, and a hidden single-shot cannon, perfect for blasting a demon's face off.

Boomstick: Surprise, bitch!

"I suppose that's one way to be more 'handy' than ever!" Pinkie joked as she holds up her fist.

"I think they're about to mention Guts' sword now." Flash said.

Wiz: But none of that compares to Guts' primary tool of destruction, the giant blade known as Dragonslayer.

Guts swing his Dragonslayer cutting a man in half covering the table in blood.

"Talk about a brutal table manner!" Rarity shocked.

Boomstick: Massive, thick, heavy, and far too rough, it's too big to be called a sword. More like a heap of raw iron. And it might just be the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

"So amazing, I want to hold it!" Flash reached out his hand for that sword.

"Pretty sure it's too big for you to lift." Sunset chuckled.


Length: 6'6"/198 cm

Weight: Approx. 400 lbs/180 kg

Forged by Godo

Made of steel, yet somehow stronger than steel

Resides in both the physical & astral planes of existence simultaneously

Wiz: Forged by the legendary hermit Godo, Dragonslayer was made to... well... slay a dragon. Unfortunately, it was laughed off as impossible to use by anyone.

Boomstick/Applejack: Except for Guts.

Wiz: Standing six and a half feet long and weighing over 400 pounds, the Dragonslayer is enormous. Though not unfeasible. In real life, the largest sword ever used in battle belonged to a Frisian freedom fighter and stood seven feet tall. Though it wasn't nearly as heavy, only 14 pounds.

"Well, that's disappointing. They could've made the sword heavier for the size?" Rainbow Dash complained.

"Probably because there weren't any strong men at the time." Twilight theorized.

Boomstick: With a single swing of Dragonslayer, Guts can cleave through a man wearing heavy armor. Along with his weapon, his horse, and any other people, animals, or demons that happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"I feel bad for those unfortunate souls." Fluttershy exclaimed.

Wiz: And after killing over a thousand demons - no, I did not stutter - Dragonslayer has bathed in so much demonic blood that it now resides in both the physical and astral planes of existence... somehow. Meaning it is capable of harming any supernatural beings.

"Wait, does that mean ghosts?" Spike asked.

Boomstick: Even ghooooosts!

"Oh, spooky!" Spike surprised.


Slew 100 men by himself in 1 night

Survived combat with Nosferatu Zodd

Shattered Grunbeld's shield

Caught Grunbeld's dragon tail swing

Has killed well over 1,000 enemies

Survived countless wounds (Flash thinks this guy is really tough)

Killed the "Sea God" from within

Once killed a demon disguised as a woman while banging her... no joke (Rarity gasped)

Wiz: Guts is an absolute monster in combat. He can move faster than the eye can track, killed one hundred soldiers on his own in a single night, and once jumped into the mouth of a giant sea god, cut his way through it, and killed it within.

"Now that's the craziest thing I have ever heard of, and I know crazy!" Pinkie stated.

Guts ready himself with his sword behind him.

Zodd:You intend to gamble your life on a single strike?

Boomstick: Guts will do ANYTHING to defeat his foes, including jumping into fire or allowing himself to be impaled just to gain an advantage. And... somehow, he always survives. He's fallen hundreds of feet, gotten stabbed through the face, taken one thousand supernatural punches at once, and even been run over by an... elf, fairy Mothra going supersonic speeds.

"Now that's what I called tough!" Applejack shocked.

Wiz: But his disregard for his own safety can be costly. Honestly, the only reason he's still alive is sheer dumb luck and unstoppable willpower.

"Having those things is better than being dead right then and there." Sunset stated.

Boomstick: And if Guts isn't tough enough on his own, he wears the Berserker Armor, the most insane battle gear you've ever seen.

"It does look scary." Fluttershy commented.

Wiz: Activating the Berserker Armor seals off the wearer's nervous system, making him immune to pain and its natural inhibitions. This allows Guts to fight at his fullest potential, boosting his power and speed at the risk of damaging his own body.

"Power for damaging yourself to defeat a powerful foe, not sure if I would go for that." Sunset said.

Boomstick: With this armor, Guts' sword swing is more powerful than a cannonball, so the force can break his own arm. But don't worry: the cursed Berserker Armor will literally rip and pierce his body to pin the bones and muscles back in place.

"That's gotta hurt like sh*t lots!" Rainbow Dash winced upon seeing Guts' arm being force back in the proper position.

Wiz: Now don't get the wrong idea. The armor does not actually heal Guts; it just holds him together. This is dangerous because, well, even though Guts won't feel pain, that doesn't make him invincible.

"Because not feeling pain can be a big downside if you're not careful." Twilight pointed out.

"Amen, sister." Pinkie nodded of agreement.

Boomstick: Plus, the Berserker Armor also kinda... forces Guts to give in to his inner demons and lose all sense of morality and restraint, making him the most violent demon-killer ever.

Wiz: Violent, and completely uncontrollable.

Boomstick: Guts is the embodiment of rage and the epitome of badassery. Believe me, the last thing you wanna do is get in this guy's way.

"No need to tell me that twice." Fluttershy said.

Guts approaches some knights, who panic at his mere presence as he holds his sword.

Guts: My sword has gotten very dull. However, it's three times as thick and does three times the damage of a normal sword. You'd better pray you die quickly, or this could be painful.

"Just hearing about it makes me feel painful." Rarity exclaimed softly.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (42)

"Okay, let see what this Nightmare has for us." Pinkie said.

Wiz: Long, long ago, transcending history and the world, an enormous sword was forged, designed to be the deadliest weapon on the battlefield.

Boomstick: It was called Soul Edge and it was a beast! Gigantic, powerful... sexy.

"Ew, a gross sword with an eyeball is disgusting than sexy!" Rarity complained.

"That guy just has weird taste." Rainbow Dash commented.

Wiz: At a daunting six feet one inch in length, no ordinary soldier could wield it... but those who could prove unstoppable.

Boomstick: It left no survivors in its wake, just like my ex-wife at an all-you-can-eat buffet.

"That sounds silly. How would a sword eat food if it doesn't have a mouth?" Pinkie giggled.

Wiz: However, a great evil dwelled within the sword. After claiming victory upon victory and being bathed in the blood and hatred of countless foes, a fire was born inside of Soul Edge.

"Like gaining its own will?" Flash asked.

Boomstick: Literally, it's a demon made of freaking fire!

"Guess that would make senses, in a way." Twilight said.

"I'm just confuse." Spike said.

Wiz: The demon Inferno had one purpose: to infect the world with evil and chaos, but in order to do this, he needed a warrior capable of wielding the true power of Soul Edge. He planned to possess this warrior and transform them into the azure-clad knight of darkness, Nightmare.

"Oh, so Nightmare is a title of those being posses by the demon sword." Rainbow Dash said understanding this.

Soul Edge

Length: 6'1"/185 cm

Vessel of Inferno


Can take various forms based on the wielder

Malfestation Curse: Turns victims into mindless slaves of bloodlust (Fluttershy scared of that)

Wiz: Inferno's first victim came in the late 16th century when a pirate named Cervantes de León raided an English galleon and discovered the intriguing blade aboard, claiming it as his own.

"Oh boy, bet he won't like what comes next." Applejack commented.

Boomstick: But as we know, this was no ordinary, flesh-covered sword with an eyeball. Inferno seized this opportunity and possessed the pirate, testing his body by slaughtering the entire population of a Spanish port town. Talk about a test drive!

"An insane bloody test drive." Sunset commented.

Wiz: Unfortunately, while powerful, Cervantes was not the ideal vessel Inferno had sought.

Boomstick: So he made him sit in that town until two chicks showed up, killed his ass, and somebody more powerful picked up the sword.

"Guess Inferno wasn't into the pirate life." Sunset shrugged.

Wiz: That someone was a knight named Siegfried and this was the body Inferno was looking for. Once Siegfried's hand touched Soul Edge, Inferno began eating away at his soul, torturing him endlessly and feeding on his fear and anger, transforming him into Nightmare.

"Why does it have to be the heroes being force to turn evil." Fluttershy sighed looking at her stuffy Godzilla.


Height: 5'10"/178 cm

Weight: 336 lbs/152 kg

AKA the Azure Knight

The personification of Soul Edge and Inferno

Weapon style: Zweihander

Known hosts: Arcturus, Zasalamel, Cervantes, Siegfried, Pyrrha

Remembers the fighting style of all previous Nightmares (Everyone surprise of this)

Wiz: Nightmare was strong enough to threaten all of Europe, conquering whole armies and devouring thousands of innocent souls.

Boomstick: If you haven't figured it out by now, Soul Edge is kind of like the Ring from Lord of the Rings... if it can cut people and hungered for souls!

"I have no idea what this "Lord of the Rings" is, but I can only guess it's scary too." Spike hoped he never has to see something like that.

Wiz: However, Soul Edge's power was incomplete. At some point, it had been broken and shards of the demon sword had been scattered across the world. To unlock Soul Edge's true power, Nightmare set off to find the lost pieces of his sword and repair it.

"Maybe someone was strong enough to break Soul Edge." Flash guessed.

"Someone with incredible willpower too." Sunset added.

Boomstick: As Nightmare discovered each shard, the power of Soul Edge grew, and so did Nightmare's.

Signature Moves

Grim Stride

Soul Wave

Dark Reconquista

Death Lord's Vengeance

Death Lord's Annihilation

Bloody Lord's Invasion

Ether Lord's Carnage

Grim Lord's Auto-da-fé (Pinkie thought that one sounds funny)

Boomstick: He can fight with numerous stances, channel fire and lightning through Soul Edge, and devour the souls of hundreds at once with Soul Wave.

Nightmare:Watch this!

Nightmare unleashes a powerful devastating shockwave at the scared knights destroying them.

"Oh, those poor knights!" Rarity gasped.

Wiz: Despite Nightmare's evergrowing power, Siegfried constantly battled to free himself from Soul Edge's curse, and eventually he succeeded. The two did battle atop of Ostrheinsburg Castle, but Nightmare's power was so great the entire structure was obliterated by a single swing of his vile blade.

Boomstick: Just like a crazy ex-girlfriend, he figured if he couldn't have that body, no one can.

"That fire demon sure doesn't take rejections well." Sunset said, remembering how she didn't Flash breaking up with her the first time though it was less demonic and destruction.

Wiz: Soul Edge cannot be defeated by an ordinary blade. In fact, only one weapon has ever been able to harm it: a supposedly holy blade called Soul Calibur. Unknown to most, Soul Calibur is actually the final shard of Soul Edge, reforged into a second sword made specifically to combat its demonic counterpart.

"In other words, Nightmare may never complete the sword's power." Twilight stated.

Boomstick: Poor guy. How would you feel if some asshole decided to make a weapon specifically designed to murder you? And it kept showing up everywhere.

"I would feel angry if I was a fiery demonic being trying to being chaos to the world." Pinkie proclaimed.


Defeated entire armies single handedly

Obliterated Ostrheinsburg Castle in a single blow

As Dumas, thrust Europe into a continent-wide war

Killed Tira, his most loyal servant (Everyone gasped)

Ripped a hole between dimensions with Soul Edge

Has devoured thousands of souls (Everyone feels familiar on that)

Wiz: Nightmare has come close to conquering the world on numerous occasions, yet a warrior wielding Soul Calibur always seems to show up and hold him at bay. While Soul Edge seems indestructible...

Boomstick: ...apart from that pesky holy sword...

Wiz: Inferno does require a mortal body to create Nightmare. Should Nightmare fall, Inferno can risk his own life by manifesting himself to protect Soul Edge, as his very existence is tied to the sword.

"Some evil just can't take a hint and move on." Spike shook his head.

"Happens to everyone." Sunset said.

Boomstick: But if Nightmare manages to absorb that final shard, Soul Edge and Nightmare will merge into their final form: Night Terror, a larger, deadlier, fly-ier Nightmare.

Wiz and everyone: Fly-ier?

Boomstick: Yeah, when one gains the power of flying-ness? Duh.

"Not a real thing." Twilight rolled her eyes.

Wiz: No matter the time, place, or vessel, few can match the vile trio of Soul Edge, Inferno, and Nightmare.

Nightmare:Blood! Darkness! I shall drown the world in both!

Wiz: All right, the combatants are set. Let's end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE! Giant swords, yeah!

"Okay, time to see which giant swords will come out on top." Sunset excited to see the match.

"I'm hoping Guts will win, he survives worse and I also feel really bad for the Hell of life he had to go through." Fluttershy believed Guts will win.

"Me too, he's going give that Nightmare guy a nightmare he won't soon forget!" Applejack declared.

"Oh, nice one!" Pinkie complimented.

"Thanks." Applejack smiled.

Nightmare is seen in a dark, bleak, lifeless forest and has gathered the pieces of Soul Edge.

"Uh-oh, looks like he already got all the pieces!" Sunset shocked.

Nightmare raises his sword, and the pieces fly onto it, transforming the blade into its true form.

Nightmare:At last! At last, the time has come!

He is interrupted by a tree falling down towards him. The person who had cut down the tree with a massive sword was Guts.

"Oh snap, the Berserker knight has come!" Pinkie cheered.

Guts:You're in my way, stand aside.

Nightmare:Fool! Tremble in my darkness!

"You may find it won't be that easy with Guts." Fluttershy said to Nightmare.


Guts rushes towards Nightmare and the swords clash. After four clashes, Guts manages to corner Nightmare into a large rock. Nightmare blocks another blow from Guts' sword before leaping out of the way as Guts cuts the rock. Shortly afterward, Guts is kicked back by Nightmare.


"Oh, and Guts was off to a strong start." Rarity commented.

Guts reels from the blows as Nightmare punches him, charges up his swing, and launches him high into the air. Nightmare proceeds to raise his sword and charges its power before releasing a large shockwave that knocks the descending Guts far back, eventually slamming into a tree.

"Come on, Guts! Show him how tough you are!" Rainbow Dash cheered.

Guts sees Nightmare charging towards him and jumps to avoid Nightmare's swing, which cuts down the tree. The two clash and find themselves in a standstill.

"I don't think Tree Hugger would like those men cutting down the trees. Even though they're already dead." Fluttershy stated.

Nightmare: What's wrong? Weakling! Feel my wrath! Tremble in fe-

Nightmare takes a few steps forward, pushing Guts back. But Guts headbutts Nightmare mid-taunt, knocking him backward. Shortly afterward, Nightmare lifts Soul Edge in the air and charges it with fire.

"Now things are heating up!" Pinkie punned.

Nightmare:Soul Calibur!

He brings the fiery blade down as time slows. Guts raises his mechanical arm as he remains in place, receiving a small cut on his face by the sword, allowing him to aim his mechanical arm in Nightmare's face. He then prepares his arm cannon, to Nightmare's surprise.


The arm cannon fires in Nightmare's face, leaving a cloud of smoke in front of his head.

"Oh yeah! Guts blew his mind away!" Flash shouted.

Guts places his arm back, then is started to see that with the smoke settling, Nightmare still had his head.

"Or not." Flash surprised.


"That's not good." Rainbow Dash worried.

Nightmare surrounds himself in a bright fire-light energy as Guts braces himself. Nightmare is lifted into the air and his armor turns blood red and he grows fiery wings, becoming Night Terror.

"Definitely not good!" Rainbow Dash freaked out.

After stopping a blow from Guts' sword, he charges and fires a large beam that knocks Guts far through the forest, eventually crashing into a tree. Night Terror hovers toward him and fires two more beams at the reeling Guts before stabbing Guts into the tree.

Night Terror:Burn!

He ignites his sword and then unleashes a large flaming attack that sends Guts straight through the tree. Guts shouts in pain as this occurs, afterward tumbling across the ground and crashing into a large rock. Night Terror points Soul Edge at Guts as he charges it up with fire.

"Guts better do something or else he'll be burn alive!" Sunset hoped Guts will survive.

Guts fires arrows at his opponent with his mechanical arm, to which Night Terror summons a pillar of fire to block them.

"Guts is gonna need something more than that to beat that nightmare knight." Rarity pointed ut.

Guts then jumps through the fire toward Night Terror, managing to cut off Night Terror's arm with Soul Edge in hand, sending them to the ground. The injured Night Terror stumbles back and falls into a crouched position as Guts shouts before swinging his sword once more, cleaving Night Terror's head in half. Guts removes his bloodied sword from the fallen Night Terror and starts walking away.

"Like that?" Applejack asked with a smirk.

Guts:I told you to stay out of my way.

"Yes, he won!" Fluttershy cheered.

"Not yet, Fluttershy." Pinkie said as the battle hasn't ended yet.

All of Night Terror's body except for his sliced off arm disappears into a shadowy smoke, to which Guts stops in his tracks. Soul Edge floats upward into the air as Inferno emerges in a fiery blaze.

"Now Inferno comes out to finish what Nightmare couldn't, let's hope Guts stop him." Flash said.

Inferno:Darkness will consume everything...

Inferno covers the battlefield in fire, which severely Guts.

"Look, Guts is using the Berserker armor!" Fluttershy pointed at the part.

Guts then activates his Berserker Armor, and he charges at Inferno before leaping towards him. He strikes Inferno directly, resulting in Inferno and Soul Edge being cut in half. At its apex, Inferno ceases to be, and all of the demonic energy has left Soul Edge. The fully armored Guts lands as the two halves of Soul Edge and a few shards fall to the ground as well.


Guts repeatedly fires arrows from his mechanical arm at the powerless remains of Soul Edge.

"He does know he won, right?" Flash asked.

"It's the armor, but I'm sure he'll calm down. Hopefully." Fluttershy concerned.

Boomstick: Hell yeah! Now that's what I call a sword fight! While Nightmare wields more power than Guts, this is what Guts does EVERY SINGLE DAY. He gets the sh*t kicked out of him trying to defeat gods and demons leagues above his abilities and still prevails.

"Tell me about it." Spike chuckled.

Wiz: It's true. All his-

Boomstick: I mean THIS GUY lives in a world where giant monsters are trying to kill you, eat you, rape you, or all three at the same time! And that's just Monday.

"Okay, I don't to tell me like that." Spike grossed out from the rape part.

Wiz: ...It's true. All his life, Guts has had the odds stacked against him and yet he's still kicking while everything else is dead.

"A hush way to look at this, but truthful none the less." Sunset said.

Boomstick: "Oh, but Wizard, I thought only Soul Calibur could destroy Soul Edge. Ergh..."

"Oh yeah, how did Guts destroyed Soul Edge?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Wiz: That's also true, in the Soulcalibur world. However, Inferno exists on an astral plane. If you recall, Guts' sword Dragonslayer also exists on such a plane, leaving no question that it could destroy Soul Edge. Plus, his Berserker Armor bought him plenty of time to land the killing blow.

"Right, because of all the demons he killed and the blood soaking the sword." Flash realized.

Boomstick: Yeah, because it will literally let you fight on until all of your bones are shattered and the last drop of your blood is spilled.

"A very hard trump card to use in situations like this." Twilight commented.

Wiz: And it's not like Soul Edge was gonna have any luck tempting Guts into picking it up and turning into another Nightmare. Not only has Guts dealt with enough demonic sh*t to know that's a bad idea, he REALLY loves that Dragonslayer. He's not giving that up for anything.

"Glad to know." Fluttershy smiled.

Boomstick: Guts was just a whole 'nother Calibur.

Wiz: The winner is Guts.

"Man, Guts was such a badass warrior… If only his life wasn't sh*t." Rainbow Dash sighed.

"We can only hope his life will get better after he finds Griffin." Rarity said.

"Right, one more episode and we're done for the day." Flash said.

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

I was never really a Berserker fan and I used to play the Soul Calibur 5 game years ago, but I also grown to like Guts as a badass warrior being only human doing the impossible such as destroying Soul Edge in the only way he knew how.

KO comment, favorite, click the thumb up button, and follow through of how this story will go!

Chapter 21: Beast VS Goliath

Chapter Text

Beast VS Goliath

"Alright everyone, last episode of the day and we're golden." Flash announced.

"Oh man, I can't wait to see what fierce and awesome episode we're gonna watch! I'm already getting so pump up!" Rainbow Dash raised a fist in the air.

"Me too, I don't know why but I think I'm really gonna like this one." Fluttershy smiled and hugged onto her stuffy Godzilla today.

