Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)

PAOT FOUB THE EVENTNG OBSEEVER, DUNKIRK-FRED ONI N. MONDAY, MAY 5, 1947 Htm. EVERY STYLE A WINNER! MEN'S RAYON TWILL JACKETS A beauty in two-tone tan and brown! Unlined! Zipper front! $0.90 8 ALL WOOL SUEDE SURCOAT The popular suede in rich cocoa color. Right length! Right weight! Zipper front! TWO TONE WOOL SURCOAT Camel trimmed with plaid back and Jpl 1 sleeves! I I The Weather LIGHTWEIGHT POPLIN JACKETS Oft Washable TT WIND REPELLANT JACKETS Water repellant, too Light kashma lining. Belted back 1 BOYS' POPLIN JACKETS STYLED JUST LIKE DAD'S! MEN'S CAPESKIN JACKETS NEW LOW PRICE-- JU SC-90 $4.98 Date: Monday, May 5.

-Condition: Partly cloudy. Temperature range during last 24 hours: High 76, low 42. Sun sets today at 8:23 p. rises tomorrow at 6:05 a. m.

Maximum wind velocity in last 24 hours, 8 miles per hour. Precipitation in last 24 hours, .5 inches. All data furnished by Air Acuities, at the Dunkirk Mu- icipal Airport. Forecast: Colder tonight. Tuesday consld- rable cloudiness and cooler.

and VICINITY RATES CUT A Vicinity ndvcrtUlnn rfcnrjred, UOc per line per Inner- Inn. Count 5 wnrdH to line. Mln- mum of 3 linen. or If paid 3 Anytt, one-hnlf off. --sFloor sanders.

McMachans'. Tac Toe" by "Carole $8.98 at Sideys. --Pansy candy lovely ift for Home Bakery. --Good outside house paint and lire linseed oil. McMachans'.

undies for active iris 2 to 8 price 50c at Sideys. --Trees, trimmed, taken down nd removed. Phone 349M, Freaonia. --One 9 12 rug, all wool, like lew. Imported.

Phone Cassadaga 6-F-3. --Taylor tots, doll buggies and trollers. Machowiak's Furniture tore. --Wanted, Collie puppy, male. State age, price.

Box 175, Ob- "LIBERAL" CONTRACT SIGNED BY ALLEGHENY LUDLUM CIO UNION tewfy fo JiwfoJf, DOOR CANOPY KOLPIEN LUMBER and COAL CORPORATION Office--17 E. Third St. Yard 136 Franklin Ave. Phone 2240 or 2241 "Dunkirk's Oldest Name In Building" Cine-Kodak it Eight Now In Stock We have the Kodak Film and Lamps you need. See us today.

KNOWLTON'S 152 East Fourth St. Dunkirk, N. Y. EVERYTHING PHOTOGRAPHIC WALLPAPER FOR SALE from 3c up a roll OVER 300 PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM Open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday Evenings 7 to 8 Friday Evenings 6:30 to 9:00 JOHN A. MACKOWIAK SONS 268 Lake Shore East Phone 2756 Dunkirk, N.

Y. NATIONAL MUSIC WEEK National Music Week, May 4 to 11, is being celebrated in Dunkirk as well as throughout the nation. As part of the local program, concerts will be held this week in all the schools while the music festival at State Teachers college in Fredonia is scheduled later in the week. GROCERY STORE BEER LICENSE FOR OFF PREMISES Notice is hereby given that license number GB 21414 has been issued to tho undersigned to scl beer at retail under the Alcoho Beverage Control Law at Grocery, 303 Robin Street, Dunkirk, N. County of Chautauqua in which licensed premises are located for off premises consump tion.

GERALD W. THIES. R. D. 2 Fredonia, N.

Y. Apr. 28-May 5-11--Adv. INSTRUCTION U. S.

Government Jobs! $175fi $3021 year. Men-Women. immediately for New York stale examinations. Vets get prefer once. 32-page book on Civil Ser vice, sample coaching free.

Write Box 132, --For best results advertise li the OBSERVER. INTERMENT OF Mrs. Josephine Dolski Funeral sen-ices for Mrs. feolskl were held Saturday mornfnc. May 3, 1917 with brief prayer services at family residence.

N. Martin street, at 7:30 o'clock, at St. Hyacinth's church at 8 o'clock rctjnlrm lilfrh mass was cel- rbratrd by Rt. Rev. Monsljrnor Michael Hdminiak.

