Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (2024)

Table of Contents

  • General Tips
  • Team Composition (Shield)
    • Centi Shield
    • Bunny Twins (Noir+Blanc)
    • Poli Shield
    • Aria Shielding
  • Team Composition (Healing)
    • Rapunzel Healing
    • Pepper Healing
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (1)

This guide contains information specific to Special Interception: Chatterbox, though most of the same concepts apply to other instances of Chatterbox.

For general information on Chatterbox, click here.
For general information on Special Interception, click here.

General Tips

  1. The key to defeating Chatterbox is to NOT destroy his core. (There is no bonus damage for breaking parts in SI) This is because destroying his core will cause him to enter enrage mode, using an AOE punch that either wipes out your team or leaving them with little HP.
  2. Try to destroy one of his missile launchers and leave the other one alive. This will allow you to deal with less missiles from only one side.
  3. His missiles are tied to framerate, so it may help to lower the FPS cap to 30 to have an easier time clearing the missiles.
  4. Shield team is preferred over healing team for Chatterbox.

Team Composition (Shield)

Centi Shield

Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (2)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (3)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (4)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (5)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (6)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (7)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (8)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (9)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (10)

Core unit for this team is Centi. Centi provides a shield with short cooldown which can negate Chatterbox’s punch, allowing the player to fully focus on dealing with Chatterbox’s missiles only. However, Centi’s shield might sometimes be off on its timing, which might require retries if a unit dies early in the fight.

Liter/Dorothy/Volume provides CDR with Liter being the much better option as Liter provides huge ATK buff too. Dorothy enables the entire team to do higher damage than Liter but she has to be paired with Privaty (VERY IMPORTANT) to ensure cooldown rotates smoothly. (A team with Dorothy should be Dorothy, Privaty, Centi, B3 DPS, B3 DPS) Using Volume requires your DPS units to have much better skill level and gears to have enough damage to full clear.

Vesti and Laplace deals great damage to Chatterbox since their attacks deal damage to multiple parts on Chatterbox. Both Vesti and Laplace also helps to deal with Chatterbox’s missiles very well by quick spamming their attacks in sync with Chatterbox’s missiles being fired. Modernia and Power are good replacements here as they also do good DPS and clears missiles very well. If you don’t have any of these units, just slot in your best DPS units.

Last slot should be a unit that can handle Chatterbox’s red circles/QTE well. Drake is a good option here and also provides good burst gen being a Shotgun unit. Replacement includes Sugar and Scarlet. Sugar does the same thing as Drake although Sugar does not offer the small team buff Drake does. Scarlet deals with red circles very well, however she is more prone to dying if you mess up clearing missiles. If you use Scarlet, do not put Scarlet in the 3rd slot, as Chatterbox always break the cover and fire missiles at the 3rd slot unit in the beginning of this fight.

Bunny Twins (Noir+Blanc)

Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (11)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (12)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (13)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (14)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (15)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (16)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (17)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (18)

Core units are Blanc and Noir. Note:Blanc has to be paired with Noir. (Do NOT use Blanc without Noir)

Blanc provides a shield around every 12 seconds, and also provides healing, which helps with sustain. Her burst provides a damage taken debuff, amplifying the entire team damage. Unfortunately, Blanc’s indomitability from her burst does not work against Chatterbox instant kill debuff, which means you still have to destroy missiles.

Noir is here mainly to reduce Blanc’s 60s CD to 20s. Other than that, Noir provides a small ATK buff and good burst gen being a clip shotgun unit with the lowest reload time.

Liter/Dorothy/Volume provides CDR with Liter being the much better option as Liter provides huge ATK buff too. Dorothy enables the entire team to do higher damage than Liter but she has to be paired with Privaty (VERY IMPORTANT) to ensure cooldown rotates smoothly. (A team with Dorothy should be Dorothy, Privaty, Noir, Blanc, B3 DPS) Using Volume requires your DPS units to have much better skill level and gears to have enough damage to full clear.

B3 DPS options are the same, with Laplace and Vesti being top options since they do well here with minimal investment.