"Well, time to see what this one is." Sunset smiled and Flash was about to hit the play button.

But then they heard the doorbell ringing which paused that thumb right above the play button and got everyone's attention to their surprises.

"Sunset, were you expecting anyone today?" Flash asked.

"No, Lyra and Sweetie Drop left to do their own things, so it couldn't have been them." Sunset shrugged.

"I'll go check who it is." Sunset got up from the couch and walked over to the door.

When Sunset opens the door, she was shocked to see two older women she and the others know very much, but she wasn't expecting them to come visit her at all just now. The two women standing in front of her are Celestia and Luna, the Principal and Vice-Principal of Canterlot High School.

"Hello Sunset, have you been enjoying your day since school?" Celestia greeted.

"Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna! What are you two doing here?" Sunset asked.

"Please, just call us Luna and Celestia when we're not in school." Luna insisted as they wanted to be on friendly terms.

"Plus, we came to drop off your sketchbook that you left at the school." Celestia showed the sketchbook in her hands.

"Oh, I didn't even realize I lost this! Must've fallen out of my backpack." Sunset shocked as she took the book back.

"It looked like you, Flash, and your friends were going to do something exciting today that I figured you must not have noticed it fell off your bag." Celestia deduced what she can tell from her own point of view.

"That, well, it's something we found after me and Flash told the others we're back together." Sunset said.

"Congratulate on that, by the way. I always knew you two were meant to be together, I was sad about the breakup but now I'm just so happy for you to have come with the true man of your life." Celestia smiled at Sunset.

"Okay, no need to make it sound so embarrassing." Sunset said, blushing.

"How about you tell us what this thing you found?" Luna asked, changing the subject to save Sunset from the embarrassment.

"Come on in, it's best that I show you." Sunset invited the two women in.

"Hey guys, we're having a couple more guess watching with us." Sunset informed.

"Didn't see that coming." Spike surprised.

"Have you told them?" Flash asked.

"I said it was best to show them what we got from a mysterious package that came from another dimension." Sunset answered.

"What?!" Luna and Celestia gasped.

"Are you sure you're okay? Nothing bad happened when you got this package or any evil magic slowly taking over you?!" Celestia asked over worried and protective of Sunset when looking at her closely.

"I'm fine, I promise. And the show we've been watching is pretty damn cool, you two should watch it with us. If you're okay with staying here for a while." Sunset offered, blushing a little.

"Oh, is Sunset feeling shaken for momma Celestia." Rainbow Dash teased and earned a pillow to the face by Sunset.

"Well, I suppose we can spare a few moments of our time to see what you've been into now." Celestia decided to stay for a while.

"Only because she is so worried about her precious little Sunny girl." Luna teased her big sister earning a pouty face from her.

"Well, grab a spot and get ready to be blown away by the might of Death Battle!" Flash gestured to the empty spots on the couch.

"Pardon me, Applejack." Rarity moved herself to sit on Applejack's lap which she didn't mind.

"I don't know why, but I'm already feeling so excited!" Luna smiled as they sat down.

And with finally everything has been settled and two new people join to watch the show, Flash press the play button and the next favorite episode starts.

Wiz: Some of the greatest heroes of all are shunned by the very people they continue to protect.

Boomstick: Basically, the worst deal ever.

"Can that really happen to people?" Rarity asked.

"There are plenty who try to do so many good, but they would get shun as well despite their good deeds." Luna explained.

Wiz: Like Beast, the blue genius of the X-Men.

Boomstick: And Goliath, the gargoyle who gives new meaning to the phrase "tough as stone." He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

"Okay, so this is a kind of show where they put two fictional characters to fighter each other at their best and see which one of them can win. Sounds interesting." Celestia commented.

"Wait until you see the fighting part." Rainbow Dash grinned.

"Also get to learn some stuff about the characters, their abilities, their lives including the bad ones." Applejack mentioned.

"I hope it's not gonna be like Guts, that was messed up." Spike said, feeling a bit scared.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (43)
Wiz: Mutation. The key to evolution. The process is slow, normally taking thousands of years, but every few hundred millennia, evolution leaps forward.

"I would love to see what the next evolution for humanity will become." Twilight interested.

Boomstick: If that means we're all eventually going to transform into blue, hairy monkey men, count me out!

"Same! Too much blue would clash against my looks." Rarity said.

"I would mind being furry." Fluttershy smiled.

Wiz: Feared by most normal people, mutants generally begin to show signs of their... uniqueness around puberty. Not so for Hank McCoy.

"Aw, what a cute baby with big feet and hands!" Pinkie adored the picture of baby Hank.

Boomstick: Yeah, the instant he popped out, it was pretty clear that something was different about him. Namely, the giant monkey hands and feet. Ooh, that must've been rough on the way out! He better give dear old mom double the presents on Mother's Day!

"I doubt she would want bed in breakfast served by his feet." Luna stated.

Wiz: Though Hank successfully hid his mutation from the world throughout his adolescent life, he was eventually discovered and shunned. Constantly harassed, and eventually kicked out of his own school, he was left to wallow in loneliness.

Boomstick: Until good old Wheels showed up and offered him a place on the mutant group known as the X-Men. Hank took on the nickname that was previously used to degrade him, and transformed it into something new, his codename: The Beast.

"At least he found a place where he doesn't have to be ashamed of his mutant gifts." Applejack relieved.

"I don't know, something tells me Hank doesn't want to be a mutant for long." Sunset suspected.

"But you gotta admit, the code name is so badass that I'm jealous!" Flash excited.


Henry "Hank" McCoy

Height: 5'11"/1.8 m

Weight: 402 lbs/182.3 kg

Six doctorates, including biophysics (Twilight amazes of this)

Teacher at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters

Member of the X-Men, Avengers, Defenders, & Illuminati

Likes Shakespeare... a lot (Luna interested)

Boomstick: As an X-Man, Beast became an integral member of this uncanny team. His superhuman strength, speed, and durability let him go toe-to-toe with baddies like the immovable Blob and Kraven the Hunter!

"I'm more interested in his doctorates, maybe he could help me and Sunset research on our magic." Twilight believed.

"I hope he doesn't mind if I pet his fur." Fluttershy said with her cheeks blushing a bit.

Wiz: But Beast was a genius, like yours truly, and quickly completed his doctoral studies. Eventually leaving the X-Men, he became a leading researcher in mutant genetics. Desperate to "cure" the mutant phenomenon, Beast developed a serum, which he theorized would temporarily counteract the mutated genes in his body.

"Called it." Sunset said, crossing her arms under her breasts.

"But I fear that his "cure" will only end up making his mutation grow more." Celestia said, feeling a hunch.

Boomstick: Except, it kind of did the opposite. Poor guy, now he truly was a beast. His transformation wasn't all bad, though. Fuzzy Beast could now lift over ten tons, run over forty miles per hour, and jump over twenty-five feet in the air.

"Called it." Celestia said, crossing her arms under her breasts.

"(Honestly, those two.)" Luna thought smiled, seeing how similar those two are being right now.


Genetic Atavism: Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, agility, reflexes, dexterity, & senses

Enhanced senses

Improved healing

Claws & fangs

Genius intellect (Twilight smiles for that)

Strength increases when enraged (Fluttershy scared of that)

Wiz: He also had a wicked healing factor, which made him essentially bulletproof, but this was nerfed dramatically from healing instantaneously to over a couple of hours when Quasimodo's experiments turned him blue.

"Well, that's gonna be harder for the guy when he's in a serious fight." Applejack pointed out.

"But couldn't he figure out how to reserve the experiment to get the instant healing back?" Rarity asked.

"Maybe he tried but could reserve the damage." Luna guessed.

Boomstick: For a scientific genius, he never did quite figure out how to turn back to his old self. I mean, he's been able to turn into a cat-man, a horse-man, blue Kelsey Grammer, and even Sasquatch. Somehow, he always ends up as his classic, blue ape self.

"I think the look is great, especially the blue color." Luna smiled.

"But that would also mean he won't be able to hide his mutation self any longer." Pinkie pointed out.

Wiz: Now unable to hide in plain sight, Beast had little choice but to return to the X-Men as a teacher and a leader.

Beast:As my research makes evident, it is possible to enhance the intelligence of Mollusca cephalopodan, such as the squid, to the same level as that of the average human. Even a little... above average. I'm afraid I must leave early, so I'll hand you over to my new teaching assistant, Mr. Cephalopod.

The class giggles and then laughs out loud.

Mr. Cephalopod: (into a microphone) Calm down, everyone! Now where were we?

The class is stunned.

Mr. Cephalopod: Ah yes, the neurological aspects of cognitive intelligence, were there any questions?

The viewers are also very shocked to see a little squid is talking into the microphone showing high intelligence, and Twilight is squealing of wanting to know how the squid is able to have that kind of intelligence to assist a class as she has lots of questions.

"I don't think I'll eat sushi again." Sunset whispered to herself.

"He's still silly looking." Pinkie giggled.


Taken hits from Juggernaut & Hulk

Effortlessly rips through metal

Smashed a tank with bare hands

Defeated Frenzy & Danger

Survived the vacuum of space

Moved a 60+ ton tree of gold (Applejack impressed with that)

Cured blindness

Made a squid super intelligent (Twilight wants to know that)

Boomstick: Beast isn't just a genius, he's also a ridiculously strong fighter. He has survived hits from the Juggernaut, smashed open a tank with his bare fists, hit the ground with a punch so hard, he created an earth-shattering shockwave, and lifted a solid gold oak tree!

"I bet I can lift that golden oak tree myself." Applejack bragged smirking.

"Like how you wanted to lift the school during winter break?" Rarity recalled with a teasing smirk, that made Applejack blush.

Wiz: A cubic foot of gold weighs approximately one ton. Comparing the diameter of the tree to Hank's height, it's reasonable to believe that this golden tree weighs at least sixty tons.

Boomstick: Or a "sh*t-ton", to be precise.

"Not a real measuring weight, but you might not be wrong there." Twilight agreed slightly.

Wiz: Despite his athletic skill and enormous strength, Beast is a pacifist, preferring diplomacy over fisticuffs. He is rarely eager to enter a fight. In combat, he usually relies on his teammates to throw punches while he holds back to come up with game-winning strategies using his brilliant mind, like the time he figured out how to use Juggernaut's own bulk against him.

Beast:As Archimedes said when he discovered the principle of displacement... "Eureka!"

"That word never gets old." Sunset commented.

"It's also nice that he doesn't like violence much since he wants to help mutants get along with the normal people." Fluttershy said.

"Do you think that'll happen to us if more people knew about our magic?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"That all depends if you wish to continue hiding them or not, and that's all on the people themselves of how they will come to this." Celestia stated and Luna nods.

Boomstick: But when he gets angry, he'll enter a rage which makes him so uncontrollably fierce, he's a danger even to his closest friends, literally unleashing the beast within.

"So much for the peaceful guy." Rainbow Dash commented.

Wiz: Beast's monstrous appearance remained a permanent part of his life. He was never truly accepted by society, and even had to leave the woman he loved for fear she would become a target of mutant haters.

Boomstick: But if he could have his way, he would spend his days hanging from the ceiling with a nice cup of tea, reading Shakespeare. But we don't always get what we want, so he'll have to settle for kickin' ass!

"It's a shame that Beast couldn't have the life he wanted, I just hope he'll find a way to make the most of what he has right now." Luna said, feeling bad for Beast.

"I'm sure he's doing fine with the X-Men." Celestia assured.

Beast:"With faint heart, averted feet, and many a tear, in our opposed path to persevere." A minor poet for a minor obstacle.

Beast jumps up grabbing some pipes and start getting cross above some laser security systems on the floor.

"His poem sure sounds smoothing." Luna smiled.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (44)
Wiz: One thousand years ago, superstition and the sword ruled. It was a time of darkness. It was a world of fear. It was the age... of gargoyles.

Boomstick: And badass cartoon intros!

"I hear it to believe it." Flash interested to find this intro later.

Wiz: Stone by day, warriors by night, gargoyles used to be common throughout the world. Like the stone statues they inspired, gargoyles were known as protectors. Guarding their home and those inside were always their top priority.

"Bodyguards for your home, now that's badass." Rainbow Dash commented.

Boomstick: It's not every day your garden statue is also your top-billed bodyguard, otherwise, I'd have a sh*tload more lawn gnomes!

"That would definitely help keep burglars away from stealing your items and such." Celestia said.

Wiz: In the year 994 A.D., a clan of gargoyles formed a symbiotic relationship with the humans of a Scottish castle. Using their superhuman strength, keen senses, and warrior spirit, the gargoyles defended the castle from invaders at night. In return, their human allies would watch over them during the day, when they are most vulnerable, as gargoyles turn to solid stone in daylight.

"Nice to know there are some mutual trusts between the two races." Sunset said.

"But I fear it may not be all that trusting between them." Celestia stated.


Height: 6'/1.82 m

Weight: N/A

Age: 1,066 (66 years experienced)

Birth year: 918 AD

Leader of the Manhattan Clan

Mentored by Hudson

Energized by absorbing solar radiation in stone sleep (Celestia and Sunset felt proud for some reason)

Likes Shakespeare & Dostoyevsky

Boomstick: The gargoyles were led by Goliath, a creature with a voice so sexy, it makes humans turn to stone. If you know what I'm sayin'.

Goliath:You are trespassing.

Hearing that voice cause all the female within the room to shiver from their spines and felt a tiny bit of pleasure from that, Flash and Spike are confused of what just happened.

Wiz: Unfortunately, due to their beastly appearance, Goliath's clan eventually faced unjust prejudice from the very humans under their protection.

Princess Katharine:We are most seriously displeased to allow beasts in the dining hall.

Magus:These are unnatural creatures. No good can come from associating with them.

"Sheesh, say it like you dare care if the gargoyles are there?" Applejack rolled her eyes.

"I hope nothing else goes wrong for them." Pinkie concerned.

Boomstick: If that wasn't bad enough, Goliath was betrayed by his closest human friend, causing nearly his entire clan to be smashed to bits. Then the few who did survive were magically sealed in stone forever by a misinformed wizard. Talk about a sh*tty Monday.

"Dang it, I just had to jinx it!" Pinkie cursed herself.

Wiz: Sealed in stone forever, or until one very specific, seemingly impossible criterion was met.

Magus:The terms of the spell were that they would sleep... until the castle rises above the clouds.

"Oh please, like he actually means a flying castle." Rainbow Dash said.

Wiz: And when he says 'above the clouds', he means it literally. So, stone they remained for a thousand years, until, in 1994...

"Okay, that was something." Rainbow Dash surprised.

"Were there flying castles in Equestria, Sunset?" Celestia asked.

"No, not that I know of anyway. Just normal castles on the ground and mountain, but Princess Twilight did tell me about an underwater castle." Sunset explained.

Boomstick: Some billionare with a name that sounds like an anti-depressant just happened to be crazy enough to try something. Xanatos moved every last stone of the ancient castle to the top of his New York skyscraper, which happened to poke above the clouds.

Wiz: The cost of which must have been astronomical!

"Okay, no flying castle, but that is still crazy!" Rainbow Dash surprised.

"Almost crazy as a monkey dog challenging all of Heaven!" Pinkie commented.

"The what?" Flash confused on that.

"Don't wanna spoil for the future Death Battles we'll see." Pinkie winked at the Fourth Wall.

Xanatos: Don't disappoint me…

Goliath wakes up from his statue state to the surprise of Xanatos and roars with his clan awakening as well.

"Now's what I call a big wake up!" Spike excitedly.

Wiz: The curse was broken, the gargoyles awoke once again, and Goliath was tasked with leading his clan into the modern world. Despite being completely out of his element, Goliath adapted surprisingly fast.

"Gotta learn your new surroundings or else you might be in a world of confusion and making a fool of yourself." Luna stated.

Boomstick: You mean he was texting and watching cat videos in no time?

Wiz: No, this was the '90s.

"The 90s, it was such a fun time for us in those days." Celestia smiled.

"Young, hip, and ready to live life to the fullest while believing we can change the world." Luna chuckled.

"I would like to hear some of those stories someday." Sunset smiled at Celestia.

"Me too." Celestia smiled back.

Boomstick: Oh, so he wore crazy colored clothing and used nonsensical description words like "bodacious", "radical", or...





Elisa Maza:Jalapeña...



Broadway hands Goliath a jalapeño pepper and he eats it, to which he shortly is overwhelmed by its heat.

Goliath:Jalepeña! *echoes*

Boomstick: Damnit.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie started laughing of how those gargoyles are using a word for food as a catchphrase, even the others are finding this to be funny though Celestia thought it was cool.

"I think I remember using food as a catchphrase for some time." Celestia recalled.

"Except the "Oh, cheese!" thing was not working, and she was forced to stop." Luna explained to Sunset.

Wiz: Turns out, Goliath was naturally suited to traverse the broad expanse of the city with his enormous wings. Though, to be clear, Goliath insists that he can't fly; only glide on the wind.

Boomstick: Which I insist is bullsh*t. What else would you call what's happening right here, other than friggin' flying?

"I think it's because with how the wings are made to flip by folding them, thus giving himself more airborne flight in the sky if he wants to get higher altitude." Twilight explained.

"I believe so too." Fluttershy nodded.

Wiz: Regardless of wind direction and speed, it seems Goliath has no trouble "gliding" wherever he wants to go. He only has issue taking off from the ground, requiring an elevated point to start from.

"It is important to know how high one must go in order to take off." Sunset said.

"Maybe I ca "glide" my way to eating sweets in the air." Pinkie joked.



Superhuman strength, speed, agility & durability

Enhanced senses

Immune to cold & heat

Stone-like skin

Sophisticated intellect

Strength increases when enraged

Boomstick: Good thing he can scale giant skyscrapers from ground level without breaking a sweat. Goliath is strong enough to lift a car, create a small earthquake, and tear through steel with his bare claws like it was wet paper.

Wiz: He's fast enough to keep pace with foes who use rocket-powered flight, and he's tough enough to survive a fall over one hundred feet.

Boomstick: He was even able to keep "gliding" after being shot by a Nazi plane's machine gun while fighting in World War II. He traveled through time, it was weird.

"This guy went through time traveling, now that's just bragging." Rainbow Dash shocked.

"I remember how my pony counterpart explain about timelines traveling, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it." Twilight recalled that talk upon first meeting Princess Twilight.

Wiz: Goliath may look like a brutal monster, and he certainly can be when he goes into a rage. However, he's actually rather clever and wise.


Caught a blade in his bare hands

Ripped through 2 feet of steel

Survived multiple lightning strikes

Outsmarted Oberon

Survived a direct hit from an anti-air cannon

Punched through ice several feet thick

Survived being shot down by a Messerchmitt warplane

Wiz: He was able to outsmart Oberon, who is practically an all-powerful magical god, and when Goliath's not leading his clan into battle, or struggling to have a relationship with a human detective...

Boomstick: Boundaries!

"Hey! Love has no boundaries, neither for genders nor creatures!" Applejack protested as she hugs Rarity onto herself.

"Oh Applejack, always the country girl sweetheart." Rarity smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Guess that goes for ponies and humans." Flash chuckled and kissed Sunset on the cheek.

"Lets' not make this any weirder than it always is." Sunset said.

Wiz: ...He's usually holed up in his castle's library, reading.

"Libraries, the many places you can find knowledge and a place to relax with some quiet atmosphere." Twilight smiled.

Boomstick: Wise and powerful, Goliath is a true force of nature... for twelve hours of the day.

Wiz: Right, the other twelve, he is a motionless stone statue, making him a pretty easy target. Even when he's awake, Goliath often puts himself in danger for the sake of others, regardless of the risk.

"The mark of a true leader." Celestia commented.

"Couldn't agree with you more." Sunset smiled.

Boomstick: Hey, he's managed to survive for over a thousand years, and believe me when I say, you do not wanna be on this gargoyle's bad side.

"I certainly don't." Fluttershy nodded.

Goliath:My name is Goliath, and I belong to no one.

Halcyon Renard:Stop whining!

Goliath:A gargoyle doesn't whine. He roars!

Goliath's eyes turn white, and he easily tears off the metal gate that had imprisoned him, then swings it into two robots nearby.

"His roar could put lions to shame." Luna impressed with that.

Wiz: The combatants are set. Let's end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE! Giant swords, yeah!

