The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

'21 The Sydney Morning Herald, Wed, April 12, 1978 21 FUNERALS FUNERALS MEMORIAL GIFTS FURNITURE AND PERSONAL NOTICES we ask mat whim torrow-l of the Sumnuuy of Doath NotJeM PANOALLO. Raaulam U.a. ing bimoiesa aeioiera Allocution ramambar tham In a Ixtlna uiu BIDROOU TVi.TTTr are Invited to attend the funeral CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING INDEX by tending a doi.allon in tnelr Anne tlyle, QUALITY n.9uH FANOALLOi ORTftLlsl). of Brcpkvate and S.v, til., Bedi.

a.J! I esieemeo member, ICR ST. JOHN KNIGHT. tJVtlV CHURCHILL funeral de data Paw MURPHY, A.I. II aaa famllu VilfelAiJH'-rtj Augustine's Church. Alfred Road, Brookvale, NBADAHT, A.C.H.

18 Aircraft DEATHS BIRTHS DEATHS Ion. 91. PAOI, saiuraay morning next. I'UNKKAL OIRECl'ORS W. G.

HRNDCRSON, Pres. S. 0. MULtlNER. Gen.

Sec PANOALLO, O. end r.iurn and Svplall rt4, JOHN KEE.CR. ANDREWS. fThoroe). Aarll 0.

PAOI, Ge roe Peace April 10. 107S suddenly) of 3 Fullarton PR 1 1 BODY, Frederick Roland. IKOMIRICKI. Requiem Mass isri, 11 irawn aiiiti nomin i Hospital, Stephanie and GeoMrey ROU, I.M. RUNDLI, A.S.

RUSHLL, S.M. strati, uunoas. mveo Bui Mass April iy. ivB. ai nospiiai, ot Surry Hills, loved father of usband of tha late llliabeth 3ll.

Sin. 31, Ol. btouoiv anno urn tne arrival 01 areclau hah dauahtar ffJara- for me repose or the sou Of the late JOHN KOMIRICKI will be celebrated at the Church of St. Catherine Page. to the Catholic Vault section ot tranche Forest Cemetery, Amusem*nt Antiques, Fine Arts Apartments, Board and Residence to Let Apartments, Board, Residence Wanted Auction Sales Births, Marriages, Deaths Builders, Repairers Building Materials Tlnt Jimmi), Our aratelul SIIVIRLOCK, 1,0.

LABOR PUNIRALS. thnk to doctor and nurtlivg jeite, Mary r-reaericit ana Roland, and grandfather of their children. Aged 77 years. At rest. See Thursday's Herald lor funeral particulars.






MITCHILl, C.W. jonn viannev. nawion Roaa, Greenacre, today (Wednesday) at 9 30 a.m. The funeral will leave the church after prayers following lame, wt In S' boarrt Jacoben 4 UbVllK' 3.10 Gat. ag tabl.

S17B 'an PANOALLO (Portolasl). Gluieo. GREOGRY and CARD, BROOKVALE, 03 2424 A. P.O. 03 2424 ARMSTSONO, 0.

SATII, R.j. Bill. j.O. LAKI. aaiwia.




SARVIV, J. SI 2777 Hornsby Hospital, to Lesley and niniunn, pina. April ii, 187B, at Tier B.s ueon a oaugnter (Micnaiie maaa jur tni Unn Businesses For Sale OUCKLEY Aarll 4 1180 BniiWRMf I 31 3242. 70 16l chal isa. oi HorniDv uutrict 18 28 35 35 23 28 30 30 29 29 33 28 18 18 36 31 31 45 23 PHOST.

iaTwra Mwllla. Aarll w'etlvw end SIMPKIN. O. SIMS, P.l. SMITH, S.


WALL, K.C WARO, I.M. WATKINS, A.H WHITS, t.ninesi wxeiery, himikwbvd. IAB0R PUNERALI, BANK. TOWN, 70 1668. A.P.D.A.

$1 2777. iln a iv. nB. at noipnai. iaie oi on (Robert James Hugh).


CROWN STRE1T. Oak lili. iZr? turn' (rvriijnw, pni a. noma, rooKvaie, ano wrmtny of Piatt Italy, loved mother and mother-in-law ot Maria (deceased) and Antonio (Pangallo), Rosa and Prank (Sergl). Ross and Rosa, HUabetta and Dome-nlco (Pangallo), much loved grandmother and great-grandmother of their children and dear sister or Maria Portolasl and Loretta Dellpsta.

May sht rest In peace. attend his funeral service, to be iwro, ib air ana inn a canton, aeany loves wire oi me late Dlgby, beloved sister and sister-In-lav of Roy, Stan. Let and Can (all deceased). Doris j-Muue-iwij in me cnapei Of S' ein 7i 9754, 78 1602 89 7246, Jaugnter treneiope a ranees Perry House, Mel vvoronora toriay (Wednesday) at LU- The funeral of the lata and Jack. Grace, Hilda, jack and Heather, dearly loved aunt of Phyllis.

Lois, Gordon, Carolyn CURRIE (not Clarke). April at R.N. 4.. to Jok and Joan JUrtntL MARGARET VVONNE LIE, ef Cattle Hill, Will leaHB It. Utlhim'a Anallln SI 21 mot its third beautiful ion (Doug la HVUfc.

no Rooert as years. In God 'a cam. 47 151. erotner lor awn Stuirt. lorftm.1 rm LABOR FUNERALS.

HURSTVILLE. 87 13S8. A.F.D.A, yi 77T HORNSSV. AUBUHN. ROt! Itkal Mav.

Anrll H. Church, corner Kendall- and Eppitston Streets, West Pvmble, this daw Wad nasita wl alr.r VrY, George April .0, VINOIN. April 4, 1971, CUSTOM Cl.nid"' Kathu and Idwln Imm air la 1170. at nospiiai, Inuatrf aunt Af laanrta Sraala. I of 142 Araluan Drive, In klKK, service, appointed io commence faralvn nulla anal laannat Ruth 1US, I Hardvf, I 1978.

nara va MINERALS MINERALS aiav. torm formerly of Concord, af tha lata Nancyt Hobson, Gwen Johnston Businesses Wanted Caravans, Trailers Church Notices Company Notices Dancing Dental Notices Dogs, Cats, Goldfish, etc Drive Yourself Educational Electrical EMPLOYMENT Positions Vacant Government Appointment! University and Higher Education. Colleges, Schools, etc Hospital and Medical Men or Women (General) Men and Boy Women and Girls at p.m. FRAMPTON (nee Bowman). beloved "husband ihand Do.roi, Dunt.ln w.rdrob., buot.

and meawrlne. 7is SCOTT. ti. ana ineir iimiuw. WALTERS and SON, At the conclusion ol the cremation will take place Evelyn Pry, loved father of Albert, Patricia, lllxabeth and Ivelvn, and dear father-in-law and, Mircn 14, is0, at Muswen brook Hospital, to Paul artel Be-llnda a daughter (Kate), i liter for Benlamln.

OAS (21, to s.t. U.S. RUNDLI, Adam Scott. April DU.WICH HILL. LAKFMRA 'ete JOHM jo.

ScPH SCOTT er. Tnvltf ta Ivn.r.l i.rvlc.! to no Prlrfa. S60 9999. 759 4044. 6(3 0401.

a nerinern auouros trema- s. ivB, at noipiiai, iaie or Cm Heliwetr to! tkVS Cheap, Branataincr or ineir tamiues! KINGSFORD. Btnrisi int reiaioca ana i rmi, us as nrnition araaa, friends of tha late RONALD I five Dock, are Invited to attend torlum, mi tne aaag ps yeara. ran. t-iaremont airaai, vuikiw, dearly beloved son of Gall ana.

GREENLAND (Stokta). Aorll 7. 1978, at Biacktown Hospital, to Dale and Dannie a Ban (Ben new 3a. TuracT iinni, are invuea ioi ner luntrsi, tnn oar ivraone attend his funeral service, to be I day), to be held in the chapel ol attend his funeral service, to be I day), to be held in the chapel ol th. cr.metorlum, Woronore ledey (Wedn.idav) it 3.30 To m.

eeie elumbl. .1 tha tr.mi. GARY BY. Jack. Aorll 3.

17B. Grant Rundie, aged 7 weeks, Sadly missed by all. May he rest conducted at Northern Suburbs! the Northern Suburbs Cremato- Jamln Kenneth James). Brother at nome. oarungnursi, ageo eoi IN MEMORIAM iwam cuiniom.