John Dub- nieki played the orpan and Sans funeral hymns during- the mass. The casket were: Richard Knmrek, Alfred bovricz. Leonard Ranus, I.nuls Hojnackl, Edwin Pawlak, Frank Hojnacki. Interment followed in the family plot In St. Hyacinth's cemetery where the Rt.

Rev. Monslsnor Michael Helminiak pronounced the last blessing 1 at the pravo. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dnlski and family: Mrs.

M. Oalabresc: Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rallnt of Cleveland, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs.

Knnirrk and family: Mr. and Mrs. 38. Doerr, Francis n'fnnncll. of liurfalo.

N. Mrs. Ho.inacki; Mrs. Alhertinc Mr. and Mrs.

Edward Hojnackl anil family: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ho.inacki: Mrs. Irene Bialasr.ew- skl, Miss Helen Hojnackl of Y. attended the funeral from away.

JOHN A. MACKOWIAK and SONS FUNERAL SERVICE WANTED! Young mail to learn the Meat and Grocery business. Splendid to learn meat cutting. GOOD PAY WHILE LEARNING! We also have One Opening for Experienced Man in Meat Dept. Apply Manager Loblaw's 404 Central.

Dunkirk, pr 45 East Main, Fredonia 1 CANDY Mother! What is reputedly the most liberal contract the union has ever negotiated with a basic steel producer was signed Saturday by Allegheny Ludlum Steel corporation and United Steelworkers of America, CIO. Announcement of the signing of the contract which covers all A-L plants including the one in Dunkirk, was made here by. Walter R. Breeler, local manager, at the Saturday night meeting of the Dunkirk society where the good 'news was received with great enthusiasm. Outstanding feature of the contract is an agreement by Allegheny Ludlum to bear all, rather than half, the costs of the far-reaching group insurance program inaugurated by the company a year ago as an inovation in the steel industry.

Under the new contract the company will bear costs for each worker of a $4,000 life insurance policy, an additional $4,000 accident policy and coverage for sickness, hospitalization and surgical benefits. Families of the workers are covered for hospitalization, including maternity care. The new contract, which will be effective through May 30, 1949, one month longer than the so- called formula contract with States Steel corporation, contains all the economic and non-economic features of the formula contract plus many additional benefits. Included are vacations with pay from one to three weeks, liberal severance pay allowances and wage equality for women workers. added economic benefits provided by the contract, plus a basic wage increase of twelve and one-half-cents per hour, will bring the average take-home pay of the workers to an increase of better than 20 cents an hour.

The contract also provides for final settlement of wage inequities and immediate withdrawal by the union of support of all pending lawsuits for "portal-to-portal" against, the company. The company agreed to continued maintenance of union membership. erver. --Best car wash in town. Will all for and deliver.

Phone 2533. 'oe Heid's Friendly Service. --The Beauty Cove will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday on ac- ount of death in the family. Kings" in abundance or the 9 to 15 at Sideys. Crisp lyelet embroidery has the front.

--Barreled Sunlight Chinaline white enamel. Whitest in white! Will not turn yellow. McMachans'. Boxed chocolates for Mother's Day. MacKendrick's, 29-31 E.

Third St. --For sale, studio couch, like new, reasonable. L. J. Roman, 437 Nevins, --Get one ol our quaint glass covered candy dishes for Mother.

Dk. Home Bakery. --One window sash 24x30; 2 LIFE SAVING STAIN HERE IS OFFERED By BUFFALOSEAJCOUTS Proposal of a group of Buffalo sea scouts to establish a life-saving station here during the summer months drew warm approval and a promise of as much assistance as possible from city officials today. Repeated efforts to obtain a coast guard station to break the dangerous hundred-mile- stretch betwen Buffalo and Erie have failed year after year as federal authorities could not find enough money to finance such an undertaking. Sunday, however, Lighthouse Keeper Francis D.

Arnold sent two Buffalo youths to talk to Industrial Commissioner Roman W. Wiate about the idea. They were William Robinson and James Freschetti, both from the sea scout ship at Neighborhood House No. 2. They said their group asks only that someone in Dunkirk furnish them with a inside doors, 1 door casing.

Call after 4 p.m., 711 Deer St. --Table model radios in all popular makes--fine selection at Mackowiuk's Furniture Store. --Wanted: Sales people for part work. Experience preferred! J. C.

Penny Co. (Apply in person). --Non-explosire cleaning fluid, 30c per gal. Bring container. Mc- --ABC and Blackstone electric washing machines for immediate delivery.