"Thos two have interesting catchphrases from the start and here." Luna commented.

"Just be glad you didn't have to listen to any of Boomstick's pervert talk." Rarity said.

"Shut it, the battle of the night is starting!" Rainbow Dash excitedly with Pinkie eating up some popcorn.

In daylight, the sun slowly begins to fall as Goliath is frozen in place on the rooftop of a building as Beast stands further away on the same roof. Eventually, the sun sinks, night falls, and the moon emerges. With that, the stone around Goliath begins to crack.

"Odd place for Beast to be in right when Goliath is about to wake up." Flash pointed out.

"Perhaps they do this to for the combatants to notice each other for the battle." Luna theorized.

"Whatever the case, it's about to get beastly from here on out." Fluttershy said.

Goliath breaks free and roars. Shortly afterward, he senses someone near him...and turns toward Beast, who prepares for a fight.


Goliath leaps at Beast, but is caught by him, slammed into the ground, bounced upward, slashed twice, then forced to the ground once more.

"Good start with the defense." Rarity commented.

Goliath breaks free by striking Beast with his tail, leaps into the air, then strikes with a slash. Beast punches him soon afterward and leaps into the air.

Beast: Prepare to be thrashed.

He flies at Goliath like a cannonball and kicks him, causing him to hit the ground, then fall off of the building.

"Whoa! How did he do that crave move in the air like that?" Sunset asked shock.

"I don't know! Wiz and Boomstick never mention any of this during the analysis, were they holding out on us until the fight?" Twilight asked, shocked as well.

"But you do have to admit, it was pretty cool like a flying acrobat." Celestia believed.

In mid-fall, Goliath uses his wings to slow down his descent, but Beast lands on his back.

Beast: Runt!

Beast punches him three times before Goliath forces the two into a nearby building, knocking Beast off of him while also managing to grab onto the building with his claws. Beast managed to do the same as Goliath begins climbing up the building. Beast roars and leaps upward, managing to strike a few times before Goliath counterattacks. Goliath then leaps upward and glides straight into Beast, who then proceeds to bite Goliath and then grabs onto him, causing the two to spin in mid-air before striking him downward.

"Bet it's gonna be a hard landing for Goliath." Pinkie said.

"The vertical building battle was cool, like they were defying gravity for a moment there!" Flash amazed of that part.

Goliath crashes into the pavement below as Beast lands behind a parked van. Shortly after Goliath gets up and roars, Beast grips onto the vehicle.

Beast: Come on!

"Let see if Goliath can catch that ride." Celestia joked making Pinkie and Flash laugh a little.

He then pushes it straight toward Goliath at high speed, who stands his ground and stops it shortly after being pushed back by it. Goliath tears the front cover of the van and tosses it at Beast, then proceeds to leap onto the van and off it. Beast leaps forward and manages to tear the front of the van in two, to which Goliath glides toward him and slams into him.

"Looks like Goliath used the moment Beast would tear through that van part to his advantage." Spike noticed.

"Consider they appear to be almost even in strength, Goliath knows he has to overwhelm him first." Twilight stated.

"Yep, and it looks like Beast is done for now." Applejack nodded.

Beast rolls upward and toward the ground uncontrollably as Goliath gracefully glides behind him, then slams into him once more, holding him down while also dragging him across the pavement. Goliath slashes at Beast, drawing blood, then slashes at him nine more times. He then impales his arms into Beast, then tears them right out, separating the top half of Beast from his bottom half. Goliath raises his wings and bloodied hands, then roars.


Beast's dismembered body lies in a trash can while Goliath makes it to the top of his tower, bloodied and all, while carrying Beast's disembodied head as the sun rises, turning him to stone.

Boomstick: They never show ya that sh*t on '90s cartoons!

"Pretty sure there were, but Celestia didn't let me watch them until I was a little older." Luna glared at her big sister.

"I didn't want those kinds of things to distract you on your studies." Celestia tried to defend herself.

Wiz: Beast and Goliath were pretty even in terms of strength and speed (Twilight: Knew it), making this more so a battle of wit and experience. Beast was always more of a team player, preferring not to fight directly unless absolutely necessary.

"Yeah, he doesn't like fighting much since he feared it could bring out his anger and hurt others." Flash recalled that explanation.

Boomstick: And since Goliath spent decades defending his ancient castle and New York from vikings, thugs, magic beings, and ghosts, his combat experience trumped Beast's.

"But wait, I thought Beast was at least a little stronger than Goliath with that golden tree feat." Rarity puzzled.

"I don't think it was whole tree from where I'm looking." Applejack believed.

Wiz: Also, be careful not to misinterpret Beast's golden tree feat. While it might sound far more impressive than anything Goliath has done, Beast did not actually lift the whole 60+ ton tree off the ground. It's nothing surpassing his usual feats.

"Guess that means they are even." Spike nodded.

Boomstick: And one time, Goliath got nailed in the back by an anti-aircraft round. That's right, Goliath got shot by a gun designed to destroy airplanes, got back up, and dropped a radio tower on the fools that tried it.

"Ouch, bet he's gonna need a massage after that." Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Now that I think about it, I don't think Beast would have the stamina to last against Goliath for 12 hours." Celestia realized.

Wiz: And Beast didn't wait until sunrise for an advantage for two reasons: One, he didn't know what would happen, because gargoyles in his universe don't share the "stone by day" rule, and second, Beast isn't tough enough to stand against Goliath for twelve hours straight. Finally, Beast has fought somebody similar to Goliath named the Griffin, and only survived the fight due to his fellow X-Man Angel's help.

"Guess he should've thought about making himself more prepared for this kind of battle." Luna sighed.

Boomstick: In the end, Beast just didn't have the heart to keep up with the gargoyle.

"Oh, that was a bad pun." Celestia flinched from that.

"Yep, Boomstick just keeps on making those puns in every episode." Sunset nodded.

Wiz: The winner is Goliath.

"So, what do you think?" Sunset asked the two older women.

"It was amazing, such thrilling combats and seeing characters going against each other at an all-out battle even throwing their morals away! I don't usually enjoy those things of deadly thing, but that was really fun to watch!" Celestia answered excitedly.

"Yes, and the two hosts were unique for being so different from each other yet were able to come together to again the ultimate question of who would win! I must see more!" Luna demanded loudly and dramatically.

"You're welcome to join us tomorrow or whenever you're not busy with work." Sunset offered.

"We would love to." Celestia smiled.

And with that, everyone got up and left home for the day to continue on with the rest of their day to themselves. Celestia was stopped by Sunset who grabs her hand.

"Hey, I… I never got the chance to thank you for helping me back then, when I used to be… you know." Sunset said.

"It's fine, I just saw a girl with great potential needed help to find a place to sleep in and a place where she can express herself." Celestia smiled.

"I'll admit, I was saddened when you left my house and became mean to everyone. I always feared that it was my fault for letting you go on that dark path." Celestia said looking a little sad.

"No, no, it wasn't your fault. You did the best a motherly-like woman like you would do, I was just a bitch for being like that." Sunset admitted.

"Even so, I'm glad to see that girl again and being with true friends helping you stay on the path of light." Celestia placed her hands on her shoulders.

"I'm glad to have friends like them, and Flash being by my side." Sunset smiled, and suddenly pulled Celestia into a deep hug.

"And it would mean the world to me if you can be in my life too. Like the mother I never truly had." Sunset smiled, feeling tears of joy coming out.

This struck Celestia to the core upon hearing those words and she smile with tears also coming out of her eyes, she returns the embrace and the two share a touching moment with Flash and Luna watching this close by.

"You better treat Sunset right or else Celestia will burn you into the sun." Luna warned.

"I will, I promise." Flash nodded.

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

The episode of the beasts was something that made me feel that I should be proud of having an inner beast as a part of me! I also decided to make a special one for Sunset and Celestia as they both seem like mother and daughter which is cool since today is Mother's Day! And you'll bet there will be a lot more Celestia and Luna coming.

Next Death Battle is going to be a sneaky one with a death of silence.

KO comment, favorite, click the thumbs up button, and follow through of how this story will go!

Chapter 22: Solid Snake VS Sam Fisher

Chapter Text

Solid Snake VS Sam Fisher

"Okay, got everything I need and can meet up with everyone for a next Death Battle!" Sunset smiled after putting her last notebook in her backpack.

"Halt, Sunset Shimmer! For I would like to have a word with you!" Trixie walked up to Sunset.

"Oh, hey Trixie, having magic with your magic act?" Sunset greeted with a question.

"Well, there was a little accident with Fluttersy's bunny during yesterday show, but we were able to make up in the end." Trixie explained.

"But that's not what Trixie is here for! Trixie heard something special from the duo that you and the others, along with Flash, have been watching something that was out of this world and exciting! Trixie demands to know what that is!" Trixie said, leaning her face closer to Sunset's.

Sunset realizes that Trixie must be talking about Sweetie Drop and Lyra, they probably were going on about Death Battle and now it looks like Trixie wants to know about it too.

"Sure, I'll be happy to show you. Just come over to my place and you'll see what's it all about." Sunset invited Trixie to come over.

"Trixie will happily accept the invite, and this show better be great and powerful to impress me." Trixie said before walking about.

"Well, better alert the others that we're having a guess coming." Sunset took out her phone and started texting the others about Trixie coming over.

(Sunset's Home)

"So, you all have been watching these fights between characters, whether they're real or not, to the death to see who could come out on top along with learning about these characters." Trixie summed up on what she learned just now.

"That's right, and it's been pretty awesome, so far!" Rainbow Dash smirked.

"Because your pony counterpart was in it?" Applejack asked sarcastically.

"You bet she was! AND SHE AWESOME!" Rainbow Dash shouted in joy and did the moonwalk.

"Okay, that's enough of the talking and getting right into the Death Battle!" Sunset said as she spins the remote on her finger.

"You've been practicing that, haven't you?" Flash asked, seeing how skillful Sunset was being when she spins that remote on her finger.

"Yep." Sunset answered and kissed his cheek before pressing the play for the next episode of Death Battle.

"Logo looks impressive." Trixie commented.

Wiz: They are the government's best-kept secrets. Masters of stealth, trained to kill in a hundred different ways from the shadows, or face to face.

"A spy episode? This could be boring." Rainbow Dash said.

Boomstick: Solid Snake, the legendary soldier of Metal Gear.

Wiz: Sam Fisher, Splinter Cell's ultimate predator.

"Legendary and Predator, wonder which one will prevail." Flash interested in these pairs.

Boomstick:He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

"Is that their catchphrase? It sounds appropriate for this Death Battle show." Trixie asked curiously.

"Yep, in every episode we watch so far." Applejack nodded.

"Makes me curious about what other things they have." Twilight asked herself.

Solid Snake
Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (45)
Wiz: His name was simply "David", and he had one clear purpose in life: Become the successor to the greatest soldier who ever lived.

"Carrying on a legacy is a great honor to some, like me with ma family's apple farm." Applejack smiled.

"Although, I can't help but feel a "Why" in my head about this." Rarity said.

Boomstick: Why? Because he was cloned from him. Strap in ladies and gentlemen, this origin's a doozy!

"What?" Everyone gasped in shock.

"Okay, I did not see that coming." Applejack said.


Real name: David

Born: 1972

Height: 6'0"/182 cm

Weight: 165 lbs/75 kg

IQ: 180 (Impressed Twilight)

Has fought wars since age 19

Has a strange fetish for cardboard boxes (GOT Trixie curious)

Wiz: As a secret government project, David was created using eggs donated by a Japanese scientist and grown in the womb of a femme fatale spy along with seven other would-be brothers.

"Hey! That's almost the exact number of children my mom wanted to have!" Pinkie realized that number.

"Your mom wanted to be a mother of eight kids?" Flash asked shock.

"My parents wanted a big family but couldn't have any more kids and decided us three were the best." Pinkie explained.

"Now I suddenly want siblings." Trixie said to herself.

Boomstick: She was almost the original Octomom, except they scrambled six of them to somehow empower the remaining two.

Wiz: According to prophecy, one of these twins would bring ruin to the world, while the other would save it. So that kind of works out.

"Worked out in a twisted way." Fluttershy muttered with a disapproval look.

Boomstick: Born to be a soldier, he joined the Green Berets as a teenager and later joined the CIA, the U.S. Army, and finally the hi-tech Black Ops group called FOXHOUND. Here, his deadly stealth techniques earned him his legendary code name: Solid Snake.

"Must mean that he's solid as a rock and can strike fast like a snake." Rarity believed.

"That would be cool." Flash complimented.

Wiz: While serving under this Special Forces unit, he received training from the very man he was cloned from, Big Boss.

"Aw, he got to bond with his daddy!" Pinkie smiled.

Boomstick: But on his very first mission from FOXHOUND, war itself changed. After infiltrating the military nation Outer Heaven to rescue a fellow agent, Snake uncovered plans for the creation of a gigantic, walking weapon that can airmail a nuke to anywhere in the world. It was called "Metal Gear".

"Sounds like a name for a band who are actually assassins." Pinkie commented.

"Interesting way of seeing it." Twilight said.

Wiz: Despite being a FOXHOUND rookie, Snake destroyed the Metal Gear and discovered that Big Boss himself was apparently leading the enemy (Applejack: What?!). After killing his own father, supposedly, Snake had had enough and entered early retirement.

"How could that man do such a thing?" Trixie asked, acting a little dramatic.

"Maybe he planned to have Snake join him down the line." Rainbow Dash guessed.

"I hope he found a new good life." Fluttershy said.

Boomstick: But since he had singlehandedly destroyed a walking nuke shooter and the greatest soldier who ever lived, Snake became the next soldier of legend. Anytime a new Metal Gear showed up, Snake was pulled back into the fray. When all he really wanted to do was get drunk in Alaska and dogsled race with his 50 huskies. Talk about living the dream.

"So much for trying to live a peaceful life." Rarity sighed.

Col. Campbell:The Iditarod? The longest sled race in the world? When did you become a dog musher?

"Since he found out about his dad being the bad guy and such." Sunset answered.

"But that still haunts him." Applejack worried for Snake.

Wiz: Turns out Big Boss wasn't quite as dead as people thought.

"What the what?!" Rainbow Dash shocked.

Wiz: Even after Snake burned him alive with nothing but a lighter and a can of hairspray-

Boomstick: History's greatest soldier, everyone!

Wiz: These Metal Gears kept showing up. Soon, Snake was an expert at destroying these robotic behemoths.

"Sounds like the guy just can't catch a break with these robots nor his dad." Flash said.

"Though I do love the idea of using hairspray to fight off the bad guy." Rarity commented with a grin, which worried Applejack a little.

Boomstick: He even piloted a Metal Gear to destroy another Metal Gear that was designed to kill Metal Gears! Whoa...

"Whoa is right, you gotta be one tough guy to do that sort of crazy thing!" Sunset surprised.

"Just like how you and the girls keep doing the impossible odds." Flash said before kissing her cheek.

"Still though, Snake must also carry his own equipment to be prepare to fight off those Metal Gears, like Trixie being prepared to put on a show." Trixie bragged a little.

Wiz: But Snake did not earn his reputation as the icon of stealth by going in, guns blazing. Although he knows how to use almost any weapon he finds, he keeps his load light by entering missions with only the bare essentials.

"Alright, time for the weapons!" Rainbow Dash rubbed her hands together.

Weapons & Equipment

1911 Operator: Pistol used for lethal shots

Stun Knife: Houses a non-lethal electric charge that emits through the blade

OctoCamo: Smart camouflage that blends its coloring and heat signature into the environment

Solid Eye: Has night vision, reveals IR heat signatures and footprints. Displays a radar which picks up nearby bio signatures

Boomstick: Snake carries a Ruger Mark II pistol with tranquilizer darts, perfect for silent takedowns. But, if he wants to get lethal, he whips out his 1911 Operator, one of my favorite handguns ever, and he's got a stun knife, which is like if a taser and a knife had a baby, all three of which he incorporates into his specialized fighting style: CQC, a brutal mix of hand-to-hand combat and gunplay taught to him by Big Boss himself.

"Those weapons seem cool for an agent like him." Flash and Rainbow Dash commented, both shock that they were thinking the same thing.

"That martial art training seems to be the only good thing he got from Big Boss." Spike rolled his eyes.

"I wonder if a knife and a taser can have a baby?" Pinkie asked silly.

"Pretty sure they can't." Twilight stated to be highly unscientifically impossible.

Wiz: Preferring to remain unseen, these weapons wouldn't do Snake much good without other tools to keep him hidden from his enemies. Snake's outfitted with his OctoCamo, a smart camouflage which can match the color, texture, and temperature of Snake's surroundings.

Boomstick: Not even the Gekko bots, with their infrared and night vision tracking, can find Snake in this camo.

"The right style can always help you in any situation." Rarity believed strongly.

Boomstick: Plus, he's always aware of his surroundings, thanks to his high-tech eyepatch, the Solid Eye.

Wiz: He's not actually missing an eye. It's more like a monocle from the future, with infrared, night vision, and radar.

"Maybe you should make that for yourself, Twilight." Spike joked, but Twilight didn't seem to get the joke.

Wiz: Snake's also been injected with nanomachines, which energize his body and his CODEC, an internal radio system. The CODEC allows two-way communication, which is 100% silent, almost like telepathy.

Ames:We have little time, so I'll be brief. How about switching to nano communications first? Silence beats talk when it comes to safety.

Scene shows one old and evil-looking old man watching Snake and Ames about to nano communicate with each other which upsets the man.

"Now that's one way to have a private conversation." Sunset commented. Makes her wonder if she could do something like that with her mind power.


Real name: Hal Emmerich

A.K.A.: "Otacon"

Founding member of Philanthropy

Computer expert & hacker (Impressed Twilight)

Designed Metal Gear Rex

Hacked the FBI, US Army, & ArmsTech (Really impressed Twilight)

Removed the AI controlling the Patriots' system

Super dedicated otaku (Rainbow Dash: nred)

Boomstick: Feeding him info from the other side of the CODEC is his best friend, Otacon, a pathetic cowering nerd with horrible bladder control. But he's also really good at hacking computer systems, so I guess he gets by. Give him enough time, and Otacon can hack into any top-secret facility.

"I thought there weren't going to be any outside help?" Applejack confused on this.

"Maybe they won't be in the fight itself, just give them advice or something." Flash guessed.

"Which goes to show that the muscles aren't everything without the brain." Twilight smirked.

"Ain't that the truth." Sunset smiled and the two high-fives.


Blew up a tank using grenades

Overcame his own genetically superior twin clone "brother" (Applejack feels somewhat sad)

Twice defeated the legendary soldier he was cloned from

Survived microwave bombardment for 3 straight minutes

Has defeated snipers, ninjas, psychics, and more

Wiz: Apart from Big Boss, Snake has defeated cybernetic ninjas, psychics, his own twin, and of course, several giant Metal Gears.

"I get his twin is evil is all, but I really don't like how families fight each other like that." Applejack said sadden.

"Even discord happens within the bloodlines." Trixie stated.

Boomstick: He can wield a railgun as powerful as a tank with his bare hands, and once blew up an actual tank using nothing but a couple of grenades.

"How do you destroy a tank with just little grenades?" Rainbow Dash asked shock.

"If you know well enough of the tank's weaknesses to exploit them." Twilight pointed out.

Wiz: And once he powered through a sealed hallway while being bombarded with microwaves, and survived.

Boomstick/Applejack: Who throws microwaves at people? Come on!

Wiz: No, Boomstick, it's more like he was inside a giant microwave.

"I'm sorry, WHAT?!" Twilight shocked and Spike nearly jump from the shout.

Boomstick: My god, think of the size of Hot Pocket you could make with that!

"Oh, so many cupcakes and cakes and other baking sweets I could make with that microwave!" Pinkie smiled drooling and imaging herself having that microwave.

"I think we should be more concern about how the Hell does Snake survive like that!" Flash pointed out.

Wiz: Under the effects of microwaves, a normal man's skin would deteriorate in about two to three seconds. Snake lasted more than three minutes.

"Must've put on a lot of sunscreens for that." Sunset commented.

Boomstick: And any guy that can last three minutes is a goddamn stallion. Now I know why they call him "Solid". But seriously, this guy is built Tonka tough, though he's hardly perfect. His OctoCamo provides only light protection against knives and other weapons, and even though he's in peak physical condition, one well-placed bullet will put him down as easily as any other man.