Poli Shield

Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (19)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (20)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (21)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (22)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (23)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (24)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (25)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (26)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (27)

The most important and irreplaceable unit is Poli, whose burst will block Chatterbox’s punch 100% when timed correctly, while also being a shotgun unit. This guarantees enough burst generation compared to another B2 units that have shield burst.

Cooldown reduction is a must for this team to work, with Liter being BIS. Volume can replace Liter, although it will require better gears and skills on the DPS units since Volume does not grant an attack buff as strong as Liter’s. If you don’t have both Volume and Liter, Dolla and any 20s Burst 1 unit will be your last alternative choice. (Your team would look something like this: Dolla, Poli, any 20s Burst 1, Drake/Sugar, Laplace/Scarlet)

Note: Dorothy and Privaty could be used here to replace Liter/Volume, though I have not tested if the CDR is enough to time Poli’s shield perfectly with Chatterbox’s punch.

Any other 20s/40s Burst 2 unit can replace Viper, preferably high DPS unit such as Rupee. (Viper is BIS here due to being shotgun unit and provides great DPS, but do not put her in slot 3 as that will result in a different burst timing from the video below.)

Power and Vesti can replace Laplace if you don’t have Laplace since Power also deals high single target damage. If you don’t have any of these units, any high DPS B3 should work fine. (Except Modernia since she causes full burst duration to last for 15 seconds, which will mess up Poli’s burst timing to block Chatterbox’s punch consistently)

Sugar can replace Drake since Sugar is also a clip reload shotgun B3 unit that has good DPS and maintains the normal 10 second full burst time, which is necessary to keep the burst rotation going smoothly.

The main strategy for this team is to utilise Poli’s burst with the correct timing to guarantee blocking Chatterbox’s punch aside from the first one. This will allow the players to only focus on clearing missiles, breaking QTE red circles and dealing as much damage as possible while avoid breaking his core/head.

Place Laplace at the 5th position if you are using Laplace so that her burst pierces through multiple parts for higher damage.

The fight should go like this using this team.

  1. Control Drake/Sugar, fire for 1 or 2 shots and take cover when you see Chatterbox jumping to use his punch attack. After covering the punch, uncover and fire until burst gauge is full.
  2. As soon as burst is ready, immediately activate B1, non-Poli burst and then Laplace’s burst (to deal more damage when Chatterbox is standing still here). Slide your crosshair from Chatterbox’s left turret to right turret repeatedly to deal damage to multiple parts while also clearing the missiles. If using Scarlet, aim at the missiles first instead.
  3. When Chatterbox is done firing missiles, he will begin to move back. As soon as he starts moving back, stop attack and reload on Drake/Sugar to prepare for the QTE red circles. You might want to slightly delay breaking the red circles by breaking 1 circle first, attack his body for 0.5 to 1 second and then break the remaining circle. This is to ensure you have enough time to charge burst gauge to activate burst immediately after breaking both circles. (Refer to 1:08 to 1:13 in the second video below.)
  4. As soon as you break both circles, immediately activate B1, Poli’s burst and Drake/Sugar’s burst. Covering is not needed here as Poli’s burst will block Chatterbox’s punch. Continue to attack Chatterbox until full burst ends and fill up your burst gauge.
  5. Repeat Step 2 to Step 4 until the fight ends. Your gears and skill levels will decide whether you get Stage 7, 8 or 9 rewards.

Aria Shielding

Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (28)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (29)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (30)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (31)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (32)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (33)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (34)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (35)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (36)

The most important and irreplaceable unit is Aria, whose burst will block Chatterbox’s punch 100% when timed correctly. Using Aria requires you to use at least 2 other Shotgun units to have sufficient burst gen.

The other B2 unit should be Viper and Guilty. Both provide very good DPS against Chatterbox and also provide enough burst gen being Shotgun units. If Viper is used, do not put her in slot 3 as that will result in a different burst timing from the video below.