Mackowiak's Furniture Store. --For Sale: Combination kit- building is made available, to locate it in the wooded area behind the breakwall near the municipal beach at Point Gratiot. SCHENECTADY ALCO FACES WALKOUI AT Schenectady (UP)--Two. conferences were scheduled today between American Locomotive company officials and the United Steel Workers union in a last minute effort to avert a walkout of 5,000 plant employes here at midnight tonight. With the strike deadline set for 12 o'clock, company representatives and union officials agreed to 10 a.

m. conference and anothe'r meeting at 1 p. m. to "iron out contract differences." Week-end meetings failed to break deadlocked negotiations over "loss of time," "repair work," "transfers within the department" arid "seniority" although most minor matters have been agreed upon, union officials Union representatives indicated that the major difficulty involved piece workers who would be obliged to accept a 40 per cent wage reduction under company sponsored proposals. Anthony Barbcri, president ol 2054, said the' "strike is inevitable tonight unless an agreement can be reached." Alco employes approximately 6,000 workers.

Since the Dunkirk plant is negotiating its own contract with the union, the Schenectady strike threat will have no bearing in this city. i' UNION GETS NUMBER The number 3989 has been assigned to the United Steel Workers local at Dunkirk Foundries, USWA District 4 headquarters announced today. Anthony Catalano is president of the new local, which was the first in the area to sign a 1947 contract. DUCKS MEET TRAIN Batavia, 111., (UP) --A flock of 250 wild ducks spend every winter on the Fox river and wait every day for the train to come in. Joe Schramer, conductor on the Chicago Aurora Elgin railway, feeds them regularly on his lay-over time as a hobby.

SCHOOL FINED A fine of $100 was imposed in pity court this morning on Robert' Meyers, 21, of 714 Roosevelt ave- nue, who was arrested early on the morning of April 27 for'break- ing into the Dunkirk High school building. Meyers, who pleaded guilty, to unlawful entry, was also placed on probation for six months. I A Dunkirk resident on his way home early in the morning of April 27, noticed a man crawling up a fire escape at the school. Police were notified and found Meyers inside the building. He had broken a window in a second iloor door and reached in to unlatch the lock.

In. city court April 28, a charge ol burglary was reduced to unlawful entry and sentence was deferred until today. building which they can work over into a headquarters which would provide room' for bunks, a galley a i equipment. In return they will maintain 24- hour guard over the harbor and the adjoining sector of the Lake Erie shore. A life boat, mounted on trailer for quick mobility to the scene of a water mishap, will be part of their equipment, as will a breeches buoy.

All of the volunteers for the patrol duly will be sea scouts, 17 years of age or older. Already 200 have signed up in a a others are available in other cities where sea scout chen stove, fruit jars, sewing mac-; ships exist. They will be trained hine, gas with 3 burners, by coast guardsmen in Buffalo. 241 Lord St. In addition to Dunkirk, the scouts --Immediale delivery on Leoa will maintain watch over nurd 0 cubic home freezer-- "ihcr inland in the KP.C it today at Mackowiak's Furniture Store.

--Upholstering, Popular Furniture phone Forestville 2283. Those good old lisle ladies' Mom would love nothing bet- tci- than largo gift box of our delicious candy. OUR OWN CHOCOLATES 1 and 2-lb. Boxes $1.00 and $2.00 Chocolate Covered CHERRIES, box $1.50 Boxed Candies by Whitman Haviland Donna Deane Jackson CAJNDYLAND "Where Everything Tastes Better" Central Avenue Dunkirk, N. Y.

hose in again at Sideys. Just what you want when doing houseclean- ng. Male help wanted to work in bakery. Must be over 25. No experience required.

Lakeside Baking Co. --The Sentimental Gift tell her with "Muguet des Bois," perfume or toilet water by "Coty." See this gift at Sideys. For sale, '27 Chevy 1 ton truck, good -stake body. Very reasonable. Call- 150 Prospect Fredonia after 5 p.

m. Leonard 9 cubic foot deluxe refrigerator with Jrozen food lockers for immediate delivery. Mackowiak's Furniture Store. "Muguet des Bois" by Coty Sideys toiletries. Perfume Sl.OO, $2.50, $5.00.

Toilet water $1.00, $1.85. Sachet $1.00. Talcum 50c. Wanted: Cook, preferably middle-aged, for family of five. No washing.