"Even the toughest animals can't tank a bullet to the head." Fluttershy stated.

"Not like his age will get in the way." Trixie said.

Wiz: Also, cloning and nanomachines don't mix. By the time he was thirty-five years old, they caused Snake to begin aging rapidly and even suffer heart issues and seizures.

"Never mind." Trixie said.

Boomstick: Old and wrinkly or not, you can count on Solid Snake to see every single mission through. And be a badass the whole time! There's a reason he's known as the man who makes the impossible possible.

"I'm liking this guy now!" Rainbow Dash smiled.

Snake:I'm no hero. Never was. Never will be.

Meryl:You haven't changed at all, Snake.

"At least he has friends who believe in him." Flash said.

Sam Fisher
Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (46)
Wiz: Samuel Leo Fisher was born in Towson, Maryland in 1957.

Boomstick: Woah, he's older than I thought!

"Must be a really healthy old man to be in a fight like this." Applejack commented surprise.


Full name: Samuel Leo Fisher

Born: April 17, 1957

Height: 5'10"/178 cm

Weight: 170 lbs/77 kg


Possesses the Fifth Freedom: The legal right to break the law in order to uphold the greater good (Sunset is surprised by this)

Proficient in Krav Maga

Apparently owns an Elephant (Fluttershy smiles for this)

Wiz: Orphaned at a young age, he spent his youth at a military boarding school. His goal was to join the C.I.A. and follow in the footsteps of his late father.

"Different from how Snake was pulled into the life is spies." Flash pointed out.

Boomstick: Sam's career in government work was an impressive one, joining both the C.I.A. and the Navy Seals. During this time, he found he had a particular knack for espionage and ladies. See, on one of his missions, he fired off a few rounds into the wrong target and knocked her up. So, he married her, they had a daughter named Sarah, and Sam Fisher lived happily ever after... No wait, he got divorced after three years, and his ex died of ovarian cancer.

"Oh dear, that must've been hard for Sam." Rarity worried.

"Hopefully, the elephant will comfort Sarah." Fluttershy said.

Wiz: Left with no other family but his daughter, Sam retired at just 47 years old. This time, he'd spend the rest of his days in peace...

"Or did he?" Pinkie asked with a grin. Then they heard Wiz and Boomstick laughing together.

"Guess it means the retirement didn't last long." Sunset said.

"Not when you're so good at something." Trixie stated.

Wiz: As if! We all know how it goes. Sam was too good to leave the agent's life forever, and was recruited by Third Echelon, a top-secret sub-branch of the NSA. Third Echelon wanted Sam for their new Black Ops unit, focused on infiltrating impenetrable locations, extracting information, and escaping even the most impossible scenarios. They called it the Splinter Cell program.

Boomstick: Oh yeah, let me come out of retirement and do that! The completely impossible!

"Like what? Scare a guy so much that he'd wet himself?" Spike asked.

Sam sneaks behind guard and has him in a chokehold and walk for a bit.

Sam: Talk but talk quietly.

Guard: I'll tell ya anything, I'm the biggest coward you've ever met!

Sam: That's quite a claim.

Guard: I've already wet myself!

Sam: Well... then you've made the top ten.

"Sheesh, what a wimp of a guard." Rainbow Dash disappointed that guard gave up so easily.

"They must not pay him enough." Rarity agreed with Rainbow Dash.

Boomstick: Well luckily, like other agents of stealth, Sam Fisher didn't have to work alone.

"Please, tell me it's not another one like that Octo guy?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"It's Octacon." Twilight corrected the name.


Name: Anna Grímsdóttir

A.K.A.: Grim Reaper

Technical Operations Officer for Fourth Echelon

A master hacker

Was temporarily the director of Third Echelon

Acts as an extension of Sam's eyes and ears on the field

Wiz: His support comes from Anna Grimsdottir, or Grim, who communicates with Sam through subdermal implants in his ear.

Boomstick/Pinkie: Ewww!

"It's not as bad as you think." Twilight said.

Wiz: It's just a tiny earpiece which operates by directly vibrating the bones of his inner ear, so only Sam can hear her.

Boomstick: So she's vibrating his bones, eh?

Wiz: What is with you today?

Boomstick: I don't know...

"You were probably thinking of something naughty again." Rarity rolled her eyes.

Wiz: Grim is a world-class hacker who started as Third Echelon's lead programmer and might be aging backwards... but that's irrelevant.

"I must know her secret!" Rarity demanded while Applejack holds her back.

"She probably just keeps taking care of herself like how you keep yourself beautiful every day!" Applejack pointed out to calm down her girlfriend which works, for the moment.

"My house, tonight, bring your toothbrush." Rarity whispered in Applejack's ear making her shocked blush.

Wiz: Together, they are a formidable team, although Sam and Grim have very different approaches to a mission and can sometimes butt heads. While Grim is very by-the-books, Fisher prefers to follow his instincts. For better or worse, he will completely abandon a well-laid plan over a mere hunch. Surprisingly, this works out better than you'd think.

"Sounds like something a main hero would do." Pinkie smiled.

Boomstick: See? You don't always have to plan out every little detail about every little thing!

Wiz: I thought we agreed never to discuss that trip.

Boomstick: I just wanted a churro, but no, it wasn't in the schedule! Bet it was delicious...

Wiz: Oh, shut up, Boomstick.

Boomstick: I'll kill you.

"Sheesh, those two sure go butting heads with each other." Trixie commented.

"That's how they are." Flash said.

"Excuse me but are we not going to talk about how Sam KILLED THAT DOG!" Fluttershy shouted in rage scaring the others. She's most likely going to root for Sam's death.

Wiz: Grim directs Sam's movements, keeping him invisible on the field, along with the latest in stealth gear.

"Glad to know he comes prepared as well." Trixie grinned.

Weapons & Equipment

Five-SeveN pistol: Uses armor-piercing SS198 rounds

SC-20K M.A.W.S.: Can switch into assault rifle, shotgun, and sniper rifle attachments. Deploys miscellaneous ammo including sticky shockers, rubber bullets, and sticky cameras

Mark VIII Tactical Operations Suit: 8 mm thick, weighs 4 Lbs. Composed of Kevlar, RhinoPlate, and Gore-Tex

Multi-Vision Goggles: Capable of night, thermal, and sonar vision

Boomstick: He sports the Mark VIII Tactical Operations suit, a light diffusing black armor that's layered with Kevlar and RhinoPlate to help protect against bullets.

Wiz: Along with a layer of Gor-Tex, a material that suppresses his heat signature to make him invisible to night vision.

Boomstick: Speaking of night vision, Sam has that, and more. His Multi-Vision goggles come equipped with thermal vision, sonar, a zoom function, and even footprint tracking, to ensure that Fisher can see you, even if you can't see him. In fact, he's so stealthy, that while he can track footprints left behind by others, his own trail is completely undetectable, even by him! I'd say that he's the stealthiest man ever, if it weren't for the THREE GIANT GREEN LIGHTS COMING OFF HIS HEAD! Come on, dude!

"Yeah, that could lead him to being spotted pretty easily." Trixie believed.

"I don't know, I think those lights are also invisible to the naked eye." Sunset pointed out.

Wiz: Common misconception. As obvious as they may appear, those lights are actually invisible to a normal human eye.

"See." Sunset smiled.

Boomstick/Trixie: Really?

Boomstick: Well, that's too bad for his enemies, because Sam excels at killing efficiently. While lurking in the shadows, he takes aim with his favorite pistol, the semi-automatic Five-Seven, a compact firearm that's perfect for silent, quick kills.

"But what about is someone spots him?" Applejack asked.

"Hope he drops dead." Fluttershy muttered to herself.

Wiz: And if someone manages to spot him, unlikely as it may be, Fisher is more then prepared to take them head-on with his SC-20K Modular Assault Weapons System.

"That's a mouthful of a weapon." Flash commented.

Boomstick: This beaut is like the Swiss army knife of guns. It has an assault rifle mode, shotgun mode, sniper rifle, oh, she can be whatever you want her to be...

Wiz: Um, Boomstick...

"What was weird." Twilight surprised.

Boomstick: What! Whoa, yeah (clears throat), as versatile as she is, that's nothing compared to the amount of things she fires. Aside from bullets, the 20K can launch gas and EMP grenades, sticky shockers, rubber bullets, and even cameras which attach to the wall.

"Camera bullets? Now I've seen them all." Rainbow Dash surprised.

Wiz: After their titanium spikes anchor them in place, Fisher uses his built-in communications device, the OPSAT, to monitor them. These cameras have night, thermal, and electromagnetic field vision.

"Spying from a different angle." Sunset interested in that.

Boomstick: Sam's got so many ways to take on his opponents, it's hard to count all the impressive stuff he's done.


Has infiltrated both the CIA and Third Echelon itself

Evaded four snipers looking for him

Can headshot four people before the last man can draw his gun

Prevented World War III on multiple occasions

Completed a training course so silently, his superiors didn't realize he had even started

Boomstick: He's carried out more than a dozen missions, went all Liam Neeson and recused his daughter from kidnappers, and has even infiltrated the CIA itself, which... probably isn't easy.

"It's not from what Trixie heard." Trixie said.

Wiz: He has single-handedly prevented a Chinese invasion of Taiwan, foiled terrorist plans to destroy the world's oil supply - all of it -, and when he discovered that Third Echelon was corrupt from within, he took it down by teaming up with Grim to create... Fourth Echelon.

"Couldn't they have come up with a better name than that?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Maybe they wanted to make so the next generation does better." Flash guessed.

Boomstick: In combat, he's insanely fast and accurate on the quick draw. Even when surrounded, he can put four bullets in four skulls in 3.2 seconds. He can literally take a life in the blink of an eye. Despite his age, nature hasn't slowed Sam down at all. I don't know about you, but I'll be thinking twice before stepping into any shadows.

"Now I'll have to careful with shadows." Flash said.

Lambert:Fisher, it's starting to look like war is unavoidable. JCOS is asking all sources for current Division level intelligence.

Sam:So, besides stopping World War Three, is there anything else I can do for you this evening?

"Drop dead, you dog killer." Fluttershy glared.

"She's never going to let that go, is she?" Trixie asked Sunset.

"Not unless Sam loses this battle." Sunset said.

Wiz: All right, the combatants are set. Let's end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: It's time for a STEALTH BATTLE!

"Hey, different shout for this episode. Nice." Pinkie impressed.

Secret Zanzibar Research Facility

Status: Abandoned

Target: Data files on Metapatients#05, #09, #13and experimental human enhancement drug

Location: NorthZanzibar forest

0400 HoursJuly 10, 2018

"Why are most of those words crossed out?" Spike asked.

"Maybe since this is about spies, they want to make the scene like it possible with secrets and stuff." Trixie theorized. But Sunset feels like there's a different meaning to this.

In a North Zanzibar forest on July 10, 2018, there is a secret research facility containing data that has information on meta-human testing. Solid Snake arrives in a helicopter and prepares to arrive in the facility as he receives a call from Otacon.

Otacon: OK Snake, I've finished uploading the building schematics to your Solid Eye. The intel we need is inside. Should be a piece of cake, but... there's one heat signature inside.

Snake: Just one?

Otacon: Yeah. Maybe everyone's out for a late-night dinner?

Snake: Thanks, Otacon. Piece of cake.

Snake then enters the building.

"I think I know who's that one heat signature is." Twilight said.

"Well, I got mine right here." Flash patted his hand on Sunset's hip.

"Oh, you." Sunset chuckled.

Meanwhile, Sam Fisher is finishing uploading the data both he and Snake were sent out to retrieve, having taken down a few guards beforehand. Sam hears Snake's helicopter leaves the area.

"Of course, he would hear the helicopter." Applejack shook her head.

Sam: Grim, we haven't had a chopper in the plan, have we?

Grim is monitoring Sam's progress through a plane above the area.

Grim: No, the Paladin is your evac plan. Why?

Sam: Hmmm, we got a party crasher.

Sam quickly takes out the USP drive with the data transfer complete.

"For a spy party that's about to start." Pinkie punned.

Grim: Your new friend won't last long, there's only one way into that room.

Sam and Snake slowly sneak up to each other on opposite sides of the wall.

Sam: Don't lecture me, he's mine.

Otacon: Snake, he's in the room...!

"Obviously." Rainbow Dash said.


The two soldiers point their guns at each other and are surprised (with the iconic Metal Gear !).

"Okay, that was funny." Flash laughed as the others agree as they are laughing at this.

They both hide back, then Sam comes back and tries to shoot Snake. Snake counters him and knocks Sam's gun out of his hand before delivering some punches. Snake takes his gun out and looks at the computer Sam was using. Sam then shoots the computer and destroys it.

"Smart thinking to keep the enemy from getting the data from that." Sunset impressed.

Snake: Where's the data?

Sam: Wouldn't you like to know?

Sam and Snake exchange more punches and bullets before Sam kicks Snake forward and takes out his SC-20K and has it on assault rifle mode. Snake dodges the bullets with his acrobatic skills. Sam then comes around the corner and sees a cardboard box sneaking around. He then hides at the next corner.

Sam: Grim, did you get that?

"Bet he didn't expect the use of cardboard box in stealth missions. Quite the trick." Trixie commented.

Sam: I'm fine. He's after the data.

Grim: Just our luck, I'll bring the plane in for you.

Sam: Don't. This guy's gonna be a problem if I don't take care of him now.

Grim: But it's more important that-

Sam: No!

Sam shoots two cameras into the ceiling to monitor his enemy.

Sam: Trust me Grim.

"Sam's not taking any chances." Flash said.

Snake calls Otacon on his codec.

Snake: I'm not alone. Somebody beat me to the intel and destroyed the source. Think he's with Praying Mantis? Raven Sword?

Otacon: If they're operating out here, it couldn't possibly be anyone we're familiar with. I'll start scanning radio frequencies to see if I can find any comm lines, but Snake... Until we know what you're up against, I suggest you keep yourself out of sight.

Snake: I already got it covered.

Otacon: Please tell me it's not a cardboard box.

The codec ends. Snake is in the men's restroom with the cardboard box.

Snake: Do I need to go over this again? The cardboard box is a very important tool for infiltration missions. It's ideal for fooling the enemy.

"To fools like those Metal Gears and idiot bodyguards, but I'm not so sure about Sam." Spike stated.

In the dark hallway, Fisher has his Multi-Vision goggles on as he tracks Snake's footprints into the restroom. He encounters the box and shoots a camera into the wall behind it as Snake's codec starts again.

"Now he got him cornered." Rarity said.

Otacon: Snake, this is insane.

Snake: Otacon, I'm not exaggerating when I say the success of my mission hinges on how I use this cardboard box. But in the end, a cardboard box...

Sam shoots the box three times and kicks it over to discover no one's inside.

"What the… Where is he?" Fluttershy shocked.

"He must've gotten out of the box before Sam came in!" Rainbow Dash guessed.

Snake sneaks up behind Sam with his camouflage suit making him visible again.

Snake: ...is only made of paper.

"Like Trixie said, quite the trick." Trixie smirked.

Snake armlocks Sam's head but Sam elbows him and flips his way out. They exchange punches and bullets again and Snake throws Sam onto the ground as he loses the flash drive, allowing Snake to pick it up and contact Otacon.

Snake: Otacon, I've got the intel.

"But for how long?" Applejack asked.

Sam gets up and shoots Snake in the stomach, injuring him and hides in the shadows. Snake activates the invisibility on his suit as Grim contacts Sam.

Grim: Sam, I'm sending you a camera feed. Whatever suit he's wearing is powered by electricity.

"Way to be a spoiler." Pinkie said.

Sam: Perfect.

Sam throws his EMP grenade into the room, disabling Snake's invisibility. Snake points the gun but finds no one there, then struggles with his gunshot wound. Sam took the time to escape into the vents.

"Sam will need to think of a new way to take down Snake and get the data back." Sunset pointed out.

Grim: That was close. You're welcome by the way.

Sam: I lost the data!

Grim: Oh, wonderful. Well, without his suit, he's not hiding anywhere.

Sam comes out of the vents and approaches a door.

Grim: He's just behind that door. Go get it back, old man.

Sam: This is too easy...

"Until something happens to make it very hard." Rainbow Dash said, getting excited as this battle rages on.

Sam: Ugh! What is that?

Grim: I don't know! Somebody's interfering!

Otacon: Hello? Is this thing on?

Grim: Who is this?! Identify yourself!

Otacon: I'm Otacon. I'm impressed! Your security's pretty state of the art. Not good enough though, sorry.

"Grimm just got hacked!" Twilight surprised, seeing Octacon hacking Grimm's system.

Grim: What? How long have you been listening in?

Otacon: Long enough. But right now Ms. Grim, I've got to shut you down.

The technology in the Paladin starts going haywire and exploding as the plane also starts going down.

Grim: Ahh! Sam?! Sam, do you copy? SAM?!

Sam: Grim? Are you there? Are you okay?

"Now Sam is on his own." Flash said.

"Just in time for the final clash." Sunset added.

All the lights in the facility start shutting down, prompting Sam to put on his goggles. He goes into the room and starts looking as Snake, smoking a cigarette, prepares to attack him.

Snake: You're pretty good...

The quote continuously echoes in the background, using Ocelot's voice clip from Metal Gear Solid. Snake and Fisher continuously fire off shots at each other in the dark.


(Ocelot's 'Pretty... Good...' voice clip from Metal Gear Solid 3's Virtuous Mission clip echoes in the background.)

"That Octacon is such a worrywart." Pinkie giggled.

"Like Fluttershy with things scaring her." Sunset said.

"It's true." Fluttershy nodded, not denying it one bit.

Sam fires off his assault rifle as Snake dodges the bullets. The bullets take out the windows, bringing light into the room. Sam takes off his goggles as Snake sneaks up to him and suplexes him, knocking away Sam's gun.

"Now it's gonna be hands-to-hands!" Rainbow Dash excitedly.

They both then take out their knives and clash. Sam manages to get a good cut on Snake and gets the data back.

Sam: Gotcha.

"Wow, that was sneaky fast! I'm impressed." Rainbow Dash commented.

"But it won't be in his hands for long." Flash said, getting a gut feeling that Snake will win.

Snake gets the upper hand on Sam and stabs him a couple of times with his knife and then electrocutes Fisher as his opponent drops the data. Snake then stabs the spy through the head with his own knife, killing him instantly. As the dead Fisher falls down with the two fatal knife injuries, Snake catches the data and smokes a cigarette.

Snake: Piece of cake.


Snake rides off in his helicopter as the Paladin crashes down into the facility, presumably killing Grim as well.

"YES! YES! YES!" Fluttershy shouted in pure joy, surprising her friends.

"Down with the dog murder! Now all dogs will never have to be killed by Sam!" Fluttershy cheered.

"At least she's happy." Flash commented.

Boomstick: Holy Hell!

Wiz: Both Snake and Fisher were experts in their field. Snake may come second to Fisher's skills of silent assassination, but he far exceeds him in close quarters combat thanks to his specialized training.

Boomstick: Even though Sam was a master of blending into the shadows, Snake's Solid Eye had no trouble tracking him down.

"Something Sam wasn't prepared for." Rarity said.

Wiz: What's more, Grim's comm line has a history of being hacked into while Snake's codec does not.

"Poor Grimm, guess she should've known better than to buff up her security." Twilight sighed.

Boomstick: But what about Snake's nanomachines and Solid Eye? Wouldn't they be disabled by the EMP blast?

"Yeah, wouldn't that have left him a big disadvantage?" Spike wondered about that too.

Wiz: Actually... no. EMPs are comparable to microwaves in how they affect electronics. When Snake was bombarded with microwaves, his Solid Eye survived for two minutes of non-stop radiation, while his nanomachines remained intact throughout the entire experience. A single EMP grenade doesn't quite stack up to a hallway of microwaves.

Boomstick: Even if he did lose his nanomachines somehow, he didn't need them to beat Sam.

"Oh, hardcore!" Spike amazed.

Wiz: Overall Snake has a counter for anything Fisher could throw at him and had the edge in close quarters combat, leaving this victory pretty straightforward.

"More like straight up through the head." Pinkie joked.