S70. irii.h.: Crematorium Chanel, tomorrow. I rium, service appointed to com- ipr ruieoie. pom wen. In peace.

GREGORY and CARR, GORDON. o'etier as. tcnin tabl. years. For funeral announcement.

unursaayj morning ai 11.201 BARRETT. CmrW in Please meet at the cremato-1 MIMSLIV (nee Doubledav). 9 tlOt. memory af mv haiauaai LABOR FUNERALS, NEWTOWN? picas watcn ineie columns. numj at p.m.

April ii, lavo. K.r..n.l ra 49S44SS. A.P.P.A. 418 441 treasure forever memories BICNIPIID FUNIS1ALC. 81 2777.

MIL, yiRCont Albert. April 11. 1970. at hoaoital. late of A.F.D.A.

Norman and prunella a daughter (Anna Joy). Both well, thanks to doctors and staff. I reomL All new eond. orlte. 379 315S.

'SfJfy'i "'e ell teab PIVE DOCK. AKEMBA. "0 oevo-tlon. YOU Will nauatr ha. 36 36 36 36 36.

37 37-42 42-44 44 44 44 45 45 28 Lapitono, formerly of Blngara 747 4911, A.F.D.A. 719 2512. "embere 1 tt. n.Mt. in W.

N. BULL PTY. iLigninonv nr. A.i.r., jjra aa KlNGSLRV Ira main. AorTTT my eerHne for part ef me went, (he day Ged called you S27 2J09.

LEVY. The relatives and iwaeii.k. emiiy maTt wiarcn 20, 1978, Dubbo, late of Wellington. N.S.W., beloved wife of the late William Fredrick Rue-sell, dearly loved mother of Wllma and mother-in-law of Arthur, lover! nana Vlckl and Richard, great grandmother Andrew, dearly loved dauoher of the late Edwin and Margaret Seville, of Landtdowne and loved sister of Vic, Glad and Grace, naiicm w.w.ij, aeanv oeiov husband of Ethel (dacMier -SSuf ette-nd GXWll Telephone 51 2858. GOOD SELL, The relatives and I.JfJ;2lA.P,, PHYLLIS 0W.N.

-r Murltl. In lovlne is0, at ri.n.a.n.. to nareite and Mark a daughter (Ale thea Jane), lister to Andrew loved father of Allen, Milton i ertil memoer, GREENHILL SIL wnamnvs wvt, or Home bush. are klnrflw. Inu tmit nu vuiirii iovbtb lainar-in-iarr, memory or our.

dear mother, nother-lnlaw and nanny, patssed GOODSELL. of 71 Glasiop anri LvnfJan. vcKLotK, For funeral datalia aaln. 231 71 1 oranaiacner ano great-grana LOWDIR. Aarll 5.

Herald. sea attend her funeral service to be held In the chapel of Rookwood DTnTnO srtTINc HENOERSOM. Prat irctii. iigggni, are invuea 10 attend her funeral, this day (Wednesday); to be held In the W. Q.

Positions Wanted Situations Vacant Situations Wanted Casual Work Available Casual Work Wanted Engagements Exhibitions Factories, Shops, Premises To Let and Wanted To Rent uuitr or urvir families. Aged OS years. Lest we foroet. S. D.

R.N.5.H., IO Margaret ana uarry a daughter (Megan Cilia beth). A slstir for Julianno and MULLINER. Gen. Sec. maoe iphan Alan, CASSANO.

The relatives and seceaseo, aeeo re. In God's care. ima oay iweantj-day), commencing at 1.50 p.m. Relatives and friends meet at ireaiured memories of my dear SIMPSON. Members of the cltv or in Nggitwooo t.rema torlum, service appointed to inarms 01 tne iaie nuaie cas- David.

VMCH fnea Carroll). Anrl! 9. GOOD INC. Margaret. April iieuineir, ng granarna passed awav April 12.

1972 enitv. 18 SILVER LOCK, Leonard Green hi 1 1. Please meet at the' cremato arilu UiaJ L. a Rosebery, are Invited to attend ner funeral, to leava tha Church S-L- Sub-Branch are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral of their late most esteemed member WILLIAM iu, 1S7S. late oi Perth, formerly Sydney, dearly beloved wife of DINING Room suite.

Bra rium IV.atO a.m, tworia war veteran). April 10, 1978, at hospital, dearly beloved husband af Dassle. beloved at St. Margaret's, to Dorothy! and Barry a boy (Nithtn Alexander), brother (or Martin I Paul Praise be to God and St. of St, Therete, Sutherland CRAWFORD; William Thomas, METROPOLITAN BURIAL A CREMATION SOCIETY.

oauunier or AIT and Val de Carteret, dearly loved 34 "ENRT (former DIGNIFIED PUNERALS. 1970 Always remem- sireer, Mascot, tomorrow (Thursday), after a Requiem Mask tn het relahr.le a in FIVE DpCR, LAKEMIA. S30dad77QWt'- 1,00 St 'r "no. iitier-in-iaw oi Leon I and John Hawea (ParthV .1" i rr runerai particulars, see Tuesday's Htrald. father and father-in-law of Dorothy and Pat, loved brother-in-law ol Gwen and Len, devoted URWOOD.

'74 2178. MrGRAIL tnm CJiarti. Aarll k.F.O.A.. 7S9 2512. rs, ions, grandchildren, great- ami 1, m.

for the Catholic Cematery, i7S, at crown Hospital, id HUTCHISON. Prat I riant. Cel and, Steven Nelll (Oak Plats) and loving aunt ot Oamlen Benjamin. Ryan, Funeral from grandfather or rieien ana taroi CONSTABLf. Neville (Ant), GENERAL HOUSEHOLD FUBM.

jennner ano i noma riauahtor. aiiiaaniai oiiin. anrn in. ion BJAeTREAnV (IVtrtalriaonV SIMS. The relatives There Is a halavarf far "ymi ano oca taiga, I5HINU5.

in fjood witfJ iegot. tS Don St. Newtown. ano greav-granoiainer 01 jaaay, Gavna. Nicole, Lena, Magan, Vadl and Benn.

In God's care. CHARLES KINSila pIimvdai lORIBRSON. The relatives and HOMES PTY LTD A a enk friends of the lata GRACE MEL-Est. 1830. A iSai" iTOCRIERSON.

are Invited to i JI eijfe.l attend har funaral isrv rs. fa, attend her funeral service, to fflanrlft at the, at Bin a mm April 7, ornoane, to reier ana i ys the late FRANCIS with us. and a voice we long to Lara ni tcatnrvn anni. LWJS. 'te of Gorokan, are In- MAO I RAZZ A (n McEntyre).

GOODSCLL, Mary Ann. April iBr ainna we will remember forever of that mate so dear. Biuie Wool lay. Lawria tn 'ntnO'-oom tultei. buffet and wardrobe, all ucaV tond.

Ren or It a. I7a tins SIMPKIN, George. April 7. dc neia in ine eastern suouruii oaneno nis funeral scr Crematorium Chapel, tomorrow. be held In the chapel of nnrii i.

tufl. ai aunurn uu. irnrjniij lIMii or Narrabcen, are invited to attend his funeral service, to be held In the chapel of the Northern i 7Th Crmstorlum tomorrow 197B. beloved nusoana or ii the Palmdale Crematorium. Palm mi nwr reiiaence.

i Glassop Street, Yagoona, dearly loved wife of Eric, loving sister 15. trict Hospital, to John and Jill a daughter (Loulie Ann), a LEADLIGHTS cane furnJtuV CRONK. Basil Gearaa. In In. af Marls and COMIRPORD.

ImhIsri sister for Paul and Helen. Both, ing memory ot our dear father aervi Gerald. Valvur. devoted grandpa for the eternal repose of the nouna taDies. electrical, TVs.

stereos, washers, dryers. Haryevs CrownOxford Sts DarllnahVrit: ano wno mi asiceo To Paula and lohn. FALMDALI MEMORIAL PARK, uriicq, jann Alien (Oe- and Elvlv loved sister. In-law of Harold. Len, KEVIN PETER COMERFORD.

of Sana Soucl. sirii iro, ranoesi mem ories shared by Bull, Shlriev ROSSELL KINSELA PTY. 913 uigger erriveo in prn. to nc known In future as Eamon Sean Bv renuest. na flawars.