Good wages. Call C755 or apply in person at 716 Central avenue. Mother's Day will even more "special" when she receives a smart gift from Wards Catalog! In it is a variety of personal and stylish gifts that's just right for your "very best girl." Any selection will be sure to please and will show your thoughtfulness and devotion on this important oc- Here are suggestions for "only a few of the many attractive items you may choose from our Catalog. A Calf-grained plastic handbag with neat zipper top. Decorative gold-colored rings.

Abt. 12 8 inches. Black, brown, navy. 20 4553. $8.98 tax inc.

hand-sewn gloves in smooth double woven cotton. Washable. Black or white. Abt. lOVi-in.

Sizes 6, 20 2137. $1.98. Gleaming white handbag with simulated toitoise shell frame. A calf -grained plastic. Double handles.

Abt. 10x8 inches. 20 4565. $3.59 tax inc. Rayon crepe slip in figure- wise styling.

Satin trim bodice. Diamond-shaped midriff. Adjustable straps. 32-44 in'tearose, white. 32 1160.

$2.97. Sheer silk hose. Full-fashioued in 3-thread Cotton toe. Heels, tops of heavy weight silk. Tanbeige, 1 3D 1612.

2 pr. $3.25. Spun-Lo Beau Dura Undies in Tea Rose. Panties: Flare 32 301, Cuff 32 201, Brief 32 1. Small, medium, large.

Vest, 32 501. 34-44 in. bust. each. Montgomery-Ward, 120 E.

4th phone 2323. The two scouts, told Mr. Wiate they intend to have five or six est aue rns I patrolmen 'on at the station hours a day through the small boat and swimming season. They will do all their own work and cooking. All that is needed is the'build- ing and sevei-al persons who heard of the plan expressed the idea that providing it would be a worthwhile project some one of tho city's service clubs.

The sea scouts propose, if the TRAFFIC VIOLATION FINES OPPFJITODAY The price for running a traffic signal took a per cent this morning ns Judge Raymond Barlkowitilt: nicked two offenders $4 instead of the $3 penalty which has been in effect since the campaign against tyaffic viola- lions was opened here two -weeks A total of four cases was on the docket. Ctish bail of $25 posted Sunday by Virginia of Macedon was duclariiil forfeited when she was not in wns accused of speeding in Lake Shore Drive West. Raymond Kastatcr, 41, of Eric, forfeited $20 cash bail by not appearing to answer a speeding charge. 1 Fines of $4 each were imposed on Earl L. Beckwith, 23, of Buf- IE.IO, and Robert A.

Stonefoot, 20, 714 Grant avenue, Dunkirk, Hollowing pleas of guilty to running through red lights. --Bargains? Read the Ads. DRESSES Fine for Mother's Day Giving! Large Size 7.98 Buy mother that dress she has deprived herself--Our large stocks include navy, black, pastel and pretty prints in sizes from to and 38 to 52. Yes there are one and two-piece styles! Just Received! Big Shipment! COTTON DRESSES For mother's every day wear around the house she'll love flft these check, print or stripe cot- I tons. Sizes 38 to 48 and 12 to 20.

PARIS FASHION SHOPS "THE FRIENDLY STORE" 306 Central Avenue Dunkirk, N. Y. WANTED! SALESMEN sell ROOFING SIDING INSULATION DRAWING ACCOUNT Dunkirk Phone 2654 BERT ROAN GUARANTEED ROOFS Contractor and Dealer Silver Phor.f Qifts Mother Will Cherish for Years to Come! DDDDDD DDDDDD DDDDDD DDDDDD DDDDDD CLOCKS $4,95 up TlM Famous EnwnM $33.70 up now mode Li to fit dtcorfttivo scheme. Electric and wind. The Ideal T31 1847 $64.75 lovely patterns in RlcamlnK ollvcr- plB.tB.

60 pc. for eiBlit. Qun.iUltr Elgin American $5.95 TOASTERS $3.95 Otheri $1.90 to StrMjn-llncd, l-ullcc model toltsU Beautifully dculRiinil creations with quickly and evenly. value at a low variety to chooso from. OOBU IRONS $3.95 up 1,000 wttt Mghtwclfht.

WMI Cord Included a fovorM IM. to BCleol See Our Selection of Crown Jewel Diamonds Make Watche JEWELRY HOME APPLIANCE STORES Easy Budget Terms 307 Central Avenue Phone 2797'-- Dunkirk, N. Y..

Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.