Boomstick: Poor Sam. This loss just kinda snuck up on him. Yeah, from the start, it was lights out for Sam.

Everyone except for Pinkie Pie groans from those bad puns.

Wiz: The winner is Solid Snake.

"That was thrilling! You guys certainly know how to keep yourself entertained! In fact, that spy battle has inspired me to work on a new trick for my next show!" Trixie announced before running off to practice that trick.

"Bet it'll be a good one." Flash said.

"Until then, we enjoy more of these episodes." Sunset said as she pressed the next episode.

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

This has been a stealth episode for the others to see with unexpected things such as Trixie joining them for one episode, and Fluttershy let out her inner anger on Sam when the scene shows him killing a dog. Sam's lucky he didn't get the Stare.

Let that be a warning to all of you, never anger the Fluttershy.

KO comment, favorite, click the thumb up button, and follow through of how this story will go!

Chapter 23: Wolverine VS Raiden

Chapter Text

Wolverine VS Raiden

Everyone looks excited to watch the next episode, but they will also find this episode to be a little vicious with some slicing and dicing.

Boomstick: Long range weaponry are effective tools of destruction, but there's just something special about killing up close and personal with a blade. Like Wolverine, the vicious anti-hero of the X-Men.

"Another anti-hero combatant, this should be interesting." Rarity commented.

Wiz: And Raiden, the deadly cyborg ninja from Metal Gear.

"No way, a ninja who is also a cyborg? It's like someone combined two of my favorite things into one!" Rainbow Dash excitedly.

"I'm mostly into ninjas, but this seems cool." Flash said, curious to see how this will go.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (47)

Boomstick: Three scratches, three claws, this is the mark of the Wolverine.

"Better watch out for those marks." Fluttershy said, feeling a bit nervous.

"Don't worry, I'm sure the guy won't hurt you if you get on his good side." Spike believed.


Real Name: James Howlett

Age: 137 years

Height: 5'3"/160 cm

Weight: 300 lbs/136.1 kg

Aliases: Wolverine, Logan, Weapon X, Patch (Group confused on that last one)

Member of the X-Men

Founder of the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning

Wiz: But before he was the poster boy for the X-Men, he was born James Howlett in 1886.

Boomstick: And he was the wimpiest kid ever! He was tiny, and pathetic, and sick all the time, but little James wasn't stuck in bed for too long.

"It must be sad for him not being able to play outside." Pinkie said, feeling sad for little James.

Wiz: As he grew up, James started to develop mutant powers, which gave him animal senses and rapid healing.

"At least he won't be in bed for long, but I get the feeling he should've." Twilight narrowed her eyes.

Wiz: But when the family groundskeeper Thomas Logan murdered his father, James learned he had a more lethal power hidden within.

"Whoa! He got claws coming out of his knuckles!" Flash shocked, seeing little James getting the claws.

Boomstick: Retractable bone claws! Old Thomas never knew what hit him. Or more specifically, what stabbed him to death.

"Take that, you bastard!" Rainbow Dash grinned.

Wiz: But Thomas used his dying breath for the oh-so original plot twist: I'm your father.

"WHAT?!" Everyone gasped, finding this hard to believe that the murder guy was James' father all along.

"Okay, forget what I said about staying in bed." Twilight said.

"That's going to be traumatizing for him." Sunset worried.

Boomstick: Going from two dads to zero in a matter of seconds. Anyway, James took on the name Logan to poorly hide his identity and ran away from home with his childhood friend Rose.

"Aw, at least he has something to share his life with." Applejack smiled.

Boomstick: But then he accidentally stabbed her to death, too. Damn, those things seem really inconvenient, like a murder erection. Always popping up when you don't need it.

Wiz: You should probably see a doctor.

"Oh, come on!" Applejack was angered that Rose is dead too.

Wiz: With his healing ability slowing his aging, Logan has lived over one hundred years. He fought in both World Wars and Vietnam before joining a special weapons project called Weapon X. This is where he took the name, the Wolverine.

"Man, living for a hundred years and still looking strong in his prime. That would be something to have." Flash said.

"But it would also make you outlive everyone else in your life, sad if you ask me." Sunset pointed out.

"Not like he even asked for the power, he just gotta live with it." Rainbow Dash stated.

Boomstick: Buuuut, like almost every other secret project ever, it was actually yet another horrifying super soldier project. Whilst there, Wolverine enjoyed such treatments as being cut open repeatedly, having his DNA harvested, and getting his skeleton a pimped-out chrome-job.

"Owie, I do NOT wanna go to that checkup!" Pinkie exclaimed and hides behind Flash.


Man-made (Twilight is interested in that)

Creator: Myron MacLain

Inspired by Hercules' Adamantine hammer

Extremely rare

Considered indestructible: Survived blows from Thor & Hulk, Withstood nuclear bombs, Has been manipulated by Magneto

Wiz: Against Logan's will, a scientist named Doctor Cornelius infused his bones with Adamantium, a rare, man-made metal alloy. Adamantium is extremely dense and stable on a molecular level, making it reportedly indestructible. Even Thor has a hard time breaking it.

"Thor, as in the God of Thunder? From the Norse mythology legends?!" Twilight shocked.

"Easy Twilight, just go to your happy place." Fluttershy tried to comfort Twilight.

Boomstick: And Doctor Scientist also hypnotized Wolverine, to erase his memories and turn him into an animalistic killing machine. The result? Well, Wolverine went crazy and slaughtered everyone at Weapon X. So, I guess you could say the experiment turned out to be a complete success. Good job everybody!

"At least that doctor what was coming to him." Spike said, not liking that doctor guy.

The scene shows Wolverine's new Adamantium claws come out as he wakes up from the procedure violently screaming.

"That would've cool to see if he wasn't naked." Rainbow Dash said.

Wiz: After wandering the wilderness and tangling with The Hulk, Wolverine was eventually discovered by the X-Men, who molded him into a real hero. Logan had finally found a place to call home, and a family he did not stab to death.

Everyone was glad to see that Wolverine found a home and a family to care for, he deserves it for what he's been through.

"I'm curious about this Hulk characters." Sunset intrigued of the Hulk.

Boomstick: Old Wolvie's got more mutant powers than Kim Kardashian has butt injections.

"Ew, did he really have to say that?" Rarity grossed out from that comment.


Healing factor

Animal empathy & senses

Superhuman strength & speed

Ablation Armor

Muramasa sword

Berserker Rage

Adamantium Beta laced skeleton

Bone claws: 12 inches long, Adamantium coated

Boomstick: He has keen animal like senses and expert tracking skills, can move faster than the eye can see, and can lift up to two tons. His Adamantium claws can cut through almost anything, and, conveniently, he never has to sharpen them. He's immune to disease, can resist mind control, and can fight for days without tiring. Oh and, for some reason he can sense animals' feelings and talk to them, like some sort of bear whisperer.

"That's nice, maybe he's also a caretaker for animals." Fluttershy smiled.

"I seriously doubt that." Rainbow Dash turned down the thought.

"The mind-control resistance must because when he was hypnotized by that evil doctor." Flash guessed.

"I would love to have the stamina to go on for days." Applejack nodded.

"For your farming, my dear." Rarity teased with a finger under her breasts, making Applejack blush chuckling.

Wiz: He's equal in hand-to-hand combat with Captain America and was skilled enough to tag Speed Demon who runs faster than the speed of sound.

"I'd like to see if he can tag me." Rainbow Dash said.

Boomstick: Despite all of this, his greatest attribute is his sheer durability. He's like Super Rocky!

Wiz: Wolverine has survived hits from Thor and the Hulkbuster, battled with Satan himself, and was once blown up with nothing left but his Adamantium skeleton.

Boomstick: Think that stopped him? Hell no! He got back up and beat the sh*t out of the emo Bomberman who blew him up in the first place. Jesus Christ! Can anything stop this guy?

"Oh sh*t, this guy is tough!" Flash gasped.


Lifted a Great White Shark (Applejack impressed with that)

Survived battles with Hulk

Healed from near-complete disintegration (Flash shocked by that)

Survived an onslaught from Phoenix

Has stabbed Thanos & Gladiator

Has defeated Iron Fist, Shang Chi, Romulus & Captain America

Fought in over 5 large scale wars: WW I, WW II, Vietnam, Cold War, Civil War, etc. (Everyone surprised)

Wiz: Well technically he has died a few times. He even used to have a deal with the Angel of Death to be resurrected, should his healing factor be overtaxed. But eventually gave it up in exchange for his soul. Yeah, this actually happened.

"Okay, now that's just crazy." Rarity commented.

"I know, too crazy even for me!" Pinkie admitted.

Wiz: However, according to Professor Xavier, leader of the X-Men, Wolverine's healing factor stems from his brain. Eh? Get it? Stem? Like brainstem?

Twilight was the only one laughing from Wiz's attempt joke while the others aren't agreeable from the awful science joke.

Boomstick: Wiz, I'm the funny one. Just stick to being boring.

"Hey! It was a good joke!" Twilight proclaimed.

"For nerds." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

Wiz: Aw... Anyway, this means Wolverine can be killed by drowning or destroying his brain. But seeing as how his brain is protected by a thick, adamantium skull, it's probably staying where it is.

"Yeah, you're gonna need a super laser to pierce through the metal skull." Sunset nodded.

Wiz: Still, there's a reason why Logan keeps getting into bad situations like these. He's a lone wolf and doesn't like relying on others.

Boomstick: And he's kinda got a bit of a temper.

Wolverine lashes out in rage at a car and cuts off the top with his claws.

Wolverine:Tell Cyclops I made him a convertible.

"I don't think this Cyclops will like that." Fluttershy shook her head, surely there could've been a better way of taking out one's anger.

Boomstick: Piss him off too much, something snaps, and Wolverine will enter the Berserker Rage.

"Better hope we don't piss him off." Flash concerned.

Wiz: In this state, Wolverine loses all self-control and ignores all pain, as he is consumed by the animalistic killer instinct that's still deep within him by Doctor Cornelius all those years ago.

"Of course, that meanie doctor has to have the last laugh." Pinkie crossed her arms.

Wolverine is seen defeating Neuron in his berserker state with the foe dead and turning gray.

Beast:My stars...

Wolverine then tosses Neuron to the side and starts repeatedly stabbing him.

"f*ck, man! You won!" Flash pointed out, feeling scared of Wolverine's Berserker Rage.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (48)

Wiz: Born in Liberia, a young boy named Jack lost his parents and was adopted by George Sears, the future president of the United States.

"Oh, sounds like the boy is getting the luxury lifestyle." Rarity commented.

Boomstick: Which sounds like a pretty good upside considering, except Sears was actually Solidus Snake, a traitor who manipulated the world leaders to profit from the war economy. Oh, and the fact that he killed Jack's parents! I'm your dad now!

"…Never mind." Rarity took back what she just said.

Wiz: Being the perfect parent he is, Solidus enlisted Jack in the Liberian Civil War, where he became captain of his own commando unit in the Army of the Devil.

Boomstickand Fluttershy: It's an army of-

Wiz: It's not an actual army of devils.

Boomstick: Aaah, dammit!

"Phew, thank goodness." Fluttershy was relieved to hear that.


Real Name: Jack

Age: 35 years

Height: Approx. 5'10"/177.8 cm

Aliases: Jack the Ripper, White Devil, Snake, Mr. Lightning Bolt

Former child soldier & spy (Applejack sadden for Raiden)

Member of Maverick Security Counseling Inc.

Proud wearer of 5 cyborg bodies

Wiz: A natural harbinger of death, Jack's high kill count earned him the nickname "Jack the Ripper." He accomplished all of this, and he was only ten years old.

"Putting a kid through all of that, ain't no way to be living." Applejack sadden for Raiden's childhood.

Boomstick: Oh my God! Could you imagine this kid during puberty? If it ever even hits. I mean, even ten years later, he still looks like he's waiting for the old stones to drop.

"I'm sure romance will find him." Fluttershy believed.

Wiz: Well, they had to some time. After being abandoned by Solidus, Jack fell for a girl named Rose and eventually got her pregnant.

"Yay, he found love!" Fluttershy smiled.

"But something tells me he's not gonna stay living the peaceful life because of his past." Flash theorized.

Boomstick: Jack was tormented by his past life and sought to right his wrongs by joining a special task force. With them, he teamed up with the legendary Solid Snake to take down some bad guys, destroy giant robots, go streaking, and even kill dear old foster dad. All under his awesome new codename, Raiden.

"Okay, what the heck is with going the naked part?" Rainbow Dash complained.

"I'm okay with it, since I got my own stud here." Sunset grinned at Flash, making him blush.

Wiz: Except, all along, he was actually being controlled by the Patriots, a secret organization manipulating the U.S. from behind the scenes and bent on dominating the world.

Boomstick: Yeah, okay, hang on to your butts because this is where things start getting out of hand. See his girlfriend, Rose, was actually a Patriot spy and was manipulating his life the entire time they were together. Huh, women right? But she was all like, "my bad, I love you!" and he was like, "it's okay, let me put my dick in you!" and then they had a kid.

Wiz: Well first, she actually said she had a miscarriage and married another man to trick Raiden, but it was really to trick the Patriots...

Boomstick: Wiz, please, the story's confusing enough without bringing that into this. Eventually they got back together and had a kid. Can we please go back to talking about killing people now?

"At least he got himself a nice family to back after a tough mission." Applejack commented.

"Especially with love conquering all." Flash smiled.

Wiz: Sure! One day, he was captured by the Patriots and used as a test subject for exoskeletal enhancement surgery, transforming him into a superhuman cyborg ninja.

"There has to be something." Flash sighed; these kinds of things happen to people like him.

Boomstick: That's what's I'm talking about!

Wiz: As a cyborg, Raiden went from a force to be reckoned with to a nigh unstoppable killing machine. He is fast enough to outrun bullet trains and even run on walls.

"Please, I can fly faster. What more could this guy do?" Rainbow Dash asked with a grin.

Boomstick: And he can do sh*t like this.

The scene shows Raiden being retrained by some Metal Gears Gekko and one man named Vamp stabbed a knife in Raiden.

Vamp:You too, immortal?

Raiden:No, I just don't fear death.

After a sniper shot from Snake frees one of his arms, Raiden cuts his other arm free and begins swinging around the Gekkos by the cables connecting them to his legs like he's breakdancing.

"sh*t!" Rainbow Dash shocked.

"And that's why you never skip leg day!" Applejack smirked.

Boomstick: Heh heh, drugs must be fun…

"I don't think it's drugs." Sunset said.


Durable cyborg body

Superhuman strength

Superhuman speed

Can generate electricity

Fuel cell electrolyte absorption

Blade Mode


Ripper Mode

Wiz: That's not even the half of it. Raiden is strong enough to lift and throw a Metal Gear RAY. While a RAY's exact weight is unknown, when compared to a Metal Gear REX which weighs 557 tons, we can estimate its weight to be over 1,000 tons.

Boomstick: And that wasn't even his final form!

"For real?!" Twilight asked shock.

Wiz: Right, Raiden eventually got a newer, better cyborg body which was even more powerful.

Boomstick: Strong enough to flip this giant thing, rip off its building-sized sword and then fight a duel with it. And finish it off at blinding speed! I mean what in the actual Hell?!

"Just what kind of scientist gave him such a powerful upgrade to perform such fears?!" Twilight felt like she's losing her mind.

"Someone who seems to know Raiden well." Spike guessed.


Vibrations destabilize target's molecular bonds

Faster vibrations rate than Raiden's original HF Blade

High uptake rate

Originally forged in 16th century (Sunset surprise at that)

Previously owned by Sam Rodrigues

ID Locked

Cuts through nanomachines, son! (Pinkie finds that funny)

Wiz: When he's not wielding building-sized blades, Raiden wields a high-frequency blade called the Murasama. Originally forged in the 16th century, the Murasama was re-outfitted with high-frequency technology. By creating a powerful current through the blade that vibrates at intense speeds, it weakens its target's molecular bonds, forcibly slicing through almost anything.

"An ancient sword combined with advance tech, sounds cool." Sunset impressed.

"Think it's possible to make a vibrating cupcake?" Pinkie asked.

"Why would you need a vibrating cupcake?" Twilight asked.

"To give you taste buds a message." Pinkie answered with a cute smile, and confusing Twilight.

Boomstick: And if that's not deadly enough for you, Raiden can activate a super-mode called Zandatsu. This causes Raiden's perception of time to slow anywhere from 50 to 90%, giving plenty of time to chop through his foes as precisely or as rapidly as he'd like.

"Like slowing down time, that would be nice to have." Rarity said, thinking that ability could help her with her deadline of clothing.


Defeated Solidus Snake

Helped bring down the Patriots

Defeated Desperado & World Marshal

Blocked attacks from Metal Gears RAY & EXCELSUS

Lifted & threw Metal Gear RAY & EXCELSUS

Held back Outer Haven battleship

Survived the mindf##king story of Metal Gear Solid 2 (Everyone confused on that)

Wiz: He can take this a step further by deactivating his pain inhibitors. Allowing intense agony from wounds to envelop his senses causes him to lose himself in his old Jack the Ripper personality. This "Ripper Mode" radically boosts his already insane speed and strength.

Raiden killed two security guard cyborgs with a single sword swing each then stab the hand of the third one and slice him in half, and then he chuckles at one cyborg.

Raiden:Who's next.

"Okay, that's scary." Fluttershy gulped.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he knows between good and evil. I hope…" Flash said.

Boomstick: But it comes at a price. You know, aside from the whole pain and insanity thing.

Raiden laughs insanely like a madman that scares the rest of the group.

Boomstick: These enhanced modes rely on a fuel supply and using them burns through it at a rapid pace.

Wiz: Raiden can only carry enough fuel to sustain these modes for a very limited time and relies on absorbing more fuel cell electrolytes from enemy cyborgs. Plus, his blood is not natural, and must be changed regularly, like the oil in a car.

"How is his blood unnatural to be change regularly?" Flash asked.

"Hard to say, maybe it has something to do with being turn into a cyborg." Sunset theorized.

Boomstick: But still…

Raiden:I am lightning... The rain transformed.

Raiden electrocutes the Haven Troopers in his way while holding a sword with his teeth.

Boomstick: Worth it!

"He can shoot lightning from his body!" Rainbow Dash and Twilight gasped.

"Talk about a 'shocking' power." Pinkie punned.

Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set. Let's end this debate once and for all!


"Okay, let see who can slice up the most here." Rainbow Dash rubbed her hands in excitement.

Taking place in a tropical city containing ancient architecture and filled with Gekkos, Raiden is seen leaping on rooftops before landing on the streets, his impact crumbling it.

"If you're going to be sneaky, don't do that." Sunset advised to Raiden.

(Music: Exo, Wolverine vs Raiden OST)

He sees a destroyed Gekko and then encounters one of the giant monsters. Raiden takes out his Murasama, ready to cut it, but Wolverine leaps off a building and slices the giant Gekko in two, and it explodes.

"And the Wolverine steals a kill!" Pinkie announced.

Raiden: Who the hell are you? Get out of my way!

Raiden's mask comes on as he readies a battle stance.

Wolverine:Fat chance, bub! You're next.

Wolverine gets his claws out and glares at this metal guy.


Both charge at each other and start slicing, with Raiden getting a good slash on Logan and drawing blood. He's able to block Wolverine's multi slash and counters it. He tries cutting through Wolverine diagonally, but his sword stops at Wolverine's skeleton.


"Bet he wasn't expecting that." Flash said.

Wolverine counters it and pushes back Raiden's blade, then stabs Raiden in the stomach. Raiden looks at his bloody wound.

Raiden:Who... what are you?

Wolverine:Gotta admit, that hurt.

"But he can heal from that, it's gonna be tough for Raiden to get through that." Applejack stated.

Wolverine's cuts heal as Raiden rips the fuel cell electrolyte from one of the fallen Metal Gears and absorbs it, then he threw the fuel away now healed up.

Wolverine:Nice trick, Voltron! I'm actually more human than you! And that's saying something...

"Nice line." Flash complimented.

Wolverine get his claws out, ready to fight again.

Raiden:Let's dance!

Raiden dashes forward and gets a couple of stabs and slashes on Wolverine. Wolverine tries attacking back but it is blocked as Raiden delivers a massive combo that kicks him into a bus.