Dana. (041) 62 1203. ano tniioren. SLEEPER Couch, modarn, like nrw. halaa Reasenahla 1) i.

1 In St. Fliibar's lu'v monica, bara. Alan Nnsl mntt ImIi Moronev. tlons In lieu to the Spastic SIMS, Francis Levlwn (Frank). 34, 35 35 23 29 31 31 28 28 28 45 29 28 35.

36 45 IX 23, 36. 45 45 31 31 28 18 PORTER fne roil field) p.m. 235 7359. lug aunt of her nieces and nepn tnr. mi rro- menade and Broughton Street, LEWIS.

Tha nftWr'. rZ 1 1 in betn. Passed SMITH. Tt fuieal of the tale EDWARD SMITH, af I April 11, at his residence, Narabeen. dearlv beloved hus aani sour.

1, tomorrow (Thurs- mgimin. WALTER CARTER, Minn ii, 1978, to Ron ana Glenys. of Wellington Point. Qld. God's precious gilt (David PURNITUnr ti aay).

at 9.30 a.m. On can. there to help you. Will cedar Baniam or vvoronora Royal Arch nd Cryptic Council No. SB9SC.

are Invited to attend the will leave St. Luke's Church ot England, Slackwall Road. Woy elusion of prayers following the band of Isabel, loved lather ot Ravmsnd (deceased), Margaret (Mrs Kennough) and Brian, fond 3ft panel beds and basei COmolel. Mlhnoana uem icu-cii. uric inat always 302 Onford Waallahra.

GOULD, Leonle. April mi me lunarai cortege Will oveq you is one mat won tor' TAYLOR (Thomson). April 1 loniarrow tinursoavi, alter, a service commencing at 1.30 389 3499. A.F.D.A. 380 1 97B.

Sadly mourned tav their late esteemed Companion! net. 1 1 igung niic r. rnynn. pro, sea a ina LBinoHC I Cemetery at Woronora. at Maier icr coro it mosdimi, closed chcit 0 drawers, cedar dressing table and stool, fire screen, trawmahlla 9 a ai-r husband and children, sister and Flats To Let Flats Wanted For Exchange For Hire For Sale Clothing Funeral Directors Funerals Furniture and Furniture Rcmovalists, Transport Garden Supplies, Horticulture Government Notices Holiday Resorts Horses, Vehicles and Livestock Launches, Yachts, Marine Engines Legal Notices Lost and Found Lottery Results Machinery.

Memorial Gifts Money, Stocks and Shares Motels Motor Cycles, Motor Scooters Bicycles Motor Parts, Renairs, Tyres Motor Vehicles Trucks and Commercials. Motor Vehicle Auctions Motor Vehicles Wanted 1AMILTON, Bruce Joseph Svdnev. to Prue and Neale a or Raymond, devoted grandfather of Cherle. brother of Olga Lenta and Ena Sims, aged 61 years. 11.30 a.m.

Thursday. Regalia, CiAtf I HT.lin rva-sani" bt.iii, iui ruini iare R. H. CREIGHTON. Central Coast Funeral Service jussj.

in mtmorr oi our son. brother and great friend, aaed HALE. The relatlvas and uromer, rviauves ana many friends. The burial service will take place at the Chevra Kadlsha at 0.30 a.m. on Thursday, April SWOrd box.

unit warnrAH METROPOLITAN BURIAL AND rnenai or the late EILEEN 29. at Manly Hospital, to Joy and Robert a daughter (Kim CREMATION SOCIETV. A.F.D.A. Go lord. 24 1S33.

A.F.D.A. AMlBrl0Jorfi' Sunday, from, .10 a.m. 969 2908 SMITH. Edward. Anrll rtuin riAit.

or reoaingion. Invited ta attend her funaral j. iiowrn ay regueai. HOfcKaeie. eooe, OOtten bv his larrawftil mnl)iar SMITH.

Lodge- Mornlna Stai i37H. of 17 aavv ew cresceni. Veronica), a lister (or Clare I TEAK Chiswrtl Dlngln Suite. leave the chapl ol Labor LOCKWOOD. The relatives and Katrina.

roln wen. io u.u.L. oi N.5.W. Ofnceri and members of the above Lodoe GRIERSON, Grace Meletos. I Blsckwall.

beloved husband of the late Daisy Smith, loving lather ot tutu rial ft i bar (Geralritan. Wast. uDie. it nuiiet, S700. After 8 dad.

brotr-ers. Chris and Bill andi nfs many musician friends, Haiel. June. Pat and his cousins Bankstown. tomorrow dhurl LOCKWOOD nf Afnrim.

V. 'iimea ia aitena ine runerai of their late ei teemed brother. APPROACHING MARRIAGES prn in ivo. ai nursing home. Waverley, late of Klnos Cross, widow ol the late 5iv) pJm." ''C to stltnd his cremation ern Australia), Sylvia Mcleod I CONDREN.

Requiem Mass foe (Huritvllle). Irene Cable (Black, the repose of the soul of the HANKS. In lovlno memory nl Edward Smith, of Blackwail. See ia e.m- 10 ai neia tomorrow lata BUSY LtLtlAM rnNnstu WANTED. FURNITURE urg.nllv.

wiiarij unttrion ana lona aui mv nearly beloved wife Dorothy nvu.nwu, viiiuriuarv, at iji noon, HUNGRY HARPER' Mr 35 io ineir ano nepnews. tSnS" 2 n. wall) and Cynthia Ferry (Manly), and loved father-in-law, grandfather and great-grandfather ol their families, aged 6B years. At am.iv notite. i-oage oi sorrow, 1 p.m.

Thursday. T. D. GOFF. P.M.


wno oeparteo tnit lire April 8. 1958. Inserted by her ana Mrs jonn rtarper, or new- and of Pananla, will be celebrated at the Church of St. Christopher, Tower Street. Pananla, tomorrow (Thursday) at 9 a.m.

WALl UNITS, ell teen, an wia. HARDY. Joseph Charles. NVU, ORIFFIN, John Woodrow (MSj rest. Tha funaral lailll laaua thatf 4 mm 31 33 loving memory of my dear hus- STOCKS.

The relatives and WARDROBE, a late of 57 Great Western Hioh RUSSELL KINSELA. PtV. Ltd, 913 7236. STOCKS, Ivy Jane. April 9,1 IVY JANE so 7, 9B17.

siucr prararp loiiawing the Mass lor the Catholic Lawn, port. ian picaiure in annoum-Ing the forthcoming wedding of their omy duaohter. Penleope. to Dav'-l Robert, only son of Mrs Doryj Selngry ana the late Dr 0. Selnsry.

of Cardiff, Wale, at the Cdurch of the Immaculate Conception, Mavfalr, London, on Saturday. Anrll 15. 107fl way. Blaxland. loving husband oann ano our tatner paisea awat April 10, 1968, No longer wltr us.

our live to share, but in our thoughts you are always there. iTi 'i Wll8 Park. ar 1978. suoaeniy, at ner rest-riante. 13fi Kino Gearaes Read.

-emeiery, woronora. I HAMILTON BaMiilam IuIk iiiintiu io anenu ner funeral service, to be held In the oi murici. iovea tamer or ferry, John and Mary, lond grandfather of a red and -Amanda. Wiley Park, beloved niece of ANTIQUES, FINE ARTS for the repose of the soul ol the LOCkWtioo. Members 'of-The lata Ur IAUK lAlilDfldri 1 late 31-33 33 33 33 Loving wile Rita.

daughter Marlnrv lad ann Aim maior Boat Lion are For funeral particulars watch HAMILTON will be celebrated invited tn attann that! HOOD. Dorothy. Went to sleep mese columns. In St. James Church, Wool lev ENGAGEMENTS 7 1358, A.P.O.A., SI 2777.

AUSTRALIAN. NEW ZEALAND jirrci. roresi Looge. tomorrow Iste esteemed member LEONARO LOCKWOOD. For funeral arrangements see family SCHWILK OTTER.

The 31 1 1 nunoavi morning, com' tUHUrtAN PAINTINGS. HALE. I Mean Ruth. Aoril 11 Musical Instruments. Offices, Halls, purchased lor cncing at ciock.

STRONG, April i i. i itj. rears go by but our love and the memories ol you will never die. Never forgotten. Your loving sister, Violet Mervyn and family.