Cooldown reduction is a must for this team to work, with Liter being BIS. Volume can replace Liter, although it will require better gears and skills on the DPS units since Volume does not grant an attack buff as strong as Liter’s.

Note: Dorothy and Privaty could be used here to replace Liter/Volume, though I have not tested if the CDR is enough to time Aria’s shield perfectly with Chatterbox’s punch.

Power and Vesti can replace Laplace if you don’t have Laplace since Power also deals high single target damage. If you don’t have any of these units, any high DPS B3 should work fine. (Except Modernia since she causes full burst duration to last for 15 seconds, which will mess up Aria’s burst timing to block Chatterbox’s punch consistently)

Sugar can replace Drake since Sugar is also a clip reload shotgun B3 unit that has good DPS and maintains the normal 10 second full burst time, which is necessary to keep the burst rotation going smoothly.

The main strategy for this team is to utilise Aria’s burst with the correct timing to guarantee blocking Chatterbox’s punch aside from the first one. This will allow the players to only focus on clearing missiles, breaking QTE red circles and dealing as much damage as possible while avoid breaking his core/head.

Place Laplace at the 5th position if you are using Laplace so that her burst pierces through multiple parts for higher damage.

Team Composition (Healing)

Rapunzel Healing

Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (37)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (38)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (39)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (40)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (41)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (42)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (43)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (44)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (45)

This team should only be used when you have stronger gears (Full T9 at least), is unable to full clear Chatterbox (due to units dying) and don’t have any of the shield teams.

Core unit for this team is Rapunzel. Rapunzel allows you to heal up from the damage dealt by Chatterbox’s punch.

Liter/Dorothy/Volume provides CDR with Liter being the much better option as Liter provides huge ATK buff too. Dorothy enables the entire team to do higher damage than Liter but she has to be paired with Privaty (VERY IMPORTANT) to ensure cooldown rotates smoothly. (A team with Dorothy should be Dorothy, Privaty, Centi, B3 DPS, B3 DPS) Using Volume requires your DPS units to have much better skill level and gears to have enough damage to full clear.

Viper and Guilty are preferred here for B2. Both are B2 Shotgun units with 20s CD, provide good burst gen and also do decent DPS against Chatterbox. Other B2 replacements include Rupee and Dolla.

Vesti and Laplace deals great damage to Chatterbox since their attacks deal damage to multiple parts on Chatterbox. Both Vesti and Laplace also helps to deal with Chatterbox’s missiles very well by quick spamming their attacks in sync with Chatterbox’s missiles being fired. Modernia and Power are good replacements here as they also do good DPS and clears missiles very well. If you don’t have any of these units, just slot in your best DPS units.

Pepper Healing

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Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (47)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (48)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (49)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (50)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (51)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (52)
Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (53)

This team should only be used when you have stronger gears (Full T9 at least), is unable to full clear Chatterbox (due to units dying) and don’t have the other teams mentioned here.

Core unit for this team is Pepper. Pepper allows you to heal up from the damage dealt by Chatterbox’s punch.

Dolla is the only B2 that provides CDR, which is valuable to this team so that you can activate Pepper’s burst more often.

Vesti and Laplace deals great damage to Chatterbox since their attacks deal damage to multiple parts on Chatterbox. Both Vesti and Laplace also helps to deal with Chatterbox’s missiles very well by quick spamming their attacks in sync with Chatterbox’s missiles being fired. Modernia and Power are good replacements here as they also do good DPS and clears missiles very well. If you don’t have any of these units, just slot in your best DPS units.

Last slot should be a unit that can handle Chatterbox’s red circles/QTE well. Drake is a good option here and also provides good burst gen being a Shotgun unit. Replacement includes Sugar and Scarlet. Sugar does the same thing as Drake although Sugar does not offer the small team buff Drake does. Scarlet deals with red circles very well, however she is more prone to dying if you mess up clearing missiles. If you use Scarlet, do not put Scarlet in the 3rd slot, as Chatterbox always break the cover and fire missiles at the 3rd slot unit in the beginning of this fight.

Special Interception: Chatterbox | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (2024)
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