"A slashing combo with his foot! Is there magnet to hold the sword?" Applejack asked shock.

"I believe so." Twilight said.

Raiden leaps to higher ground as Wolverine's wounds heal. He starts sniffing around when he doesn't see his opponent.

"Hiding is not gonna work on Raiden." Flutershy said.

Wolverine:No use hiding, bub.

He's able to dodge Raiden's stealth attack and delivers a large stab to the cyborg when he flip himself back on his feet.

Wolverine:The nose knows.

"Called it." Fluttershy smiled.

He slams Raiden onto the ground and delivers a Berserker Barrage-like combo of attacks.

Wolverine: You're done.

The conclusion of the combo sends Raiden flying back. Wolverine leaps forward to stab him again, but Raiden avoids it and jumps onto higher ground. He looks at his injuries, then looks downward, only to see Wolverine climbing the building by repeatedly stabbing it.


"Guess they should've included that Wolverine's a great climber." Applejack commented.

"Those claws are good for many ways." Spike nodded.

Wolverine delivers an uppercut that knocks Raiden's mask off. The two clash again until Raiden knocks Wolverine into the air and produces an attack that slashes Wolverine multiple times in place.

Raiden: I will end you!

Wolverine is seemingly knocked out prompting Raiden to start walking away, but he gets up and starts healing from his injuries.

"Yes! Keep fighting, Wolverine! Don't stop swinging those claws!" Pinkie cheered.

Raiden:Are you some kind of cyborg?

Wolverine:Well... my bones are coated in the strongest metal around. Does that count?

"Not unless you have wires and circuits in your body that we don't know about." Twilight stated.

"Like a robot Wolverine?" Flash guessed.

They start going at it again as Wolverine blocks one of Raiden's attacks.

Raiden: I'll just have to swing harder then!

He stabs Wolverine with the Murasama, but it stays in place and Wolverine takes the opportunity to deliver some devastating hits.

Wolverine: Taste adamantium!

Raiden moves back to dodge one downward claw stab and quickly Raiden uses kicks and punches with electricity to gain the upper hand and retrieves his blade. He knocks Wolverine high into the air and then combos him onto the street. Wolverine gets up as his wounds start healing and Raiden lands close to him.

"Oh damn, this could be Raiden's win!" Flash surprised.

"Not so fast, Wolverine still has one more thing he can do." Rainbow Dash said.

Wolverine:Ouch! Alright Terminator, now you've got me mad!

"Here it comes!" Fluttershy scared a little because the Berserker Rage is about to come out.

Wolverine enters berserker mode and screams out loudly, he leaps high into the air and cuts off one of Raiden's arms.

Raiden: sh*t! Not again!

"Again? He loses his arms before?" Rarity asked.

Wolverine then stabs Raiden hard in the chest.

Wolverine: Good night, RoboCop!

As the claws are stabbed deep through Raiden, he feels a rush and slowly tilts up his head as his eye glows red. He has entered his Jack the Ripper state.

"Now Raiden is entering his crazy mode! Will this be enough to turn the table of this battle!" Pinkie announced shock.

Raiden:Pain! This is why I fight!

Raiden headbutts Wolverine away, prompting him to scream.

Raiden:Hahaha! It's time for Jack the Ripper, to let 'er rip!

"Good line for the final clash." Sunset approved of this.

Both counter each other's attacks and lay a multitude of blows on each other. Wolverine is severely injured from the clash severely slowing him down. Raiden does a low kick that knocks him into the air and performs a cut strong enough to slice off Wolverine's head, which he slashes dozens of times at once, cutting it into pieces as he laughs and kicks the pieces.


Raiden walks over to pick up his severed arm as Wolverine's body lies in the street.

"Oh man, all that cutting wash brutal." Flash exclaimed.

"But how? Wolverine has the indestructible metal skeleton! How was Raiden able to cut through all of that?!" Rainbow Dash asked shock.

"That'll be explain in the post analysis." Sunset said.

Boomstick: Oh my god…

Wolverine Comparison:

+ Higher Durability

+ More Experience

+ Senses countered stealth

+ Better Martial Artist Skills

Raiden Comparison:

+ Better control over battlefield

+ Blade Mode deduces weak points

+ HF Blade beats Adamantium

+ Longer Range

+ Faster

+ More versatile

+ Immensely stronger

Wiz: Because of Wolverine's Adamantium skeleton and stubborn healing factor, he was able to hang in there despite Raiden's clearly superior speed and strength.

"Those differences are as clear as day." Twilight commented.

Boomstick: He could've even kept it up until Raiden ran out of fuel, if it weren't for one important question: Could the high frequency blade cut adamantium?

"Yes, that's what I'd like to know." Rainbow Dash said.

Wiz: To answer this, we dug deep into Marvel Comics history and found Misty Knight, a lesser-known Marvel heroine with a bionic arm made of Antarctic Vibranium. This anti-metal emanates vibrations which weaken its target's molecular bonds, exactly like Raiden's high frequency blade. Like the Murasama, this can destabilize and break any metal, including adamantium.

"Raiden is lucky to carry that sword around, otherwise this battle would've gone the other way." Sunset pointed out.

"There's also that insane strength behind each swing." Applejack added.

Boomstick: And while in Jack the Ripper mode, Raiden can strike with enough force to cut through buildings and machines built to survive nuclear wars.

Wiz: With that much strength behind a sword like that, plus Raiden's speed and technology advantage, Wolverine's supposedly indestructible skeleton met its match.

"Oh yes, this battle was too much for old Wolverine to handle." Rarity stated.

Boomstick: Any way you slice it, Raiden just had the right Gear for the job.

"Okay, this was a good joke." Flash chuckled as everyone agrees a little.

Wiz: The winner is Raiden.

"You'd think Wolverine would be better prepared when dealing with villains that are similar to Raiden. But he doesn't always use his head." Twilight said.

"Plus, there was that little note stating that his metal skeleton has been manipulated before. Maybe even removed from that one picture." Sunset mentioned.

"That was painful to look." Flash commented before pressing play for the next episode.

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

The group have seen both combatants about having some bad backstory and how they became the heroes they are known today and saw how Wolverine was defeated into pieces like that. Very brutal and scary of Raiden to end that battle, now let see how they'll think of the next battle being… somewhat of a fight.

KO comment, favorite, click the thumbs up button, and follow through of how this story will go!

Chapter 24: Hercule Satan VS Dan Hibiki

Chapter Text

Hercule Satan VS Dan Hibiki

"Huh, Pinkie… Why are you wearing a pink karate gi?" Flash asked, surprise to see that Pinkie has suddenly changed into wearing a karate gi that is color pink for some reason.

"Oh, my Pinkie Senses were telling me that the next Death Battle is gonna be a somehow funny battle with one of the combatants wearing a pink gi because of a mishap with the laundry." Pinkie explained a little crazy and breaking the Fourth Wall again.

Flash and the rest of the Mane 7 girls just look at Pinkie Pie with confusion in their eyes, once again being blown away by the cute weirdness of their pink friend.

They decided to just go with it and Flash hits play again with the Death Battle theme starting up.

Wiz: "A good martial artist does not become tense, but ready. Not thinking, yet not dreaming. Ready for whatever may come."

"Wise words I learned in my karate classes." Rainbow Dash recalled hearing familiar words from his martial art teacher back when she was a trainee.

Boomstick: But some fighters are dumb enough to ignore the legendary Bruce Lee's words, like Hercule Satan, the World Martial Arts Champion.

Wiz: And Dan Hibiki, the Saikyo Street Fighter.

"Considering how those two got beat up, I say those are one of the joke characters." Rainbow Dash commented.

"Meaning it's a funny fight?" Twilight puzzled a bit.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (49)
Hercule Satan

Wiz: The Earth was in danger, the future of mankind threatened by a monster named Cell. All would be lost unless a hero could best him in the ring of champions.

Boomstick: The hope of the world lay on the shoulders, and afro, of one man... Hercule Satan!

"Fear the power of the afro!" Pinkie yelled, surprising her friends.

Cell slaps Hercule with enough force to send him flying into a mountainside.

Everyone is just deadpanned from how they just saw this Hercule guy getting beaten by just one slap from this Cell guy, and Pinkie is sad on the inside while frozen in midair that the afro didn't save him.

Boomstick: Yeah... we're screwed.

"So screwed…" Rarity agreed.


Real name: Mark (Most thinks it's funny)

Age: 38

Height: 6'2" | 188 cm

Weight: 208 lbs | 94 kg

The "Undisputed" Martial Arts Champion of the World

One of the richest people on Earth

Hides a fear of those who use ki

Loves eating spaghetti

Wiz: Officially, Mr. Satan is the World Martial Arts Champion and chosen savior of humanity... or so he would have you believe.

Boomstick: Hey, if I could lie that well, I'd make everybody think I'm king of the world, too, or even... God! Muhahahaha!

"Lies like that would only last thing until the guilty feeling comes biting you in the butt and break you down until you confess the truth." Applejack stated.

Wiz: But before he was the "Hero of the People", Mr. Satan went by... Mark (Everyone laughed a little). Eager to learn, Mark sought to master the art of combat.

"Who wouldn't want to learn martial arts? It's awesome and make you into a badass!" Rainbow Dash stated.

"Didn't you also learn disciple and respect?" Flash asked, learning that's how most martial art trainings go.

"Well, huh, yeah…" Rainbow Dash chuckled blushing from that.

"(Damn it, why won't my heart stop beating?!)" Rainbow Dash thought asked, getting this feeling for Flash again.

Boomstick: Young Mark honed his skills in the dojo Satan Castle, which sounds awesome, but sadly, no, he was not actually trained by the Devil. I looked it up.

"I'd rather stay away from that kind of place." Fluttershy said, a bit scared.

Wiz: Wiz: Turns out, he was naturally gifted in martial arts, mostly due to his, strangely good luck.

Boomstick: Yeah, like when he won his first World Championship... after his rival got food poisoning. (sarcastically) That's not suspicious at all...!

"I know this guy may seem sketchy, but I don't think he would cheat with food poisoning." Sunset believed.

Wiz: Victory in hand, Mark took the stage name "Mr. Satan" in honor of his dojo and to sound better for the cameras. His victories and explosive personality quickly rocketed him to a life of wealth, fame, and luxury.

"Sheesh, did this guy learned any discipline?" Spike asked.

Boomstick: Which almost came to an end when he and his master got drunk and made fun of some random guy's ponytail. Turns out this random guy just so happened to be a superpowered immortal mercenary, who then murdered his master. Remember kids, sticks and stones may break your bones, but words should never be used against a tree-surfing murderer!

"Yeah, you also forgot to mention that he can KILL a guy with his f*ckING TONGUE!" Flash pointed out while freaking out about it.

"I wonder if he licks on ice-cream fast too?" Pinkie asked.

"Better not know the answer to that." Twilight said.

Wiz: From that day forward, Mr. Satan swore he would never fight anyone whose identity was a secret or who seemed out of his league.

"Seeing his master killed by the mercenary really made him scared." Applejack could only imagine how this Master was to Hercule before his death.

Boomstick: Seemed to forget about that when Cell showed up. Anyway, somewhere along the line, Mr. Satan married a lady named Miguel, and after a round or two in the ovarian ring, had a daughter. Oh, and then his wife died.

Wiz: Wow, come on Boomstick, show some tact.

"Yes, surely Hercule is still sadden with the loss on the inside." Rarity nodded.

Wiz: Despite his grief, Mr. Satan never let his loss interrupt his... lifestyle.

"Like I said, on the inside." Rarity said.


Philosophy includes: Daily training, Pushing one's limits, "Having a wild time all the time"

Dynamite Kick

Megaton Punch

Can use Rapid Movement Technique

Highly skilled at deception: Faking stomach aches, Playing off mistakes as intentional strategies

Boomstick: He filled the hole in his life the only way he knew how: with more martial arts! He mastered techniques like his Dynamite Kick and his Megaton Punch, which sounds like they would make you explode or something epic like that...

Wiz: Buuuut they're actually just regular kicks and punches. He really only named them so he could scream awesome words while fighting. Hey, this is anime after all.

Boomstick: I feel more than a little underwhelmed by this guy right now.

"Famous guys like him just want to make themselves sound louder for everybody to hear." Twilight stated.

"Which means he's never taken things seriously." Sunset sighed.

Wiz: Well, Mr. Satan's techniques were enough for him to legitimately win the 24th World Martial Arts Tournament, becoming the champion of the world and the chosen savior to battle Cell. But, we already know how that went.

Showing the scene of Cell slapping Hercule away.

"I actually thought it was funny." Rainbow Dash admitted.

Boomstick: Heh, I could watch that over and over... In fact...

Playing the same scene again for six more times which causes Rainbow Dash and Pinkie to laugh more than the others.

"Okay, that was pretty funny." Sunset said.

Boomstick: Heh heh heh. Get away from me, bitch.

Wiz: Mr. Satan actively avoids fighting people who clearly outclass him, mostly to save his own reputation.

Boomstick: The first time he saw people flying and shooting beams out of their hands, he thought it was a bunch of cheap tricks and pyrotechnics. Even after seeing the most epic Kamehameha beam struggle of all time, he still denied everything.

"Seriously?" Flash asked.

Hercule:It's a trick! It's all a trick, I swear! Someday I'll bring it all to light! I will!

Caroni:I can't believe that you're still saying that!

"He knows its true, but pride is refusing to let him admit it." Applejack stated.

Boomstick: But just in case he finds himself in over his head, Mr. Satan is packing an assortment of capsules containing jetpacks, disguised explosives, and even missile launchers. Man, if those existed in real life... it'd be a TSA nightmare.

"But they would be very helpful to carry things around." Twilight said, imaging all the heavy things that would take construction machines and other heavy vehicles to carry other heavy things in smaller packages.

Wiz: If there's anything he's good at, it's public performance. He often weasels his way out of dangerous scenarios with lame excuses like faking stomachaches, and somehow the entire world buys his crap every single time.

Hercule:I did it! For years I've been trying to perfect a variation of the Megaton Punch that uses latent energy that causes a delayed reaction to catch my opponent off guard!

The crowd cheers except for the Z-Warriors and their families.

"Those people are too into this guy." Fluttershy commented.

Boomstick: When in doubt, work the crowd. I love all of you!

Wiz: Who are you talking to?

Boomstick: Every. Single. One of you. Like and subscribe!

"Keep that to yourself." Rarity not interested in Boomstick's "love".

Wiz: Mr. Satan is a master of deception, an excellent actor, and a complete fraud.

"We can see that." Spike said.


Can pull four tour buses by himself (Applejack impressed with that strength)

Ripped three phone books at once

Ran behind a gunman faster than his eye could see (Rainbow Dash was a little impress)

Won the World Martial Arts tournament up to 26 times... most of the time by cheating

Cell hit him into a cliff and merely hit his head a little (Everyone laughs at that again)

Wiz: Still, he is strong enough to rip three phone books in half and pull four buses by himself. And once, he actually moved faster than the untrained eye can see... but forgot bullets move fast, too.

Boomstick: Well, if I have to say something nice about the guy... at least he's not Yamcha.

"Though I bet this Yamcha guy is stronger than Hercule." Flash guessed.

Wiz: Mr. Satan has won the Martial Arts Tournament of Worlds 26 times, although only one of them was legitimate.

Boomstick: Yeah, the other times he rigged it by having Mr. Buu kick everyone's ass and then lose to him on purpose.

"That pink guy doesn't look tough." Applejack commented.

Wiz: Still it's pretty impressive that he managed to befriend one of the most dangerous and untamed monsters in the Dragon Ball universe.

"Oh dang…!" Applejack shocked.

"Fear the color pink!" Pinkie said, a little spooky tone.

Boomstick: Oh, and one time he convinced the whole world's population to stick their hands in the air and then wave them around like they just don't care... but whatever.

Wiz: Boomstick, that saved the world.

Boomstick: Meh.

"Well, whaddya know, he actually did something great outside of lies." Applejack said, finding some respect for Hercule now.

Wiz: Mr. Satan is motivated by three things: money, fame, and his daughter, who he seems to prize above all else.

"Aw, that's a very sweet thing for a father to care for his daughter." Fluttershy smiled.

"I know that feeling." Flash rolled his eyes smiling, remembering how his mom would love him a lot.

Boomstick: He may be a bit of a con artist, but no matter what he's up against, Mr. Satan finds a way to rise above his fears through his own bravery. Wait did I just say bravery? I meant thickheadedness and straight up stupidity.

"It's not like he's stupid enough to try flying on the first time." Rainbow Dash shrugged.

Mr. Satan ready himself to fly off from a high cliff while his dog watches, and he jumps off only to fall down painfully.

Hercule:Ow! The pain! Ow. Ugh.

"I have been wrong before." Rainbow Dash said while Twilight let out a sigh.

Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (50)
Dan Hibiki

Wiz: Conceptualized in retaliation of SNK's blatant ripoff of Capcom's characters, Dan Hibiki was always meant to be a complete joke.

"That sounds harsh." Fluttershy said.

"Unless he's a fraud like Hercule." Flash pointed out.


Born: November 25th in Hong Kong

Height: 5'10" | 177 cm

Weight: 163 lbs | 74 kg

Rumored descendant of the vampire Donovan Baine (Everyone believe that to be false)

Designed as a parody of SNK's Street Fighter ripoff characters

His gi was turned pink when he mixed colors while doing laundry (Everyone laughed at that)

Boomstick: Dan had no natural talent in fighting people, but his father Go Hibiki was a martial arts master with his own dojo.

"His father does look like the better fighter, maybe Dan wanted to be strong like him." Sunset guessed.

"Growing up with a father like that can make one man feel great in his life." Rarity stated.

Wiz: One day, Go's dojo was visited by Sagat, an enforcer of the crime syndicate Shadaloo. As an advocate of justice, Go refused to be intimidated by the crime lord and stood up to him the only way he knew how.

Boomstick: By kicking his freaking eye out! Then Sagat brutally beat him to death in front of his own son. That should teach you to mess with a 7'4" Muay Thai monster!

"Damn, losing a daddy is really awful." Pinkie said sadden.

"I know that feeling…" Applejack said, tilting her hat to cover her eyes while Rarity comforts her.

Wiz: It didn't. Enraged and distraught, Dan swore he would avenge his father's death. To do so, he sought out a legendary dojo hidden in the wilderness of Japan.

Boomstick: This thing is more elusive than child support to my ex!

"Like you can be trusted with handling children." Twilight said.

Ryu:Seems like the more time we spend here, more questions arise.

Ken:Yeah, like who the hell is Dan?

"Guess he wasn't a good student to be remembered." Spike said.

Wiz: Against all odds, Dan found it. He was trained by its master Gouken, the same mentor who taught Ryu and Ken such legendary techniques such as the Hadouken and the Shoryuken. Dan began the difficult journey of mastering the use of ki as a weapon of justice.

"At least he's serious about training to average his dad." Flash gestured.

"Yeah, but I doubt the training would last long for him." Rainbow Dash said.

Boomstick: Until Gouken expelled him because he just... just sucked!

"Told ya." Rainbow Dash said.

Wiz: Well technically, it was because Gouken didn't want his training only used for revenge, but, let's face it, he knew he was wasting his time.

Boomstick: However, Dan's determination for vengeance continued. He took the little he had learned from Gouken and ironically combined it with some Muay Thai.

Wiz: This became his very own martial art, the Saikyo-ryu fighting style.

"Oh, sounds powerful and fun at the same time!" Pinkie complimented while doing a few jabs.

Boomstick: Unfortunately, while that sounds awesome, it didn't really work out...

"Somehow, I'm not surprise." Sunset said.


Means "Strongest Style"

A mixture of Muay Thai and Ansatsuken

Gadoken "Self Way Fist"

Shinku Gadoken "Quaking Air Self Way Fist"

Koryuken "Dazzling Dragon Fist"

Koryu Rekka "Dazzling Dragon Violent Fire"


Hissho Buraiken

Frequent taunting

Wiz: Dan's fighting style is... well... it sucks! It's awful! There's absolutely nothing redeemable about it! I mean he can use special moves like the Koryuken and the Dankukyaku...

Boomstick: Which are like the dollar store versions of awesome stuff like the Shoryuken and the Tatsuma... whatever it's called.

Wiz: Also, "Dankukyaku"? Did he seriously name one of his moves after himself?