Wall v. Aunty Violet. HOOD. nnmlkii I. To Let and Tha funaral n.111 latkuat viTapci at in nooKwaoa crematorium, tomorrow (Thursday, April 13).

commencing at 1.40 d-m. Please meet at crematorium office. By reauest. no flowers. Dona-t on to National Heart Foundation.

WALTERS AND SON. DULWICH LAKIMBa. 56Q qq.99. 759 4044. engagement is announceo oi Elizabeth, daughter of Dr and Mrs Bruce Otter, of Darling JIM mcauliffe President.

t.l.phon. 6 p.m. i or reaoingion, dearlv loved mother of Da Id. frlnd at tha Int, SIS 1714, 1 aner rviass tor tne syo- I. B.

ADAMS. Sec. Manager, verton, dearly loved aunt of I 34 Eileen. James and In e-ajjiiuiit uarocn point. io jamei, eioer son or mi Hilen Clover ana jonn i-roucn.

rvTiiFt wrtraiBi, vauu a uii, and Mrs owen acnwnic. memory k.r ANTIQUE FURNITURE. Largest sntlaue and raarnrW. wanted Office Furniture and Equipment Partnerships. Agenccs Personal and Missing Friends.

passed away April 12. 1976.1 range ol mallit, The relatives and itanonvan ronui, urtngc, TMOMPloN NIWMiN. I ft MO, A. O'H ARE, A. DA 11 hlnrlnn l.lrkh..

Tamworth, are Invited to attend his funeral, to move Irom St. Nicholas's Catholic Church. Temworth. on conclusion ol a TAYLOR, Freda. APrll 10, HAMILTON.

Jamea Lawrence. nine ana vcrn wcwmnn norm ELIZABETH LILLIAN MALLET, ot Glen-brook, are Invited to attend her S69 6046. 569 199S. Always loved and remembered by your daughter, Helen, lon-ln-lvy Graeme and grandchildren. HOOD.

Dorothy, passed away lyro (suooeniy. at nti dence, dearly beloved wife of KOtKS are nappy to announce inn fniaarmtnt of fhlr eldtft daudrv nciiuiem mass commencing at STUART-HILL. The relatives Photographic 10 10 conducted George, loving anq a.m. on Thursday, thence ter Catherine to Jim. son ofj non turniiure avanaoie in Sydney.

Solid mahogany tables, chairs and bedheads made to orperr G. MACEDO PTY. 2 Sydenham Rd, Brookvale. 93 3702. 9S8 1337.

loved husband the late Edith Florence May Hamilton, dearly loved father of James, Edith mother-in-law Catholic I Mauris. -1 Tha r.itiw..' Laurelle and for In ter men e-atMii it. ivo. in loving the Poultry, Birds, etc 29 45 45 45 36 31 45 vairrie ana wnium' i nompson. torlum, Northern Suburbs, ta, CrmA Inwrailwn anri DOrtlon nt tha Tsmyiririk an a I III wnum- June, irienas er tne ate john to.

loved morrow at 3.30 ano irienot or tne late Dr RONALD LAURIE STUART-HILL, of "The Goonoo Ooonoo Road. Tamworth. are respectfully invited to attend his funeral on Thursday, April 13. 1 Q78. Tha rnrlsni will ev.n Council Cemetery.

Robinsons. Funeral Directors. Tamworth. HOOIJ, Dorothy May. Anrll 12.

WARO HARRIS are Invited to attend his funeral service, to be Vviri ningj. Mary Mrs young, ee). Patrick Shannon and Patrl cla (Mrs Rawson). dear father. In-law, grandfather and great- GOLDEN WEDDING Professions, Public Notices Radio, TV, Hi-Fi Chervle and ian, dearly nanna ol their children.

Aged 69 years. Remembered always. Rest In peace. McOAW (KircKen). Aorll the crematorium.

Rookwood, i "our rrsung Place I wander, place flowers with loving care, they say memories are golden, that mav be true. I never; wanted memories Mum I wanted COLLECTORS ITEM. limited today at 1 aO Aged 81 years. May he rest In peace. Please aiiamhle at tha rrama.l IDUFF The reiattvet and friends walds.

H.berfi.ld. Congr.tul.tlans from St Stephen's Preibyterian Church, West Tamworth, after service commencing at 10 a.m.. oi in iaie rr Lken OVtr, of Blackheath. are Invited to Km. saoiy missea Norma, nurlce and famllv 92 1578, A.F.D.A., II 2777, cnnion uooH.

written illustrated and signed by DONALD FRIEND. Hand silk screen printed and hand bound, produced (n Ball, several copies available, 1120 each. Phone 32 1701. DEATHS fiiarii. igr intcrmeni in ine Evergreen Memorial Park, Tam- TONER, William.

April 10. HOLT, Rose Ellen. April 11, HOOD, Dorothy May. Loving memory o'. our dear mother.

attend her funeral service, to leave the Presbyterian Church, 1 Wentworth Street, Blackheath, ai nospiiai. -ate or rvia roubra. dearly loved wife af Wit TVfB irtnuii er attioeni; iiviw man. Garden Island), late ef West Ryde. dearly loved hua-hard af Gwen.

lovlno father and mother-in-law and nana, who ARMSTRONG. Geo rue. Aarll 649 SS1 1, A.F.D.A., SI 2777. BEVAN DOUGLAS. Funeral Director.

A.F.D.A. Tamworth. Phone (067) 66 1661 paura awav April i 1976. to. 1978, at hospital, fate of vu inursoar tMprii io, ivroi, after service commenclnp at 1 1 McORATH.

The relatives and I lam (deceased), loved mother and mothtr.ln-law of William ano rememocred every father-in-law ef Elfiabeth and Lcitnnarai, neariy fovea nusDano of Evelvn I avlnla. loved father tor rresoytenan cemetery. uar rviuin. saoir miiseo JAMES McGRATH. rrne7lV of IHOLT.

Reoulem Maw for the iaKneatn. of Bernlce, fond father-in-law of ann riorence, Mry no jamei, Robert and Majgaret, loved grandmother and oreatarand. Zolton. James ana earDara, Jennifer and Paul and dear grandfather of their children. and arandrhildrea tCrlifln Tarrv BLUE MOUNTAINS FUNERAL WALKER, The relatives and wniiam, iovea granoiainer oi Wavno and Vlrkk and areata naaa, west MarricK-v lie.

are kindly Invited to attend his funeral, to leave our chaoel HUGHES. Garry Peter, accr BORTIGNONS Antiques. Thop 012 Royal Arcade. Special sale silver, glassware, por. celaln and original Interesting objects d'art, all reduced.

GRANDFATHER chair, first elite condition. handsome. 0950. Phone 371 8673 alter 10.30 a.m. mother of their families, aged repose or ne torn or the late ROSE ELLEN HOLT will be celebrated at the Church of the Holy Family.

Maroubra tomorrow i DIRECTORS. A.F.D.A, rona orBtner ai riwai LeMey. grandfather of Denla Lee, loved dentally killed 1977. Just when life was brightest. In the mldit rw i.anierourv ko Dulwkh Hi.

altar a emir Requlescat In pace. rrienos or tne late ALVINE WALKER, of Epplng, are kindly Invited to attend her funeral service, ta h( helrf at Mnrtharn KA iuumba, (047) 02 2922. (Thursday), at 1.30 a.m. The of his happiest davs, his life was; oroiner ana orotner-in-iaw or his family. Requlescat In pace.

geo yean. So mote It be. Please watch these columns commencing at 2.15 p.m., today (Wedneidavi. Aarll 11. Ioti HOPKINS, Gertrude Grace.

funeral will leave al tho con elusion ef Mass and prayers for Suburbs Crematorium, this day uoucmr leacn. in joo mvs- terious ways. It broke our hearts to lose vaii. hut wan rHrf PAINTINGS for iaie by Collector. dally tor funeral arrangements.

Botany -awn Cemtt: ELLIOTT, The funeral ot the ine iainauc portion oi RATES. Record la Jaieohlna, not go alone. Part of our hearts REAL ESTATE Real Estate Auctions 19 Houses, Home Sites 19-22 Home Units and Town Houses 21,22 Houses Wanted 23 Properties for Sale 22 23 Properties Wanted -23 Stations, Farms 23 Share Accommodation 35 Shipping Notices 18 Stamps and Coins 45 Suburban Cinemas 18 Tenders 29, 30 ToLet 34 Travel Australia 18 Travel Overseas 18 Tuition 18 Wanted To Buy 45 Wanted To Rent 34 Withdrawn Sales 23 Denotes classifications which require copy for insertion in Saturday issues to be placed before 1 1 pm on Thursday. Please 9 original oils 0V VTO tiart. water colours 1 oil and numerous books by Norman Lindsay.