"This guy, it sounds like he hasn't learned anything while training under Gouken." Applejack shook her head.

"Probably because he was focus on getting revenge for his dead dad." Twilight pointed out.

Boomstick: Yeah, he's pretty full of himself, which is why the Saikyo style's strongest technique is excessive taunting. He can taunt while jumping, somehow increasing his airtime, and somehow by focusing all his energy at once, Dan can perform a taunt so fearsome it will shock and amaze all who witness it... just by being the most worthless thing they've ever seen. This... is the Legendary Taunt.

Dan:Here I come! Hoyah! What's the problem? Don't underestimate me. I'm awesome! Woohoo! Piece of cake!

He constantly does rolls and poses until he jumps and lands to do an awkward thumbs up pose to the camera.

Everyone just looks at the scene with their face being flat and all, wondering how in Hell did Dan ever thought of doing that in combat.

"That man is so screwed." Rainbow Dash sighed.

"That was awesome!" Pinkie excitedly which shocks Rainbow Dash.

Wiz: Now, Dan can manifest his ki into a fireball projectile called the Gadouken. In a way, the Gadouken is symbolic of Dan himself.

Boomstickand Rainbow Dash: Yeah, it's tiny, pathetic, and doesn't last very long.

"Has he even done any serious training to himself?" Rarity asked, irritated of Dan being so weak.

Wiz: Despite this, Dan tracked down his father's killer, and offered to make his left eye match his right. In turn, Sagat politely offered to reunite father and son. The long-awaited clash of fists began, a clash in which Dan was bent on retribution.

Boomstick: Buuut— Oh sh*t, he won!?

"What?!" Everyone shocked when they saw Dan won his match.

Wiz: Yes. Dan finally found the recompense he had sought for so long and trained his entire life for... because Sagat threw the fight in pity. Completely unaware of his luck and now confident he was one of the strongest in the world, Dan founded his own dojo to, unfortunately, teach people his worthless martial art...

"Sagat must've regretted killing Dan's dad and wanted to make it up to him. That's nice." Fluttershy smiled.

Boomstick: Thanks, Sagat. Not only have you killed this man's father, but now you're ruining other kids' lives now, too.

"Yeah, thanks a lot, dude." Rainbow Dash thanked sarcastically.

Wiz: You'll be happy to know that not many students actually enrolled in his class, because he did not pay his phone bill and did not include his address in his commercial.

"Are you kidding me? Even I never forget my own home!" Spike complained.

"Someone really should've pointed that out before shooting that commercial." Rarity said.

Boomstick: Hehe, classic Dan. By the way, what's up with the pink gi?

Wiz: Well, it was originally white, but then he accidentally washed it with color.

Boomstick: Jesus Christ...

"Like I said, fear the power of the color pink!" Pinkie repeated while doing some karate poses.

"You do pull off the color better than Dan." Flash complimented, making Pinkie wink at him.


Took a victory over Sagat

Single-handedly eliminated a group of thugs

Despite near-constant hospitalization, is quick to jump back to action

Can tap into the Satsui no Hado and execute the Raging Demon

Wiz: Okay, okay, making fun of Dan is fun and all, but let's be honest, he's not a complete pushover. He can take down multiple thugs at once and endured a beating from Ryu and Ken simultaneously. No matter how many times he falls, Dan will always get right back up.

"Despite the flaws, he's a tough guy. I can take it." Spike shrugged.

Boomstick: And remember how Gouken rejected him because of his thirst for vengeance? That's because Dan can actually tap into the Satsui no Hado! The same evil energy that transformed Gouken's brother Akuma into an island-smashing murderer.

"No f*cking way! They have to be joking!" Rainbow Dash refused to believe that to be real.

Wiz: We're not joking here. Once, Dan did access his Satsui no Hado to use the dreaded Raging Demon. A move which obliterates the victim's soul.

"Oh, you have got to be f*cking with me right now!" Rainbow Dash shocked as the others are.

Boomstick: Damn! If Dan could do it then I could do it! All right, watch out Wiz here it comes! Argh!

Boomstick is heard having fallen over.

Boomstick: Ah sh*t! Fell on my keys!

This got everyone laughing at Boomstick's unfortunate attempt.

Wiz: But more often than not, Dan's a klutz whose overconfident taunting gets him into trouble. He is his own worst enemy.

Boomstick: (breathing heavily) But even after crying like a baby from stubbing his toe, Dan doesn't let any of it keep him down for long. After all, who else will carry on the heroic legacy of Go Hibiki?

Dan:Koryuken! (gets KO'd by Blanka)Father!

"Something tells me his dad would only be disappointed in him." Sunset said.

Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set. Let's end this debate once and for all!


"Okay, the battle of the losers." Rainbow Dash commented.

"I'm actually hoping for Hercule to win." Rarity shared her opinion.

In the stadium of the World Martial Arts tournament, the crowd is cheering as the announcer gets on the mic.

Announcer: For our next round, our beloved savior of mankind, Hercule Satan!

Hercule enters the ring and throws his robe off. He then proceeds to hold up his champion belt and listen to the crowd cheer.

Hercule: Yeah!

"Yeah, show off that you have the people love you." Rainbow Dash mocked a little.

"Well, he's not exactly a total fraud." Flash said.

Announcer: And the challenger, the infamous creator of the Saikyo arts, Dan Hibiki!

Dan: Woohoo! Here I cooome~!

Dan runs into the ring and trips on the ground.

He gets up and shakes himself off. The crowd goes silent with only one guy cheering.

Dan Fan: Woo! Yeah. Dan...

"At least he has a fan." Fluttershy said.

Hercule:Ha ha! Nice moves, Hibachi! How bout you ring yourself out?

Dan:You wish, chump! I hope you're ready for a beating!

"Go, Dan! Fight, fight, and fight like a silly man!" Pinkie cheered.

"Make that two fans." Flash connected himself.


Hercule and Dan rush towards each other, pathetically trading blows with each other until Hercule gains the upper hand with some hits and knocks Dan down to the ground.

"Start of the battle and it's already looking lame." Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Hercule: Ha! A weakling like you stands no chance!

Dan whimpers as he stands back up.

Announcer: It looks like Mr. Satan wants to end this quickly! Which of his patented finishing moves will he use?

"I don't think it's gonna end like that." Spike guessed.

Hercule: Dynamite Kick!

Hercule lunges forward with a kick.

Dan: Oh my god!

Dan quickly ducks in fear causing Hercule to miss him, causing Mr. Satan to land on his back.

Announcer: What's this? He's avoided the champion's most devastating attack!

Hercule: Uhh... Ha! I psyched him out! He'll be too terrified to throw a single punch!

But just as Hercule finished taunting, Dan throws out a series of punches and kicks knocking him to the ground.

"Not so terrified as you think." Fluttershy commented.

"Only when he was about to be attacked." Applejack chuckled.

Dan then proceeds to leap over to the other side of Hercule and performs his Legendary Taunt.

Dan: Woohoo! Behold the glory of Saikyo! Heya! Hoy! Hiya! Woya! Hiya! Woya! Ai!

Dan ends with his signature thumbs up as Hercule's jaw drops.

Hercule: Woah! Wow!

"Make sense he would fall for it." Rainbow Dash sighed.

Dan: And now, behold my ultimate attack! Shinkuuuuuu...

Dan starts charging up his ki, which has Hercule worrying.

"Will that even work?" Flash asked.

Hercule: (thinking) No, no no no! Is that what I think it is? What do I do?

Hercule is reminded of a certain Saiyan warrior when he sees Dan charging up.

Hercule: (thinking) I could dive off the arena! Say I slipped off due to my sheer muscle mass. He he. Yeah!

"Come on, man! Take the fighting like a man!" Rarity yelled at the screen.

Dan continues charging up.

Hercule: (thinking) Holy crap how long is this gonna take?

"That's what I'm wondering?" Rainbow Dash asked as well.

Dan: Gadouken!

The small fireball goes a few feet then evaporates with a farting noise. Cricket chirps start playing.

Flash and the girls started laughing at this, thinking that Dan may have gotten to do something cool only to end in failure in a funny way.

Hercule: Uh... yeah! Ha ha! I've done it! After years of training and grueling exercise, this pathetic phony's cheap tricks won't work on me! Ha!

The crowd goes wild.

Announcer: Astounding! Who knew the secret to countering such an attack was to act like a coward?

Hercule: Yeah! Wait, what?

"Ha! He called you a coward!" Rainbow Dash mocked.

"Bet that wasn't what he was hoping for his acting." Twilight said.

"Now he just has to actually win the fight." Sunset gestured to the screen.

Dan runs over to Hercule and tosses him over his shoulder, which causes Hercule's capsules to pop out revealing various weapons.

Announcer: What's this? Is it just me or has Mr. Satan illegally smuggled weapons into the arena?

"Oh, someone's busted." Fluttershy giggled.

Hercule: (thinking) Oh crap! My backup plans! I can't go out like this!

"Then why did you even bring them in the first place?" Applejack asked.

Hercule:Uh... what? I've never seen these before. Obviously, my challenger snuck them into my robe to get me disqualified! Can't even face me like a man!

Dan:Oh sweet, a jet pack!


Dan puts on the jetpack he had found.

"Should we be worried? I feel like we should be worried." Rarity asked.

"Why not? Jetpacks are awesome!" Pinkie smiled.

"Please, we can fly on our own." Rainbow Dash pointed out.

Dan:Time for the next evolution of my martial art! Ultimate rocket booster Saikyo of doom!

The jetpack starts up but seemingly doesn't go off.

Dan:Well, that's disappointing... ARGH!

The jetpack goes off sending Dan spinning out of control in the air, screaming.

"Thrusters delay, always happens." Twilight said.

Hercule:Only one more capsule left, but I don't remember what's in it!

Dan then starts flying fast around Hercule.

Hercule: (thinking) Gotta think of something fast! This guy's good, I can't track his movements!

"Probably because he can't fly right at all." Sunset pointed out.

Dan grabs Hercule and they proceed to punch each other while flying erratically around the arena, all the whlie bumping into Herucle's other capsules which reveals other random items such as a torpedo, a pirate ship, a shotgun, a Bob-omb, Rush, etc.

Announcer: What the heck- I mean what a spectacle! What could the champion be planning?

"He isn't, just trying to stay alive." Rainbow Dash said.

Dan throws Hercule to the ground and starts gaining control over the jet pack.

Dan: Oh yeah! I got this!

The jet pack then starts coughing up smoke and then flies off of Dan's back.

Dan: Ah crap.

Dan then falls to the ground in a cartoon fashion. He then gets up.

"Worse bellyflop…" Flash groaned.

Announcer: I can't believe it, folks. The match is still on! And Mr. Satan's limitless tenacity has worn down the challenger.

Hercule: Ah ha! Yes, that's right. I tired him out. Me! Mr. Satan. That was my plan all along!

The crowd starts cheering. Dan falls to his knees and begins to cry.

"And once again, they're eating at his words." Rainbow Dash exclaimed a little.

"Well, it's somewhat true. I think." Flash tried to figure that out himself.

Dan: What am I doing? I can't lose to this joker! I have to win! FOR MY FATHER!

Dan then taps in to the Satsui no Hado as Hercule turns around to see him looking a little different, like he's darker somehow.

"Oh snap, there it is!" Rainbow Dash gasped.

"Maybe Dan can win this!" Rarity surprised.

"Go, Master Dan!" Pinkie cheered.

Dan glares dark and angrily at Hercule then charges forward with a Raging Demon.


However he trips on the jet pack and trips into the cowering Hercule, which sends the latter's last capsule flying in the air.

"…Are you serious right now?" Rainbow Dash asked angrily.

"Should've known he would mess it up." Rarity shook her head.

Dan: Aw man!

Hercule then picks up Dan off the ground.

Hercule: Watch closely, you're about to witness the real deal!

Hercule then starts laying devastating attacks on Dan. Hercule then holds him up as he is about to finish Dan off.

Announcer: It looks like this is the end!

Hercule: Yeah, ha ha ha! This. Is. Over!

"Huh, you know, I think we're gonna have a non-death in this battle." Flash believed.

"I don't think so." Pinkie said otherwise.

The capsule then falls down and Dan accidentally swallows it. They hear it go off in his stomach and both are frightened.

Dan: Aw ma-

Dan then explodes as the capsule was revealed to contain a jukebox which starts playing the can-can.

Announcer: Whoa! I've never seen anything like that! He punched him so hard he turned him into a jukebox! It can only be the champ's new technique, the Karaoke Punch!

Hercule: (thinking) Oh my god, I can't believe that happened! Hehe... I need to change my pants.

Announcer: (*inaudible dialogue*) ...champion, Hercule Satan!


The crowd goes wild as Hercule celebrates on the jukebox. Meanwhile in the afterlife, Dan meets his father, who disappointingly rolls his eyes at the crying Dan before walking away.

"Okay, did not see that coming." Flash surprised.

"Taken out by a juice box, that's new." Sunset commented.

Boomstick: Now he can disappoint his father in the afterlife.

Wiz: Hercule Satan and Dan Hibiki may be pretty pathetic in context. But keep in mind: before the Cell Saga, Mr. Satan was a legitimate world champion.

Boomstick: Unlike Dan, who has only one confirmed win out of his name, and it was handed to him out of pity.

"Oh yes, the pity win for Dan." Rarity nodded.

"I wonder if Dan ever found out that he never really won that fight?" Pinkie asked.

Wiz: And Mr. Satan has proven time and time again that he is stronger than the average athletic man.

Boomstick: He once pulled four tour buses, which is nearly 60 tons, and then he punched through one of them! That's a sheet of steel right there! Dan struggles to throw a single guy over his shoulder.

"Sounds like he hasn't been exercising right." Applejack figured.

Wiz: Mr. Satan once broke through a tower of 19 tiles with a single chop and is the only character in Dragon Ball history to have fought both Cell and Majin Buu, and not die.

Boomstick: Think about that.

"I am, and I agree that Hercule is better than Dan." Twilight said.

Wiz: Dan's ki attacks were his ace in the hole, but in true Hibiki fashion, it amounts to nothing but failure. Just like the time he pulled off the Raging Demon, only to be stopped by a high school girl's backpack.

"Ah, so he is a completely idiot." Sunset said.

Boomstick: The "ki" to Dan's failure came from within.

Nobody but Pinkie laughs at that pun, but she also stood in salute to honor Dan Hibiki.

Wiz: The winner is Hercule Satan.

"Don't worry, Dan. I promise to carry on your legacy of the Saikyo style!" Pinkie promised.

"You can't be serious?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Oh yes, I am! I'm going to practice and train hard to become a worthy fighter of the style!" Pinkie said before she performed the Dankukyaku.

"You know what, I think you could do it better than Dan and surpass him." Flash believed, everyone else thinks so too.

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

That's right, Flash and the girls have just witnessed the fight between two silly fighters with the one in pink losing in the weirdest and stupidest way possible, and even Pinkie wants to practice the Saikyo style because I believe she can pull it off better than Dan and surpass him too.

KO comment, favorite, click the thumbs up button, and follow through of how this story will go!

Chapter 25: Yang Xiao Long vs Tifa Lockhart

Chapter Text

Yang Xiao Long vs Tifa Lockhart

"I have a feeling this next episode is going to make us feel like we're on fire!" Rainbow Dash proclaimed.

"I think Sunset already has that cover because of her fiery her hair looks." Flash punned a little, making her roll her eyes and kissed his cheek.

Boomstick: Punching: The most useful language in the world when words fail. And these two lovely ladies are fluent in it.

"A language that is also painful." Fluttershy commented.

"Good thing our own language is friendship." Twilight smiled.

Wiz: Yang Xiao Long, the adventurous huntress from RWBY.

Boomstick: And Tifa Lockhart, the Final Fantasy heavy hitter with enormous... power.

"Oh, I'm sure he was going for something else." Rarity muttered as she glares at the screen, pretending to glare at Boomstick even though she doesn't know what he looks like.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

Yang Xiao Long
Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (51)
Wiz: The world of Remnant is... well, crazy. Vicious creatures called Grimm run wild, entire cities have gone to waste, and every single weapon is also a gun. Even nunchucks!

Boomstick: Ooh, that sounds like Disneyland to me; the happiest, most gun-filled place on Earth.

"Oh, does that mean they have cake that can also turn into a gun?" Pinkie smiled excitedly; this worries her friends.

Wiz: Luckily, the world is protected by the Huntsmen and Huntresses, an elite group of expertly trained warriors.

"Thank goodness for that." Applejack signed in relief.

"Duh, you can't exactly have a hero story if you don't have somewhere to get the training you need." Rainbow Dash stated, knowing her hero logic.

"I wonder what kind of training they do?" Flash asked curiously.

Boomstick: And where else would you get the training to kill bloodthirsty monsters, then from high school?

Scene shows the blonde girl Yang bear crush hugging a shorter girl with black and red hair looking like she's in pain.

Yang: Oh, I can't believe my baby sister's going to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever!

Ruby: Please stop...

"I think that's her little sister." Applejack said.

"How can you tell?" Rarity asked.

"Just a hunch." Applejack answered.

Wiz: After losing her mother to mysterious circ*mstances and being trained all her life by her hero-legend of an uncle, Yang Xiao Long was accepted into Beacon Academy.


Height: 5'8" | 172.7 cm

Age: 17

Has a motorcycle called Bumblebee (Rainbow Dash likes that)

When angry, eyes turn red & hair produces fire

Infamous for her puns (Pinkie would join her for the puns)

Hot headed... figuratively & literally (This interest Sunset)

Inspired by Goldilocks (Everyone likes that story as kids)

Trained by Qrow Branwen

Boomstick: It's kinda like Hogwarts, except replace wands and books with swords, sniper rifles, and giant transforming scythes. Man, this place just keeps getting better and better. Seriously, I know where I'm gonna retire now.

"He does know it's a high school, right?" Twilight raised an eyebrow.

Wiz: A natural fighter and thrill-seeker at heart, Yang fit right in and soon found herself a member of the color-coordinated team, RWBY, led by her younger sister, Ruby.

Boomstick: Because that's not confusing at all.

"You called it." Rarity said to her girlfriend.

"So, her name starts with Y and her sister is R while the other two are W and B. Guess they put the first letter of their name together to make the team's name." Flash figured that out.

"Oh, I wonder what our team's name would sound like?" Pinkie asked.

"I'm not sure it would sound good." Fluttershy said.

Ruby: I'm talking about kicking off the semester with a bang.

Yang: I always kick my semesters off with a Yang! Eh? Guys? Am I right?

Yang's team just groan in annoyance because of her pun, and she is hit by an apple.

"I get it, Yang rhymes with Bang! It's funny!" Pinkie laughed.

"Yeah, I don't see it." Sunset shook her head.

Boomstick: Anyway, Yang's time at Beacon was well spent, and she became the master of punching all the things.

"Like those poor watermelons." Rainbow Dash chuckled.

Wiz: See, while Yang's fellow teammates wield a scythe, a couple swords, some big guns, Yang's style of combat takes a more... direct approach.

Boomstick: Yeah, she does, with her shotgun-gauntlets!

"Tell me more!" Rainbow Dash was amazed of Yang's weapon.

Ember Celica (Dual Ranged Shot Gauntlets)

AKA Shotgun Gauntlets

Fires Kinetic pulses

Holds 12 shots each

Can use momentum of pulses to boost speed and jumps

Ammunition: Orange Shells: Long-Range shells. Red Shells: Explosive rounds

Wiz: Her two golden bracelets aren't just stylish; they extend to form a weapon called the Ember Celica.

"Stylish and functional in such a combating way, do they come in purple?" Rarity asked.

Boomstick: With just a punch, the Ember Celica fires off a flash of kinetic energy, blasting a foe with an explosion of force and a beautiful sound.

Yang jumps into a Nevermore's mouth and repeatedly fires her blasts down its mouth.

Yang:I! Hope! You're! Hungry!

Boomstick: To top it off, the concussive blasts can fly several hundred feet! Yang is one of the few people I know who can punch a bird out of the sky. That's what ya get for crapping on my car.

"Hey, no need to be mean to the big bird!" Fluttershy defended for the Nevermore.

"Fluttershy, that big bird is one of the bad monsters that was trying to eat her alive." Rainbow Dash pointed that out.

"But they could be reason with." Fluttershy wanted to believe that.

"No, I don't think that would ever happen with these vermes." Applejack felt a feeling these Grimm monsters can't be reason with at all.


Superhuman Strength

Superhuman Durability

Can block deadly attacks

Heals minor wounds

Semblance: Draws Strength from damage taken. Power stems from her hair. No defined limit. Must remain conscious to absorb power. Not limited to physical attacks

Wiz: In addition, like most Huntresses, Yang can manifest her soul as an Aura. Aura can be used to block deadly attacks and heal minor wounds, and Yang's is no different.

"Interesting, I wonder if our magic can do that with our souls." Twilight was intrigued of learning about Aura.

Boomstick: But my favorite way she uses her Aura, is when she goes Super Saiyan.

"Whoa!" Flash, Rainbow Dash, and Sunset were shocked to see Yang being literally on fire like that.

"It's like she just became am Alpha!" Spike was shocked as well.

Wiz: Many Hunters and Huntresses possess a Semblance: A special power unique to them that makes Beacon Academy look a little more like the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters.

"You mean the place where Wolverine goes as the X-Men?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yeah, the family he did not stab to death." Flash repeated the words Wiz said when Wolverine joined the X-Men.

Boomstick: Yang's Semblance absorbs damage from hits she takes, adding them to her own physical power. After taking just two attacks from a Mech Suit, she was strong enough to shatter the whole thing in one go.

"So cool, it's like she's an unstoppable tank!" Flash was amazed.

Wiz: Unfortunately, her Semblance does not increase her Aura's defense, so she feels the full force of everything that hits her Aura and can only absorb power so long as she remains conscious.

"Okay, not like an unstoppable tank, but still cool." Flash said.

Boomstick: Luckily, she's pretty tough.


Beat Junior's gang singlehandedly

Blocked attacks from Paladin-290

Obliterated Paladin after her Semblance absorbed two hits

Survived being hit 10000 feet in the air (Everyone is surprised by that)

Fought Beowolves for a whole day

Punched Junior through a pillar without using the Ember Celica

Boomstick: Yang survived a punch that easily smashed her through a concrete pillar. You know, the ones designed to hold up entire bridges.

"That's no joke, even a small pillar is still pretty strong to be one of the many that can hold up bridges." Sunset stated.

"I sure learned that the hard way." Applejack rubbed her head.

Wiz: And during a food fight, remember this is high school, Yang was knocked up into the air and did not come down for about 100 seconds; more than enough time to reach terminal velocity. This means upon landing; she took an impact of nearly 50 tons of force!

Boomstick: And stood right back up like it was nothing! Ah, what a waste of good food.

"I know, especially when no one is eating their dessert!" Pinkie was disgusted with how everyone was wasting food like that.

"I'm more surprised that she can withstand that much force to be launched into the sky." Twilight said.

Wiz: Despite this, Yang can only take so much. Her Aura has a limit, as does her short temper. Pushing both of these too far leaves her extremely vulnerable.

Boomstick: Like when this ice-cream lady knocked her out because Yang had been fighting monsters all day with no sleep.

Wiz: It's also worth noting that Yang is less adaptable when fighting against foes specializing in kicks.

"So, she's like a boxer. But that won't stop her from being a badass hero." Rainbow Dash smirked.

Boomstick: Still, she's confident she's one of the best in her class, and dedicated to graduating Huntress School, so she can travel the world fighting everyone just for the thrill of it.

"So wish I could join her on the thrill." Rainbow Dash imagined herself and Yang fighting those Grimms together.

Yang is seen speeding across the top of a forest, shooting downwards to stay in the air and lands on a tree and jumps to the next one, finally landing on the ground.

Yang:Nailed it!

"I wonder how many apples she could punch down from a tree?" Applejack asked.

Tifa Lockhart
Rainbooms Watches My Favorite Death Battle Episodes! - ShadowJoestar (52)
Wiz: Far to the west on the planet Gaia lies a small mountain village called Nibelheim. At first glance, this town appears calm and peaceful; not worth a second look.

"That looks like a nice place to run around and chasing squirrels." Spike said with his tail wagging.

"You and your squirrel chasing." Twilight chuckled.

Boomstick: Until a sword wielding goth guy found his alien mother hidden inside. He celebrated with fireworks!

Everyone was shocked to see that someone who is, or used to be Tifa's friend is burning the village they were in, and he doesn't seem to regret it one bit.


Height: 5'5" | 162 cm

Age: 23

Date of Birth: May 3

Blood type: B

Born in Nibelheim

Owner of the 7th Heaven bar

Trained by Zangan

Wiz: After losing her parents and watching the madman Sephiroth burn her hometown to ashes, Tifa Lockhart joined AVALANCHE, a group dedicated to protecting the planet from ecological harm, and meteors.

"Sounds like environment protecting people to the extreme." Pinkie commented.

"Yeah, if you have to face some meteors coming in." Sunset concerned.

Boomstick: Speaking of meteors, check out the size of the-

Wiz: Boomstick!

Boomstick: What? I was talking about the meteor.

Wiz: Sure you were.

"I know Boomstick is going to make a pervert comment on Tifa." Rarity said.

"Just ignore that and continue watching the episode." Applejack said, calming down her fashion girlfriend.

Boomstick: Anyway, Tifa was thrust into the stereotypical gender-role of housekeeper by maintaining the hidden AVALANCHE homebase, 7th Heaven. But it wasn't all bad, because it also doubled as a bar!

Wiz: And she doubled as a bouncer.

"Maybe she could use some Apple Ciders." Applejack said, thinking that she could also serve drinks for younger members who don't drink.

Boomstick: Now I've been thrown out of my fair share of bars, for totally illegitimate reasons, but not even I would urinate on the 7th Heaven jukebox with Tifa on guard.

"You'll probably get kicked up and left with only the bill to pay for the jukebox." Fluttershy stated.

Wiz: Smart choice, since she is a master of close-quarters combat; Tifa is a Feint Brawler, adept at surprising foes with quick powerful strikes, and as she traveled with her friend Cloud to save the planet, she learned seven legendary techniques, the Limit Breaks.

"Seven legendary techniques, you say." Sunset started to become interested in them.

Limit Breaks

Beat Rush




Dolphin Blow

Meteor Strike

Final Heaven

Boomstick: Accessing her inner-gambler, Tifa's Limit Breaks include rapid-fire punches, explosive throwdowns, and summoning dolphins who uppercut people?! Well, that's just awesome.

"And they say dolphins are the weaker versions of sharks." Fluttershy smiled proudly for the dolphins.

Boomstick: And if she manages to throw all of them in order, she charges the last of her Limit Energy into one final, titanic punch: The Final Heaven.

Tifa uses Final Heaven on a Trickplay.

Boomstick: f*ck you, squirrel!

"What did squirrels ever do to you?" Fluttershy gasped in horror.

"It was probably just one of those monsters Tifa and her friends have to fight, nothing to worry about." Rainbow Dash stated.

Wiz: Tifa is ready to throw down at a moment's notice, and even wears leather gloves everywhere she goes just in case a fight comes her way.

Boomstick: And if she decides to get really serious, Ms. Lockhart busts out her two round, beautiful, ultimate weapons.

Wiz: Don't you dare!

"If you dare say something about her chest…" Rarity was getting ready to tell at him.

Boomstick: The Premium Heart!

Wiz/Rarity: Oh.

"I thought for sure he was going to say something about her chest." Rarity was surprised that Boomstick wasn't being a pervert in that moment.

Weapons and Armor

Premium Heart: 7.6 x stronger than Leather GlovesIncreases MP by 32 Points. Damage increases as Tifa's limit gauge rises

Materia: Fire. Ice

Ribbon: Prevents status ailments. Slightly improves defenses & evasion (Rarity was surprised that a simple item can help)

Minerva Band: Increases physical & magical defense. Nullifies fire, ice, holy, and gravity damage

Wiz: Well, the Premium Heart increases Tifa's striking power immensely, and continues to do so over time as she builds Limit Energy. However, they lose this increase after Tifa uses her Limit Breaks and need time to charge back up.

"Kinda reminds me of my gloves. I wonder if I can make them do what Tifa's glove can." Applejack got an idea.

"I can help with that if you want." Sunset offered to help the cowgirl.

Boomstick: Oh, that sounds like it could be a problem, oh, if she didn't also have magic!

"So, her world has magic as well." Twilight said.

"Let see what it is." Spike listened carefully.

Wiz: In Final Fantasy VII, there's a wide variety of magical ability-granting gems called Materia. Any person can wield any Materia, and it's up to the game's actual player to decide who gets what, giving Tifa no standard Materia setup. However, thanks to the Dissidia fighting series, we know Tifa prefers to carry Fire and Ice Materia into battle.

Boomstick: These Fire and Ice Materia let Tifa conjure and wield fire and... ice.

"Making herself the hot girl with a cool air around her. I like that." Sunset commented.

Boomstick: Combine that with her freakish superhuman strength, and she's like an unstoppable powerhouse.

"Oh, I would wanna be like that!" Rainbow Dash smiled.

Statistics (Compared to Teammates)

Low health & endurance (9033 HP)

Average magic potential (850 MP)

High physical power (96 Strength)

Low speed (71 Dexterity)

Low physical defense (85 Vitality)

Average offensive magic (89 Magic)

High defensive magic (96 Spirit)

High luck with critical hits (30 Luck)

Wiz: Well, her immense power does come at a price: Her skills and speed and defense are somewhat lacking, making her something of a glass cannon. (Applejack chuckles and Rainbow Dash glares at her) But to help make up for this, Tifa wears two armor pieces. She wears a ribbon on her arm in memory of her late friend Aerith-

Boomstick: *sniff* C'mon man, don't bring that up.

"Must be tough when losing a friend in such a way." Sunset signed.

"It's never easy to move on, but we try our best in memories of them." Flash said.

Wiz: ...Which protects her from negative effects like Poison and Paralysis. She also likely wears the Minerva Band to defend from fire and ice.

"A defense against her two main elements that she uses in battle. Sounds pretty ironic if you ask me." Applejack commented.


Survived Being attacked by Sephiroth

Escaped the Death Chair

Lead AVALANCHE in Cloud's absence

Repaired Cloud's mind (Sunset would like to know how)

Defeated WEAPONs with her team

Helped stop Shinra & Sephiroth

Throwing Cloud broke Mach 1: With help from Cid, Red XIII, Yuffie, and Vincent (Applejack and Flash believes that's strong)

Endured a slap battle with Scarlet

Boomstick: Glass cannon or not, her strength is ridiculous; she's strong enough to fight an embodiment of Sephiroth and throw giant monsters around like nothing.

Wiz: And there was the time she helped throw Cloud through the air to reach the flying monster Bahamut SIN. After leaving Tifa's hand, you can see a mach cone form around Cloud, which means Tifa must've helped throw him with enough force to break the sound barrier.

"Oh man, I know the sound barrier because I've broken through it many times, and what Tifa did there was awesome!" Rainbow Dash was amazed.

Boomstick: Eh, Cloud's a lightweight, c'mon, how high can that be?

Wiz: Well, factoring in the weight of Cloud and his giant weapon-

Boomstick: Heh.

Rarity groans at how Boomstick just thought of a pervert joke with that word.

Wiz: ...He must have been thrown with up to 153 tons of force.

"Now that's pure strength!" Flash smiled.

Boomstick: Well sh*t, talk about power! You don't want to mess with Tifa's strong, twin, firm-

Wiz: No...

Boomstick: Fists. Also, she's got a really nice rack, did I mention that yet?

"I knew he was going to say that!" Rarity exclaimed.

Tifa:(while performing Final Heaven) Feels like you're flying, doesn't it?

Tifa is seen defeating Tidus.

Tifa:Ahh... all done.

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing that." Rainbow Dash admired the Final Heaven move.

Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set. Let's end this debate once and for all!


"Time to see which of them has the stronger fists!" Flash excitedly.

"I believe Yang is going to win." Sunset voted for Yang.

"Ma money is on Tifa. She just seems like a farmer girl who would go out into the world to protect those she loves." Applejack expressed how she sees Tifa as.

In 7th Heaven, Tifa is seen serving drinks at the bar while multiple people are dancing at the party.

"Didn't the place look different during the info?" Spike asked.

"Maybe they redecorate the place to make it look cooler with groovy vibe." Pinkie guessed while wearing a shade of sunglasses.

Yang walks up to the entrance where she encounters a bouncer.

Bouncer: Hold up! Let me see some ID.

Yang cracks her knuckles with a smirk.

"Oh, she got her ID alright, but they're more painful than you think." Rainbow Dash chuckled.

Punching sounds can be heard from the inside of the bar and Yang knocks the bouncer through the doors. The people start panicking and leaving the area as Yang approaches the bar as Tifa was surprised by this.

Yang:Hello! No need to panic people, I'm just looking for someone. I will take a Strawberry Sunrise though. No ice. Thanks!

Tifa leaps over the counter to confront the intruder.

"Uh-oh, Yang is about to get a scolding on why you shouldn't cause trouble in her bar." Fluttershy feared.

"Not if she punches her first." Flash said.

Tifa:Sorry, miss, I think you better turn yourself around and look elsewhere.

Yang: So...

In response, Yang readies her Ember Celica and takes a fighting stance.

Yang: ...does this mean no Sunrise?

"I don't think she'll be getting any drinks after what she did to the guy." Sunset pointed out.

They both charge towards each other and unleash their first attack.


Tifa's kick collides with Yang's punch. Yang charges forward and tries getting Tifa with her gauntlets, but Tifa is able to counter and avoid her blows. Tifa charges a fire punch that blows Yang forward. She charges up her ice Materia and Yang sees the ice surrounding her. Tifa releases her ice projectile, and Yang dodges it when it was about to erupt from below her.

"She almost got the cold scolding!" Pinkie joked gasping.

The two continue to exchange punches with each other.

Yang:Having fun? I sure am!

Their punches collide with fire charged.

Tifa: Don't mock me!

Tifa punches Yang forward and tries kicking her. Yang grabs her foot, but Tifa kicks her down with the other leg. Yang charges forward using her shotgun gauntlets and punches Tifa down.

"That had to be painful for Tifa." Applejack groaned a little.

Tifa gets up wear Yang gets the upper hand on her and punches her towards a mirror that shatters upon her impact. While on the mirror Tifa notices her Premium Heart behind the bar counter as Yang tries throwing a chair at her.

"Did you see how she landed on the mirror? That was so awesome!" Rainbow Dash complimented.

"But she got seven years of bad luck!" Rarity pointed out the broken mirror.

"I'm sure that won't stop Tifa." Twilight believed.

Tifa grabs the Premium Heart and picks up the bar counter.

Tifa: Ok, brat, warm-up's over!

She tosses the counter at Yang, who manages to shoot the counter down into multiple pieces. Tifa equips the Premium Heart.

Tifa: I'm going to blow you out of the water!

"Now she's serious!" Flash said in shock.

"Yang will be feeling the hearts of pain!" Pinkie jabbed the air a little.

She charges at her opponent and freezes Yang in place and then fire punches her.

Tifa:Take this!

(Music: I Burn, RWBY OST)

Yang is knocked through the wall to another section of the bar and Tifa jumps down to continue the fight.

Tifa:Had enough?

The bleeding Yang stands up as her hair starts glowing and reloads her gauntlets with explosive shells.

Yang:Not even close.

"Cool way to reload." Sunset commented.

"And now Yang is getting serious!" Flash said.

Tifa starts firing multiple fire shots at Yang, who dodges them. Yang retaliates with multiple explosive bullets that Tifa avoids. Tifa tries launching an ice attack at Yang, prompting Yang to launch herself into the air with her gauntlets resulting in more close quarters combat. Tifa gets the upper hand by feinting, and slams Yang into the air with a few combos and kicks her back down.

Tifa: You're going down!

As Yang gets up feeling a little hurt, Tifa prepares a large ice projectile.

"Looks like she's giving her the cold death." Flash commented.

Tifa:Don't move!

Tifa launches it forward and Yang punches it through and shatters it. The shards knock Tifa back and wound her on the left with blood showing, prompting her to use her Limit Breaks as the slot machine appears behind her.

Tifa: All right, let's see if you can keep up with this!

"Oh yeah, Limit Break is gonna break Yang down!" Rainbow Dash cheered.

Yang clicks her gauntlets before charging at Tifa to only for her to counter with Beat Rush and Water Kick, which is blocked by Yang. Yang staggers after Tifa performs Somersault, allowing her to use Meteodrive, Dolphin Blow, and Meteor Strike successfully.

Tifa: Here it goes!

She throws Yang onto the ground where she explodes. Yang gets up confused.

Yang: Ugh, did I just explode?

"Yes, Yang. Yes, you did." Rarity nodded.

A piece of Yang's hair came off and she sees it fall in front of her.

"Oh dear, I know that look on any women when she sees something had happen to her hair." Rarity gasped.

Tifa unleashes her ultimate attack.

Tifa: Final Heaven!

"She's done for now!" Applejack smiled.

Yang is engulfed in a large explosion as the hair piece hits the ground. She spreads the fire from the explosion away from her.

Tifa: What in the world?

"Looks like she still got more fire in her to fight and a lot more!" Flash stated.

Yang slams her fists together, activating her Semblance. She charges forward and shatters Tifa's Premium Heart. She unleashes several rounds and punches on Tifa.

Yang: Like that?!

She then gets Tifa in an armlock and unleashes her shotgun gauntlet one last time, using the recoil to snap Tifa's neck, killing her.

"Oh snap, she snapped her neck!" Pinkie gasped.

Yang: Nailed it.

She walks away as a poster for the Vytal Festival Tournament rolls down.

"You definitely nailed that one, Yang." Sunset nodded.


Tifa's body is absorbed into the Lifestream as Yang puts on her sunglasses and leaves.

Boomstick: (sigh) Cross another potential wife off the list...

"As if she would ever marry you." Rarity disagreed with that one.

Wiz: Tifa was naturally stronger and more experienced than Yang, but Yang's Semblance quickly turned all of Tifa's power against her.

Boomstick: Even the Minerva Band, the best of Tifa's armor options to counter Yang's strength and shotgun blasts, was eventually overtaken by the Semblance.

"Seem that her brute force with her Semblance managed to break through those special items that are design to protect her." Twilight said.

Wiz: Plus, while Tifa could lift many creatures heavier than Cloud using her Limit Breaks, she never shows this kind of strength anywhere else, implying those powers are exclusive to those Limit Breaks instead of something she possesses naturally.

"Even so, she was still plenty strong to hold her own against Yang." Applejack believed.

Boomstick: And even though Tifa's Premium Heart increased in power over time, they reset after her Limit Breaks while Yang's power kept on rising.

"But that still begs the question on how exactly Yang kept on surviving Tifa's powerful blows like that?" Spike wondered.

Wiz: However, Yang's real trump card was her Aura. Her Semblance would've been useless if she could not survive Tifa's attacks. Luckily, her Aura is durable enough to take a punch that shattered a concrete pillar about four feet wide, a feat that requires at least 1,400 tons of force.

Boomstick: That's the equivalent of having 360 jetliners fall on your face.

"Dang, don't think I could even lift that many with ma super strength." Applejack was shocked to see that Yang's aura is that durable.

Boomstick: Yang's power just pulled through in a snap.

The group groan at another horrible pun though Pinkie laughs as she twists her head around a little, strangely going around like an owl's head.

Wiz: The winner is Yang Xiao Long.

"Oh man, the puns may have been bad, but the punchlines in that fight was awesome!" Flash smiled.

"Yeah, makes me wonder what our lives would be like if we were born on Remnant." Sunset said.

"I'm sure we would be on different teams, but that doesn't mean we could form our friendship." Twilight liked to believe that.

"Oh, I just got myself a fresh new idea for some fashion accessories!" Rarity smiled brightly, feeling inspired from the Premium Heart.

"Bet that's going to be a Burn on the sleeves!" Pinkie punned.

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

Yang vs Tifa was a Death Battle I like with my favorite Remnant blonde girl winning the fight in the end, and I kinda hope that when Death Battle returns, they'd do a remake of the episode with how the girls has been updated and upgraded in some awesome ways.

KO comment, favorite, click the thumbs up button, and follow through of how this story will go!


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.