JOHN KEELER. A.F.D.A. aiej rnnriLii hudcni turtri-ER ELLIOTT, af Darllnahi.rttt enter our orf-itreet area from Dulwkh APrn lvro, ai nospiiai, laie of Cremorne. beloved mother rvso. at raui Minn.

USA. wire of the late Chester Hopkins. loved mother and mother-in-law of Lois and Philippe Verbrugghen and Max (deceased), daughter ef the late ii WALKER, Atvlne. April 10.1 SI 7206. B1 S584.

commencing at 11,40 a.m. Please meet at crematorium. MOTOR FUNERALS 4 East Pde, Eastwood. OS 19SS. A.P.D.A.

opposite the bus ter To all who have a son or bro win take place at the Lawn Cemetery, Plaid of Mara. Quarry Read. Rvde. Mmerraw (Thurs STUDY the values In Houses, laO, I ate or cpptriB, osjiaieni wife ef John, dearly loved minus. and mother-in-law of Rhone and Bill, loved grandmother or Me-llnda and Annattelle.

Privately mother of jSreta. Monica, jonn, Mill, oirices. workshop and Factories. advertised le, the day), at 9.M a.m. Friends! HON AN.

Reoulem Mass for rtrv wo rvira, jonn rviHIMII, lister of Eddie. Daisy, Lea and ther iove wnne you may as you never know the heartache until he la called away. To dearly loved Gary. Never to be forgot- cremaico. WALTERS et SON, A.f.D.A.

and LQiumni. ine repose or tne aeui or tne rerce tan aeceaied), lovec arandmathar ef Danlia. Hanrl Dulwlrh Mill. lalamha BELL. Jeaila GrMa.

Aarll tJaVkiAL m7IJC'" IVIAStT WALSH. Members of the Crtvl WALL. Kevin Charles. MircM OFFICE FURNITURE 160990. 759 4044, a.

i nvruann uw iriniaHi ai HUGHES. Garry Peter. Memo and Kay, loved great-grandmother Of their children and loved aunt OLND a. SONB, the Church ef St. Felix, Chapel AND EQUIPMENT 1970 at hospital, lata of Hawkins Court, Lelchhardt, dear friend of Patricia and Samuel Potts and their ions, Terence or parramatta r.s.l.

sub-Branch and Club are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral of their late most esteemed member ries are eeiacn mavoe tryst true, I never wanted memorlfs I a a Binntosfn, 31, IVO, I "miniiarBraj, nm- stem, beloved Busband ef.Mar-l got, father ef Kathryn, Vincent and Suianne. aged 47 or nr Musirauan nieces nephews, in her 92nd IWednesdavl at a.m. ANSWER phone. Mark I. at new.

oniy wantea you. Tour lovlno ltar Ifararf me lunerai win leave tne Tne runerai wii ntw ai nm-i nuun vvALn (tormer icp Na. 271 Autt. M.t. f.V Fn.

church after Prayers following McGRATH. Officers and mem- HUDSON, Daisy VeronUJ Maud, ooeratlon. S500. 54B PERKINS. Charles Martin, ana jonn.

agea 99 years. In God's keeplno. Privately cremated. ston. April a.

iMo. bars of the Grand Encampment panto awav Aor iz. iges funeral particulars see Tuesday's ALL OFFICE FURNITURE, New we, at nospiui, late of Blrrono, beloved wife of Sadly misted bv his sister of New South Wales and Queens and. I I ir UiwM meima, nrotner-in-iaw uave. naraia.

H. E. HUTCHISON. President. ana usea.

riortn snore'a largest display, 2 floors. Deluxe Wholesalers. 138 Longuevlllo RO, Lane BLAKE. Margery Parks. April invited to attend the funeral oil WARD, lyir May.

April 11, 1970. jNQtijH Tht the LABOR FUNERALS, BANK5TOWN. Johnny and Noelene, Don and Lvn. Wendy, Peter and Jan and; late MARGUERITE ENGLISH. Of ijo, at vanocrra, or Albert Street.

Botany, loved POGMORE. In memory of our at nospitai, (ace ot miii Carlton, dearlv loved wife of WLTJ" JAMES McGRATH: norm lurramurra, win nave ine OOARD ROOM Blackbcsn table. 8 io na nanna or meir cniiaren! WERNER. The relatives and 70 1668. A.F.D.A.

SI 2777. rest urino pairiarcn. Tha funaral will laius, Ika ir lends i ine lata jack web. moiner or jean, Allan Gwcnneth. Sjidlv milted.

agea 07 years-Rest In peace. a cna in. wool Taenc, eK. cond ring 789 20SS b.h. Harry, loved sister of Jack ana.

Victor, dear sister-in-law of Lll, Rene, Beatrice nd Eddie and NER are Invited to attend his aear nepnew ana cousin. Ronald, who died April 10. 1977. Forever In our hearts and prayers. Never to be forgotten, by his Auntie Nellie, Uncle Jack and cnurcn or t-nrrsi, eoooin neao Road and Allara Crescent, North Turramurra.

tomorrow (Thursday), after service com mane I no BREWER. Ada Elisabeth Nellie. their famines. Sinapei or waiters ano aorr, ejj ew Canterbury Road, Dulwich, III. alter a service commenting DUPLICATOR.

WANTED. Ann 1 id. is7B. at notnttai. at 9.30 a.m.

for the Northern HUDSON. The unarei. to ivavtj tne na. dlsha Memorial Hall, corner ford and Wallls Streets, Wool, lahra, this (Wednesday) alter-noon, after a service cam. KIMSEY, Pamela Joy (Jarrett).

Watch tftete ealumnE for fune frlendc af tha lata ft A lev unn late ot Maroubra, dearly loved wife of Stanley James and loved suquros wrematarium. p.m.. tooav iweones- dawl. far thai WnMMira I I ROO I NSOfT jlTrTis Alfred. Duplicator dec.

Not for big usage but in good order and not messy. 032 1089. Southern Cress Homes Inc. uru i wco. ai ner reiiaence.

2R PhllllB StrK Aleiranrirla. ral announceemnt. BON are kindly Invited to attend moiner or uattv. 11 ana phi id. naijaiia to aw worn.

narr runerai. io leava na im. dearly beloved wife of James. mencing at 2.15 o'clock, for tha passed away, April ii, 174. Always remembered, sadly mlitaH hv wlfa Rm.

D. ulNCLa B. firmnrt Batr lirrh iulkmnd, tuiipn. April maculate Heart ef V1ary Church. draughtsman" drawlm SAMPSON, Grand Scribe.

urea moiner or ivim ana jooie, loved grandmother of Kelly, aged SMALL. Kenneth WlltOn. In jewisn icmctery, NOOKWOpo, By request, no flowers. nejituHca iirwi, aeiton. aner is7o.

at urecnsiopes, late Broadbeach, and formerly Neweort. Invorl huthanrf ALLAN WALSH Pty. a i on- aaiusiame prayers at ,1 p.m. tomorrow WATKINS, Aim Mary. April; At rest.

Mvra. brother and hrother-ln. memory or our loving son. muea In aeddant April 12, 1974. In memory we see you just the CHATS WOOD.

416635,1 OFFICE Partltlofia. just being i. 190, of Hopetoun vniage. law of Bettlna and Erwln Rellly, MILLER. The relatives and 313735 nP B10 2B9S, astie Hill, aeany iovea Mlryon will be held at his late residence, B4S New South Head Rose Bay.

this rono unci or Kosanna am GaAra. an ad SS vart. Cr, irienas pr the late LOUISA KNIGHT. Frederick St Ji cherish your name. Deep In our fiearts you are with us vat.

we Oved vau tats daarlw to avr tvveonesoay) evening ano tomor- JOHN t. WHEATLIY. mated at Nerano, April 7, 1978. jwjirrirri miLitrl. ot nana- wick, are Invited to atund her ltf- nf Herhert.

Arthur. aaaiy mmeq. April ii, 1870. at his residence, as Acres Road. Kellyville, dearly loved husband David.

Ranald and Maroaret viil funeral service, to be conducted rMriiiiiunmii oemoun-le modular pa neia complete, dy tor erection, toe ouailtv. forget. Sadly missed and always deceased). Marian and Alwvn. FINCH.

Relatives and friends 1 aaa a. usnr.i i jj. Mrs MADGE H. o.l.t?. Daara alia awallahta Trunin uiu or ine crematorium.

Eastern Suburbs, today S3 or in in taianvt nn ant ana rememoerco ay your loving mother anil fathar. BURNS, Barry. April 10. 197B. SYDNEY CHEVRA KADISHA.

privately cremate a April of the lata J1 FINCH are Invited to attend her HUOSON. Rtoenta park o. dear father of Margaret, Jacqueline, Patricia and Ann, aged SPURWAV. Daisy. Passed Please assemble at the' crema away April 12.

i7i. tnernnea liuaucmy, ai ni rnrainK, 1 1 Arliona Place, North Rocks, dearly loved husband of Janice, laufd falhar af Andrew and WOODFORD. The relatives and ot years, ren. cers and members of the above torium. funeral service, to be held In the -Weft ha per of Northern Suburbs Crematorium, tornorrow rj memories or you.

Mum. Forever In my heart. Lovingly remem- L1VY. Phvllta CtMistaMe. Aorlt irienas or tne iaie bruli WOODPORD.

at? 10S Mllsai ciud are respectfully requested to attend the funeral ol their io, 1970, at nospitai. late or as a.m. VALIANT SALES A LEASING CO. PTY. 208 Riley Street.

Surry Hills. 212 1113 h6Vo Cotlfc 3M Dry Copier fully reconditioned recently by 3M, superseded modal, erlce IndudeV 14 rolls 3M Copy Paper. S850. (Current price S2000). The Bursar.

Mosman Church of England Prep. School. 969 5713. Haliw Pacta rl WUITiT- Dawathw. Aarll B.

Craig, loving son of Athol and Vera. Harris Park), dear brother of Janet aad Roslyn. brother-in-law of Henry and Terence, also Road, Cremorne, ere Invited to attend his funaral service, to be held in the North Chaoel of the Durnngion koso, nomeousn. dearly loved friend of Peter Val- wmta memoer, DAI5TI HUDSON. Uniforms.

For funeral Bart tular. famllu kmi. I GREGORY CARR. r.nsnnu 197B, at hospiui, late or Bex- away April 12, 1971. Cherished memories of ou mum, forever 31 3242, A.F.D.A..

81 2777, lentlne. Mav Slv. and manvi ley, aeany iovea rr.otner ano i mAthar.ln.uial nl Hill and Mor I Ellison, Set. I A.F.D.A. 498 4455.

jacic, nay, mrvyn ana wvu, irienas, agea mi years. ki in rformern auouros rematorium. tomorrow (Thursday. April 13) in mr neari, lovinyir ramvm1 bered by vour daughter. Dot.

terowni ana josie. vyn, dear Brandmother of Lesley) at 9.50 a.m. Please meet at no neien rens ujnr wi viai.1,1 SYDNEY MORNING HERALD CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES. ftotot for ciauffiod axtvartisorrrenta in Tho Sydney Momino Harold will bo incroasod at from Monday. April 17.

1978. 1 Tho ovorogo lixrooM is obout 10 par cent Trto now gonorol rata will bo $1.20 par lino on aVaortdoyo. Tuoodayt, Thurtdoys ond Fridays, $1.50 por lino on Wodnooooyo, ond $1.75 par lino on Saturday. A now roto scolo for ompkryrnont aorortiawnonto will bo $1.25 par Nno on Tuoadayt. Thurtdoys ond rVidoyo, $1.55 par Kno on WodrMdays.

ond $1.80 par lino on Saturdays. Monday Job Morfcot rata wiH bo $1.13 par lino for dwrtiaornoiiiB placed Monday only, ond 94 carta por tine for advertisemants repeated from tho previous Sanrday yvrthout copy conges. notoo for tho "FOR SALE" dauificatlon oro a opociol low roto of $1.00 por lino on Mondays. Tueedeys, Thurtdoys ond Fridays. $1.20 per line on Vfedneodey ond $1.30 por lino on Saturdays.

Copioo of tho now roto scales oro available on request from our offices located at 235 Jones Street Braodwoy, ond 26 Hunter Street, Sydney. WILLIAMSON. Thelma Grace. Klizaoetn ana neien. -rnveraiyi MIUMO.

Kaala. Aorll VAUANT SALES LEASING. 280- JA.W":.T. relatim ll ZTttVSTS. cremated April ii, ivre.

1978, at hospital (alter long Illness). Of 1 Latt Straat. 19s, at nospiiai, ia or 209 Gardlnera Road. Rtveiby. Dearly "ELt loving memory 01 our dear mother, died April 12.

1977. Deep In our hearts you will always stay and remembered! JAMES, of Elisabeth Parade, POSTIR. The funeral of Hie vt urvfjorv ana s.arr, BiiiwT at, aurry nnif, stock of all manner 'of new and reconditioned erhce furniture and equipment. Sydney's largest range. Open Saturday yic.

loimcnr or Lismore, Gorokan. late of King Georges Road. South Hurst vl lie, dearly loved husband of Eileen Mary (Moille), loved son of the late corner Barranlaav DnM FUNERALS every aav. ivussea oy nsr loving FUNERALS PTY. LTD.

Directors Ken Maurer, Bruce Maurer personally. 12 1510, 02 Si 13. 203 Miller Street, NORTH SYDNEY. A.P.D.A. late Mai i mew junn rwjun, of Dee Why, will leave the dearly loved mother and mother In-law of Ron and Sandra, beloved grandmother of Anne- uariev 5treat.

Mana Uaia are invited to attend her funeral service to be held at The Northern Suburbs General Lawn "Vi "nn "piiiT- morrow (Thursday), after prayers nam ann saran Law lavod chapel of Gregory and Carr, 5Z9 rnona aTlat 1133. Marie, tregory ana reiicicy, e- father af Gwan fLanai. tnrt RETURN THANKS vw nmw as a.m. a 1. in water rtoaa, oroor-nn, marratx (Thursday), after a Ber WD.

Office furniture, amele Items, whole offices. 428 1744. quieicai in reace. BARTON, The relatives and wi mwvii asm D. oinien, aiynis meaij, vaimai MeCavari.

lavad ZZ Mr cuha At tha cancluslan al tha vke, appointed to commence at s.l- KZT BARTON, are kindly Invited to I YOULL. Lodge Seymojr, i. JO P.m. WANTED Phillips office dictating ana family, or auagewoi, wish to THANK those kind people who eematarvT Prayera an Interment will take cematery th Catho1(c tKUt)n I Mona yale Cemetery. B45.

U.ta.L. OI N.S.W. Tne Bill: April 11. 1070, at his residence, 23 Bonnev Street. Sam Soucl.

-aim, rrana. ana ixcvm, iovcc brother of Dyfrlg (deceased), Phylls. Nancy, Edna, Vera and Muriel, af Sheila. At tha raarlualan of the ter. rriatnina, OIJCOniinUBCl lL39gi model to match others.

Must he cera and members of the above are invited to attend the funeral mwn caros ano nprmioni OI sympathy In our recent lots of betoved husband of Vera, lovlne vice a cremation will take place Bw reatiaat na or tneir iai asieemea argirver, JOSEPH MEDCALP PTY, LTD. Reg. Joe (deceased), Arthur, at tne rvorinern suourua vrama iaramy May i-iiiioro. our mother and wife. We waulri aha aucna ner lunerai service, to oe held at St.

Thomas Church of England Church, Coronation Parade, Enfield, commencing at 2.13 p.m. tomorrow (Thursday), April! 13, 1976. following the service the cortege will leave for the Lawn Section of the Northern tioni in lieu may, be made to the SUte Cancer Council, G.P.O, lamer or Maree, rninip, n.n-ryn, Annette, Stephen, John and Kenneth, loved brother of Mary and Joieoh fboth deeeaied). lonn ana noei. rana granapa oi 'anl.

Vlkl. Dlanne. Vanessa. Phone 698 23156 (2 Unas). thank those who sent donations to the Cancer Research Founda GOVERNMENT NOTICE! Peter.

Kerrv. Jennv. Brett deJ gafla. For arrangements see Tuesday's Herald. R.


tion Instead of flowers. Also the; Thomas, Dennis and CHeen. dear ceased). Scatr and Bene. In his brother-in-law ana uncie oi ineir oath year, so mote it be.

GREGORY and CARR, ROOKVALI. families, agen years. May he rest In peace. suDuros cmerery, arriving 3.30 p.m. WALTERS A SON.

A.F.D.A. GREGORY and CARR, YOULL. The 0 (fleers and LOCKWOOD, Leonard. April District nursing inters ana their aid for the care and attention they gave my dear wife during her long Illness. To the Rev.

Geoff Rowney and all organisations who sent their condolences, and all those kind memoers or tne canterbury-Hurtstana Park R.S tnh. MONA VALI. 2424. A.F.D.A. 93 2425.

iu, iso. tin nospuau, or vu Station Street, Arnclllfe. dearly rtniwtrh Mill. Lakemba. branch and Club are Invited to NOTICE appears In Government 1978: at her.

residence. Mil 560 9999. 759 4044. i 997 5566. A.F.D.A.

997 5S60. vern Street, Pananla, dearly; oeiovea nusoana or uorotny. De-loved father ol Christine. Sherlda, Mervl and Kevin, dear father-in- lovra vne oi jimes peopie wno accompanied me 10 her last resting place. Kindly accept this as our thanks, as law af Richard and dearest anena tne runerai or tneir late esteemed member, WAITER HAROLD YOULL.

of Burwood. For details see family notice In Tuesday's Herald. fl AV SMITM. IrsiMaet The relative snrl JOHN FAIRFAX 8. SONS LIMITED cards received were too loved motner of Micnaei Debra.

Aoed 50 years. May she rent In peace. granrjiamer or joanna-Aaed 55 vears. relatives and or tne iaie mtha tne late bcttv I rwiaiivaa of nd's VLLIS JOHN BROWN, Sec, Manager. STANLEY.

John Jnr. Late of May he rest In peace. LOCKWOOO, Leonard. April iaie cMrvtA FROST, of canton, are jotli kati, or 7 Falrlawn Lr.ln? Mrs. Fl iaiette ot March 2S, 1078 with repect to road purchase a apt -ration by Glebe Administrate Board lor part Cameron Street, part Herbert Road and parts Her-bert Street, Edgecliff, Parish Alexandria, County Cumberland Rds.

78.199. Objections must be lodged with the Under Secretary fer Lands within twenty-one (21 days from the Of this advertisem*nt B. R. DAVIFC AGNES BAXTER are Invited to rnvlted to attend her to Avenue, Wramurra. are kindly Ne.ebv Rnel rmilv.

Mr and Mrs CUNNINGHAM. Patricia. Farattl Invited ta attend tha'ir Darcy Talbot and family ara re. MEMORIAL GIFTS leave our chaoel. 368 io, 197B, aeariv iovea orotner ef Edwin.

Hilda and Violet, brother-in-law and uncle of their oa pen ter street, Lonoonaerrv The family wish to 'THANK all relatives, friends for their flora tributes and expressions of con- April io, 1970, ai rvieaaow Uaantullla funaral ttamlra attend her funeral service, to be conducted at the Church ef England Cemetery. Rookwood, today (Wednesday) at 1.40 p.m. Please assemble at the ceme (Thursday), on conclusion of ser- land Church, King Street, Turra- dearly, rammes. CANCER WILL EVENTUALLY court, whiwnurcn-on-inames, steading. Berkshire, England, dearlv loved wife of Peter, lov murra.

alter a service com-menclna at 9 am. i.y u.u loved father, father-in-law, brother, brother-in-law and uncle, Please accept this as our personal thanks for all vour help and ing mother of Timothy and AIDXHI WILI.IAM PIASEBYi tery on ice. MeOERMOTT. Jahn Parnetl. hone for Its conquest lie In in ever-growing knowledge built from vears ot painstaking and ssran.

comfort. B. and J. Stanley and Northern SutW Cr.m.tor.nm. rK.

Under Secretary for Lands, J. C. HARDY, A. F.n. April lsB, ai nospitai, iaie or 17 caroinai wiosman, STEPHENS.

Mrs. M. Stephens! DUPSf. Ellen. Aorll 11.

1070. Rockdale, Huritvllle. CHURCH NOTICES viDiiaivu worn. 10 rememoer a loved one and hele la this Hunt WAblCrtS AND ION. 1 e-rBTitiBiorigin, inis a.

n. a. i ninnnvir morn nu. sarvira hospital, Katoombe. late of 599 4400.

97 134. amir uciwtcu nuauaiiu wi ciia, loved father and father-in-law of or Withes to THANK relatives, friends, doctor and sisters af Cantarhurw UmaI. J.WJ OTHER SERVICES uuiwitn mil, M4m ni.i Maria and Bill Joyce (Afle- Biacxneatn, Deioveo wne ot Herbert, dearest mother and 560 9999. 759 4044, tn: tal for. their kindness and sympathy In the loss of her dear IHe.NS.W,.

STATE CANCER Margaret, Peter, Diane, David JACK BOND FUNERALS, motnerin-iaw oi Maine ana Mick, Joyce. Eunice and Stan, Elite (deceased). Nell and Nor. PASTOR JOHNNIE and Robert. husband.

George. v.vunv,ikL dkiuue alHCCl 5YDNIY. 2000. BLAKE. The relatives and FRY.

The funeral of the late Maltland, 12 B642, CLASSIFIED COPY CLOSING TIMES For Monday to Friday Issues: Real Estate 3 p.m. day bafora publication. All othar classification. a p.m. day before publication.

eolumn advertisem*nts 7 p.m., 2 days before (' 7 pm Monday for Wednesday iaauee). For Saturday Issues: Classifications marked in the Index Privately Interred. Catholic All gifts. donations and FURNITURE AND rnends oi the late Mrs marqe- george coward fry. or RY PARKS OLAKE.

late of Bot- Hardvs Bay. will leave' Christ man. Mar) and Ken. Betty and Kevin, Jack and Jenny, Valda and Allan, loved nanna of her Lawn Cemetery. Northern oeauesn 10 in t-euncu era rraa aev are Invited to kindly at- Church, Mann Street, cosfora, to suburbs, on April ii, ise.

or quit. FURNISHINGS This week at: tm LANE COVE TOWN HALL. (Cnr. Epplng and Longueville Rds, Lane From Tuesday 11th April, te granocniiaren ana great-grana tel. zai lona.

tena a memorial service, to oei morrow tinursaayi, ART of comfort special sale. Im- relatives and Ar- relatives and frlendn af tha ern Suburbs Crematorium, Friday Palmdale Crematorium, Palmdale I LBURN en 1 1 or en. Aged 83 years. At peace. IN REMEMBRANCE Of loved Duneo ano intimate exniomon Inilnoa ulaa rilxlitn e.til...

lata ALau ri ab (April 14, 1978) at p.m. I Road, Ourimbah. friends of the late WILLIE KIL OURN of Auburn, are lclndlv In. one, now ana in succeed na rrioar, tain April i a coffee table wall units, original unrnaTn I y' OK Sl t-S-f rieas men at crematorium. veare.

wa aunaeat a rtonatlnn MCGRATH, Vivian Bade. April April ai i a vlted to attend his Cremation OM'ans, cane furniture. Brass rasvartn inw LCU- Concord eWst. are Invited te isfo tiuaoeniyj, ac tormerlv af Maroubra. dearlv service, apPOlnteo to commence R.

H. CREIGHTON, fiuat Cmaral Cervlca. urui, Dcooino, riccaoiny Place Maroubra opp. Cold KtmiA, Munir rise ask and RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. r.

attend hla funeral, tomorrow DU P.IETZ, Prances. Aorll 11 beloved son of the late Herbert In the South Chapel of Rookwood! RLAMIRR. Tha relatlvas and GOSfOrd. 24 1S3S. A.F.D.A,! 197B.

ai our Ladv or consoia Chaoel of the Northern Suburb. donors and bereaved. (Thla aj ano riorence wicuratn, iovea brother of Alf (deceased), Bert (deceasedl. The I ma (deceased) mono or ine iaie JARVIS BLAMIRE. Of Lakemba.

'nVw crematorium, service appointed tlon Home. Rooty Hill, beloved wile ot the late Perclval Fred erlek du Rlett. loved mother of BAR by Burgess Teak finish. Charitable Collection Art A Ministers meeting: Thutifiv. 13th April, at St.

Paul 'a Anglican Church, cnr. Pacific MfgatVay and Pennant Hills Wah-roonga, at 10 a.m. Inquiries, CHRISTIAN FAITH CENTRE. 449 0230. and rends, dear brother-in-law are Invited to attend hla funeral, tn leava nnr rKinel IBn qibss, ano black leather, S250, round pedestal 48 Inches dlnino Donation! at S2 anri avae ara T.

J. ANDREWS. (Inc.) R. HILTON. auoUrn.

aia -i a no Please meet at the at 12.50 P.m. 11 p.m. Thursday. 11 p.m. Thursday.

1 p.m. Friday. 3 p.m. Friday. p.m.

Friday. mo ne, segno. Anne. Alice, Frances. Joan.

Arthur anrf Ber wtn nils symbol a Double Column advertisem*nts Employment -Real Estate Motor Vehicles Other classification! ana rona uncie or tneir cniiaren. aged 62 years. May he rest In bury Road, Lakemba (opposite GILL. The re'stlves and friends table. Excel cond.

S90. Welsh tax oeaucnoie ana may oe tor-wa rded to THE WALTER A nard, dear mother. in-law and nana of her grandchildren and "niarrea tiear cstapoi. Ntirvrnwu Bvm DIGNIFIED FllNnAI. peace, ror tuner ai aetaus Thursday's Herald.

SI 05. ELIZA HALL IN-I1ITUTI DF Single Everett Worth -I naioon alter service commencing at 10.4S a.m., today (Wednesday), for the the late vincent albert ILL. of Lapstone. formerly of Blngara. are kindly Invited to attend his funeral, to leave our SI 2873.

A.P.D.A. 007 MrnirAL RFtiAaru encr FIVE DOCK. LAKEMBA. 747 4911, A.F.D.A.., 759 2S 12. eacn.

cast Braai'sranrjcniioren. Mav aha rtt In nostra. p.m. Friday. urrtwc, kut At.

MtiBUUHNt HOSPITAL, 3050, VICTORIA, 4 KooKwooa crematorium. Car parking at rear. Entrance runerai nome, station aireei, See Thursday's Herald for funeral announcement or ohone irom riora street. ALTERATION? renrun, tomorrow 1 1 nursaar after aervlca eammenclno at 12 obu buo alter noon. MALLET, llliabeth Lillian.

noon, for Pine Grove Memorial IKILBURN. Officers and membarsf Anrll 11. 1B7H at hntnlt.l lit. WALTERS AND SON, A.F.D.A.. Tha rarlatluaa Crematorium, Eastern Creek.

ol Auburn'- R.S.L. Sub-Branch PAGE. of Glenhrook, loved wife of the friends ef the lata giorgp DULWICH HILL, LAKEMBA, no s.iue are inriiva io ana no mv jonn nicnaro. iovea mother in cremaiion servir. or ineir JOHN PRICE SON A.P.D.A..

SOW av EASTWAY. It lc hard (Rkl. PEACE PAGE, of 3 Fullarton Steet, Dundas, are Invited to attend hit funeral service, te be or uaarainsj, nurms na jonn, mother-in-law of Dan and Arne, late esteemed memoer willii aflLHURM. PENRITH, 21 2020. aptii w.

19n. at "aowain iviiv wanwiiiuiiitjr i iaroi. Please see fafnlly notice for Brae" Normanhurst. loved hui ST. MART V7) ttl ZOatg, SPRING WOOD, SI 1200.

in taoo a care. ern Suburbs Crematorium, today otters. ana tji vioia Muriei (oeceaieaj, father of Margaret (deeeaied) and Richard. ai The relatives and BROWN. HUDSON, Hon.

SeCty. C. Kindly meet at crematorium. Nancy, and of Nell GILL. Tha afVi rare aad i ana Mam.

in nil aem year. vlted to attend her funeral er. MITCHELL, Cecil William. BRUCE MAURER PTY. vice to be held at St John's o-jra or uio aatcau Day Bowling April io.

1V7B (at hospital), Mona Vale, dear beloved hut ra mviieo to attena tne funeral of their lata mtmhir. Mel Htad Office and Chapel, oi ri hi a no inurcn, rue-roubra Bay Rd, Maroubra, com- menclna at 0.1 5 a.m. nn Tkura. band ol Greta, loved father anrfl VINCE GILL. For Rartlculara sielKlMIEY.

aoi r-aLirit mgnway, CROWS NEST. father-in-law of Glenn and' Sue, John and Colleen and devoted day, April 13. 1978 and then to, ENGLISH, Marguerite. April P. McQUADI, President.

al e. 1970, (suddenly). In New 75 -emeicry, arriving at no-rimer or Jeremy, tviattnew, 92 6121. Ums. A.P.DJ in- Kate ana Melissa.

wltanl ta attend har funeral sar. zeaiana, iste oi North Turra tnurra, dearly laved wife Thomas. vice, to be held In the chapel WOOD COFFILL FUNERALS, a. a LODGE YOUR SATURDAY: CLASSIFIED TODAY Please help us to help you by lodging your adver-, tisem*nt for Saturday's Herald Classifieds as soon as possible. Just telephone 2 0944 or contact youif local newsagent Production of Saturday's Herald Classifieds com- mences early every Tuesday, to ensure the best possible placement for your advertisem*nt Herald Classifieds.


CANCELLATIONS SINGLE DAY ADVERTIsem*nTS; Cancellations of oaSrortisernentB appearing MONDAY TO FRIDAY must bo notified before .1 P.M. on day prior to publication. FOR SATURDAY 5 P.M. THURSDAY; NO CANCELLATIONS ACCEPTED FRIDAY FOR SATURDAY HERALD. jMiJlTIPLE DAY ADVERTIsem*nTS; Cancellation accepted until P.M.

prior to day of Dub-Itcation. No MrKllotkw accoptorl Friday for Goturdty unleu ovortiiomont hat okoady appeared. Phono 2 0944 and ask for CUSTOMER SERVICES. Ptottte pteo) early as possible Telephone 2 0944 now or contact your local newsagent at hook wooo inn Wednesday afternoon, at 3.20 HURSTVILLE B87 3433. HY.

Amelia Blleaa. P4CI. Tha rismIum P.m. 1978' Kurobodalla rrienos of the lata HAROLD WILLIAM GENGE are InWtJcT tB, attend hla funeral, to leave the Church, Of England. War Memorial Chapel, Rookwood vine r.s.l.

Club are invited to PINCH. Matfee H. M. Anrll 11 ueno ine runerai or tneir lite attaamarl mntia, r.Mlr.s wife of Reginald Jamas, aaed 7 noipitai, late of Cattle! Vtars. BURNS.

The relatives am vvmviwrr, rnoay inexiJ, alter rmw. For aetaus. refer IS 79SS.I family notice. nasi in peace. irienos or tne late BARRY BURN: mil, lovtra wne or jonainon (Ot ceased), mother of Eric deceased) and Oriel, mother-In -law I for the Independent portion of I i ''Ifit.

J. W. BARRY, Sub-branch Pres. are Invited to attend his funeral: service to helO tomorrow at IA1A a oi impotiii ino iovea erana-mother ef salty. novnwooB 1-emeiery.

KEELER. A.F.D.A. SI 7286 51 SS NOLDART, Alan Clarence Henry I chapel at Northern Suburbs, 1 1 Hospital Road, Concord West (en H.M.A.S. Tingara. retired.

are Invited to attend his funeral! FOSTER. Matthew John. Aorll Park Bowling Club, are requested to attend the service af their lata GENGE. T.P.I. Association service, to be held In the chapel sirycsiii n.s.TT.

nsw roilCCI, dearly loved husband of ctrtel, loving father of June and Ina. Die 'fiivt Vr Members are invited to aftond esteemed member, GEORGE oi mr s-rerrreioriij Wlndsar Read. Rouse Hill. John and Denisa Foster, loved riit, weanetaay (April 12, 1978). Plejia aatemhl at Marth.

GENGE. see family! morrow (Thursday), commencing! dear father-in-law, grandfather and great-grandfather of tt.elr METCALFE AND MORRIS PTY. A.F.D.A. 93 George St. Parramatta.

633 8399. ern Suburbs Crematorium. 11.40 ai iv a.m. croft (Englandr Aged years. families agea 70 years.

Gon but not forgotten. KILl Liaison Ollicer. 31 B149. 629 S371 J. BIRCHALL, J.

W. CHANDLER, A.F.D.A. frtsldent. iv 9 aw IB. SMHt rteiMr -nara ink 1 1 i -i i.

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)
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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.